{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

-- | Axiom Instantiation  ------------------------------------------------------

module Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Instantiate (
  ) where

import           Language.Fixpoint.Types
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config  as FC
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor as Vis
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Misc          as Misc -- (mapFst)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc          ((<<=))
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Interface as SMT
import           Language.Fixpoint.Defunctionalize
import           Language.Fixpoint.SortCheck
import           Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Sanitize        (symbolEnv)
import           Control.Monad.State

-- AT: I've inlined this, but we should have a more elegant solution
--     (track predicates instead of selectors!)
-- import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc (dropModuleNames)
import qualified Data.Text            as T
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict  as M
import qualified Data.List            as L
import           Data.Maybe           (isNothing, catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import           Data.Char            (isUpper)
-- import           Text.Printf (printf)

(~>) :: (Expr, String) -> Expr -> EvalST Expr
(_e,_str) ~> e' = do
    modify (\st -> st {evId = evId st + 1})
    return (wtf e')

-- | Instantiate Axioms
instantiate :: Config -> SInfo a -> IO (SInfo a)
instantiate cfg fi
  | rewriteAxioms cfg = instantiate' cfg fi
  | otherwise = return fi

instantiate' :: Config -> GInfo SimpC a -> IO (SInfo a)
instantiate' cfg fi = sInfo cfg fi env <$> withCtx cfg file env act
    act ctx         = forM cstrs $ \(i, c) ->
                        (i,) . notracepp ("INSTANTIATE i = " ++ show i) <$> instSimpC cfg ctx (bs fi) aenv i c
    cstrs           = M.toList (cm fi)
    file            = srcFile cfg ++ ".evals"
    env             = symbolEnv cfg fi
    aenv            = {- tracepp "AXIOM-ENV" -} (ae fi)

sInfo :: Config -> GInfo SimpC a -> SymEnv -> [(SubcId, Expr)] -> SInfo a
sInfo cfg fi env ips = strengthenHyp fi' (notracepp "ELAB-INST:  " $ zip is ps'')
    (is, ps)         = unzip ips
    (ps', axs)       = defuncAxioms cfg env ps
    ps''             = zipWith (\i -> elaborate ("PLE1 " ++ show i) env) is ps' -- <$> ps'
    axs'             = elaborate "PLE2" env <$> axs
    fi'              = fi { asserts = axs' ++ asserts fi }

withCtx :: Config -> FilePath -> SymEnv -> (SMT.Context -> IO a) -> IO a
withCtx cfg file env k = do
  ctx <- SMT.makeContextWithSEnv cfg file env
  _   <- SMT.smtPush ctx
  res <- k ctx
  _   <- SMT.cleanupContext ctx
  return res

instSimpC :: Config -> SMT.Context -> BindEnv -> AxiomEnv
          -> Integer -> SimpC a
          -> IO Expr
instSimpC _ _ _ aenv sid _
  | not (M.lookupDefault False sid (aenvExpand aenv))
  = return PTrue
instSimpC cfg ctx bds aenv _ sub
  = -- tracepp ("instSimpC " ++ show sid) .
    pAnd . (is0 ++) <$>
    if rewriteAxioms cfg then evalEqs else return []
    is0              = eqBody <$> L.filter (null . eqArgs) eqs
    evalEqs          = map (uncurry (PAtom Eq)) .
                       filter (uncurry (/=)) <$>
                       evaluate cfg ctx binds aenv iExprs
    eqs              = aenvEqs aenv
    (binds, iExprs)  = cstrBindExprs bds sub

cstrBindExprs :: BindEnv -> SimpC a -> ([(Symbol, SortedReft)], [Expr])
cstrBindExprs bds sub = {- tracepp "initExpressions" -} (unElab <$> binds, unElab <$> es)
    es                = {- expr (slhs sub) : -} (crhs sub) : (expr <$> binds)
    binds             = envCs bds (senv sub)
  --   _tx e              = tracepp ("UNELAB e = " ++ showpp e) (unElab e)

unElab :: (Vis.Visitable t) => t -> t
unElab = Vis.stripCasts . unApply

unApply :: (Vis.Visitable t) => t -> t
unApply = Vis.trans (Vis.defaultVisitor { Vis.txExpr = const go }) () ()
    go (ECst (EApp (EApp f e1) e2) _)
      | Just _ <- unApplyAt f = EApp e1 e2
    go e                      = e

