module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Generate ( generateConstraints ) where
import Outputable (Outputable)
import Prelude hiding (error, undefined)
import GHC.Stack
import CoreUtils (exprType)
import MkCore
import Coercion
import DataCon
import Pair
import CoreSyn
import SrcLoc hiding (Located)
import Type
import VarEnv (mkRnEnv2, emptyInScopeSet)
import TyCon
import CoAxiom
import PrelNames
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.TypeRep
import Class (className)
import Var
import IdInfo
import Name hiding (varName)
import FastString (fastStringToByteString)
import Unify
import UniqSet (mkUniqSet)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding (first)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes, fromJust, isJust)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Fresh
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Init
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Env
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Split
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Dictionaries
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Resugar as Rs
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.SpanStack as Sp
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types hiding (binds, Loc, loc, freeTyVars, Def)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Names (anyTypeSymbol)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Strata
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.PredType hiding (freeTyVars)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc ( isInternal, collectArguments, tickSrcSpan, showPpr )
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Literals
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Types
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Constraint
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Transforms.Rec
generateConstraints :: GhcInfo -> CGInfo
generateConstraints info = execState act $ initCGI cfg info
act = consAct cfg info
cfg = getConfig info
consAct :: Config -> GhcInfo -> CG ()
consAct cfg info = do
γ <- initEnv info
sflag <- scheck <$> get
when (gradual cfg) (mapM_ (addW . WfC γ . val . snd) (gsTySigs (spec info) ++ gsAsmSigs (spec info)))
foldM_ (consCBTop cfg info) γ (cbs info)
hcs <- hsCs <$> get
hws <- hsWfs <$> get
scss <- sCs <$> get
annot <- annotMap <$> get
scs <- if sflag then concat <$> mapM splitS (hcs ++ scss)
else return []
let smap = if sflag then solveStrata scs else []
let hcs' = if sflag then subsS smap hcs else hcs
fcs <- concat <$> mapM splitC (subsS smap hcs')
fws <- concat <$> mapM splitW hws
let annot' = if sflag then subsS smap <$> annot else annot
modify $ \st -> st { fEnv = feEnv (fenv γ)
, cgLits = litEnv γ
, cgConsts = (cgConsts st) `mappend` (constEnv γ)
, fixCs = fcs
, fixWfs = fws
, annotMap = annot' }
makeDecrIndex :: (Var, Template SpecType, [Var]) -> CG [Int]
makeDecrIndex (x, Assumed t, args)
= do dindex <- makeDecrIndexTy x t args
case dindex of
Left _ -> return []
Right i -> return i
makeDecrIndex (x, Asserted t, args)
= do dindex <- makeDecrIndexTy x t args
case dindex of
Left msg -> addWarning msg >> return []
Right i -> return i
makeDecrIndex _ = return []
makeDecrIndexTy :: Var -> SpecType -> [Var] -> CG (Either (TError t) [Int])
makeDecrIndexTy x t args
= do spDecr <- specDecr <$> get
autosz <- autoSize <$> get
hint <- checkHint' autosz (L.lookup x $ spDecr)
case dindex autosz of
Nothing -> return $ Left msg
Just i -> return $ Right $ fromMaybe [i] hint
ts = ty_args trep
tvs = zip ts args
checkHint' = \autosz -> checkHint x ts (isDecreasing autosz cenv)
dindex = \autosz -> L.findIndex (p autosz) tvs
p autosz (t, v) = isDecreasing autosz cenv t && not (isIdTRecBound v)
msg = ErrTermin (getSrcSpan x) [F.pprint x] (text "No decreasing parameter")
cenv = makeNumEnv ts
trep = toRTypeRep $ unOCons t
recType :: F.Symbolic a
=> S.HashSet TyCon
-> (([a], [Int]), (t, [Int], SpecType))
-> SpecType
recType _ ((_, []), (_, [], t))
= t
recType autoenv ((vs, indexc), (_, index, t))
= makeRecType autoenv t v dxt index
where v = (vs !!) <$> indexc
dxt = (xts !!) <$> index
xts = zip (ty_binds trep) (ty_args trep)
trep = toRTypeRep $ unOCons t
checkIndex :: (NamedThing t, PPrint t, PPrint [a])
=> (t, [a], Template (RType c tv r), [Int])
-> CG [Maybe (RType c tv r)]
checkIndex (x, vs, t, index)
= do mapM_ (safeLogIndex msg1 vs) index
mapM (safeLogIndex msg2 ts) index
loc = getSrcSpan x
ts = ty_args $ toRTypeRep $ unOCons $ unTemplate t
msg1 = ErrTermin loc [xd] ("No decreasing" <+> F.pprint index <> "-th argument on" <+> xd <+> "with" <+> (F.pprint vs))
msg2 = ErrTermin loc [xd] "No decreasing parameter"
xd = F.pprint x
makeRecType :: (Enum a1, Eq a1, Num a1, F.Symbolic a)
=> S.HashSet TyCon
-> SpecType
-> [a]
-> [(F.Symbol, SpecType)]
-> [a1]
-> SpecType
makeRecType autoenv t vs dxs is
= mergecondition t $ fromRTypeRep $ trep {ty_binds = xs', ty_args = ts'}
