module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Transforms.CoreToLogic
( coreToDef
, coreToFun
, coreToLogic
, mkLit, mkI, mkS
, runToLogic
, runToLogicWithBoolBinds
, logicType
, strengthenResult
, strengthenResult'
, normalize
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import GHC hiding (Located, exprType)
import Prelude hiding (error)
import Type
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.TypeRep
import qualified Var
import qualified CoreSyn as C
import Literal
import IdInfo
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error
import TysWiredIn
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc (snd3, mapSnd, mapFst)
import Language.Fixpoint.Types hiding (Error, R, simplify)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Misc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Env
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Play
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types hiding (GhcInfo(..), GhcSpec (..), LM)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
varType :: Var -> Type
varType = expandTypeSynonyms . Var.varType
logicType :: (Reftable r) => Type -> RRType r
logicType τ = fromRTypeRep $ t { ty_binds = bs, ty_args = as, ty_refts = rs}
t = toRTypeRep $ ofType τ
(bs, as, rs) = unzip3 $ dropWhile (isClassType.snd3) $ zip3 (ty_binds t) (ty_args t) (ty_refts t)
strengthenResult :: Var -> SpecType
strengthenResult v
| isBool res
fromRTypeRep $ rep{ty_res = res `strengthen` r , ty_binds = xs}
| otherwise
fromRTypeRep $ rep{ty_res = res `strengthen` r', ty_binds = xs}
rep = toRTypeRep t
res = ty_res rep
xs = intSymbol (symbol ("x" :: String)) <$> [1..length $ ty_binds rep]
r' = MkUReft (exprReft (mkEApp f (mkA <$> vxs))) mempty mempty
r = MkUReft (propReft (mkEApp f (mkA <$> vxs))) mempty mempty
vxs = dropWhile (isClassType . snd) $ zip xs (ty_args rep)
f = dummyLoc $ symbol v
t = (ofType $ varType v) :: SpecType
mkA = EVar . fst
strengthenResult' :: Var -> SpecType
strengthenResult' v
| isBool $ ty_res $ toRTypeRep t
= go mkProp [] [1..] t
| otherwise
= go mkExpr [] [1..] t
where f = dummyLoc $ symbol v
t = (ofType $ varType v) :: SpecType
go f args i (RAllT a t)
= RAllT a $ go f args i t
go f args i (RAllP p t)
= RAllP p $ go f args i t
go f args i (RFun x t1 t2 r)
| isClassType t1
= RFun x t1 (go f args i t2) r
go f args i t@(RFun _ t1 t2 r)
| hasRApps t
= let x' = intSymbol (symbol ("x" :: String)) (head i)
in RFun x' t1 (go f (x':args) (tail i) t2) r
go f args _ t
= t `strengthen` f args
hasRApps (RApp {}) = True
hasRApps (RFun _ t1 t2 _) = hasRApps t1 || hasRApps t2
hasRApps _ = False
mkExpr xs = MkUReft (exprReft $ mkEApp f (EVar <$> reverse xs)) mempty mempty
mkProp xs = MkUReft (propReft $ mkEApp f (EVar <$> reverse xs)) mempty mempty
type LogicM = ExceptT Error (StateT LState Identity)
data LState = LState
{ lsSymMap :: LogicMap
, lsError :: String -> Error
, lsEmb :: TCEmb TyCon
, lsBools :: [Var]
, lsDCMap :: DataConMap
throw :: String -> LogicM a
throw str = do
fmkError <- lsError <$> get
throwError $ fmkError str
getState :: LogicM LState
getState = get
:: TCEmb TyCon -> LogicMap -> DataConMap -> (String -> Error)
-> LogicM t -> Either Error t
runToLogic = runToLogicWithBoolBinds []
:: [Var] -> TCEmb TyCon -> LogicMap -> DataConMap -> (String -> Error)
-> LogicM t -> Either Error t
runToLogicWithBoolBinds xs tce lmap dm ferror m
= evalState (runExceptT m) $ LState
{ lsSymMap = lmap
, lsError = ferror
