module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types (
Config (..)
, HasConfig (..)
, GhcInfo (..)
, GhcSpec (..)
, TargetVars (..)
, F.Located (..)
, F.dummyLoc
, F.LocSymbol
, F.LocText
, F.dummyName
, F.isDummy
, BTyCon(..)
, mkBTyCon, mkClassBTyCon, mkPromotedBTyCon
, isClassBTyCon
, BTyVar(..)
, RTyCon (RTyCon, rtc_tc, rtc_info)
, TyConInfo(..), defaultTyConInfo
, rTyConPVs
, rTyConPropVs
, isClassRTyCon, isClassType, isEqType, isRVar, isBool
, RType (..), Ref(..), RTProp, rPropP
, RTyVar (..)
, RTAlias (..)
, OkRT
, lmapEAlias
, HSeg (..)
, World (..)
, TyConable (..)
, SubsTy (..)
, RTVar (..), RTVInfo (..)
, makeRTVar, mapTyVarValue
, dropTyVarInfo, rTVarToBind
, PVar (PV, pname, parg, ptype, pargs), isPropPV, pvType
, PVKind (..)
, Predicate (..)
, UReft(..)
, SizeFun (..), szFun
, DataDecl (..)
, DataCtor (..)
, DataConP (..)
, TyConP (..)
, RRType, RRProp
, BRType, BRProp
, BSort, BPVar
, BareType, PrType
, SpecType, SpecProp
, LocBareType, LocSpecType
, RSort
, UsedPVar, RPVar, RReft
, REnv (..)
, RTypeRep(..), fromRTypeRep, toRTypeRep
, mkArrow, bkArrowDeep, bkArrow, safeBkArrow
, mkUnivs, bkUniv, bkClass
, rFun, rCls, rRCls
, pvars, pappSym, pApp
, isBase
, isFunTy
, isTrivial
, efoldReft, foldReft, foldReft'
, mapReft, mapReftM, mapPropM
, mapBot, mapBind
, Oblig(..)
, ignoreOblig
, addInvCond
, AnnInfo (..)
, Annot (..)
, Output (..)
, hole, isHole, hasHole
, ofRSort, toRSort
, rTypeValueVar
, rTypeReft
, stripRTypeBase
, topRTypeBase
, F.PPrint (..)
, F.pprint
, F.showpp
, PPEnv (..)
, ppEnv
, ppEnvShort
, ModName (..), ModType (..)
, isSrcImport, isSpecImport
, getModName, getModString
, RTEnv (..)
, mapRT, mapRE
, module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Errors
, Error
, ErrorResult
, Cinfo (..)
, Measure (..)
, CMeasure (..)
, Def (..)
, Body (..)
, MSpec (..)
, RClass (..)
, KVKind (..)
, KVProf
, emptyKVProf
, updKVProf
, mapRTAVars
, insertsSEnv
, Stratum(..), Strata
, isSVar
, getStrata
, makeDivType, makeFinType
, LogicMap(..), toLogicMap, eAppWithMap, LMap(..)
, RDEnv, DEnv(..), RInstance(..), RISig(..)
, UReftable(..)
, liquidBegin, liquidEnd
, Axiom(..), HAxiom, AxiomEq(..)
, rtyVarUniqueSymbol, tyVarUniqueSymbol, rtyVarType
import Class
import CoreSyn (CoreBind, CoreExpr)
import Data.String
import DataCon
import GHC (HscEnv, ModuleName, moduleNameString, getName)
import GHC.Generics
import Module (moduleNameFS)
import NameSet
import PrelInfo (isNumericClass)
import Prelude hiding (error)
import SrcLoc (SrcSpan)
import TyCon
import Type (getClassPredTys_maybe)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.TypeRep hiding (maybeParen, pprArrowChain)
import TysPrim (eqPrimTyCon)
import TysWiredIn (listTyCon, boolTyCon)
import Var
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, liftM3, liftM4)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Generics (Data)
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding (first)
import Text.Printf
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Variance
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Errors
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Config
import Data.Default
data PPEnv
= PP { ppPs :: Bool
, ppTyVar :: Bool
, ppSs :: Bool
, ppShort :: Bool
deriving (Show)
ppEnv :: PPEnv
ppEnv = ppEnvCurrent
ppEnvCurrent :: PPEnv
ppEnvCurrent = PP False False False False
_ppEnvPrintPreds :: PPEnv
_ppEnvPrintPreds = PP True False False False
ppEnvShort :: PPEnv -> PPEnv
ppEnvShort pp = pp { ppShort = True }
data GhcInfo = GI
{ target :: !FilePath
, targetMod:: !ModuleName
, env :: !HscEnv
, cbs :: ![CoreBind]
, derVars :: ![Var]
, impVars :: ![Var]
, defVars :: ![Var]
, useVars :: ![Var]
, hqFiles :: ![FilePath]
, imports :: ![String]
, includes :: ![FilePath]
, spec :: !GhcSpec
instance HasConfig GhcInfo where
getConfig = getConfig . spec
type Expr = F.Expr
type Symbol = F.Symbol
type Qualifier = F.Qualifier
data GhcSpec = SP {
gsTySigs :: ![(Var, LocSpecType)]
, gsAsmSigs :: ![(Var, LocSpecType)]
, gsInSigs :: ![(Var, LocSpecType)]
, gsCtors :: ![(Var, LocSpecType)]
, gsLits :: ![(Symbol, LocSpecType)]
, gsMeas :: ![(Symbol, LocSpecType)]
, gsInvariants :: ![(Maybe Var, LocSpecType)]
, gsIaliases :: ![(LocSpecType, LocSpecType)]
, gsDconsP :: ![F.Located DataCon]
, gsTconsP :: ![(TyCon, TyConP)]
, gsFreeSyms :: ![(Symbol, Var)]
, gsTcEmbeds :: F.TCEmb TyCon
, gsQualifiers :: ![Qualifier]
, gsADTs :: ![F.DataDecl]
, gsTgtVars :: ![Var]
, gsDecr :: ![(Var, [Int])]
, gsTexprs :: ![(Var, [F.Located Expr])]
, gsNewTypes :: ![(TyCon, LocSpecType)]
, gsLvars :: !(S.HashSet Var)
, gsLazy :: !(S.HashSet Var)
, gsAutosize :: !(S.HashSet TyCon)
, gsAutoInst :: !(M.HashMap Var (Maybe Int))
, gsConfig :: !Config
, gsExports :: !NameSet
, gsMeasures :: [Measure SpecType DataCon]
, gsTyconEnv :: M.HashMap TyCon RTyCon
, gsDicts :: DEnv Var SpecType
, gsAxioms :: [AxiomEq]
, gsReflects :: [Var]
, gsLogicMap :: LogicMap
, gsProofType :: Maybe Type
, gsRTAliases :: !RTEnv
instance HasConfig GhcSpec where
getConfig = gsConfig
data LogicMap = LM
{ lmSymDefs :: M.HashMap Symbol LMap
, lmVarSyms :: M.HashMap Var (Maybe Symbol)
} deriving (Show)
instance Monoid LogicMap where
mempty = LM M.empty M.empty
mappend (LM x1 x2) (LM y1 y2) = LM (M.union x1 y1) (M.union x2 y2)
data LMap = LMap
{ lmVar :: F.LocSymbol
, lmArgs :: [Symbol]
, lmExpr :: Expr
instance Show LMap where
show (LMap x xs e) = show x ++ " " ++ show xs ++ "\t |-> \t" ++ show e
toLogicMap :: [(F.LocSymbol, [Symbol], Expr)] -> LogicMap
toLogicMap ls = mempty {lmSymDefs = M.fromList $ map toLMap ls}
toLMap (x, ys, e) = (F.val x, LMap {lmVar = x, lmArgs = ys, lmExpr = e})
eAppWithMap :: LogicMap -> F.Located Symbol -> [Expr] -> Expr -> Expr
eAppWithMap lmap f es def
| Just (LMap _ xs e) <- M.lookup (F.val f) (lmSymDefs lmap)
, length xs == length es
= F.subst (F.mkSubst $ zip xs es) e
| Just (LMap _ xs e) <- M.lookup (F.val f) (lmSymDefs lmap)
, isApp e
= F.subst (F.mkSubst $ zip xs es) $ dropApp e (length xs length es)
| otherwise
= def
dropApp :: Expr -> Int -> Expr
dropApp e i | i <= 0 = e
dropApp (F.EApp e _) i = dropApp e (i1)
dropApp _ _ = errorstar "impossible"
isApp :: Expr -> Bool
isApp (F.EApp (F.EVar _) (F.EVar _)) = True