(xs', ts') = unzip $ replaceN (last is) (makeDecrType autoenv vdxs) xts
vdxs = zip vs dxs
xts = zip (ty_binds trep) (ty_args trep)
trep = toRTypeRep $ unOCons t
unOCons :: RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
unOCons (RAllT v t) = RAllT v $ unOCons t
unOCons (RAllP p t) = RAllP p $ unOCons t
unOCons (RFun x tx t r) = RFun x (unOCons tx) (unOCons t) r
unOCons (RRTy _ _ OCons t) = unOCons t
unOCons t = t
mergecondition :: RType c tv r -> RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
mergecondition (RAllT _ t1) (RAllT v t2)
= RAllT v $ mergecondition t1 t2
mergecondition (RAllP _ t1) (RAllP p t2)
= RAllP p $ mergecondition t1 t2
mergecondition (RRTy xts r OCons t1) t2
= RRTy xts r OCons (mergecondition t1 t2)
mergecondition (RFun _ t11 t12 _) (RFun x2 t21 t22 r2)
= RFun x2 (mergecondition t11 t21) (mergecondition t12 t22) r2
mergecondition _ t
= t
safeLogIndex :: Error -> [a] -> Int -> CG (Maybe a)
safeLogIndex err ls n
| n >= length ls = addWarning err >> return Nothing
| otherwise = return $ Just $ ls !! n
checkHint :: (NamedThing a, PPrint a, PPrint [a1])
=> a -> [a1] -> (a1 -> Bool) -> Maybe [Int] -> CG (Maybe [Int])
checkHint _ _ _ Nothing
= return Nothing
checkHint x _ _ (Just ns) | L.sort ns /= ns
= addWarning (ErrTermin loc [dx] (text "The hints should be increasing")) >> return Nothing
loc = getSrcSpan x
dx = F.pprint x
checkHint x ts f (Just ns)
= (mapM (checkValidHint x ts f) ns) >>= (return . Just . catMaybes)
checkValidHint :: (NamedThing a, PPrint a, PPrint [a1])
=> a -> [a1] -> (a1 -> Bool) -> Int -> CG (Maybe Int)
checkValidHint x ts f n
| n < 0 || n >= length ts = addWarning err >> return Nothing
| f (ts L.!! n) = return $ Just n
| otherwise = addWarning err >> return Nothing
err = ErrTermin loc [xd] (vcat [ "Invalid Hint" <+> F.pprint (n+1) <+> "for" <+> xd
, "in"
, F.pprint ts ])
loc = getSrcSpan x
xd = F.pprint x
consCBLet :: CGEnv -> CoreBind -> CG CGEnv
consCBLet γ cb = do
oldtcheck <- tcheck <$> get
lazyVars <- specLazy <$> get
let isStr = doTermCheck lazyVars cb
modify $ \s -> s { tcheck = oldtcheck && isStr }
γ' <- consCB (oldtcheck && isStr) isStr γ cb
modify $ \s -> s{tcheck = oldtcheck}
return γ'
consCBTop :: Config -> GhcInfo -> CGEnv -> CoreBind -> CG CGEnv
consCBTop cfg info γ cb
| all (trustVar cfg info) xs
= foldM addB γ xs
xs = bindersOf cb
tt = trueTy . varType
addB γ x = tt x >>= (\t -> γ += ("derived", F.symbol x, t))
consCBTop _ _ γ cb
= do oldtcheck <- tcheck <$> get
lazyVars <- specLazy <$> get
let isStr = doTermCheck lazyVars cb
modify $ \s -> s { tcheck = oldtcheck && isStr}
let (γ', i) = removeInvariant γ cb
γ'' <- consCB (oldtcheck && isStr) isStr (γ'{cgVar = topBind cb}) cb
modify $ \s -> s { tcheck = oldtcheck}
return $ restoreInvariant γ'' i
topBind (NonRec v _) = Just v
topBind (Rec [(v,_)]) = Just v
topBind _ = Nothing
trustVar :: Config -> GhcInfo -> Var -> Bool
trustVar cfg info x = trustInternals cfg && derivedVar info x
derivedVar :: GhcInfo -> Var -> Bool
derivedVar info x = x `elem` derVars info || isInternal x
doTermCheck :: S.HashSet Var -> Bind Var -> Bool
doTermCheck lazyVs = not . any (\x -> S.member x lazyVs || isInternal x) . bindersOf
consCBSizedTys :: CGEnv -> [(Var, CoreExpr)] -> CG CGEnv
consCBSizedTys γ xes
= do xets'' <- forM xes $ \(x, e) -> liftM (x, e,) (varTemplate γ (x, Just e))
sflag <- scheck <$> get
autoenv <- autoSize <$> get
let cmakeFinType = if sflag then makeFinType else id
let cmakeFinTy = if sflag then makeFinTy else snd
let xets = mapThd3 (fmap cmakeFinType) <$> xets''
ts' <- mapM (T.mapM refreshArgs) $ (thd3 <$> xets)
let vs = zipWith collectArgs ts' es
is <- mapM makeDecrIndex (zip3 xs ts' vs) >>= checkSameLens
let ts = cmakeFinTy <$> zip is ts'
let xeets = (\vis -> [(vis, x) | x <- zip3 xs is $ map unTemplate ts]) <$> (zip vs is)
(L.transpose <$> mapM checkIndex (zip4 xs vs ts is)) >>= checkEqTypes
let rts = (recType autoenv <$>) <$> xeets
let xts = zip xs ts
γ' <- foldM extender γ xts
let γs = zipWith makeRecInvariants [γ' `setTRec` zip xs rts' | rts' <- rts] (filter (not . isClassPred . varType) <$> vs)
let xets' = zip3 xs es ts
mapM_ (uncurry $ consBind True) (zip γs xets')
return γ'
(xs, es) = unzip xes
dxs = F.pprint <$> xs
collectArgs = collectArguments . length . ty_binds . toRTypeRep . unOCons . unTemplate
checkEqTypes :: [[Maybe SpecType]] -> CG [[SpecType]]
checkEqTypes x = mapM (checkAll err1 toRSort) (catMaybes <$> x)
checkSameLens = checkAll err2 length
err1 = ErrTermin loc dxs $ text "The decreasing parameters should be of same type"
err2 = ErrTermin loc dxs $ text "All Recursive functions should have the same number of decreasing parameters"
loc = getSrcSpan (head xs)
checkAll _ _ [] = return []
checkAll err f (x:xs)
| all (==(f x)) (f <$> xs) = return (x:xs)
| otherwise = addWarning err >> return []
consCBWithExprs :: CGEnv
-> [(Var, CoreExpr)]
-> CG CGEnv
consCBWithExprs γ xes