-- | Knowledge (SMT Interaction)
data Knowledge
  = KN { knSims    :: ![Rewrite]
       , knAms     :: ![Equation]
       , knContext :: IO SMT.Context
       , knPreds   :: !([(Symbol, Sort)] -> Expr -> SMT.Context -> IO Bool)
       , knLams    :: [(Symbol, Sort)]

emptyKnowledge :: IO SMT.Context -> Knowledge
emptyKnowledge ctx = KN [] [] ctx (\_ _ _ -> return False) []

isValid :: Knowledge -> Expr -> IO Bool
isValid γ b = knPreds γ (knLams γ) b =<< knContext γ

makeKnowledge :: Config -> SMT.Context -> AxiomEnv
                 -> [(Symbol, SortedReft)]
                 -> ([(Expr, Expr)], Knowledge)
makeKnowledge cfg ctx aenv es = (simpleEqs,) $ (emptyKnowledge context)
                                     { knSims   = aenvSimpl aenv
                                     , knAms    = aenvEqs aenv
                                     , knPreds  = \bs e c -> askSMT c bs e
    senv = SMT.ctxSymEnv ctx
    context :: IO SMT.Context
    context = do
      SMT.smtPop ctx
      SMT.smtPush ctx
      -- SMT.smtDecls ctx $ L.nub [(x, toSMT [] s) | (x, s) <- fbinds, not (memberSEnv x thySyms)]
      SMT.smtAssert ctx (pAnd ([toSMT [] (PAtom Eq e1 e2) | (e1, e2) <- simpleEqs]
                               ++ filter (null . Vis.kvars) ((toSMT [] . expr) <$> es)
      return ctx

    -- This creates the rewrite rule e1 -> e2. When should I apply it?
    -- 1. when e2 is a data con and can lead to further reductions
    -- 2. when size e2 < size e1
    simpleEqs = {- tracepp "SIMPLEEQS" $ -} makeSimplifications (aenvSimpl aenv) =<<
               L.nub (catMaybes [_getDCEquality senv e1 e2 | PAtom Eq e1 e2 <- atms])
    atms = splitPAnd =<< (expr <$> filter isProof es)
    isProof (_, RR s _) = showpp s == "Tuple"
    toSMT bs = defuncAny cfg senv . elaborate "makeKnowledge" (elabEnv bs)
    elabEnv  = L.foldl' (\env (x, s) -> insertSymEnv x s env) senv

    -- AT: Non-obvious needed invariant: askSMT True is always the
    -- totality-effecting one
    askSMT :: SMT.Context -> [(Symbol, Sort)] -> Expr -> IO Bool
    askSMT ctx bs e
      | isTautoPred  e = return True
    -- // Why?  | isContraPred e = return False -- Why the f?
      | null (Vis.kvars e) = do
          SMT.smtPush ctx
          b <- SMT.checkValid' ctx [] PTrue (toSMT bs e)
          SMT.smtPop ctx
          return b
      | otherwise      = return False

makeSimplifications :: [Rewrite] -> (Symbol, [Expr], Expr) -> [(Expr, Expr)]
makeSimplifications sis (dc, es, e)
     = go =<< sis
   go (SMeasure f dc' xs bd)
     | dc == dc', length xs == length es
     = [(EApp (EVar f) e, subst (mkSubst $ zip xs es) bd)]
   go _
     = []

_getDCEquality :: SymEnv -> Expr -> Expr -> Maybe (Symbol, [Expr], Expr)
_getDCEquality senv e1 e2
    | Just dc1 <- f1
    , Just dc2 <- f2
    = if dc1 == dc2
         then Nothing
         else error ("isDCEquality on" ++ showpp e1 ++ "\n" ++ showpp e2)
    | Just dc1 <- f1
    = Just (dc1, es1, e2)
    | Just dc2 <- f2
    = Just (dc2, es2, e1)
    | otherwise
    = Nothing
    (f1, es1) = Misc.mapFst (getDC senv) (splitEApp e1)
    (f2, es2) = Misc.mapFst (getDC senv) (splitEApp e2)