isApp (F.EApp e (F.EVar _)) = isApp e
isApp _ = False
data TyConP = TyConP
{ ty_loc :: !F.SourcePos
, freeTyVarsTy :: ![RTyVar]
, freePredTy :: ![PVar RSort]
, freeLabelTy :: ![Symbol]
, varianceTs :: !VarianceInfo
, variancePs :: !VarianceInfo
, sizeFun :: !(Maybe SizeFun)
} deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
data DataConP = DataConP
{ dc_loc :: !F.SourcePos
, freeTyVars :: ![RTyVar]
, freePred :: ![PVar RSort]
, freeLabels :: ![Symbol]
, tyConsts :: ![SpecType]
, tyArgs :: ![(Symbol, SpecType)]
, tyRes :: !SpecType
, dcpIsGadt :: !Bool
, dc_locE :: !F.SourcePos
} deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance F.Loc DataConP where
srcSpan d = F.SS (dc_loc d) (dc_locE d)
data TargetVars = AllVars | Only ![Var]
data PVar t = PV
{ pname :: !Symbol
, ptype :: !(PVKind t)
, parg :: !Symbol
, pargs :: ![(t, Symbol, Expr)]
} deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable, Show, Functor)
instance Eq (PVar t) where
pv == pv' = pname pv == pname pv'
instance Ord (PVar t) where
compare (PV n _ _ _) (PV n' _ _ _) = compare n n'
instance B.Binary t => B.Binary (PVar t)
instance NFData t => NFData (PVar t)
instance Hashable (PVar a) where
hashWithSalt i (PV n _ _ _) = hashWithSalt i n
pvType :: PVar t -> t
pvType p = case ptype p of
PVProp t -> t
PVHProp -> panic Nothing "pvType on HProp-PVar"
data PVKind t
= PVProp t
| PVHProp
deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable, Functor, F.Foldable, Traversable, Show)
instance B.Binary a => B.Binary (PVKind a)
instance NFData a => NFData (PVKind a)
type UsedPVar = PVar ()
newtype Predicate = Pr [UsedPVar] deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance B.Binary Predicate
instance NFData Predicate where
rnf _ = ()
instance Monoid Predicate where
mempty = pdTrue
mappend p p' = pdAnd [p, p']
instance (Monoid a) => Monoid (UReft a) where
mempty = MkUReft mempty mempty mempty
mappend (MkUReft x y z) (MkUReft x' y' z') = MkUReft (mappend x x') (mappend y y') (mappend z z')
pdTrue :: Predicate
pdTrue = Pr []
pdAnd :: Foldable t => t Predicate -> Predicate
pdAnd ps = Pr (nub $ concatMap pvars ps)
pvars :: Predicate -> [UsedPVar]
pvars (Pr pvs) = pvs
instance F.Subable UsedPVar where
syms pv = [ y | (_, x, F.EVar y) <- pargs pv, x /= y ]
subst s pv = pv { pargs = mapThd3 (F.subst s) <$> pargs pv }
substf f pv = pv { pargs = mapThd3 (F.substf f) <$> pargs pv }
substa f pv = pv { pargs = mapThd3 (F.substa f) <$> pargs pv }
instance F.Subable Predicate where
syms (Pr pvs) = concatMap F.syms pvs
subst s (Pr pvs) = Pr (F.subst s <$> pvs)
substf f (Pr pvs) = Pr (F.substf f <$> pvs)
substa f (Pr pvs) = Pr (F.substa f <$> pvs)
instance F.Subable Qualifier where
syms = F.syms . F.qBody
subst = mapQualBody . F.subst
substf = mapQualBody . F.substf
substa = mapQualBody . F.substa
mapQualBody :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Qualifier -> Qualifier
mapQualBody f q = q { F.qBody = f (F.qBody q) }
instance NFData r => NFData (UReft r)
newtype BTyVar = BTV Symbol deriving (Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
newtype RTyVar = RTV TyVar deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance Eq BTyVar where
(BTV x) == (BTV y) = x == y
instance Ord BTyVar where
compare (BTV x) (BTV y) = compare x y
instance IsString BTyVar where
fromString = BTV . fromString
instance B.Binary BTyVar
instance Hashable BTyVar
instance NFData BTyVar
instance NFData RTyVar
instance F.Symbolic BTyVar where
symbol (BTV tv) = tv
instance F.Symbolic RTyVar where
symbol (RTV tv) = F.symbol . getName $ tv
data BTyCon = BTyCon
{ btc_tc :: !F.LocSymbol
, btc_class :: !Bool
, btc_prom :: !Bool
deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance B.Binary BTyCon
data RTyCon = RTyCon
{ rtc_tc :: TyCon
, rtc_pvars :: ![RPVar]
, rtc_info :: !TyConInfo
deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance F.Symbolic BTyCon where
symbol = F.val . btc_tc
instance NFData BTyCon
instance NFData RTyCon
rtyVarUniqueSymbol :: RTyVar -> Symbol
rtyVarUniqueSymbol (RTV tv) = tyVarUniqueSymbol tv
tyVarUniqueSymbol :: TyVar -> Symbol
tyVarUniqueSymbol tv = F.symbol $ show (getName tv) ++ "_" ++ show (varUnique tv)
rtyVarType :: RTyVar -> Type
rtyVarType (RTV v) = TyVarTy v
mkBTyCon :: F.LocSymbol -> BTyCon
mkBTyCon x = BTyCon x False False
mkClassBTyCon :: F.LocSymbol -> BTyCon
mkClassBTyCon x = BTyCon x True False
mkPromotedBTyCon :: F.LocSymbol -> BTyCon
mkPromotedBTyCon x = BTyCon x False True
isBool :: RType RTyCon t t1 -> Bool
isBool (RApp (RTyCon{rtc_tc = c}) _ _ _) = c == boolTyCon
isBool _ = False
isRVar :: RType c tv r -> Bool
isRVar (RVar _ _) = True
isRVar _ = False
isClassBTyCon :: BTyCon -> Bool
isClassBTyCon = btc_class
isClassRTyCon :: RTyCon -> Bool
isClassRTyCon x = (isClassTyCon $ rtc_tc x) || (rtc_tc x == eqPrimTyCon)
rTyConPVs :: RTyCon -> [RPVar]
rTyConPVs = rtc_pvars
rTyConPropVs :: RTyCon -> [PVar RSort]
rTyConPropVs = filter isPropPV . rtc_pvars
isPropPV :: PVar t -> Bool
isPropPV = isProp . ptype
isEqType :: TyConable c => RType c t t1 -> Bool
isEqType (RApp c _ _ _) = isEqual c
isEqType _ = False
isClassType :: TyConable c => RType c t t1 -> Bool
isClassType (RApp c _ _ _) = isClass c
isClassType _ = False
isProp :: PVKind t -> Bool
isProp (PVProp _) = True
isProp _ = False
defaultTyConInfo :: TyConInfo
defaultTyConInfo = TyConInfo [] [] Nothing
instance Default TyConInfo where
def = defaultTyConInfo
data TyConInfo = TyConInfo
{ varianceTyArgs :: !VarianceInfo
, variancePsArgs :: !VarianceInfo
, sizeFunction :: !(Maybe SizeFun)
} deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance NFData TyConInfo
instance Show TyConInfo where
show (TyConInfo x y _) = show x ++ "\n" ++ show y
type RTVU c tv = RTVar tv (RType c tv ())
type PVU c tv = PVar (RType c tv ())
instance Show tv => Show (RTVU c tv) where
show (RTVar t _) = show t
data RType c tv r
= RVar {
rt_var :: !tv
, rt_reft :: !r
| RFun {
rt_bind :: !Symbol
, rt_in :: !(RType c tv r)
, rt_out :: !(RType c tv r)
, rt_reft :: !r
| RAllT {
rt_tvbind :: !(RTVU c tv)
, rt_ty :: !(RType c tv r)
| RAllP {
rt_pvbind :: !(PVU c tv)
, rt_ty :: !(RType c tv r)
| RAllS {
rt_sbind :: !(Symbol)
, rt_ty :: !(RType c tv r)