= do xets' <- forM xes $ \(x, e) -> liftM (x, e,) (varTemplate γ (x, Just e))
texprs <- termExprs <$> get
let xtes = catMaybes $ (`lookup` texprs) <$> xs
sflag <- scheck <$> get
let cmakeFinType = if sflag then makeFinType else id
let xets = mapThd3 (fmap cmakeFinType) <$> xets'
let ts = safeFromAsserted err . thd3 <$> xets
ts' <- mapM refreshArgs ts
let xts = zip xs (Asserted <$> ts')
γ' <- foldM extender γ xts
let γs = makeTermEnvs γ' xtes xes ts ts'
let xets' = zip3 xs es (Asserted <$> ts')
mapM_ (uncurry $ consBind True) (zip γs xets')
return γ'
where (xs, es) = unzip xes
lookup k m | Just x <- M.lookup k m = Just (k, x)
| otherwise = Nothing
err = "Constant: consCBWithExprs"
makeFinTy :: (Eq a, Functor f, Num a, Foldable t)
=> (t a, f SpecType)
-> f SpecType
makeFinTy (ns, t) = fmap go t
go t = fromRTypeRep $ trep {ty_args = args'}
trep = toRTypeRep t
args' = mapNs ns makeFinType $ ty_args trep
makeTermEnvs :: CGEnv -> [(Var, [F.Located F.Expr])] -> [(Var, CoreExpr)]
-> [SpecType] -> [SpecType]
-> [CGEnv]
makeTermEnvs γ xtes xes ts ts' = setTRec γ . zip xs <$> rts
vs = zipWith collectArgs ts es
ys = (fst4 . bkArrowDeep) <$> ts
ys' = (fst4 . bkArrowDeep) <$> ts'
sus' = zipWith mkSub ys ys'
sus = zipWith mkSub ys ((F.symbol <$>) <$> vs)
ess = (\x -> (safeFromJust (err x) $ (x `L.lookup` xtes))) <$> xs
tes = zipWith (\su es -> F.subst su <$> es) sus ess
tes' = zipWith (\su es -> F.subst su <$> es) sus' ess
rss = zipWith makeLexRefa tes' <$> (repeat <$> tes)
rts = zipWith (addObligation OTerm) ts' <$> rss
(xs, es) = unzip xes
mkSub ys ys' = F.mkSubst [(x, F.EVar y) | (x, y) <- zip ys ys']
collectArgs = collectArguments . length . ty_binds . toRTypeRep
err x = "Constant: makeTermEnvs: no terminating expression for " ++ showPpr x
addObligation :: Oblig -> SpecType -> RReft -> SpecType
addObligation o t r = mkArrow αs πs ls xts $ RRTy [] r o t2
(αs, πs, ls, t1) = bkUniv t
(xs, ts, rs, t2) = bkArrow t1
xts = zip3 xs ts rs
consCB :: Bool -> Bool -> CGEnv -> CoreBind -> CG CGEnv
consCB True _ γ (Rec xes)
= do texprs <- termExprs <$> get
modify $ \i -> i { recCount = recCount i + length xes }
let xxes = catMaybes $ (`lookup` texprs) <$> xs
if null xxes
then consCBSizedTys γ xes
else check xxes <$> consCBWithExprs γ xes
xs = fst $ unzip xes
check ys r | length ys == length xs = r
| otherwise = panic (Just loc) $ msg
msg = "Termination expressions must be provided for all mutually recursive binders"
loc = getSrcSpan (head xs)
lookup k m = (k,) <$> M.lookup k m
consCB _ False γ (Rec xes)
= do xets' <- forM xes $ \(x, e) -> (x, e,) <$> varTemplate γ (x, Just e)
sflag <- scheck <$> get
let cmakeDivType = if sflag then makeDivType else id
let xets = mapThd3 (fmap cmakeDivType) <$> xets'
modify $ \i -> i { recCount = recCount i + length xes }
let xts = [(x, to) | (x, _, to) <- xets]
γ' <- foldM extender (γ `setRecs` (fst <$> xts)) xts
mapM_ (consBind True γ') xets
return γ'
consCB _ _ γ (Rec xes)
= do xets <- forM xes $ \(x, e) -> liftM (x, e,) (varTemplate γ (x, Just e))
modify $ \i -> i { recCount = recCount i + length xes }
let xts = [(x, to) | (x, _, to) <- xets]
γ' <- foldM extender (γ `setRecs` (fst <$> xts)) xts
mapM_ (consBind True γ') xets
return γ'
consCB _ _ γ (NonRec x _) | isDictionary x
= do t <- trueTy (varType x)
extender γ (x, Assumed t)
isDictionary = isJust . dlookup (denv γ)
consCB _ _ γ (NonRec x def)
| Just (w, τ) <- grepDictionary def
, Just d <- dlookup (denv γ) w
= do t <- trueTy τ
addW $ WfC γ t
let xts = dmap (mapRISig (f t)) d
let γ' = γ { denv = dinsert (denv γ) x xts }
t <- trueTy (varType x)
extender γ' (x, Assumed t)
f t' (RAllT α te) = subsTyVar_meet' (ty_var_value α, t') te
f _ _ = impossible Nothing "consCB on Dictionary: this should not happen"
consCB _ _ γ (NonRec x e)
= do to <- varTemplate γ (x, Nothing)
to' <- consBind False γ (x, e, to) >>= (addPostTemplate γ)
extender γ (x, to')
grepDictionary :: CoreExpr -> Maybe (Var, Type)
grepDictionary (App (Var w) (Type t)) = Just (w, t)
grepDictionary (App e (Var _)) = grepDictionary e
grepDictionary _ = Nothing
consBind :: Bool
-> CGEnv
-> (Var, CoreExpr, Template SpecType)
-> CG (Template SpecType)
consBind _ _ (x, _, t)
| RecSelId {} <- idDetails x
= return t
consBind isRec γ (x, e, Asserted spect)
= do let γ' = γ `setBind` x
(_,πs,_,_) = bkUniv spect
γπ <- foldM addPToEnv γ' πs
cconsE γπ e spect
when (F.symbol x `elemHEnv` holes γ) $
addW $ WfC γπ $ fmap killSubst spect
addIdA x (defAnn isRec spect)
return $ Asserted spect
consBind isRec γ (x, e, Internal spect)
= do let γ' = γ `setBind` x
(_,πs,_,_) = bkUniv spect
γπ <- foldM addPToEnv γ' πs
let γπ' = γπ {cerr = Just $ ErrHMeas (getLocation γπ) (pprint x) (text explanation)}
cconsE γπ' e spect
when (F.symbol x `elemHEnv` holes γ) $
addW $ WfC γπ $ fmap killSubst spect
addIdA x (defAnn isRec spect)
return $ Internal spect
explanation = "Cannot give singleton type to the function definition."
