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Safe HaskellNone




This module contains the various instances for Subable, which (should) depend on the visitors, and hence cannot be in the same place as the Term definitions.


subst1Except :: Subable a => [Symbol] -> a -> (Symbol, Expr) -> a Source #

Orphan instances

Show SortedReft Source # 
Instance details

Show Reft Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Reft -> ShowS #

show :: Reft -> String #

showList :: [Reft] -> ShowS #

Semigroup SortedReft Source # 
Instance details

Semigroup Reft Source # 
Instance details


(<>) :: Reft -> Reft -> Reft #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Reft -> Reft #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Reft -> Reft #

Semigroup Expr Source # 
Instance details


(<>) :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Expr -> Expr #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Expr -> Expr #

Semigroup Subst Source # 
Instance details


(<>) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Subst -> Subst #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Subst -> Subst #

Monoid SortedReft Source # 
Instance details

Monoid Reft Source # 
Instance details


mempty :: Reft #

mappend :: Reft -> Reft -> Reft #

mconcat :: [Reft] -> Reft #

Monoid Expr Source # 
Instance details


mempty :: Expr #

mappend :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr #

mconcat :: [Expr] -> Expr #

Monoid Subst Source # 
Instance details


mempty :: Subst #

mappend :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst #

mconcat :: [Subst] -> Subst #

PPrint SortedReft Source # 
Instance details

PPrint Reft Source # 
Instance details

Fixpoint SortedReft Source # 
Instance details

Fixpoint Reft Source # 
Instance details

Reftable () Source # 
Instance details


isTauto :: () -> Bool Source #

ppTy :: () -> Doc -> Doc Source #

top :: () -> () Source #

bot :: () -> () Source #

meet :: () -> () -> () Source #

toReft :: () -> Reft Source #

ofReft :: Reft -> () Source #

params :: () -> [Symbol] Source #

Reftable SortedReft Source # 
Instance details

Reftable Reft Source # 
Instance details

Subable () Source # 
Instance details


syms :: () -> [Symbol] Source #

substa :: (Symbol -> Symbol) -> () -> () Source #

substf :: (Symbol -> Expr) -> () -> () Source #

subst :: Subst -> () -> () Source #

subst1 :: () -> (Symbol, Expr) -> () Source #

Subable Symbol Source # 
Instance details

Subable SortedReft Source # 
Instance details

Subable Reft Source # 
Instance details

Subable Expr Source # 
Instance details

Subable a => Subable [a] Source # 
Instance details


syms :: [a] -> [Symbol] Source #

substa :: (Symbol -> Symbol) -> [a] -> [a] Source #

substf :: (Symbol -> Expr) -> [a] -> [a] Source #

subst :: Subst -> [a] -> [a] Source #

subst1 :: [a] -> (Symbol, Expr) -> [a] Source #

Subable a => Subable (Maybe a) Source # 
Instance details


syms :: Maybe a -> [Symbol] Source #

substa :: (Symbol -> Symbol) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a Source #

substf :: (Symbol -> Expr) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a Source #

subst :: Subst -> Maybe a -> Maybe a Source #

subst1 :: Maybe a -> (Symbol, Expr) -> Maybe a Source #

(Subable a, Subable b) => Subable (a, b) Source # 
Instance details


syms :: (a, b) -> [Symbol] Source #

substa :: (Symbol -> Symbol) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) Source #

substf :: (Symbol -> Expr) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) Source #

subst :: Subst -> (a, b) -> (a, b) Source #

subst1 :: (a, b) -> (Symbol, Expr) -> (a, b) Source #

Subable a => Subable (HashMap k a) Source # 
Instance details


syms :: HashMap k a -> [Symbol] Source #

substa :: (Symbol -> Symbol) -> HashMap k a -> HashMap k a Source #

substf :: (Symbol -> Expr) -> HashMap k a -> HashMap k a Source #

subst :: Subst -> HashMap k a -> HashMap k a Source #

subst1 :: HashMap k a -> (Symbol, Expr) -> HashMap k a Source #

Expression (Symbol, SortedReft) Source # 
Instance details


expr :: (Symbol, SortedReft) -> Expr Source #