-- TODO: Stringy hacks
getDC :: SymEnv -> Expr -> Maybe Symbol
getDC senv (EVar x)
  | isUpperSymbol x && isNothing (symEnvTheory x senv)
  = Just x
getDC _ _
  = Nothing

isUpperSymbol :: Symbol -> Bool
isUpperSymbol = isUpper . headSym . dropModuleNames

dropModuleNames :: Symbol -> Symbol
dropModuleNames = mungeNames (symbol . last) "."
    mungeNames _ _ ""  = ""
    mungeNames f d s'@(symbolText -> s)
      | s' == tupConName = tupConName
      | otherwise        = f $ T.splitOn d $ stripParens s

    stripParens t = fromMaybe t ((T.stripPrefix "(" >=> T.stripSuffix ")") t)

splitPAnd :: Expr -> [Expr]
splitPAnd (PAnd es) = concatMap splitPAnd es
splitPAnd e         = [e]

-- | Creating Measure Info
-- AT@TODO do this for all reflected functions, not just DataCons

{- [NOTE:Datacon-Selectors] The 'assertSelectors' function
   insert measure information for every constructor that appears
   in the expression e.

   In theory, this is not required as the SMT ADT encoding takes
   care of it. However, in practice, some constructors, e.g. from
   GADTs cannot be directly encoded in SMT due to the lack of SMTLIB
   support for GADT. Hence, we still need to hang onto this code.

   See tests/proof/ple2.fq for a concrete example.

assertSelectors :: Knowledge -> Expr -> EvalST ()
-- assertSelectors _ _ = return ()
  1. DOES this kill Unification.hs? (Guard under --no-adt)
  2. Use addEquality instead off _addSMTEquality.
assertSelectors γ e = do
    sims <- aenvSimpl <$> gets _evAEnv
    -- cfg  <- gets evCfg
    -- _    <- foldlM (\_ s -> Vis.mapMExpr (go s) e) (tracepp "assertSelector" e) sims
    forM_ sims $ \s -> Vis.mapMExpr (go s) e
    return ()
    go :: Rewrite -> Expr -> EvalST Expr
    go (SMeasure f dc xs bd) e@(EApp _ _)
      | (EVar dc', es) <- splitEApp e
      , dc == dc'
      , length xs == length es
      = do let e1 = (EApp (EVar f) e)
           let e2 = (subst (mkSubst $ zip xs es) bd)
           addEquality γ e1 e2
           return e
    go _ e
      = return e

-- _addSMTEquality :: Knowledge -> Expr -> Expr -> IO ()
-- _addSMTEquality γ e1 e2 = do
  -- ctx <- knContext γ
  -- SMT.smtAssert ctx (tracepp "addSMTEQ" (PAtom Eq (makeLam γ e1) (makeLam γ e2)))

-- | Symbolic Evaluation with SMT
data EvalEnv = EvalEnv
  { evId        :: !Int
  , evSequence  :: [(Expr,Expr)]
  , _evAEnv     :: !AxiomEnv
  , evEnv       :: !SymEnv
  , _evCfg      :: !Config

type EvalST a = StateT EvalEnv IO a

evaluate :: Config -> SMT.Context -> [(Symbol, SortedReft)] -> AxiomEnv
            -> [Expr]
            -> IO [(Expr, Expr)]
evaluate cfg ctx facts aenv einit
  = (eqs ++) <$>
    (fmap join . sequence)
    (evalOne <$> L.nub (grepTopApps =<< einit))
    (eqs, γ)   = makeKnowledge cfg ctx aenv facts
    senv       = SMT.ctxSymEnv ctx
    initEvalSt = EvalEnv 0 [] aenv senv cfg
    -- This adds all intermediate unfoldings into the assumptions
    -- no test needs it
    -- TODO: add a flag to enable it
    evalOne :: Expr -> IO [(Expr, Expr)]
    evalOne e = {- notracepp ("evalOne e = " ++ showpp e) <$> -} do
      (e', st) <- runStateT (eval γ e) initEvalSt
      if e' == e then return [] else return ((e, e'):evSequence st)

-- Don't evaluate under Lam, App, Ite, or constants
grepTopApps :: Expr -> [Expr]
grepTopApps (PAnd es)       = concatMap grepTopApps es
grepTopApps (POr es)        = concatMap grepTopApps es
grepTopApps (PAtom _ e1 e2) = grepTopApps e1 ++ grepTopApps e2
grepTopApps (PIff e1 e2)    = grepTopApps e1 ++ grepTopApps e2
grepTopApps (PImp e1 e2)    = grepTopApps e1 ++ grepTopApps e2
grepTopApps (PNot e)        = grepTopApps e
grepTopApps (EBin  _ e1 e2) = grepTopApps e1 ++ grepTopApps e2
grepTopApps (ENeg e)        = grepTopApps e
grepTopApps e@(EApp _ _)    = [e]
grepTopApps _               = []