consBind isRec γ (x, e, Assumed spect)
= do let γ' = γ `setBind` x
γπ <- foldM addPToEnv γ' πs
cconsE γπ e =<< true spect
addIdA x (defAnn isRec spect)
return $ Asserted spect
where πs = ty_preds $ toRTypeRep spect
consBind isRec γ (x, e, Unknown)
= do t' <- consE (γ `setBind` x) e
t <- topSpecType x t'
addIdA x (defAnn isRec t)
when (isExportedId x) (addKuts x t)
return $ Asserted t
killSubst :: RReft -> RReft
killSubst = fmap killSubstReft
killSubstReft :: F.Reft -> F.Reft
killSubstReft = trans kv () ()
kv = defaultVisitor { txExpr = ks }
ks _ (F.PKVar k _) = F.PKVar k mempty
ks _ p = p
defAnn :: Bool -> t -> Annot t
defAnn True = AnnRDf
defAnn False = AnnDef
addPToEnv :: CGEnv
-> PVar RSort -> CG CGEnv
addPToEnv γ π
= do γπ <- γ += ("addSpec1", pname π, pvarRType π)
foldM (+=) γπ [("addSpec2", x, ofRSort t) | (t, x, _) <- pargs π]
extender :: F.Symbolic a => CGEnv -> (a, Template SpecType) -> CG CGEnv
extender γ (x, Asserted t)
= case lookupREnv (F.symbol x) (assms γ) of
Just t' -> γ += ("extender", F.symbol x, t')
_ -> γ += ("extender", F.symbol x, t)
extender γ (x, Assumed t)
= γ += ("extender", F.symbol x, t)
extender γ _
= return γ
data Template a = Asserted a
| Assumed a
| Internal a
| Unknown
deriving (Functor, F.Foldable, T.Traversable)
deriving instance (Show a) => (Show (Template a))
unTemplate :: Template t -> t
unTemplate (Asserted t) = t
unTemplate (Assumed t) = t
unTemplate (Internal t) = t
unTemplate _ = panic Nothing "Constraint.Generate.unTemplate called on `Unknown`"
addPostTemplate :: CGEnv
-> Template SpecType
-> CG (Template SpecType)
addPostTemplate γ (Asserted t) = Asserted <$> addPost γ t
addPostTemplate γ (Assumed t) = Assumed <$> addPost γ t
addPostTemplate γ (Internal t) = Internal <$> addPost γ t
addPostTemplate _ Unknown = return Unknown
safeFromAsserted :: [Char] -> Template t -> t
safeFromAsserted _ (Asserted t) = t
safeFromAsserted msg _ = panic Nothing $ "safeFromAsserted:" ++ msg
varTemplate :: CGEnv -> (Var, Maybe CoreExpr) -> CG (Template SpecType)
varTemplate γ (x, eo) = varTemplate' γ (x, eo) >>= mapM (topSpecType x)
varTemplate' :: CGEnv -> (Var, Maybe CoreExpr) -> CG (Template SpecType)
varTemplate' γ (x, eo)
= case (eo, lookupREnv (F.symbol x) (grtys γ), lookupREnv (F.symbol x) (assms γ), lookupREnv (F.symbol x) (intys γ)) of
(_, Just t, _, _) -> Asserted <$> refreshArgsTop (x, t)
(_, _, _, Just t) -> Internal <$> refreshArgsTop (x, t)
(_, _, Just t, _) -> Assumed <$> refreshArgsTop (x, t)
(Just e, _, _, _) -> do t <- freshTy_expr (RecBindE x) e (exprType e)
addW (WfC γ t)
Asserted <$> refreshArgsTop (x, t)
(_, _, _, _) -> return Unknown
topSpecType :: Var -> SpecType -> CG SpecType
topSpecType x t = do
info <- ghcI <$> get
return $ if derivedVar info x then topRTypeBase t else t
cconsE :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> SpecType -> CG ()
cconsE g e t = do
cconsE' g e t
cconsE' :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> SpecType -> CG ()
cconsE' γ e t
| Just (Rs.PatSelfBind _x e') <- Rs.lift e
= cconsE' γ e' t
| Just (Rs.PatSelfRecBind x e') <- Rs.lift e
= let γ' = γ { grtys = insertREnv (F.symbol x) t (grtys γ)}
in void $ consCBLet γ' (Rec [(x, e')])
cconsE' γ e@(Let b@(NonRec x _) ee) t
= do sp <- specLVars <$> get
if (x `S.member` sp)
then cconsLazyLet γ e t
else do γ' <- consCBLet γ b
cconsE γ' ee t
cconsE' γ e (RAllP p t)
= cconsE γ' e t''
t' = replacePredsWithRefs su <$> t
su = (uPVar p, pVartoRConc p)
(css, t'') = splitConstraints t'
γ' = L.foldl' addConstraints γ css
cconsE' γ (Let b e) t
= do γ' <- consCBLet γ b
cconsE γ' e t
cconsE' γ (Case e x _ cases) t
= do γ' <- consCBLet γ (NonRec x e)
forM_ cases $ cconsCase (addArgument γ' x) x t nonDefAlts
nonDefAlts = [a | (a, _, _) <- cases, a /= DEFAULT]
_msg = "cconsE' #nonDefAlts = " ++ show (length (nonDefAlts))
cconsE' γ (Lam α e) (RAllT α' t) | isTyVar α
= do γ' <- updateEnvironment γ α
cconsE γ' e $ subsTyVar_meet' (ty_var_value α', rVar α) t
cconsE' γ (Lam x e) (RFun y ty t r)
| not (isTyVar x)
= do γ' <- γ += ("cconsE", x', ty)
cconsE (addArgument γ' x) e t'
addFunctionConstraint (addArgument γ x) x e (RFun x' ty t' r')
addIdA x (AnnDef ty)
x' = F.symbol x
t' = t `F.subst1` (y, F.EVar x')
r' = r `F.subst1` (y, F.EVar x')
cconsE' γ (Tick tt e) t
= cconsE (γ `setLocation` (Sp.Tick tt)) e t
cconsE' γ (Cast e co) t
| Just f <- isClassConCo co
= cconsE γ (f e) t