, lsEmb = tce
, lsBools = xs
, lsDCMap = dm
coreToDef :: Reftable r => LocSymbol -> Var -> C.CoreExpr
-> LogicM [Def (Located (RRType r)) DataCon]
coreToDef x _ e = go [] $ inline_preds $ simplify e
go args (C.Lam x e) = go (x:args) e
go args (C.Tick _ e) = go args e
go args (C.Case _ _ t alts)
| eqType t boolTy = mapM (goalt_prop (reverse $ tail args) (head args)) alts
| otherwise = mapM (goalt (reverse $ tail args) (head args)) alts
go _ _ = throw "Measure Functions should have a case at top level"
goalt args dx (C.DataAlt d, xs, e)
= Def x (toArgs id args) d (Just $ varRType dx) (toArgs Just xs) . E
<$> coreToLg e
goalt _ _ alt
= throw $ "Bad alternative" ++ showPpr alt
goalt_prop args dx (C.DataAlt d, xs, e)
= Def x (toArgs id args) d (Just $ varRType dx) (toArgs Just xs) . P
<$> coreToLg e
goalt_prop _ _ alt
= throw $ "Bad alternative" ++ showPpr alt
toArgs f args = [(symbol x, f $ varRType x) | x <- args]
inline_preds = inline (eqType boolTy . varType)
varRType :: (Reftable r) => Var -> Located (RRType r)
varRType = varLocInfo ofType
coreToFun :: LocSymbol -> Var -> C.CoreExpr -> LogicM ([Var], Either Expr Expr)
coreToFun _ _v e = go [] $ normalize e
go acc (C.Lam x e) | isTyVar x = go acc e
go acc (C.Lam x e) | isErasable x = go acc e
go acc (C.Lam x e) = go (x:acc) e
go acc (C.Tick _ e) = go acc e
go acc e = (reverse acc,) . Right <$> coreToLg e
instance Show C.CoreExpr where
show = showPpr
coreToLogic :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM Expr
coreToLogic cb = coreToLg (normalize cb)
coreToLg :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM Expr
coreToLg (C.Let b e)
= subst1 <$> coreToLg e <*> makesub b
coreToLg (C.Tick _ e)
= coreToLg e
coreToLg (C.App (C.Var v) e)
| ignoreVar v
= coreToLg e
coreToLg (C.Var x)
| x == falseDataConId
= return PFalse
| x == trueDataConId
= return PTrue
| otherwise
= (lsSymMap <$> getState) >>= eVarWithMap x
coreToLg e@(C.App _ _)
= toPredApp e
coreToLg (C.Case e b _ alts) | eqType (varType b) boolTy
= checkBoolAlts alts >>= coreToIte e
coreToLg (C.Lam x e)
= do p <- coreToLg e
tce <- lsEmb <$> getState
return $ ELam (symbol x, typeSort tce (varType x)) p
coreToLg (C.Case e b _ alts)
= do p <- coreToLg e
casesToLg b p alts
coreToLg (C.Lit l)
= case mkLit l of
Nothing -> throw $ "Bad Literal in measure definition" ++ showPpr l
Just i -> return i
coreToLg e
= throw ("Cannot transform to Logic:\t" ++ showPpr e)
checkBoolAlts :: [C.CoreAlt] -> LogicM (C.CoreExpr, C.CoreExpr)
checkBoolAlts [(C.DataAlt false, [], efalse), (C.DataAlt true, [], etrue)]
| false == falseDataCon, true == trueDataCon
= return (efalse, etrue)
checkBoolAlts [(C.DataAlt true, [], etrue), (C.DataAlt false, [], efalse)]
| false == falseDataCon, true == trueDataCon
= return (efalse, etrue)
checkBoolAlts alts
= throw ("checkBoolAlts failed on " ++ showPpr alts)
casesToLg :: Var -> Expr -> [C.CoreAlt] -> LogicM Expr
casesToLg v e alts
= mapM (altToLg e) alts >>= go
go :: [(DataCon, Expr)] -> LogicM Expr
go [(_,p)] = return (p `subst1` su)
go ((d,p):dps) = do c <- checkDataCon d e
e' <- go dps
return (EIte c p e' `subst1` su)
go [] = throw "Bah"
su = (symbol v, e)
checkDataCon :: DataCon -> Expr -> LogicM Expr
checkDataCon d e
= return $ EApp (EVar $ makeDataConChecker d) e
altToLg :: Expr -> C.CoreAlt -> LogicM (DataCon, Expr)
altToLg de (C.DataAlt d, xs, e)
= do p <- coreToLg e
dm <- gets lsDCMap
let su = mkSubst $ concat [ f dm x i | (x, i) <- zip xs [1..]]