-- makeLam is the adjoint of splitEApp
makeLam :: Knowledge -> Expr -> Expr
makeLam γ e = L.foldl' (flip ELam) e (knLams γ)

eval :: Knowledge -> Expr -> EvalST Expr
eval γ (ELam (x,s) e)
  = do e'    <- eval γ{knLams = (x, s) : knLams γ} e
       return $ ELam (x, s) e'

eval γ e@(EIte b e1 e2)
  = do b' <- eval γ b
       evalIte γ e b' e1 e2
eval γ (ECoerc s t e)
  = ECoerc s t <$> eval γ e
eval γ e@(EApp _ _)
  = evalArgs γ e >>= evalApp γ e
eval γ e@(EVar _)
  = evalApp γ e (e,[])
eval γ (PAtom r e1 e2)
  = PAtom r <$> eval γ e1 <*> eval γ e2
eval γ (ENeg e)
  = ENeg <$> eval γ e
eval γ (EBin o e1 e2)
  = EBin o <$> eval γ e1 <*> eval γ e2
eval γ (ETApp e t)
  = flip ETApp t <$> eval γ e
eval γ (ETAbs e s)
  = flip ETAbs s <$> eval γ e
eval γ (PNot e)
  = PNot <$> eval γ e
eval γ (PImp e1 e2)
  = PImp <$> eval γ e1 <*> eval γ e2
eval γ (PIff e1 e2)
  = PIff <$> eval γ e1 <*> eval γ e2
eval γ (PAnd es)
  = PAnd <$> (eval γ <$$> es)
eval γ (POr es)
  = POr  <$> (eval γ <$$> es)
eval _ e = return e

(<$$>) :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
f <$$> xs = f Misc.<$$> xs

evalArgs :: Knowledge -> Expr -> EvalST (Expr, [Expr])
evalArgs γ = go []
    go acc (EApp f e)
      = do f' <- eval γ f
           e' <- eval γ e
           go (e':acc) f'
    go acc e
      = (,acc) <$> eval γ e

evalApp :: Knowledge -> Expr -> (Expr, [Expr]) -> EvalST Expr
evalApp γ e (EVar f, [ex])
  | (EVar dc, es) <- splitEApp ex
  , Just simp <- L.find (\simp -> (smName simp == f) && (smDC simp == dc)) (knSims γ)
  , length (smArgs simp) == length es
  = do e'    <- eval γ $ wtf $ substPopIf (zip (smArgs simp) es) (smBody simp)
       (e, "Rewrite -" ++ showpp f) ~> e'
evalApp γ _ (EVar f, es)
  -- we should move the lookupKnowledge stuff here into kmAms γ
  | Just eq <- L.find ((==f) . eqName) (knAms γ)
  , Just bd <- getEqBody eq
  , length (eqArgs eq) == length es
  , f `notElem` syms bd               -- non-recursive equations
  = eval γ . wtf =<< assertSelectors γ <<= substEq PopIf eq es bd

evalApp γ _e (EVar f, es)
  | Just eq <- L.find ((==f) . eqName) (knAms γ)
  , Just bd <- getEqBody eq
  , length (eqArgs eq) == length es   -- recursive equations
  = evalRecApplication γ (eApps (EVar f) es) =<< substEq Normal eq es bd
evalApp _ _ (f, es)
  = return $ eApps f es

-- | 'substEq' unfolds or instantiates an equation at a particular list of
--   argument values. We must also substitute the sort-variables that appear
--   as coercions. See tests/proof/ple1.fq
substEq :: SubstOp -> Equation -> [Expr] -> Expr -> EvalST Expr
substEq o eq es bd = substEqVal o eq es <$> substEqCoerce eq es bd

data SubstOp = PopIf | Normal

substEqVal :: SubstOp -> Equation -> [Expr] -> Expr -> Expr
substEqVal o eq es bd = case o of
    PopIf  -> substPopIf     xes  bd
    Normal -> subst (mkSubst xes) bd
    xes    =  zip xs es
    xs     =  eqArgNames eq

substEqCoerce :: Equation -> [Expr] -> Expr -> EvalST Expr
substEqCoerce eq es bd = do
  env      <- seSort <$> gets evEnv
  let ts    = snd    <$> eqArgs eq
  let sp    = panicSpan "mkCoSub"
  let eTs   = sortExpr sp env <$> es
  let coSub = notracepp ("substEqCoerce" ++ showpp (eqName eq, es, eTs, ts)) $ mkCoSub eTs ts
  return    $ Vis.applyCoSub coSub bd