cconsE' γ e@(Cast e' c) t
= do t' <- castTy γ (exprType e) e' c
addC (SubC γ t' t) ("cconsE Cast: " ++ showPpr e)
cconsE' γ e t
= do te <- consE γ e
te' <- instantiatePreds γ e te >>= addPost γ
addC (SubC γ te' t) ("cconsE: " ++ showPpr e)
lambdaSingleton :: CGEnv -> F.TCEmb TyCon -> Var -> CoreExpr -> UReft F.Reft
lambdaSingleton γ tce x e
| higherOrderFlag γ, Just e' <- lamExpr γ e
= uTop $ F.exprReft $ F.ELam (F.symbol x, sx) e'
sx = typeSort tce $ varType x
lambdaSingleton _ _ _ _
= mempty
addFunctionConstraint :: CGEnv -> Var -> CoreExpr -> SpecType -> CG ()
addFunctionConstraint γ x e (RFun y ty t r)
= do ty' <- true ty
t' <- true t
let truet = RFun y ty' t'
case (lamExpr γ e, higherOrderFlag γ) of
(Just e', True) -> do tce <- tyConEmbed <$> get
let sx = typeSort tce $ varType x
let ref = uTop $ F.exprReft $ F.ELam (F.symbol x, sx) e'
addC (SubC γ (truet ref) $ truet r) "function constraint singleton"
_ -> addC (SubC γ (truet mempty) $ truet r) "function constraint true"
addFunctionConstraint γ _ _ _
= impossible (Just $ getLocation γ) "addFunctionConstraint: called on non function argument"
splitConstraints :: TyConable c
=> RType c tv r -> ([[(F.Symbol, RType c tv r)]], RType c tv r)
splitConstraints (RRTy cs _ OCons t)
= let (css, t') = splitConstraints t in (cs:css, t')
splitConstraints (RFun x tx@(RApp c _ _ _) t r) | isClass c
= let (css, t') = splitConstraints t in (css, RFun x tx t' r)
splitConstraints t
= ([], t)
instantiatePreds :: CGEnv
-> CoreExpr
-> SpecType
-> CG SpecType
instantiatePreds γ e (RAllP π t)
= do r <- freshPredRef γ e π
instantiatePreds γ e $ replacePreds "consE" t [(π, r)]
instantiatePreds _ _ t0
= return t0
instantiateStrata :: (F.Subable b, Freshable f Integer) => [F.Symbol] -> b -> f b
instantiateStrata ls t = substStrata t ls <$> mapM (\_ -> fresh) ls
substStrata :: F.Subable a => a -> [F.Symbol] -> [F.Symbol] -> a
substStrata t ls ls' = F.substa f t
f x = fromMaybe x $ L.lookup x su
su = zip ls ls'
cconsLazyLet :: CGEnv
-> CoreExpr
-> SpecType
-> CG ()
cconsLazyLet γ (Let (NonRec x ex) e) t
= do tx <- trueTy (varType x)
γ' <- (γ, "Let NonRec") +++= (x', ex, tx)
cconsE γ' e t
x' = F.symbol x
cconsLazyLet _ _ _
= panic Nothing "Constraint.Generate.cconsLazyLet called on invalid inputs"
consE :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> CG SpecType
consE γ e
| patternFlag γ
, Just p <- Rs.lift e
= consPattern γ p
consE γ e'@(App e@(Var x) (Type τ)) | M.member x (aenv γ)
= do RAllT α te <- checkAll ("Non-all TyApp with expr", e) γ <$> consE γ e
t <- if isGeneric (ty_var_value α) te then freshTy_type TypeInstE e τ else trueTy τ
addW $ WfC γ t
t' <- refreshVV t
tt <- instantiatePreds γ e' $ subsTyVar_meet' (ty_var_value α, t') te
return $ strengthenMeet tt (singletonReft (M.lookup x $ aenv γ) x)
consE γ (Var x)
= do t <- varRefType γ x
addLocA (Just x) (getLocation γ) (varAnn γ x t)
return t
consE _ (Lit c)
= refreshVV $ uRType $ literalFRefType c
consE γ e'@(App e a@(Type τ))
= do RAllT α te <- checkAll ("Non-all TyApp with expr", e) γ <$> consE γ e
t <- if isGeneric (ty_var_value α) te then freshTy_type TypeInstE e τ else trueTy τ
addW $ WfC γ t
t' <- refreshVV t
tt <- instantiatePreds γ e' (subsTyVar_meet' (ty_var_value α, t') te)
case rTVarToBind α of
Just (x, _) -> return $ maybe (checkUnbound γ e' x tt a) (F.subst1 tt . (x,)) (argType τ)
Nothing -> return tt
consE γ e'@(App e a) | isDictionary a
= if isJust tt
then return $ fromRISig $ fromJust tt
else do ([], πs, ls, te) <- bkUniv <$> consE γ e
te0 <- instantiatePreds γ e' $ foldr RAllP te πs
te' <- instantiateStrata ls te0
(γ', te''') <- dropExists γ te'
te'' <- dropConstraints γ te'''
updateLocA (exprLoc e) te''
let RFun x tx t _ = checkFun ("Non-fun App with caller ", e') γ te''
pushConsBind $ cconsE γ' a tx
addPost γ' $ maybe (checkUnbound γ' e' x t a) (F.subst1 t . (x,)) (argExpr γ a)
tt = dhasinfo dinfo $ grepfunname e
grepfunname (App x (Type _)) = grepfunname x
grepfunname (Var x) = x
grepfunname e = panic Nothing $ "grepfunname on \t" ++ showPpr e
isDictionary _ = isJust (mdict a)
mdict w = case w of
Var x -> case dlookup (denv γ) x of {Just _ -> Just x; Nothing -> Nothing}
Tick _ e -> mdict e
App a (Type _) -> mdict a
_ -> Nothing
dinfo = dlookup (denv γ) (fromJust (mdict a))
consE γ e'@(App e a)
= do ([], πs, ls, te) <- bkUniv <$> consE γ e
te0 <- instantiatePreds γ e' $ foldr RAllP te πs
