{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Lookup (

  , lookupGhcThing
  , lookupGhcVar
  , lookupGhcTyCon
  , lookupGhcDataCon
  ) where

import BasicTypes
import ConLike
import DataCon
import GHC (HscEnv)
import HscMain
import Name
import PrelInfo                                 (wiredInThings)
import PrelNames                                (fromIntegerName, smallIntegerName, integerTyConName)
import RdrName (setRdrNameSpace)
import SrcLoc (SrcSpan, GenLocated(L))
import TcEnv
import TyCon
import TysWiredIn
import Var

import Control.Monad.Error (catchError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (text)

import qualified Data.List           as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M

import Language.Fixpoint.Names (hpropConName, isPrefixOfSym, lengthSym, propConName, symbolString)
import Language.Fixpoint.Types (Symbol, Symbolic(..))

import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GhcMisc (lookupRdrName, sourcePosSrcSpan, tcRnLookupRdrName)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.WiredIn

import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Env

------ Querying GHC for Id, Type, Class, Con etc. ---------------

class Symbolic a => GhcLookup a where
  lookupName :: HscEnv -> ModName -> a -> IO [Name]
  srcSpan    :: a -> SrcSpan

instance GhcLookup (Located Symbol) where
  lookupName e m = symbolLookup e m . val
  srcSpan        = sourcePosSrcSpan . loc

instance GhcLookup Name where
  lookupName _ _ = return . (:[])
  srcSpan        = nameSrcSpan

-- lookupGhcThing :: (GhcLookup a) => String -> (TyThing -> Maybe b) -> a -> BareM b
lookupGhcThing name f x
  = do zs <- lookupGhcThing' name f x
       case zs of
         Just x' -> return x'
         Nothing -> throwError $ ErrGhc (srcSpan x) (text msg)
    msg = "Not in scope: " ++ name ++ " `" ++ symbolString (symbol x) ++ "'"

-- lookupGhcThing' :: (GhcLookup a) => String -> (TyThing -> Maybe b) -> a -> BareM (Maybe b)
lookupGhcThing' _    f x
  = do BE {modName = mod, hscEnv = env} <- get
       ns                 <- liftIO $ lookupName env mod x
       mts                <- liftIO $ mapM (fmap (join . fmap f) . hscTcRcLookupName env) ns
       case catMaybes mts of
         []    -> return Nothing
         (t:_) -> return $ Just t

symbolLookup :: HscEnv -> ModName -> Symbol -> IO [Name]
symbolLookup env mod k
  | k `M.member` wiredIn
  = return $ maybeToList $ M.lookup k wiredIn
  | otherwise
  = symbolLookupEnv env mod k

wiredIn      :: M.HashMap Symbol Name
wiredIn      = M.fromList $ special ++ wiredIns 
    wiredIns = [ (symbol n, n) | thing <- wiredInThings, let n = getName thing ]
    special  = [ ("GHC.Integer.smallInteger", smallIntegerName)
               , ("GHC.Integer.Type.Integer", integerTyConName)
               , ("GHC.Num.fromInteger"     , fromIntegerName ) ]

symbolLookupEnv env mod s
  | isSrcImport mod
  = do let modName = getModName mod
       L _ rn <- hscParseIdentifier env $ symbolString s
       res    <- lookupRdrName env modName rn
       -- 'hscParseIdentifier' defaults constructors to 'DataCon's, but we also
       -- need to get the 'TyCon's for declarations like @data Foo = Foo Int@.
       res'   <- lookupRdrName env modName (setRdrNameSpace rn tcName)
       return $ catMaybes [res, res']
  | otherwise
  = do rn             <- hscParseIdentifier env $ symbolString s
       (_, lookupres) <- tcRnLookupRdrName env rn
       case lookupres of
         Just ns -> return ns
         _       -> return []

-- | It's possible that we have already resolved the 'Name' we are looking for,
-- but have had to turn it back into a 'String', e.g. to be used in an 'Expr',
-- as in @{v:Ordering | v = EQ}@. In this case, the fully-qualified 'Name'
-- (@GHC.Types.EQ@) will likely not be in scope, so we store our own mapping of
-- fully-qualified 'Name's to 'Var's and prefer pulling 'Var's from it.
lookupGhcVar :: GhcLookup a => a -> BareM Var
lookupGhcVar x
  = do env <- gets varEnv
       case L.lookup (symbol x) env of
         Nothing -> lookupGhcThing "variable" fv x
         Just v  -> return v
    fv (AnId x)                   = Just x
    fv (AConLike (RealDataCon x)) = Just $ dataConWorkId x
    fv _                          = Nothing

lookupGhcTyCon       ::  GhcLookup a => a -> BareM TyCon
lookupGhcTyCon s     = (lookupGhcThing "type constructor or class" ftc s)
                       `catchError` (tryPropTyCon s)
    ftc (ATyCon x)   = Just x
    ftc _            = Nothing

tryPropTyCon s e   
  | sx == propConName  = return propTyCon
  | sx == hpropConName = return hpropTyCon
  | otherwise          = throwError e
    sx                 = symbol s

lookupGhcDataCon dc
 | Just n <- isTupleDC (val dc)
 = return $ tupleCon BoxedTuple n
 | val dc == "[]"
 = return nilDataCon
 | val dc == ":"
 = return consDataCon
 | otherwise
 = lookupGhcDataCon' dc

isTupleDC zs
  | "(," `isPrefixOfSym` zs
  = Just $ lengthSym zs - 1
  | otherwise
  = Nothing

lookupGhcDataCon'    = lookupGhcThing "data constructor" fdc
    fdc (AConLike (RealDataCon x)) = Just x
    fdc _            = Nothing