| RApp {
rt_tycon :: !c
, rt_args :: ![RType c tv r]
, rt_pargs :: ![RTProp c tv r]
, rt_reft :: !r
| RAllE {
rt_bind :: !Symbol
, rt_allarg :: !(RType c tv r)
, rt_ty :: !(RType c tv r)
| REx {
rt_bind :: !Symbol
, rt_exarg :: !(RType c tv r)
, rt_ty :: !(RType c tv r)
| RExprArg (F.Located Expr)
| RAppTy{
rt_arg :: !(RType c tv r)
, rt_res :: !(RType c tv r)
, rt_reft :: !r
| RRTy {
rt_env :: ![(Symbol, RType c tv r)]
, rt_ref :: !r
, rt_obl :: !Oblig
, rt_ty :: !(RType c tv r)
| RHole r
deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable, Functor)
instance (B.Binary c, B.Binary tv, B.Binary r) => B.Binary (RType c tv r)
instance (NFData c, NFData tv, NFData r) => NFData (RType c tv r)
ignoreOblig :: RType t t1 t2 -> RType t t1 t2
ignoreOblig (RRTy _ _ _ t) = t
ignoreOblig t = t
makeRTVar :: tv -> RTVar tv s
makeRTVar a = RTVar a RTVNoInfo
instance (Eq tv) => Eq (RTVar tv s) where
t1 == t2 = (ty_var_value t1) == (ty_var_value t2)
data RTVar tv s = RTVar
{ ty_var_value :: tv
, ty_var_info :: RTVInfo s
} deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
mapTyVarValue :: (tv1 -> tv2) -> RTVar tv1 s -> RTVar tv2 s
mapTyVarValue f v = v {ty_var_value = f $ ty_var_value v}
dropTyVarInfo :: RTVar tv s1 -> RTVar tv s2
dropTyVarInfo v = v{ty_var_info = RTVNoInfo}
data RTVInfo s
= RTVNoInfo
| RTVInfo { rtv_name :: Symbol
, rtv_kind :: s
, rtv_is_val :: Bool
} deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable, Functor)
rTVarToBind :: RTVar RTyVar s -> Maybe (Symbol, s)
rTVarToBind = go . ty_var_info
go (RTVInfo {..}) | rtv_is_val = Just (rtv_name, rtv_kind)
go _ = Nothing
ty_var_is_val :: RTVar tv s -> Bool
ty_var_is_val = rtvinfo_is_val . ty_var_info
rtvinfo_is_val :: RTVInfo s -> Bool
rtvinfo_is_val RTVNoInfo = False
rtvinfo_is_val (RTVInfo {..}) = rtv_is_val
instance (B.Binary tv, B.Binary s) => B.Binary (RTVar tv s)
instance (NFData tv, NFData s) => NFData (RTVar tv s)
instance (NFData s) => NFData (RTVInfo s)
instance (B.Binary s) => B.Binary (RTVInfo s)
data Ref τ t = RProp
{ rf_args :: [(Symbol, τ)]
, rf_body :: t
} deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable, Functor)
instance (B.Binary τ, B.Binary t) => B.Binary (Ref τ t)
instance (NFData τ, NFData t) => NFData (Ref τ t)
rPropP :: [(Symbol, τ)] -> r -> Ref τ (RType c tv r)
rPropP τ r = RProp τ (RHole r)
type RTProp c tv r = Ref (RType c tv ()) (RType c tv r)
newtype World t = World [HSeg t]
deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
data HSeg t = HBind {hs_addr :: !Symbol, hs_val :: t}
| HVar UsedPVar
deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable)
data UReft r = MkUReft
{ ur_reft :: !r
, ur_pred :: !Predicate
, ur_strata :: !Strata
deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance B.Binary r => B.Binary (UReft r)
type BRType = RType BTyCon BTyVar
type RRType = RType RTyCon RTyVar
type BSort = BRType ()
type RSort = RRType ()
type BPVar = PVar BSort
type RPVar = PVar RSort
type RReft = UReft F.Reft
type PrType = RRType Predicate
type BareType = BRType RReft
type SpecType = RRType RReft
type SpecProp = RRProp RReft
type RRProp r = Ref RSort (RRType r)
type BRProp r = Ref BSort (BRType r)
type LocBareType = F.Located BareType
type LocSpecType = F.Located SpecType
data Stratum = SVar Symbol | SDiv | SWhnf | SFin
deriving (Generic, Data, Typeable, Eq)
instance NFData Stratum
instance B.Binary Stratum
type Strata = [Stratum]
isSVar :: Stratum -> Bool
isSVar (SVar _) = True
isSVar _ = False
instance Monoid Strata where
mempty = []
mappend s1 s2 = nub $ s1 ++ s2
class SubsTy tv ty a where
subt :: (tv, ty) -> a -> a
class (Eq c) => TyConable c where
isFun :: c -> Bool
isList :: c -> Bool
isTuple :: c -> Bool
ppTycon :: c -> Doc
isClass :: c -> Bool
isEqual :: c -> Bool
isNumCls :: c -> Bool
isFracCls :: c -> Bool
isClass = const False
isEqual = const False
isNumCls = const False
isFracCls = const False
type OkRT c tv r = ( TyConable c
, F.PPrint tv, F.PPrint c, F.PPrint r
, F.Reftable r, F.Reftable (RTProp c tv ()), F.Reftable (RTProp c tv r)
, Eq c, Eq tv
, Hashable tv
instance TyConable RTyCon where
isFun = isFunTyCon . rtc_tc
isList = (listTyCon ==) . rtc_tc
isTuple = TyCon.isTupleTyCon . rtc_tc
isClass = isClassRTyCon
isEqual = (eqPrimTyCon ==) . rtc_tc
ppTycon = F.toFix
isNumCls c = maybe False (isClassOrSubClass isNumericClass)
(tyConClass_maybe $ rtc_tc c)
isFracCls c = maybe False (isClassOrSubClass isFractionalClass)
(tyConClass_maybe $ rtc_tc c)
instance TyConable TyCon where
isFun = isFunTyCon
isList = (listTyCon ==)
isTuple = TyCon.isTupleTyCon
isClass c = isClassTyCon c || c == eqPrimTyCon
isEqual = (eqPrimTyCon ==)
ppTycon = text . showPpr
isNumCls c = maybe False (isClassOrSubClass isNumericClass)
(tyConClass_maybe $ c)
isFracCls c = maybe False (isClassOrSubClass isFractionalClass)
(tyConClass_maybe $ c)
isClassOrSubClass :: (Class -> Bool) -> Class -> Bool
isClassOrSubClass p cls
= p cls || any (isClassOrSubClass p . fst)
(mapMaybe getClassPredTys_maybe (classSCTheta cls))
instance TyConable Symbol where
isFun s = F.funConName == s
isList s = F.listConName == s
isTuple s = F.tupConName == s
ppTycon = text . F.symbolString
instance TyConable F.LocSymbol where
isFun = isFun . F.val
isList = isList . F.val
isTuple = isTuple . F.val
ppTycon = ppTycon . F.val
instance TyConable BTyCon where
isFun = isFun . btc_tc
isList = isList . btc_tc
isTuple = isTuple . btc_tc
isClass = isClassBTyCon
ppTycon = ppTycon . btc_tc
instance Eq RTyCon where
x == y = rtc_tc x == rtc_tc y
instance Eq BTyCon where
x == y = btc_tc x == btc_tc y
instance F.Fixpoint RTyCon where
toFix (RTyCon c _ _) = text $ showPpr c
instance F.Fixpoint BTyCon where
toFix = text . F.symbolString . F.val . btc_tc
instance F.Fixpoint Cinfo where
toFix = text . showPpr . ci_loc
instance F.PPrint RTyCon where
pprintTidy _ = text . showPpr . rtc_tc
instance F.PPrint BTyCon where
pprintTidy _ = text . F.symbolString . F.val . btc_tc
instance Show RTyCon where
show = F.showpp
instance Show BTyCon where
show = F.showpp
data RInstance t = RI
{ riclass :: BTyCon
, ritype :: [t]
, risigs :: [(F.LocSymbol, RISig t)]
} deriving (Generic, Functor, Data, Typeable, Show)
data RISig t = RIAssumed t | RISig t