te' <- instantiateStrata ls te0
(γ', te''') <- dropExists γ te'
te'' <- dropConstraints γ te'''
updateLocA (exprLoc e) te''
let RFun x tx t _ = checkFun ("Non-fun App with caller ", e') γ te''
pushConsBind $ cconsE γ' a tx
makeSingleton γ e' <$> (addPost γ' $ maybe (checkUnbound γ' e' x t a) (F.subst1 t . (x,)) (argExpr γ a))
consE γ (Lam α e) | isTyVar α
= do γ' <- updateEnvironment γ α
liftM (RAllT (makeRTVar $ rTyVar α)) (consE γ' e)
consE γ e@(Lam x e1)
= do tx <- freshTy_type LamE (Var x) τx
γ' <- γ += ("consE", F.symbol x, tx)
t1 <- consE γ' e1
addIdA x $ AnnDef tx
addW $ WfC γ tx
tce <- tyConEmbed <$> get
return $ RFun (F.symbol x) tx t1 $ lambdaSingleton (addArgument γ x) tce x e1
FunTy τx _ = exprType e
consE γ e@(Let _ _)
= cconsFreshE LetE γ e
consE γ e@(Case _ _ _ [_])
| Just p@(Rs.PatProject {}) <- Rs.lift e
= consPattern γ p
consE γ e@(Case _ _ _ cs)
= cconsFreshE (caseKVKind cs) γ e
consE γ (Tick tt e)
= do t <- consE (setLocation γ (Sp.Tick tt)) e
addLocA Nothing (tickSrcSpan tt) (AnnUse t)
return t
consE γ (Cast e co)
| Just f <- isClassConCo co
= consE γ (f e)
consE γ e@(Cast e' c)
= castTy γ (exprType e) e' c
consE _ e@(Coercion _)
= trueTy $ exprType e
consE _ e@(Type t)
= panic Nothing $ "consE cannot handle type " ++ showPpr (e, t)
caseKVKind ::[Alt Var] -> KVKind
caseKVKind [(DataAlt _, _, Var _)] = ProjectE
caseKVKind cs = CaseE (length cs)
updateEnvironment :: CGEnv -> TyVar -> CG CGEnv
updateEnvironment γ a
| isValKind (tyVarKind a)
= γ += ("varType", F.symbol $ varName a, kindToRType $ tyVarKind a)
| otherwise
= return γ
consPattern :: CGEnv -> Rs.Pattern -> CG SpecType
consPattern γ (Rs.PatBind e1 x e2 _ _ _ _ _) = do
tx <- checkMonad (msg, e1) γ <$> consE γ e1
γ' <- γ += ("consPattern", F.symbol x, tx)
addIdA x (AnnDef tx)
mt <- consE γ' e2
return mt
msg = "This expression has a refined monadic type; run with --no-pattern-inline: "
consPattern γ (Rs.PatReturn e m _ _ _) = do
t <- consE γ e
mt <- trueTy m
return $ RAppTy mt t mempty
consPattern γ (Rs.PatProject xe _ τ c ys i) = do
let yi = ys !! i
t <- (addW . WfC γ) <<= freshTy_type ProjectE (Var yi) τ
γ' <- caseEnv γ xe [] (DataAlt c) ys (Just [i])
ti <- varRefType γ' yi
addC (SubC γ' ti t) "consPattern:project"
return t
consPattern γ (Rs.PatSelfBind _ e) =
consE γ e
consPattern γ p@(Rs.PatSelfRecBind {}) =
cconsFreshE LetE γ (Rs.lower p)
checkMonad :: (Outputable a) => (String, a) -> CGEnv -> SpecType -> SpecType
checkMonad x g = go . unRRTy
go (RApp _ ts [] _)
| length ts > 0 = last ts
go (RAppTy _ t _) = t
go t = checkErr x g t
unRRTy :: SpecType -> SpecType
unRRTy (RRTy _ _ _ t) = unRRTy t
unRRTy t = t
castTy :: CGEnv -> Type -> CoreExpr -> Coercion -> CG SpecType
castTy' :: CGEnv -> Type -> CoreExpr -> CG SpecType
castTy γ t e (AxiomInstCo ca _ _)
= fromMaybe <$> castTy' γ t e <*> lookupNewType (coAxiomTyCon ca)
castTy γ t e (SymCo (AxiomInstCo ca _ _))
= do mtc <- lookupNewType (coAxiomTyCon ca)
case mtc of
Just tc -> cconsE γ e tc
Nothing -> return ()
castTy' γ t e
castTy γ t e _
= castTy' γ t e
castTy' _ τ (Var x)
= do t <- trueTy τ
return (t `strengthen` (uTop $ F.uexprReft $ F.expr x))
castTy' γ t (Tick _ e)
= castTy' γ t e
castTy' _ _ e
= panic Nothing $ "castTy cannot handle expr " ++ showPpr e
isClassConCo :: Coercion -> Maybe (Expr Var -> Expr Var)
isClassConCo co
| Pair t1 t2 <- coercionKind co
, isClassPred t2
, (tc,ts) <- splitTyConApp t2
, [dc] <- tyConDataCons tc
, [tm] <- dataConOrigArgTys dc
, Just _ <- ruleMatchTyX (mkUniqSet $ tyConTyVars tc) (mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet) emptyTvSubstEnv tm t1
= Just (\e -> mkCoreConApps dc $ map Type ts ++ [e])
| otherwise
= Nothing
cconsFreshE :: KVKind -> CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> CG SpecType
cconsFreshE kvkind γ e = do
t <- freshTy_type kvkind e $ exprType e
addW $ WfC γ t
cconsE γ e t
return t
checkUnbound :: (Show a, Show a2, F.Subable a)
=> CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> F.Symbol -> a -> a2 -> a
checkUnbound γ e x t a
| x `notElem` (F.syms t) = t
| otherwise = panic (Just $ getLocation γ) msg
msg = unlines [ "checkUnbound: " ++ show x ++ " is elem of syms of " ++ show t
, "In", showPpr e, "Arg = " , show a ]
dropExists :: CGEnv -> SpecType -> CG (CGEnv, SpecType)
dropExists γ (REx x tx t) = (, t) <$> γ += ("dropExists", x, tx)
dropExists γ t = return (γ, t)