return (d, subst su p)
f dm x i = let t = EApp (EVar $ makeDataConSelector (Just dm) d i) de
in [(symbol x, t), (simplesymbol x, t)]
altToLg _ (C.LitAlt _, _, _)
= throw "altToLg on Lit"
altToLg _ (C.DEFAULT, _, _)
= throw "altToLg on Default"
coreToIte :: C.CoreExpr -> (C.CoreExpr, C.CoreExpr) -> LogicM Expr
coreToIte e (efalse, etrue)
= do p <- coreToLg e
e1 <- coreToLg efalse
e2 <- coreToLg etrue
return $ EIte p e2 e1
toPredApp :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM Expr
toPredApp p = go . mapFst opSym . splitArgs $ p
opSym = fmap dropModuleNames . tomaybesymbol
go (Just f, [e1, e2])
| Just rel <- M.lookup f brels
= PAtom rel <$> coreToLg e1 <*> coreToLg e2
go (Just f, [e])
| f == symbol ("not" :: String)
= PNot <$> coreToLg e
go (Just f, [e1, e2])
| f == symbol ("||" :: String)
= POr <$> mapM coreToLg [e1, e2]
| f == symbol ("&&" :: String)
= PAnd <$> mapM coreToLg [e1, e2]
| f == symbol ("==>" :: String)
= PImp <$> coreToLg e1 <*> coreToLg e2
go (Just f, es)
| f == symbol ("or" :: String)
= POr <$> mapM coreToLg es
| f == symbol ("and" :: String)
= PAnd <$> mapM coreToLg es
go (_, _)
= toLogicApp p
toLogicApp :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM Expr
toLogicApp e = do
let (f, es) = splitArgs e
case f of
C.Var _ -> do args <- mapM coreToLg es
lmap <- lsSymMap <$> getState
def <- (`mkEApp` args) <$> tosymbol f
((\x -> makeApp def lmap x args) <$> (tosymbol' f))
_ -> do (fe : args) <- mapM coreToLg (f:es)
return $ foldl EApp fe args
makeApp :: Expr -> LogicMap -> Located Symbol-> [Expr] -> Expr
makeApp _ _ f [e] | val f == symbol ("GHC.Num.negate" :: String)
= ENeg e
makeApp _ _ f [e1, e2] | Just op <- M.lookup (val f) bops
= EBin op e1 e2
makeApp def lmap f es
= eAppWithMap lmap f es def
eVarWithMap :: Id -> LogicMap -> LogicM Expr
eVarWithMap x lmap = do
f' <- tosymbol' (C.Var x :: C.CoreExpr)
return $ eAppWithMap lmap f' [] (varExpr x)
varExpr :: Var -> Expr
varExpr x
| isPolyCst t = mkEApp (dummyLoc s) []
| otherwise = EVar s
t = varType x
s = symbol x
isPolyCst :: Type -> Bool
isPolyCst (ForAllTy _ t) = isCst t
isPolyCst _ = False
isCst :: Type -> Bool
isCst (ForAllTy _ t) = isCst t
isCst (FunTy _ _) = False
isCst _ = True
brels :: M.HashMap Symbol Brel
brels = M.fromList [ (symbol ("==" :: String), Eq)
, (symbol ("/=" :: String), Ne)
, (symbol (">=" :: String), Ge)
, (symbol (">" :: String) , Gt)
, (symbol ("<=" :: String), Le)
, (symbol ("<" :: String) , Lt)
bops :: M.HashMap Symbol Bop
bops = M.fromList [ (numSymbol "+", Plus)
, (numSymbol "-", Minus)
, (numSymbol "*", Times)
, (numSymbol "/", Div)
, (numSymbol "%", Mod)
numSymbol :: String -> Symbol
numSymbol = symbol . (++) "GHC.Num."