deriving (Generic, Functor, Data, Typeable, Show)
instance (B.Binary t) => B.Binary (RInstance t)
instance (B.Binary t) => B.Binary (RISig t)
newtype DEnv x ty = DEnv (M.HashMap x (M.HashMap Symbol (RISig ty)))
deriving (Monoid, Show)
type RDEnv = DEnv Var SpecType
data Axiom b s e = Axiom
{ aname :: (Var, Maybe DataCon)
, rname :: Maybe b
, abinds :: [b]
, atypes :: [s]
, alhs :: e
, arhs :: e
type HAxiom = Axiom Var Type CoreExpr
data AxiomEq = AxiomEq
{ axiomName :: Symbol
, axiomArgs :: [Symbol]
, axiomBody :: Expr
, axiomEq :: Expr
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance B.Binary AxiomEq
instance F.PPrint AxiomEq where
pprintTidy k (AxiomEq n xs b _) = text "axeq" <+> F.pprint n <+> F.pprint xs <+> ":=" <+> F.pprintTidy k b
instance Show (Axiom Var Type CoreExpr) where
show (Axiom (n, c) v bs _ts lhs rhs) = "Axiom : " ++
"\nFun Name: " ++ (showPpr n) ++
"\nReal Name: " ++ (showPpr v) ++
"\nData Con: " ++ (showPpr c) ++
"\nArguments:" ++ (showPpr bs) ++
"\nLHS :" ++ (showPpr lhs) ++
"\nRHS :" ++ (showPpr rhs)
instance F.Subable AxiomEq where
syms a = F.syms (axiomBody a) ++ F.syms (axiomEq a)
subst su = mapAxiomEqExpr (F.subst su)
substf f = mapAxiomEqExpr (F.substf f)
substa f = mapAxiomEqExpr (F.substa f)
mapAxiomEqExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> AxiomEq -> AxiomEq
mapAxiomEqExpr f a = a { axiomBody = f (axiomBody a)
, axiomEq = f (axiomEq a) }
data DataDecl = D
{ tycName :: F.LocSymbol
, tycTyVars :: [Symbol]
, tycPVars :: [PVar BSort]
, tycTyLabs :: [Symbol]
, tycDCons :: [DataCtor]
, tycSrcPos :: !F.SourcePos
, tycSFun :: Maybe SizeFun
, tycPropTy :: Maybe BareType
} deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic)
data DataCtor = DataCtor
{ dcName :: F.LocSymbol
, dcFields :: [(Symbol, BareType)]
, dcResult :: Maybe BareType
} deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic)
data SizeFun
= IdSizeFun
| SymSizeFun F.LocSymbol
deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Show SizeFun where
show IdSizeFun = "IdSizeFun"
show (SymSizeFun x) = "SymSizeFun " ++ show (F.val x)
szFun :: SizeFun -> Symbol -> Expr
szFun IdSizeFun = F.EVar
szFun (SymSizeFun f) = \x -> F.mkEApp (F.symbol <$> f) [F.EVar x]
instance NFData SizeFun
instance B.Binary SizeFun
instance B.Binary DataCtor
instance B.Binary DataDecl
instance Eq DataDecl where
d1 == d2 = tycName d1 == tycName d2
instance Ord DataDecl where
compare d1 d2 = compare (tycName d1) (tycName d2)
instance F.Loc DataCtor where
srcSpan = F.srcSpan . dcName
instance F.Loc DataDecl where
srcSpan = srcSpanFSrcSpan . sourcePosSrcSpan . tycSrcPos
instance Show DataDecl where
show dd = printf "DataDecl: data = %s, tyvars = %s, sizeFun = %s"
(show $ F.symbol dd)
(show $ tycTyVars dd)
(show $ tycSFun dd)
instance F.PPrint DataDecl where
pprintTidy _ = text . show
instance F.Symbolic DataDecl where
symbol = F.symbol . tycName
data RTAlias x a = RTA
{ rtName :: Symbol
, rtTArgs :: [x]
, rtVArgs :: [x]
, rtBody :: a
, rtPos :: F.SourcePos
, rtPosE :: F.SourcePos
} deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance (B.Binary x, B.Binary a) => B.Binary (RTAlias x a)
mapRTAVars :: (a -> tv) -> RTAlias a ty -> RTAlias tv ty
mapRTAVars f rt = rt { rtTArgs = f <$> rtTArgs rt
, rtVArgs = f <$> rtVArgs rt
lmapEAlias :: LMap -> RTAlias Symbol Expr
lmapEAlias (LMap v ys e) = RTA (F.val v) [] ys e (F.loc v) (F.loc v)
data RTypeRep c tv r = RTypeRep
{ ty_vars :: [RTVar tv (RType c tv ())]
, ty_preds :: [PVar (RType c tv ())]
, ty_labels :: [Symbol]
, ty_binds :: [Symbol]
, ty_refts :: [r]
, ty_args :: [RType c tv r]
, ty_res :: (RType c tv r)
fromRTypeRep :: RTypeRep c tv r -> RType c tv r
fromRTypeRep (RTypeRep {..})
= mkArrow ty_vars ty_preds ty_labels arrs ty_res
arrs = safeZip3WithError ("fromRTypeRep: " ++ show (length ty_binds, length ty_args, length ty_refts)) ty_binds ty_args ty_refts
toRTypeRep :: RType c tv r -> RTypeRep c tv r
toRTypeRep t = RTypeRep αs πs ls xs rs ts t''
(αs, πs, ls, t') = bkUniv t
(xs, ts, rs, t'') = bkArrow t'
mkArrow :: (Foldable t, Foldable t1, Foldable t2, Foldable t3)
=> t (RTVar tv (RType c tv ()))
-> t1 (PVar (RType c tv ()))
-> t2 Symbol
-> t3 (Symbol, RType c tv r, r)
-> RType c tv r
-> RType c tv r
mkArrow αs πs ls xts = mkUnivs αs πs ls . mkArrs xts
mkArrs xts t = foldr (\(b,t1,r) t2 -> RFun b t1 t2 r) t xts
bkArrowDeep :: RType t t1 a -> ([Symbol], [RType t t1 a], [a], RType t t1 a)
bkArrowDeep (RAllT _ t) = bkArrowDeep t
bkArrowDeep (RAllP _ t) = bkArrowDeep t
bkArrowDeep (RAllS _ t) = bkArrowDeep t
bkArrowDeep (RFun x t t' r) = let (xs, ts, rs, t'') = bkArrowDeep t' in (x:xs, t:ts, r:rs, t'')
bkArrowDeep t = ([], [], [], t)
bkArrow :: RType t t1 a -> ([Symbol], [RType t t1 a], [a], RType t t1 a)
bkArrow (RFun x t t' r) = let (xs, ts, rs, t'') = bkArrow t' in (x:xs, t:ts, r:rs, t'')
bkArrow t = ([], [], [], t)
safeBkArrow :: RType t t1 a -> ([Symbol], [RType t t1 a], [a], RType t t1 a)
safeBkArrow (RAllT _ _) = panic Nothing "safeBkArrow on RAllT"
safeBkArrow (RAllP _ _) = panic Nothing "safeBkArrow on RAllP"
safeBkArrow (RAllS _ t) = safeBkArrow t
safeBkArrow t = bkArrow t
mkUnivs :: (Foldable t, Foldable t1, Foldable t2)
=> t (RTVar tv (RType c tv ()))
-> t1 (PVar (RType c tv ()))
-> t2 Symbol
-> RType c tv r
-> RType c tv r
mkUnivs αs πs ls t = foldr RAllT (foldr RAllP (foldr RAllS t ls) πs) αs
bkUniv :: RType t1 a t2 -> ([RTVar a (RType t1 a ())], [PVar (RType t1 a ())], [Symbol], RType t1 a t2)
bkUniv (RAllT α t) = let (αs, πs, ls, t') = bkUniv t in (α:αs, πs, ls, t')
bkUniv (RAllP π t) = let (αs, πs, ls, t') = bkUniv t in (αs, π:πs, ls, t')
bkUniv (RAllS s t) = let (αs, πs, ss, t') = bkUniv t in (αs, πs, s:ss, t')
bkUniv t = ([], [], [], t)
bkClass :: TyConable c
=> RType c tv r -> ([(c, [RType c tv r])], RType c tv r)
bkClass (RFun _ (RApp c t _ _) t' _)
| isClass c
= let (cs, t'') = bkClass t' in ((c, t):cs, t'')
bkClass (RRTy e r o t)
= let (cs, t') = bkClass t in (cs, RRTy e r o t')
bkClass t
= ([], t)
rFun :: Monoid r => Symbol -> RType c tv r -> RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
rFun b t t' = RFun b t t' mempty
rCls :: Monoid r => TyCon -> [RType RTyCon tv r] -> RType RTyCon tv r
rCls c ts = RApp (RTyCon c [] defaultTyConInfo) ts [] mempty
