{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts         #-}

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Misc (
  , freeSymbols
  , joinVar
  , mkVarExpr
  , MapTyVarST(..)
  , initMapSt
  , runMapTyVars
  , mapTyVars
  , matchKindArgs
  , symbolRTyVar
  , simpleSymbolVar
  , hasBoolResult
  , symbolMeasure
  , isKind
  , makeDataConChecker
  , makeDataConSelector
  ) where

import           Name
import           Prelude                               hiding (error)
import           TysWiredIn

import           Id
import           Type
import           Kind                                  (isStarKind)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.TypeRep
import           Var

import           DataCon
import           Control.Monad.Except                  (MonadError, throwError)
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.Maybe                            (isNothing)

import qualified Data.List                             as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                   as M
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc                (singleton, sortNub)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Env
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.WiredIn       (dcPrefix)

-- | 'makeDataConChecker d' creates the measure for `is$d` which tests whether
--   a given value was created by 'd'. e.g. is$Nil or is$Cons.
makeDataConChecker :: DataCon -> F.Symbol
makeDataConChecker d
  | nilDataCon  == d
  = F.symbol "isNull"
  | consDataCon == d
  = F.symbol "notIsNull"
  | otherwise
  = F.testSymbol (F.symbol d)

-- | 'makeDataConSelector d' creates the selector `select$d$i`
--   which projects the i-th field of a constructed value.
--   e.g. `select$Cons$1` and `select$Cons$2` are respectively
--   equivalent to `head` and `tail`.
makeDataConSelector :: Maybe DataConMap -> DataCon -> Int -> F.Symbol
makeDataConSelector mbDm d i = case mbDm of
  Nothing -> def
  Just dm -> M.lookupDefault def (F.symbol d, i) dm
    def   =  makeDataConSelector' d i

makeDataConSelector' :: DataCon -> Int -> F.Symbol
makeDataConSelector' d i
  | consDataCon == d, i == 1
  = F.symbol "head"
  | consDataCon == d, i == 2
  = F.symbol "tail"
  | otherwise
  = symbolMeasure "$select" (dcSymbol d) (Just i)

dcSymbol :: DataCon -> F.Symbol
dcSymbol = {- simpleSymbolVar -} F.symbol . dataConWorkId

symbolMeasure :: String -> F.Symbol -> Maybe Int -> F.Symbol
symbolMeasure f d iMb = foldr1 F.suffixSymbol (dcPrefix : F.symbol f : d : rest)
    rest          = maybe [] (singleton . F.symbol . show) iMb

-- TODO: This is where unsorted stuff is for now. Find proper places for what follows.

-- WTF does this function do?
makeSymbols :: (Id -> Bool) -> [Id] -> [F.Symbol] -> BareM [(F.Symbol, Var)]
makeSymbols f vs xs
  = do svs <- M.toList <$> gets varEnv
       return $ L.nub ([ (x,v') | (x,v) <- svs, x `elem` xs, let (v',_,_) = joinVar vs (v,x,x)]
                   ++  [ (F.symbol v, v) | v <- vs, f v, isDataConId v, hasBasicArgs $ varType v ])
      -- arguments should be basic so that autogenerated singleton types are well formed
      hasBasicArgs (ForAllTy _ t) = hasBasicArgs t
      hasBasicArgs (FunTy tx t)   = isBaseTy tx && hasBasicArgs t
      hasBasicArgs _              = True

freeSymbols :: (F.Reftable r, F.Reftable r1, F.Reftable r2, TyConable c, TyConable c1, TyConable c2)
            => [F.Symbol]
            -> [(a1, Located (RType c2 tv2 r2))]
            -> [(a, Located (RType c1 tv1 r1))]
            -> [(Located (RType c tv r))]
            -> [LocSymbol]
freeSymbols xs' xts yts ivs =  [ lx | lx <- sortNub $ zs ++ zs' ++ zs'' , not (M.member (val lx) knownM) ]
    knownM                  = M.fromList [ (x, ()) | x <- xs' ]
    zs                      = concatMap freeSyms (snd <$> xts)
    zs'                     = concatMap freeSyms (snd <$> yts)
    zs''                    = concatMap freeSyms ivs

freeSyms :: (F.Reftable r, TyConable c) => Located (RType c tv r) -> [LocSymbol]
freeSyms ty    = [ F.atLoc ty x | x <- tySyms ]
    tySyms     = sortNub $ concat $ efoldReft (\_ _ -> True) (\_ _ -> []) (\_ -> []) (const ()) f (const id) F.emptySEnv [] (val ty)
    f γ _ r xs = let F.Reft (v, _) = F.toReft r in
                 [ x | x <- F.syms r, x /= v, not (x `F.memberSEnv` γ)] : xs