splitArgs :: C.Expr t -> (C.Expr t, [C.Arg t])
splitArgs e = (f, reverse es)
(f, es) = go e
go (C.App (C.Var i) e) | ignoreVar i = go e
go (C.App f (C.Var v)) | isErasable v = go f
go (C.App f e) = (f', e:es) where (f', es) = go f
go f = (f, [])
tomaybesymbol :: C.CoreExpr -> Maybe Symbol
tomaybesymbol (C.Var x) = Just $ symbol x
tomaybesymbol _ = Nothing
tosymbol :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM (Located Symbol)
tosymbol e
= case tomaybesymbol e of
Just x -> return $ dummyLoc x
_ -> throw ("Bad Measure Definition:\n" ++ showPpr e ++ "\t cannot be applied")
tosymbol' :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM (Located Symbol)
tosymbol' (C.Var x) = return $ dummyLoc $ symbol x
tosymbol' e = throw ("Bad Measure Definition:\n" ++ showPpr e ++ "\t cannot be applied")
makesub :: C.CoreBind -> LogicM (Symbol, Expr)
makesub (C.NonRec x e) = (symbol x,) <$> coreToLg e
makesub _ = throw "Cannot make Logical Substitution of Recursive Definitions"
mkLit :: Literal -> Maybe Expr
mkLit (MachInt n) = mkI n
mkLit (MachInt64 n) = mkI n
mkLit (MachWord n) = mkI n
mkLit (MachWord64 n) = mkI n
mkLit (MachFloat n) = mkR n
mkLit (MachDouble n) = mkR n
mkLit (LitInteger n _) = mkI n
mkLit (MachStr s) = mkS s
mkLit _ = Nothing
mkI :: Integer -> Maybe Expr
mkI = Just . ECon . I
mkR :: Rational -> Maybe Expr
mkR = Just . ECon . F.R . fromRational
mkS :: ByteString -> Maybe Expr
mkS = Just . ESym . SL . decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
ignoreVar :: Id -> Bool
ignoreVar i = simpleSymbolVar i `elem` ["I#"]
_simpleSymbolVar' :: Id -> Symbol
_simpleSymbolVar' = simplesymbol
isErasable :: Id -> Bool
isErasable v = isPrefixOfSym (symbol ("$" :: String)) (simpleSymbolVar v)
isANF :: Id -> Bool
isANF v = isPrefixOfSym (symbol ("lq_anf" :: String)) (simpleSymbolVar v)
isDead :: Id -> Bool
isDead = isDeadOcc . occInfo . Var.idInfo
class Simplify a where
simplify :: a -> a
inline :: (Id -> Bool) -> a -> a
normalize :: a -> a
normalize = inline_preds . inline_anf . simplify
inline_preds = inline (eqType boolTy . varType)
inline_anf = inline isANF
instance Simplify C.CoreExpr where
simplify e@(C.Var _)
= e
simplify e@(C.Lit _)
= e
simplify (C.App e (C.Type _))
= simplify e
simplify (C.App e (C.Var dict)) | isErasable dict
= simplify e
simplify (C.App (C.Lam x e) _) | isDead x
= simplify e
simplify (C.App e1 e2)
= C.App (simplify e1) (simplify e2)
simplify (C.Lam x e) | isTyVar x
= simplify e
simplify (C.Lam x e) | isErasable x
= simplify e
simplify (C.Lam x e)
= C.Lam x (simplify e)
simplify (C.Let (C.NonRec x _) e) | isErasable x
= simplify e
simplify (C.Let (C.Rec xes) e) | all (isErasable . fst) xes
= simplify e
simplify (C.Let xes e)
= C.Let (simplify xes) (simplify e)
simplify (C.Case e x t alts)
= C.Case (simplify e) x t (filter (not . isUndefined) (simplify <$> alts))
simplify (C.Cast e _)
= simplify e
simplify (C.Tick _ e)
= simplify e
simplify (C.Coercion c)
= C.Coercion c
simplify (C.Type t)
= C.Type t
inline p (C.Let (C.NonRec x ex) e) | p x
= sub (M.singleton x (inline p ex)) (inline p e)
inline p (C.Let xes e) = C.Let (inline p xes) (inline p e)
inline p (C.App e1 e2) = C.App (inline p e1) (inline p e2)
inline p (C.Lam x e) = C.Lam x (inline p e)
inline p (C.Case e x t alts) = C.Case (inline p e) x t (inline p <$> alts)
inline p (C.Cast e c) = C.Cast (inline p e) c
inline p (C.Tick t e) = C.Tick t (inline p e)
inline _ (C.Var x) = C.Var x
inline _ (C.Lit l) = C.Lit l
inline _ (C.Coercion c) = C.Coercion c
inline _ (C.Type t) = C.Type t
isUndefined :: (t, t1, C.Expr t2) -> Bool
isUndefined (_, _, e) = isUndefinedExpr e
isUndefinedExpr (C.App (C.Var x) _) | (show x) `elem` perrors = True
isUndefinedExpr (C.Let _ e) = isUndefinedExpr e
isUndefinedExpr _ = False
perrors = ["Control.Exception.Base.patError"]
instance Simplify C.CoreBind where
simplify (C.NonRec x e) = C.NonRec x (simplify e)
simplify (C.Rec xes) = C.Rec (mapSnd simplify <$> xes )
inline p (C.NonRec x e) = C.NonRec x (inline p e)
inline p (C.Rec xes) = C.Rec (mapSnd (inline p) <$> xes)
instance Simplify C.CoreAlt where
simplify (c, xs, e) = (c, xs, simplify e)
inline p (c, xs, e) = (c, xs, inline p e)