rRCls :: Monoid r => c -> [RType c tv r] -> RType c tv r
rRCls rc ts = RApp rc ts [] mempty
addInvCond :: SpecType -> RReft -> SpecType
addInvCond t r'
| F.isTauto $ ur_reft r'
= t
| otherwise
= fromRTypeRep $ trep {ty_res = RRTy [(x', tbd)] r OInv tbd}
trep = toRTypeRep t
tbd = ty_res trep
r = r' {ur_reft = F.Reft (v, rx)}
su = (v, F.EVar x')
x' = "xInv"
rx = F.PIff (F.EVar v) $ F.subst1 rv su
F.Reft(v, rv) = ur_reft r'
instance F.Subable Stratum where
syms (SVar s) = [s]
syms _ = []
subst su (SVar s) = SVar $ F.subst su s
subst _ s = s
substf f (SVar s) = SVar $ F.substf f s
substf _ s = s
substa f (SVar s) = SVar $ F.substa f s
substa _ s = s
instance F.Reftable Strata where
isTauto [] = True
isTauto _ = False
ppTy _ = panic Nothing "ppTy on Strata"
toReft _ = mempty
params s = [l | SVar l <- s]
bot _ = []
top _ = []
ofReft = todo Nothing "TODO: Strata.ofReft"
class F.Reftable r => UReftable r where
ofUReft :: UReft F.Reft -> r
ofUReft (MkUReft r _ _) = F.ofReft r
instance UReftable (UReft F.Reft) where
ofUReft r = r
instance UReftable () where
ofUReft _ = mempty
instance (F.PPrint r, F.Reftable r) => F.Reftable (UReft r) where
isTauto = isTauto_ureft
ppTy = ppTy_ureft
toReft (MkUReft r ps _) = F.toReft r `` F.toReft ps
params (MkUReft r _ _) = F.params r
bot (MkUReft r _ s) = MkUReft ( r) (Pr []) ( s)
top (MkUReft r p s) = MkUReft ( r) ( p) s
ofReft r = MkUReft (F.ofReft r) mempty mempty
instance F.Expression (UReft ()) where
expr = F.expr . F.toReft
isTauto_ureft :: F.Reftable r => UReft r -> Bool
isTauto_ureft u = F.isTauto (ur_reft u) && F.isTauto (ur_pred u)
ppTy_ureft :: F.Reftable r => UReft r -> Doc -> Doc
ppTy_ureft u@(MkUReft r p s) d
| isTauto_ureft u = d
| otherwise = ppr_reft r (F.ppTy p d) s
ppr_reft :: (F.PPrint [t], F.Reftable r) => r -> Doc -> [t] -> Doc
ppr_reft r d s = braces (F.pprint v <+> colon <+> d <> ppr_str s <+> text "|" <+> F.pprint r')
r'@(F.Reft (v, _)) = F.toReft r
ppr_str :: F.PPrint [t] => [t] -> Doc
ppr_str [] = empty
ppr_str s = text "^" <> F.pprint s
instance F.Subable r => F.Subable (UReft r) where
syms (MkUReft r p _) = F.syms r ++ F.syms p
subst s (MkUReft r z l) = MkUReft (F.subst s r) (F.subst s z) (F.subst s l)
substf f (MkUReft r z l) = MkUReft (F.substf f r) (F.substf f z) (F.substf f l)
substa f (MkUReft r z l) = MkUReft (F.substa f r) (F.substa f z) (F.substa f l)
instance (F.Reftable r, TyConable c) => F.Subable (RTProp c tv r) where
syms (RProp ss r) = (fst <$> ss) ++ F.syms r
subst su (RProp ss (RHole r)) = RProp ss (RHole (F.subst su r))
subst su (RProp ss t) = RProp ss (F.subst su <$> t)
substf f (RProp ss (RHole r)) = RProp ss (RHole (F.substf f r))
substf f (RProp ss t) = RProp ss (F.substf f <$> t)
substa f (RProp ss (RHole r)) = RProp ss (RHole (F.substa f r))
substa f (RProp ss t) = RProp ss (F.substa f <$> t)
instance (F.Subable r, F.Reftable r, TyConable c) => F.Subable (RType c tv r) where
syms = foldReft (\_ r acc -> F.syms r ++ acc) []
substa f = emapExprArg (\_ -> F.substa f) [] . mapReft (F.substa f)
substf f = emapExprArg (\_ -> F.substf f) [] . emapReft (F.substf . F.substfExcept f) []
subst su = emapExprArg (\_ -> F.subst su) [] . emapReft (F.subst . F.substExcept su) []
subst1 t su = emapExprArg (\_ e -> F.subst1 e su) [] $ emapReft (\xs r -> F.subst1Except xs r su) [] t
instance F.Reftable Predicate where
isTauto (Pr ps) = null ps
bot (Pr _) = panic Nothing "No BOT instance for Predicate"
ppTy r d | F.isTauto r = d
| not (ppPs ppEnv) = d
| otherwise = d <> (angleBrackets $ F.pprint r)
toReft (Pr ps@(p:_)) = F.Reft (parg p, F.pAnd $ pToRef <$> ps)
toReft _ = mempty
params = todo Nothing "TODO: instance of params for Predicate"
ofReft = todo Nothing "TODO: Predicate.ofReft"
pToRef :: PVar a -> F.Expr
pToRef p = pApp (pname p) $ (F.EVar $ parg p) : (thd3 <$> pargs p)
pApp :: Symbol -> [Expr] -> Expr
pApp p es = F.mkEApp fn (F.EVar p:es)
fn = F.dummyLoc (pappSym n)
n = length es
pappSym :: Show a => a -> Symbol
pappSym n = F.symbol $ "papp" ++ show n
isTrivial :: (F.Reftable r, TyConable c) => RType c tv r -> Bool
isTrivial t = foldReft (\_ r b -> F.isTauto r && b) True t
mapReft :: (r1 -> r2) -> RType c tv r1 -> RType c tv r2
mapReft f = emapReft (\_ -> f) []
emapReft :: ([Symbol] -> r1 -> r2) -> [Symbol] -> RType c tv r1 -> RType c tv r2
emapReft f γ (RVar α r) = RVar α (f γ r)
emapReft f γ (RAllT α t) = RAllT α (emapReft f γ t)
emapReft f γ (RAllP π t) = RAllP π (emapReft f γ t)
emapReft f γ (RAllS p t) = RAllS p (emapReft f γ t)
emapReft f γ (RFun x t t' r) = RFun x (emapReft f γ t) (emapReft f (x:γ) t') (f (x:γ) r)
emapReft f γ (RApp c ts rs r) = RApp c (emapReft f γ <$> ts) (emapRef f γ <$> rs) (f γ r)
emapReft f γ (RAllE z t t') = RAllE z (emapReft f γ t) (emapReft f γ t')
emapReft f γ (REx z t t') = REx z (emapReft f γ t) (emapReft f γ t')
emapReft _ _ (RExprArg e) = RExprArg e
emapReft f γ (RAppTy t t' r) = RAppTy (emapReft f γ t) (emapReft f γ t') (f γ r)
emapReft f γ (RRTy e r o t) = RRTy (mapSnd (emapReft f γ) <$> e) (f γ r) o (emapReft f γ t)
emapReft f γ (RHole r) = RHole (f γ r)
emapRef :: ([Symbol] -> t -> s) -> [Symbol] -> RTProp c tv t -> RTProp c tv s
emapRef f γ (RProp s (RHole r)) = RProp s $ RHole (f γ r)
emapRef f γ (RProp s t) = RProp s $ emapReft f γ t
emapExprArg :: ([Symbol] -> Expr -> Expr) -> [Symbol] -> RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
emapExprArg f = go
go _ t@(RVar {}) = t
go _ t@(RHole {}) = t
go γ (RAllT α t) = RAllT α (go γ t)
go γ (RAllP π t) = RAllP π (go γ t)
go γ (RAllS p t) = RAllS p (go γ t)
go γ (RFun x t t' r) = RFun x (go γ t) (go (x:γ) t') r
go γ (RApp c ts rs r) = RApp c (go γ <$> ts) (mo γ <$> rs) r
go γ (RAllE z t t') = RAllE z (go γ t) (go γ t')
go γ (REx z t t') = REx z (go γ t) (go γ t')
go γ (RExprArg e) = RExprArg (f γ <$> F.tracepp "RExprArg" e)
go γ (RAppTy t t' r) = RAppTy (go γ t) (go γ t') r
go γ (RRTy e r o t) = RRTy (mapSnd (go γ) <$> e) r o (go γ t)
mo _ t@(RProp _ (RHole {})) = t
mo γ (RProp s t) = RProp s (go γ t)
isBase :: RType t t1 t2 -> Bool
isBase (RAllT _ t) = isBase t
isBase (RAllP _ t) = isBase t
isBase (RVar _ _) = True
isBase (RApp _ ts _ _) = all isBase ts
isBase (RFun _ _ _ _) = False
isBase (RAppTy t1 t2 _) = isBase t1 && isBase t2