dropConstraints :: CGEnv -> SpecType -> CG SpecType
dropConstraints γ (RFun x tx@(RApp c _ _ _) t r) | isClass c
= (flip (RFun x tx)) r <$> dropConstraints γ t
dropConstraints γ (RRTy cts _ OCons t)
= do γ' <- foldM (\γ (x, t) -> γ `addSEnv` ("splitS", x,t)) γ xts
addC (SubC γ' t1 t2) "dropConstraints"
dropConstraints γ t
(xts, t1, t2) = envToSub cts
dropConstraints _ t = return t
cconsCase :: CGEnv -> Var -> SpecType -> [AltCon] -> (AltCon, [Var], CoreExpr) -> CG ()
cconsCase γ x t acs (ac, ys, ce)
= do cγ <- caseEnv γ x acs ac ys mempty
cconsE cγ ce t
caseEnv :: CGEnv -> Var -> [AltCon] -> AltCon -> [Var] -> Maybe [Int] -> CG CGEnv
caseEnv γ x _ (DataAlt c) ys pIs
= do let (x' : ys') = F.symbol <$> (x:ys)
xt0 <- checkTyCon ("checkTycon cconsCase", x) γ <$> γ ??= x
let xt = shiftVV xt0 x'
tdc <- γ ??= ( dataConWorkId c) >>= refreshVV
let (rtd,yts', _) = unfoldR tdc xt ys
yts <- projectTypes pIs yts'
let r1 = dataConReft c ys''
let r2 = dataConMsReft rtd ys''
let xt = (xt0 `` rtd) `strengthen` (uTop (r1 `` r2))
let cbs = safeZip "cconsCase" (x':ys') (xt0 : yts)
cγ' <- addBinders γ x' cbs
cγ <- addBinders cγ' x' [(x', xt)]
return $ addArguments cγ ys
ys'' = F.symbol <$> (filter (not . isClassPred . varType) ys)
caseEnv γ x acs a _ _
= do let x' = F.symbol x
xt' <- (`strengthen` uTop (altReft γ acs a)) <$> (γ ??= x)
cγ <- addBinders γ x' [(x', xt')]
return cγ
projectTypes :: Maybe [Int] -> [SpecType] -> CG [SpecType]
projectTypes Nothing ts = return ts
projectTypes (Just is) ts = mapM (projT is) (zip [0..] ts)
projT is (j, t)
| j `elem` is = return t
| otherwise = true t
altReft :: CGEnv -> [AltCon] -> AltCon -> F.Reft
altReft _ _ (LitAlt l) = literalFReft l
altReft γ acs DEFAULT = mconcat [notLiteralReft l | LitAlt l <- acs]
where notLiteralReft = maybe mempty F.notExprReft . snd . literalConst (emb γ)
altReft _ _ _ = panic Nothing "Constraint : altReft"
unfoldR :: SpecType
-> SpecType
-> [Var]
-> (SpecType, [SpecType], SpecType)
unfoldR td (RApp _ ts rs _) ys = (t3, tvys ++ yts, ignoreOblig rt)
tbody = instantiatePvs (instantiateTys td ts) $ reverse rs
(ys0, yts', _, rt) = safeBkArrow $ instantiateTys tbody tvs'
yts'' = zipWith F.subst sus (yts'++[rt])
(t3,yts) = (last yts'', init yts'')
sus = F.mkSubst <$> (L.inits [(x, F.EVar y) | (x, y) <- zip ys0 ys'])
(αs, ys') = mapSnd (F.symbol <$>) $ L.partition isTyVar ys
tvs' = rVar <$> αs
tvys = ofType . varType <$> αs
unfoldR _ _ _ = panic Nothing "Constraint.hs : unfoldR"
instantiateTys :: (Foldable t)
=> SpecType -> t (SpecType) -> SpecType
instantiateTys = L.foldl' go
where go (RAllT α tbody) t = subsTyVar_meet' (ty_var_value α, t) tbody
go _ _ = panic Nothing "Constraint.instanctiateTy"
instantiatePvs :: Foldable t => SpecType -> t SpecProp -> SpecType
instantiatePvs = L.foldl' go
where go (RAllP p tbody) r = replacePreds "instantiatePv" tbody [(p, r)]
go _ _ = panic Nothing "Constraint.instanctiatePv"
checkTyCon :: (Outputable a) => (String, a) -> CGEnv -> SpecType -> SpecType
checkTyCon _ _ t@(RApp _ _ _ _) = t
checkTyCon x g t = checkErr x g t
checkFun :: (Outputable a) => (String, a) -> CGEnv -> SpecType -> SpecType
checkFun _ _ t@(RFun _ _ _ _) = t
checkFun x g t = checkErr x g t
checkAll :: (Outputable a) => (String, a) -> CGEnv -> SpecType -> SpecType
checkAll _ _ t@(RAllT _ _) = t
checkAll x g t = checkErr x g t
checkErr :: (Outputable a) => (String, a) -> CGEnv -> SpecType -> SpecType
checkErr (msg, e) γ t = panic (Just sp) $ msg ++ showPpr e ++ ", type: " ++ showpp t
sp = getLocation γ
varAnn :: CGEnv -> Var -> t -> Annot t
varAnn γ x t
| x `S.member` recs γ = AnnLoc (getSrcSpan x)
| otherwise = AnnUse t
freshPredRef :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> PVar RSort -> CG SpecProp
freshPredRef γ e (PV _ (PVProp τ) _ as)
= do t <- freshTy_type PredInstE e (toType τ)
args <- mapM (\_ -> fresh) as
let targs = [(x, s) | (x, (s, y, z)) <- zip args as, (F.EVar y) == z ]
γ' <- foldM (+=) γ [("freshPredRef", x, ofRSort τ) | (x, τ) <- targs]
addW $ WfC γ' t
return $ RProp targs t
freshPredRef _ _ (PV _ PVHProp _ _)
= todo Nothing "EFFECTS:freshPredRef"
argType :: Type -> Maybe F.Expr
argType (LitTy (NumTyLit i))
= mkI i
argType (LitTy (StrTyLit s))
= mkS $ fastStringToByteString s
argType (TyVarTy x)
= Just $ F.EVar $ F.symbol $ varName x
argType t
| F.symbol (showPpr t) == anyTypeSymbol
= Just $ F.EVar anyTypeSymbol
