module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Liquid (
, runLiquid
, MbEnv
) where
import Prelude hiding (error)
import Data.Bifunctor
import System.Exit
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import CoreSyn
import HscTypes (SourceError)
import GHC (HscEnv)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Verbosity (whenLoud, whenNormal)
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.DiffCheck as DC
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import Language.Fixpoint.Solver
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType (applySolution)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Errors
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.CmdLine
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Tidy
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc (showCBs)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Interface
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Generate
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.ToFixpoint
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Types
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Model
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Annotate (mkOutput)
type MbEnv = Maybe HscEnv
liquid :: [String] -> IO b
liquid args = getOpts args >>= runLiquid Nothing >>= exitWith . fst
runLiquid :: MbEnv -> Config -> IO (ExitCode, MbEnv)
runLiquid mE cfg = do
z <- actOrDie $ second Just <$> getGhcInfos mE cfg (files cfg)
case z of
Left e -> do
exitWithResult cfg (files cfg) $ mempty { o_result = e }
return (resultExit e, mE)
Right (gs, mE') -> do
d <- checkMany cfg mempty gs
return (ec d, mE')
ec = resultExit . o_result
checkMany :: Config -> Output Doc -> [GhcInfo] -> IO (Output Doc)
checkMany cfg d (g:gs) = do
d' <- checkOne cfg g
checkMany cfg (d `mappend` d') gs
checkMany _ d [] =
return d
checkOne :: Config -> GhcInfo -> IO (Output Doc)
checkOne cfg g = do
z <- actOrDie $ liquidOne g
case z of
Left e -> exitWithResult cfg [target g] $ mempty { o_result = e }
Right r -> return r
actOrDie :: IO a -> IO (Either ErrorResult a)
actOrDie act =
(Right <$> act)
`Ex.catch` (\(e :: SourceError) -> handle e)
`Ex.catch` (\(e :: Error) -> handle e)
`Ex.catch` (\(e :: UserError) -> handle e)
`Ex.catch` (\(e :: [Error]) -> handle e)
handle :: (Result a) => a -> IO (Either ErrorResult b)
handle = return . Left . result
liquidOne :: GhcInfo -> IO (Output Doc)
liquidOne info = do
whenNormal $ donePhase Loud "Extracted Core using GHC"
let cfg = getConfig info
let tgt = target info
let cbs' = cbs info
whenNormal $ donePhase Loud "Transformed Core"
whenLoud $ do donePhase Loud "transformRecExpr"
putStrLn "*************** Transform Rec Expr CoreBinds *****************"
putStrLn $ showCBs (untidyCore cfg) cbs'
edcs <- newPrune cfg cbs' tgt info
out' <- liquidQueries cfg tgt info edcs
DC.saveResult tgt out'
exitWithResult cfg [tgt] out'
newPrune :: Config -> [CoreBind] -> FilePath -> GhcInfo -> IO (Either [CoreBind] [DC.DiffCheck])
newPrune cfg cbs tgt info
| not (null vs) = return . Right $ [DC.thin cbs sp vs]
| timeBinds cfg = return . Right $ [DC.thin cbs sp [v] | v <- exportedVars info ]
| diffcheck cfg = maybeEither cbs <$> DC.slice tgt cbs sp
| otherwise = return (Left cbs)
vs = gsTgtVars sp
sp = spec info
maybeEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a [b]
maybeEither d Nothing = Left d
maybeEither _ (Just x) = Right [x]
liquidQueries :: Config -> FilePath -> GhcInfo -> Either [CoreBind] [DC.DiffCheck] -> IO (Output Doc)
liquidQueries cfg tgt info (Left cbs')
= liquidQuery cfg tgt info (Left cbs')
liquidQueries cfg tgt info (Right dcs)
= mconcat <$> mapM (liquidQuery cfg tgt info . Right) dcs
liquidQuery :: Config -> FilePath -> GhcInfo -> Either [CoreBind] DC.DiffCheck -> IO (Output Doc)
liquidQuery cfg tgt info edc = do
when False (dumpCs cgi)
out <- timedAction names $ solveCs cfg tgt cgi info' names
return $ mconcat [oldOut, out]
cgi = generateConstraints $! info' {cbs = cbs''}
cbs'' = either id DC.newBinds edc
info' = either (const info) (\z -> info {spec = DC.newSpec z}) edc
names = either (const Nothing) (Just . map show . DC.checkedVars) edc
oldOut = either (const mempty) DC.oldOutput edc
dumpCs :: CGInfo -> IO ()
dumpCs cgi = do
putStrLn "***************************** SubCs *******************************"
putStrLn $ render $ pprintMany (hsCs cgi)
putStrLn "***************************** FixCs *******************************"
putStrLn $ render $ pprintMany (fixCs cgi)
putStrLn "***************************** WfCs ********************************"
putStrLn $ render $ pprintMany (hsWfs cgi)
pprintMany :: (PPrint a) => [a] -> Doc
pprintMany xs = vcat [ F.pprint x $+$ text " " | x <- xs ]
instance Show Cinfo where
show = show . F.toFix
solveCs :: Config -> FilePath -> CGInfo -> GhcInfo -> Maybe [String] -> IO (Output Doc)
solveCs cfg tgt cgi info names = do
finfo <- cgInfoFInfo info cgi
F.Result r sol _ <- solve (fixConfig tgt cfg) finfo
let resErr = applySolution sol . cinfoError . snd <$> r
resModel_ <- fmap (e2u sol) <$> getModels info cfg resErr
let resModel = resModel_ `addErrors` (e2u sol <$> logErrors cgi)
let out0 = mkOutput cfg resModel sol (annotMap cgi)
return $ out0 { o_vars = names }
{ o_result = resModel }
e2u :: F.FixSolution -> Error -> UserError
e2u s = fmap F.pprint . tidyError s