isBase (RRTy _ _ _ t) = isBase t
isBase (RAllE _ _ t) = isBase t
isBase (REx _ _ t) = isBase t
isBase _ = False
isFunTy :: RType t t1 t2 -> Bool
isFunTy (RAllE _ _ t) = isFunTy t
isFunTy (RAllS _ t) = isFunTy t
isFunTy (RAllT _ t) = isFunTy t
isFunTy (RAllP _ t) = isFunTy t
isFunTy (RFun _ _ _ _) = True
isFunTy _ = False
mapReftM :: (Monad m) => (r1 -> m r2) -> RType c tv r1 -> m (RType c tv r2)
mapReftM f (RVar α r) = liftM (RVar α) (f r)
mapReftM f (RAllT α t) = liftM (RAllT α) (mapReftM f t)
mapReftM f (RAllP π t) = liftM (RAllP π) (mapReftM f t)
mapReftM f (RAllS s t) = liftM (RAllS s) (mapReftM f t)
mapReftM f (RFun x t t' r) = liftM3 (RFun x) (mapReftM f t) (mapReftM f t') (f r)
mapReftM f (RApp c ts rs r) = liftM3 (RApp c) (mapM (mapReftM f) ts) (mapM (mapRefM f) rs) (f r)
mapReftM f (RAllE z t t') = liftM2 (RAllE z) (mapReftM f t) (mapReftM f t')
mapReftM f (REx z t t') = liftM2 (REx z) (mapReftM f t) (mapReftM f t')
mapReftM _ (RExprArg e) = return $ RExprArg e
mapReftM f (RAppTy t t' r) = liftM3 RAppTy (mapReftM f t) (mapReftM f t') (f r)
mapReftM f (RHole r) = liftM RHole (f r)
mapReftM f (RRTy xts r o t) = liftM4 RRTy (mapM (mapSndM (mapReftM f)) xts) (f r) (return o) (mapReftM f t)
mapRefM :: (Monad m) => (t -> m s) -> (RTProp c tv t) -> m (RTProp c tv s)
mapRefM f (RProp s t) = liftM (RProp s) (mapReftM f t)
mapPropM :: (Monad m) => (RTProp c tv r -> m (RTProp c tv r)) -> RType c tv r -> m (RType c tv r)
mapPropM _ (RVar α r) = return $ RVar α r
mapPropM f (RAllT α t) = liftM (RAllT α) (mapPropM f t)
mapPropM f (RAllP π t) = liftM (RAllP π) (mapPropM f t)
mapPropM f (RAllS s t) = liftM (RAllS s) (mapPropM f t)
mapPropM f (RFun x t t' r) = liftM3 (RFun x) (mapPropM f t) (mapPropM f t') (return r)
mapPropM f (RApp c ts rs r) = liftM3 (RApp c) (mapM (mapPropM f) ts) (mapM f rs) (return r)
mapPropM f (RAllE z t t') = liftM2 (RAllE z) (mapPropM f t) (mapPropM f t')
mapPropM f (REx z t t') = liftM2 (REx z) (mapPropM f t) (mapPropM f t')
mapPropM _ (RExprArg e) = return $ RExprArg e
mapPropM f (RAppTy t t' r) = liftM3 RAppTy (mapPropM f t) (mapPropM f t') (return r)
mapPropM _ (RHole r) = return $ RHole r
mapPropM f (RRTy xts r o t) = liftM4 RRTy (mapM (mapSndM (mapPropM f)) xts) (return r) (return o) (mapPropM f t)
foldReft :: (F.Reftable r, TyConable c) => (F.SEnv (RType c tv r) -> r -> a -> a) -> a -> RType c tv r -> a
foldReft f = foldReft' (\_ _ -> False) id (\γ _ -> f γ)
foldReft' :: (F.Reftable r, TyConable c)
=> (Symbol -> RType c tv r -> Bool)
-> (RType c tv r -> b)
-> (F.SEnv b -> Maybe (RType c tv r) -> r -> a -> a)
-> a -> RType c tv r -> a
foldReft' logicBind g f = efoldReft logicBind
(\_ _ -> [])
(\_ -> [])
(\γ t r z -> f γ t r z)
(\_ γ -> γ)
efoldReft :: (F.Reftable r, TyConable c)
=> (Symbol -> RType c tv r -> Bool)
-> (c -> [RType c tv r] -> [(Symbol, a)])
-> (RTVar tv (RType c tv ()) -> [(Symbol, a)])
-> (RType c tv r -> a)
-> (F.SEnv a -> Maybe (RType c tv r) -> r -> b -> b)
-> (PVar (RType c tv ()) -> F.SEnv a -> F.SEnv a)
-> F.SEnv a
-> b
-> RType c tv r
-> b
efoldReft logicBind cb dty g f fp = go
go γ z me@(RVar _ r) = f γ (Just me) r z
go γ z (RAllT a t)
| ty_var_is_val a = go (insertsSEnv γ (dty a)) z t
| otherwise = go γ z t
go γ z (RAllP p t) = go (fp p γ) z t
go γ z (RAllS _ t) = go γ z t
go γ z me@(RFun _ (RApp c ts _ _) t' r)
| isClass c = f γ (Just me) r (go (insertsSEnv γ (cb c ts)) (go' γ z ts) t')
go γ z me@(RFun x t t' r)
| logicBind x t = f γ (Just me) r (go γ' (go γ z t) t')
| otherwise = f γ (Just me) r (go γ (go γ z t) t')
γ' = insertSEnv x (g t) γ
go γ z me@(RApp _ ts rs r) = f γ (Just me) r (ho' γ (go' (insertSEnv (rTypeValueVar me) (g me) γ) z ts) rs)
go γ z (RAllE x t t') = go (insertSEnv x (g t) γ) (go γ z t) t'
go γ z (REx x t t') = go (insertSEnv x (g t) γ) (go γ z t) t'
go γ z me@(RRTy [] r _ t) = f γ (Just me) r (go γ z t)
go γ z me@(RRTy xts r _ t) = f γ (Just me) r (go γ (go γ z (envtoType xts)) t)
go γ z me@(RAppTy t t' r) = f γ (Just me) r (go γ (go γ z t) t')
go _ z (RExprArg _) = z
go γ z me@(RHole r) = f γ (Just me) r z
ho γ z (RProp ss (RHole r)) = f (insertsSEnv γ (mapSnd (g . ofRSort) <$> ss)) Nothing r z
ho γ z (RProp ss t) = go (insertsSEnv γ ((mapSnd (g . ofRSort)) <$> ss)) z t
go' γ z ts = foldr (flip $ go γ) z ts
ho' γ z rs = foldr (flip $ ho γ) z rs
envtoType xts = foldr (\(x,t1) t2 -> rFun x t1 t2) (snd $ last xts) (init xts)
mapBot :: (RType c tv r -> RType c tv r) -> RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
mapBot f (RAllT α t) = RAllT α (mapBot f t)
mapBot f (RAllP π t) = RAllP π (mapBot f t)
mapBot f (RAllS s t) = RAllS s (mapBot f t)
mapBot f (RFun x t t' r) = RFun x (mapBot f t) (mapBot f t') r
mapBot f (RAppTy t t' r) = RAppTy (mapBot f t) (mapBot f t') r
mapBot f (RApp c ts rs r) = f $ RApp c (mapBot f <$> ts) (mapBotRef f <$> rs) r
mapBot f (REx b t1 t2) = REx b (mapBot f t1) (mapBot f t2)
mapBot f (RAllE b t1 t2) = RAllE b (mapBot f t1) (mapBot f t2)
mapBot f (RRTy e r o t) = RRTy (mapSnd (mapBot f) <$> e) r o (mapBot f t)
mapBot f t' = f t'
mapBotRef :: (RType c tv r -> RType c tv r)
-> Ref τ (RType c tv r) -> Ref τ (RType c tv r)
mapBotRef _ (RProp s (RHole r)) = RProp s $ RHole r
mapBotRef f (RProp s t) = RProp s $ mapBot f t
mapBind :: (Symbol -> Symbol) -> RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
mapBind f (RAllT α t) = RAllT α (mapBind f t)
mapBind f (RAllP π t) = RAllP π (mapBind f t)
mapBind f (RAllS s t) = RAllS s (mapBind f t)
mapBind f (RFun b t1 t2 r) = RFun (f b) (mapBind f t1) (mapBind f t2) r
mapBind f (RApp c ts rs r) = RApp c (mapBind f <$> ts) (mapBindRef f <$> rs) r
mapBind f (RAllE b t1 t2) = RAllE (f b) (mapBind f t1) (mapBind f t2)
mapBind f (REx b t1 t2) = REx (f b) (mapBind f t1) (mapBind f t2)
mapBind _ (RVar α r) = RVar α r
mapBind _ (RHole r) = RHole r
mapBind f (RRTy e r o t) = RRTy e r o (mapBind f t)
mapBind _ (RExprArg e) = RExprArg e
mapBind f (RAppTy t t' r) = RAppTy (mapBind f t) (mapBind f t') r
mapBindRef :: (Symbol -> Symbol)
-> Ref τ (RType c tv r) -> Ref τ (RType c tv r)
mapBindRef f (RProp s (RHole r)) = RProp (mapFst f <$> s) (RHole r)
mapBindRef f (RProp s t) = RProp (mapFst f <$> s) $ mapBind f t