-- Renaming Type Variables in Haskell Signatures ------------------------------

data MapTyVarST = MTVST { vmap   :: [(Var, RTyVar)]
                        , errmsg :: Error

initMapSt :: Error -> MapTyVarST
initMapSt = MTVST []

-- TODO: Maybe don't expose this; instead, roll this in with mapTyVar and export a
--       single "clean" function as the API.
runMapTyVars :: StateT MapTyVarST (Either Error) () -> MapTyVarST -> Either Error MapTyVarST
runMapTyVars = execStateT

mapTyVars :: Type -> SpecType -> StateT MapTyVarST (Either Error) ()
mapTyVars (FunTy τ τ') (RFun _ t t' _)
   = mapTyVars τ t >> mapTyVars τ' t'
mapTyVars τ (RAllT _ t)
  = mapTyVars τ t
mapTyVars (TyConApp _ τs) (RApp _ ts _ _)
   = zipWithM_ mapTyVars τs (matchKindArgs' τs ts)
mapTyVars (TyVarTy α) (RVar a _)
   = do s  <- get
        s' <- mapTyRVar α a s
        put s'
mapTyVars τ (RAllP _ t)
  = mapTyVars τ t
mapTyVars τ (RAllS _ t)
  = mapTyVars τ t
mapTyVars τ (RAllE _ _ t)
  = mapTyVars τ t
mapTyVars τ (RRTy _ _ _ t)
  = mapTyVars τ t
mapTyVars τ (REx _ _ t)
  = mapTyVars τ t
mapTyVars _ (RExprArg _)
  = return ()
mapTyVars (AppTy τ τ') (RAppTy t t' _)
  = do  mapTyVars τ t
        mapTyVars τ' t'
mapTyVars _ (RHole _)
  = return ()
mapTyVars k _ | isKind k
  = return ()
mapTyVars (ForAllTy _ τ) t
  = mapTyVars τ t
mapTyVars _ _
  = throwError =<< errmsg <$> get

isKind :: Kind -> Bool
isKind k = isStarKind k --  typeKind k

mapTyRVar :: MonadError Error m
          => Var -> RTyVar -> MapTyVarST -> m MapTyVarST
mapTyRVar α a s@(MTVST αas err)
  = case lookup α αas of
      Just a' | a == a'   -> return s
              | otherwise -> throwError err
      Nothing             -> return $ MTVST ((α,a):αas) err

matchKindArgs' :: [Type] -> [SpecType] -> [SpecType]
matchKindArgs' ts1 ts2 = reverse $ go (reverse ts1) (reverse ts2)
    go (_:ts1) (t2:ts2) = t2:go ts1 ts2
    go ts      []       | all isKind ts
                        = (ofType <$> ts) :: [SpecType]
    go _       ts       = ts

matchKindArgs :: [SpecType] -> [SpecType] -> [SpecType]
matchKindArgs ts1 ts2 = reverse $ go (reverse ts1) (reverse ts2)
    go (_:ts1) (t2:ts2) = t2:go ts1 ts2
    go ts      []       = ts
    go _       ts       = ts

mkVarExpr :: Id -> F.Expr
mkVarExpr v
  | isFunVar v = F.mkEApp (varFunSymbol v) []
  | otherwise  = F.eVar v -- EVar (symbol v)

varFunSymbol :: Id -> Located F.Symbol
varFunSymbol = dummyLoc . F.symbol . idDataCon

isFunVar :: Id -> Bool
isFunVar v   = isDataConId v && not (null αs) && isNothing tf
    (αs, t)  = splitForAllTys $ varType v
    tf       = splitFunTy_maybe t

-- the Vars we lookup in GHC don't always have the same tyvars as the Vars
-- we're given, so return the original var when possible.
-- see tests/pos/ResolvePred.hs for an example
joinVar :: [Var] -> (Var, s, t) -> (Var, s, t)
joinVar vs (v,s,t) = case L.find ((== showPpr v) . showPpr) vs of
                       Just v' -> (v',s,t)
                       Nothing -> (v,s,t)

simpleSymbolVar :: Var -> F.Symbol
simpleSymbolVar  = dropModuleNames . F.symbol . showPpr . getName

hasBoolResult :: Type -> Bool
hasBoolResult (ForAllTy _ t) = hasBoolResult t
hasBoolResult (FunTy _ t)    | eqType boolTy t = True
hasBoolResult (FunTy _ t)    = hasBoolResult t
hasBoolResult _              = False