argType _
= Nothing
argExpr :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe F.Expr
argExpr γ (Var v) | M.member v $ aenv γ, higherOrderFlag γ
= F.EVar <$> (M.lookup v $ aenv γ)
argExpr _ (Var vy) = Just $ F.eVar vy
argExpr γ (Lit c) = snd $ literalConst (emb γ) c
argExpr γ (Tick _ e) = argExpr γ e
argExpr _ _ = Nothing
lamExpr :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe F.Expr
lamExpr γ (Var v) | M.member v $ aenv γ
= F.EVar <$> (M.lookup v $ aenv γ)
lamExpr γ (Var v) | S.member v (fargs γ)
= Just $ F.eVar v
lamExpr γ (Lit c) = snd $ literalConst (emb γ) c
lamExpr γ (Tick _ e) = lamExpr γ e
lamExpr γ (App e (Type _)) = lamExpr γ e
lamExpr γ (App e1 e2) = case (lamExpr γ e1, lamExpr γ e2) of
(Just p1, Just p2) | not (isClassPred $ exprType e2)
-> Just $ F.EApp p1 p2
(Just p1, Just _ ) -> Just p1
_ -> Nothing
lamExpr γ (Let (NonRec x ex) e) = case (lamExpr γ ex, lamExpr (addArgument γ x) e) of
(Just px, Just p) -> Just (p `F.subst1` (F.symbol x, px))
_ -> Nothing
lamExpr γ (Lam x e) = case lamExpr (addArgument γ x) e of
Just p -> Just $ F.ELam (F.symbol x, typeSort (emb γ) $ varType x) p
_ -> Nothing
lamExpr _ _ = Nothing
(??=) :: (?callStack :: CallStack) => CGEnv -> Var -> CG SpecType
γ ??= x = case M.lookup x' (lcb γ) of
Just e -> consE (γ -= x') e
Nothing -> refreshTy tx
x' = F.symbol x
tx = fromMaybe tt (γ ?= x')
tt = ofType $ varType x
varRefType :: (?callStack :: CallStack) => CGEnv -> Var -> CG SpecType
varRefType γ x = do
xt <- varRefType' γ x <$> (γ ??= x)
return xt
varRefType' :: CGEnv -> Var -> SpecType -> SpecType
varRefType' γ x t'
| Just tys <- trec γ, Just tr <- M.lookup x' tys
= strengthen tr xr
| otherwise
= strengthen t' xr
xr = singletonReft (M.lookup x $ aenv γ) x
x' = F.symbol x
| higherOrderFlag γ
= strengthenMeet
| otherwise
= strengthenTop
makeSingleton :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> SpecType -> SpecType
makeSingleton γ e t
| higherOrderFlag γ, App f x <- simplify e
= case (funExpr γ f, argExpr γ x) of
(Just f', Just x')
| not (isClassPred $ exprType x)
-> strengthenMeet t (uTop $ F.exprReft (F.EApp f' x'))
(Just f', Just _)
-> strengthenMeet t (uTop $ F.exprReft f' )
_ -> t
| otherwise
= t
funExpr :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe F.Expr
funExpr γ (Var v) | M.member v $ aenv γ
= F.EVar <$> (M.lookup v $ aenv γ)
funExpr γ (Var v) | S.member v (fargs γ)
= Just $ F.EVar (F.symbol v)
funExpr γ (App e1 e2)
= case (funExpr γ e1, argExpr γ e2) of
(Just e1', Just e2') | not (isClassPred $ exprType e2)
-> Just (F.EApp e1' e2')
(Just e1', Just _)
-> Just e1'
_ -> Nothing
funExpr _ _
= Nothing
simplify :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
simplify (Tick _ e) = simplify e
simplify (App e (Type _)) = simplify e
simplify (App e1 e2) = App (simplify e1) (simplify e2)
simplify e = e
singletonReft :: (F.Symbolic a, F.Symbolic a1) => Maybe a -> a1 -> UReft F.Reft
singletonReft (Just x) _ = uTop $ F.symbolReft x
singletonReft Nothing v = uTop $ F.symbolReft $ F.symbol v
strengthenTop :: (PPrint r, F.Reftable r) => RType c tv r -> r -> RType c tv r
strengthenTop (RApp c ts rs r) r' = RApp c ts rs $ topMeet r r'
strengthenTop (RVar a r) r' = RVar a $ topMeet r r'
strengthenTop (RFun b t1 t2 r) r' = RFun b t1 t2 $ topMeet r r'
strengthenTop (RAppTy t1 t2 r) r' = RAppTy t1 t2 $ topMeet r r'
strengthenTop t _ = t
strengthenMeet :: (PPrint r, F.Reftable r) => RType c tv r -> r -> RType c tv r
strengthenMeet (RApp c ts rs r) r' = RApp c ts rs (r `` r')
strengthenMeet (RVar a r) r' = RVar a (r `` r')
strengthenMeet (RFun b t1 t2 r) r' = RFun b t1 t2 (r `` r')
strengthenMeet (RAppTy t1 t2 r) r' = RAppTy t1 t2 (r `` r')
strengthenMeet (RAllT a t) r' = RAllT a $ strengthenMeet t r'
strengthenMeet t _ = t
topMeet :: (PPrint r, F.Reftable r) => r -> r -> r
topMeet r r' = ( r `` r')
exprLoc :: CoreExpr -> Maybe SrcSpan
exprLoc (Tick tt _) = Just $ tickSrcSpan tt
exprLoc (App e a) | isType a = exprLoc e
exprLoc _ = Nothing
isType :: Expr CoreBndr -> Bool
isType (Type _) = True
isType a = eqType (exprType a) predType
isGeneric :: RTyVar -> SpecType -> Bool
isGeneric α t = all (\(c, α') -> (α'/=α) || isOrd c || isEq c ) (classConstrs t)
where classConstrs t = [(c, ty_var_value α')
| (c, ts) <- tyClasses t
, t' <- ts
, α' <- freeTyVars t']
isOrd = (ordClassName ==) . className
isEq = (eqClassName ==) . className