ofRSort :: F.Reftable r => RType c tv () -> RType c tv r
ofRSort = fmap mempty
toRSort :: RType c tv r -> RType c tv ()
toRSort = stripAnnotations . mapBind (const F.dummySymbol) . fmap (const ())
stripAnnotations :: RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
stripAnnotations (RAllT α t) = RAllT α (stripAnnotations t)
stripAnnotations (RAllP _ t) = stripAnnotations t
stripAnnotations (RAllS _ t) = stripAnnotations t
stripAnnotations (RAllE _ _ t) = stripAnnotations t
stripAnnotations (REx _ _ t) = stripAnnotations t
stripAnnotations (RFun x t t' r) = RFun x (stripAnnotations t) (stripAnnotations t') r
stripAnnotations (RAppTy t t' r) = RAppTy (stripAnnotations t) (stripAnnotations t') r
stripAnnotations (RApp c ts rs r) = RApp c (stripAnnotations <$> ts) (stripAnnotationsRef <$> rs) r
stripAnnotations (RRTy _ _ _ t) = stripAnnotations t
stripAnnotations t = t
stripAnnotationsRef :: Ref τ (RType c tv r) -> Ref τ (RType c tv r)
stripAnnotationsRef (RProp s (RHole r)) = RProp s (RHole r)
stripAnnotationsRef (RProp s t) = RProp s $ stripAnnotations t
insertSEnv :: F.Symbol -> a -> F.SEnv a -> F.SEnv a
insertSEnv = F.insertSEnv
insertsSEnv :: F.SEnv a -> [(Symbol, a)] -> F.SEnv a
insertsSEnv = foldr (\(x, t) γ -> insertSEnv x t γ)
rTypeValueVar :: (F.Reftable r) => RType c tv r -> Symbol
rTypeValueVar t = vv where F.Reft (vv,_) = rTypeReft t
rTypeReft :: (F.Reftable r) => RType c tv r -> F.Reft
rTypeReft = fromMaybe F.trueReft . fmap F.toReft . stripRTypeBase
stripRTypeBase :: RType t t1 a -> Maybe a
stripRTypeBase (RApp _ _ _ x)
= Just x
stripRTypeBase (RVar _ x)
= Just x
stripRTypeBase (RFun _ _ _ x)
= Just x
stripRTypeBase (RAppTy _ _ x)
= Just x
stripRTypeBase _
= Nothing
topRTypeBase :: (F.Reftable r) => RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
topRTypeBase = mapRBase
mapRBase :: (r -> r) -> RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
mapRBase f (RApp c ts rs r) = RApp c ts rs $ f r
mapRBase f (RVar a r) = RVar a $ f r
mapRBase f (RFun x t1 t2 r) = RFun x t1 t2 $ f r
mapRBase f (RAppTy t1 t2 r) = RAppTy t1 t2 $ f r
mapRBase _ t = t
makeLType :: Stratum -> SpecType -> SpecType
makeLType l t = fromRTypeRep trep{ty_res = mapRBase f $ ty_res trep}
where trep = toRTypeRep t
f (MkUReft r p _) = MkUReft r p [l]
makeDivType :: SpecType -> SpecType
makeDivType = makeLType SDiv
makeFinType :: SpecType -> SpecType
makeFinType = makeLType SFin
getStrata :: RType t t1 (UReft r) -> [Stratum]
getStrata = maybe [] ur_strata . stripRTypeBase
instance Show Stratum where
show SFin = "Fin"
show SDiv = "Div"
show SWhnf = "Whnf"
show (SVar s) = show s
instance F.PPrint Stratum where
pprintTidy _ = text . show
instance F.PPrint Strata where
pprintTidy _ [] = empty
pprintTidy k ss = hsep (F.pprintTidy k <$> nub ss)
instance F.PPrint (PVar a) where
pprintTidy _ = ppr_pvar
ppr_pvar :: PVar a -> Doc
ppr_pvar (PV s _ _ xts) = F.pprint s <+> hsep (F.pprint <$> dargs xts)
dargs = map thd3 . takeWhile (\(_, x, y) -> F.EVar x /= y)
instance F.PPrint Predicate where
pprintTidy _ (Pr []) = text "True"
pprintTidy k (Pr pvs) = hsep $ punctuate (text "&") (F.pprintTidy k <$> pvs)
data REnv = REnv
{ reGlobal :: M.HashMap Symbol SpecType
, reLocal :: M.HashMap Symbol SpecType
instance NFData REnv where
rnf (REnv {}) = ()
type ErrorResult = F.FixResult UserError
type Error = TError SpecType
instance NFData a => NFData (TError a)
data Cinfo = Ci { ci_loc :: !SrcSpan
, ci_err :: !(Maybe Error)
, ci_var :: !(Maybe Var)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance F.Loc Cinfo where
srcSpan = srcSpanFSrcSpan . ci_loc
instance NFData Cinfo
data ModName = ModName !ModType !ModuleName deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance F.PPrint ModName where
pprintTidy _ = text . show
instance Show ModuleName where
show = moduleNameString
instance F.Symbolic ModName where
symbol (ModName _ m) = F.symbol m
instance F.Symbolic ModuleName where
symbol = F.symbol . moduleNameFS
data ModType = Target | SrcImport | SpecImport deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
isSrcImport :: ModName -> Bool
isSrcImport (ModName SrcImport _) = True
isSrcImport _ = False
isSpecImport :: ModName -> Bool
isSpecImport (ModName SpecImport _) = True
isSpecImport _ = False
getModName :: ModName -> ModuleName
getModName (ModName _ m) = m
getModString :: ModName -> String
getModString = moduleNameString . getModName
data RTEnv = RTE
{ typeAliases :: M.HashMap Symbol (RTAlias RTyVar SpecType)
, exprAliases :: M.HashMap Symbol (RTAlias Symbol Expr)
instance Monoid RTEnv where
mempty = RTE M.empty M.empty
(RTE x y) `mappend` (RTE x' y') = RTE (x `M.union` x') (y `M.union` y')
mapRT :: (M.HashMap Symbol (RTAlias RTyVar SpecType)
-> M.HashMap Symbol (RTAlias RTyVar SpecType))
-> RTEnv -> RTEnv
mapRT f e = e { typeAliases = f $ typeAliases e }
mapRE :: (M.HashMap Symbol (RTAlias Symbol Expr)
-> M.HashMap Symbol (RTAlias Symbol Expr))
-> RTEnv -> RTEnv
mapRE f e = e { exprAliases = f $ exprAliases e }
data Body
= E Expr
| P Expr
| R Symbol Expr
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Eq)
data Def ty ctor = Def
{ measure :: F.LocSymbol
, dparams :: [(Symbol, ty)]
, ctor :: ctor
, dsort :: Maybe ty
, binds :: [(Symbol, Maybe ty)]
, body :: Body
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Eq, Functor)
data Measure ty ctor = M
{ name :: F.LocSymbol
, sort :: ty
, eqns :: [Def ty ctor]
} deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
instance Bifunctor Def where
first f (Def m ps c s bs b) =
Def m (map (second f) ps) c (fmap f s) (map (second (fmap f)) bs) b
second f (Def m ps c s bs b) =
Def m ps (f c) s bs b
instance Bifunctor Measure where
first f (M n s es) =
M n (f s) (map (first f) es)
second f (M n s es) =
M n s (map (second f) es)
instance B.Binary Body
instance (B.Binary t, B.Binary c) => B.Binary (Def t c)
instance (B.Binary t, B.Binary c) => B.Binary (Measure t c)
data CMeasure ty = CM
{ cName :: F.LocSymbol
, cSort :: ty
} deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
instance F.PPrint Body where
pprintTidy k (E e) = F.pprintTidy k e
pprintTidy k (P p) = F.pprintTidy k p
pprintTidy k (R v p) = braces (F.pprintTidy k v <+> "|" <+> F.pprintTidy k p)
instance F.PPrint a => F.PPrint (Def t a) where
pprintTidy k (Def m p c _ bs body)
= F.pprintTidy k m <+> F.pprintTidy k (fst <$> p) <+> cbsd <+> "=" <+> F.pprintTidy k body
cbsd = parens (F.pprintTidy k c <> hsep (F.pprintTidy k `fmap` (fst <$> bs)))
instance (F.PPrint t, F.PPrint a) => F.PPrint (Measure t a) where
pprintTidy k (M n s eqs) = F.pprintTidy k n <+> "::" <+> F.pprintTidy k s
$$ vcat (F.pprintTidy k `fmap` eqs)
instance F.PPrint (Measure t a) => Show (Measure t a) where
show = F.showpp
instance F.PPrint t => F.PPrint (CMeasure t) where
pprintTidy k (CM n s) = F.pprintTidy k n <+> "::" <+> F.pprintTidy k s
instance F.PPrint (CMeasure t) => Show (CMeasure t) where
show = F.showpp
instance F.Subable (Measure ty ctor) where
syms (M _ _ es) = concatMap F.syms es
substa f (M n s es) = M n s $ F.substa f <$> es
substf f (M n s es) = M n s $ F.substf f <$> es
subst su (M n s es) = M n s $ F.subst su <$> es
instance F.Subable (Def ty ctor) where
syms (Def _ sp _ _ sb bd) = (fst <$> sp) ++ (fst <$> sb) ++ F.syms bd
substa f (Def m p c t b bd) = Def m p c t b $ F.substa f bd
substf f (Def m p c t b bd) = Def m p c t b $ F.substf f bd
subst su (Def m p c t b bd) = Def m p c t b $ F.subst su bd
instance F.Subable Body where
syms (E e) = F.syms e
syms (P e) = F.syms e
syms (R s e) = s : F.syms e
substa f (E e) = E (F.substa f e)
substa f (P e) = P (F.substa f e)
substa f (R s e) = R s (F.substa f e)
substf f (E e) = E (F.substf f e)
substf f (P e) = P (F.substf f e)
substf f (R s e) = R s (F.substf f e)
subst su (E e) = E (F.subst su e)
subst su (P e) = P (F.subst su e)
subst su (R s e) = R s (F.subst su e)
instance F.Subable t => F.Subable (WithModel t) where
syms (NoModel t) = F.syms t
syms (WithModel _ t) = F.syms t
substa f = fmap (F.substa f)
substf f = fmap (F.substf f)
subst su = fmap (F.subst su)
data RClass ty = RClass
{ rcName :: BTyCon
, rcSupers :: [ty]
, rcTyVars :: [BTyVar]
, rcMethods :: [(F.LocSymbol, ty)]
} deriving (Show, Functor, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance B.Binary ty => B.Binary (RClass ty)
newtype AnnInfo a = AI (M.HashMap SrcSpan [(Maybe Text, a)])
deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
data Annot t
= AnnUse t
| AnnDef t
| AnnRDf t
| AnnLoc SrcSpan
deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
instance Monoid (AnnInfo a) where
mempty = AI M.empty
mappend (AI m1) (AI m2) = AI $ M.unionWith (++) m1 m2
instance NFData a => NFData (AnnInfo a)
instance NFData a => NFData (Annot a)
data Output a = O
{ o_vars :: Maybe [String]
, o_types :: !(AnnInfo a)
, o_templs :: !(AnnInfo a)
, o_bots :: ![SrcSpan]
, o_result :: ErrorResult
} deriving (Typeable, Generic, Functor)
emptyOutput :: Output a
emptyOutput = O Nothing mempty mempty [] mempty
instance Monoid (Output a) where
mempty = emptyOutput
mappend o1 o2 = O { o_vars = sortNub <$> mappend (o_vars o1) (o_vars o2)
, o_types = mappend (o_types o1) (o_types o2)
, o_templs = mappend (o_templs o1) (o_templs o2)
, o_bots = sortNub $ mappend (o_bots o1) (o_bots o2)
, o_result = mappend (o_result o1) (o_result o2)
data KVKind
= RecBindE Var
| NonRecBindE Var
| TypeInstE
| PredInstE
| LamE
| CaseE Int
| LetE
| ProjectE
deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)
instance Hashable KVKind
newtype KVProf = KVP (M.HashMap KVKind Int) deriving (Generic)
emptyKVProf :: KVProf
emptyKVProf = KVP M.empty
updKVProf :: KVKind -> F.Kuts -> KVProf -> KVProf
updKVProf k kvs (KVP m) = KVP $ M.insert k (kn + n) m
kn = M.lookupDefault 0 k m
n = S.size (F.ksVars kvs)
instance NFData KVKind
instance F.PPrint KVKind where
pprintTidy _ = text . show
instance F.PPrint KVProf where
pprintTidy k (KVP m) = F.pprintTidy k (M.toList m)
instance NFData KVProf
hole :: Expr
hole = F.PKVar "HOLE" mempty
isHole :: Expr -> Bool
isHole (F.PKVar ("HOLE") _) = True
isHole _ = False
hasHole :: F.Reftable r => r -> Bool
hasHole = any isHole . F.conjuncts . F.reftPred . F.toReft
instance F.Symbolic DataCon where
symbol = F.symbol . dataConWorkId
instance F.PPrint DataCon where
pprintTidy _ = text . showPpr
instance Show DataCon where
show = F.showpp
liquidBegin :: String
liquidBegin = ['{', '-', '@']
liquidEnd :: String
liquidEnd = ['@', '-', '}']
data MSpec ty ctor = MSpec
{ ctorMap :: M.HashMap Symbol [Def ty ctor]
, measMap :: M.HashMap F.LocSymbol (Measure ty ctor)
, cmeasMap :: M.HashMap F.LocSymbol (Measure ty ())
, imeas :: ![Measure ty ctor]
} deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic, Functor)
instance Bifunctor MSpec where
first f (MSpec c m cm im) = MSpec (fmap (fmap (first f)) c)
(fmap (first f) m)
(fmap (first f) cm)
(fmap (first f) im)
second = fmap
instance (F.PPrint t, F.PPrint a) => F.PPrint (MSpec t a) where
pprintTidy k = vcat . fmap (F.pprintTidy k) . fmap snd . M.toList . measMap
instance (Show ty, Show ctor, F.PPrint ctor, F.PPrint ty) => Show (MSpec ty ctor) where
show (MSpec ct m cm im)
= "\nMSpec:\n" ++
"\nctorMap:\t " ++ show ct ++
"\nmeasMap:\t " ++ show m ++
"\ncmeasMap:\t " ++ show cm ++
"\nimeas:\t " ++ show im ++
instance Eq ctor => Monoid (MSpec ty ctor) where
mempty = MSpec M.empty M.empty M.empty []
(MSpec c1 m1 cm1 im1) `mappend` (MSpec c2 m2 cm2 im2)
| (k1, k2) : _ <- dups
= uError $ err k1 k2
| otherwise
= MSpec (M.unionWith (++) c1 c2) (m1 `M.union` m2) (cm1 `M.union` cm2) (im1 ++ im2)
dups = [(k1, k2) | k1 <- M.keys m1 , k2 <- M.keys m2, F.val k1 == F.val k2]
err k1 k2 = ErrDupMeas (fSrcSpan k1) (F.pprint (F.val k1)) (fSrcSpan <$> [k1, k2])
instance F.PPrint BTyVar where
pprintTidy _ (BTV α) = text (F.symbolString α)
instance F.PPrint RTyVar where
pprintTidy _ (RTV α)
| ppTyVar ppEnv = ppr_tyvar α
| otherwise = ppr_tyvar_short α
ppr_tyvar :: Var -> Doc
ppr_tyvar = text . tvId
ppr_tyvar_short :: TyVar -> Doc
ppr_tyvar_short = text . showPpr
instance (F.PPrint r, F.Reftable r, F.PPrint t, F.PPrint (RType c tv r)) => F.PPrint (Ref t (RType c tv r)) where
pprintTidy k (RProp ss s) = ppRefArgs k (fst <$> ss) <+> F.pprintTidy k s
ppRefArgs :: F.Tidy -> [Symbol] -> Doc
ppRefArgs _ [] = empty
ppRefArgs k ss = text "\\" <> hsep (ppRefSym k <$> ss ++ [F.vv Nothing]) <+> "->"
ppRefSym :: (Eq a, IsString a, F.PPrint a) => F.Tidy -> a -> Doc
ppRefSym _ "" = text "_"
ppRefSym k s = F.pprintTidy k s