mkCoSub :: [Sort] -> [Sort] -> Vis.CoSub
mkCoSub eTs xTs = Misc.safeFromList "mkCoSub" xys
    xys         = concat (zipWith matchSorts xTs eTs)

matchSorts :: Sort -> Sort -> [(Symbol, Sort)]
matchSorts s1 s2 = notracepp ("matchSorts :" ++ show (s1, s2)) $ go s1 s2
    go (FObj x)      {-FObj-} y    = [(x, y)]
    go (FAbs _ t1)   (FAbs _ t2)   = go t1 t2
    go (FFunc s1 t1) (FFunc s2 t2) = go s1 s2 ++ go t1 t2
    go (FApp s1 t1)  (FApp s2 t2)  = go s1 s2 ++ go t1 t2
    go _             _             = []

getEqBody :: Equation -> Maybe Expr
getEqBody (Equ x xts b _ _)
  | Just (fxs, e) <- getEqBodyPred b
  , (EVar f, es)  <- splitEApp fxs
  , f == x
  , es == (EVar . fst <$> xts)
  = Just e
getEqBody _
  = Nothing

getEqBodyPred :: Expr -> Maybe (Expr, Expr)
getEqBodyPred (PAtom Eq fxs e)
  = Just (fxs, e)
getEqBodyPred (PAnd ((PAtom Eq fxs e):_))
  = Just (fxs, e)
getEqBodyPred _
  = Nothing

eqArgNames :: Equation -> [Symbol]
eqArgNames = map fst . eqArgs

substPopIf :: [(Symbol, Expr)] -> Expr -> Expr
substPopIf xes e = wtf $ L.foldl' go e xes
    go e (x, EIte b e1 e2) = EIte b (subst1 e (x, e1)) (subst1 e (x, e2))
    go e (x, ex)           = subst1 e (x, ex)

evalRecApplication :: Knowledge -> Expr -> Expr -> EvalST Expr
evalRecApplication γ e (EIte b e1 e2) = do
  contra <- {- tracepp ("CONTRA? " ++ showpp e) <$> -} liftIO (isValid γ PFalse)
  if contra
    then return e
    else do b' <- eval γ b
            b1 <- liftIO (isValid γ b')
            if b1
              then addEquality γ e e1 >>
                   ({-# SCC "assertSelectors-1" #-} assertSelectors γ e1) >>
                   eval γ e1 >>=
                   ((e, "App") ~>)
              else do
                   b2 <- liftIO (isValid γ (PNot b'))
                   if b2
                      then addEquality γ e e2 >>
                           ({-# SCC "assertSelectors-2" #-} assertSelectors γ e2) >>
                           eval γ e2 >>=
                           ((e, "App") ~>)
                      else return e
evalRecApplication _ _ e
  = return e

addEquality :: Knowledge -> Expr -> Expr -> EvalST ()
addEquality γ e1 e2 =
  modify (\st -> st{evSequence = (makeLam γ e1, makeLam γ e2):evSequence st})

evalIte :: Knowledge -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> EvalST Expr
evalIte γ e b e1 e2 = join $
                      evalIte' γ e b e1 e2 <$>
                      liftIO (isValid γ b) <*>
                      liftIO (isValid γ (PNot b))

evalIte' :: Knowledge -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Bool -> Bool
            -> EvalST Expr
evalIte' γ e _ e1 _ b _
  | b
  = do e' <- eval γ e1
       (e, "If-True of:" ++ showpp b)  ~> e'
evalIte' γ e _ _ e2 _ b'
  | b'
  = do e' <- eval γ e2
       (e, "If-False") ~> e'
evalIte' γ _ b e1 e2 _ _
  = do e1' <- eval γ e1
       e2' <- eval γ e2
       return $ EIte b e1' e2'

-- normalization required by ApplicativeMaybe.composition
-- RJ: What on earth is this function doing?
wtf :: Expr -> Expr
wtf = id
wtf = snd . go
    go (EIte b t f)
      | isTautoPred t && isFalse f
      = (True, b)
    go (EIte b e1 e2)
      = let (fb, b') = go b
            (f1, e1') = go e1
            (f2, e2') = go e2
        (fb || f1 || f2, EIte b' e1' e2')
    go (EApp (EIte b f1 f2) e)
      = (True, EIte b (snd $ go $ EApp f1 e) (snd $ go $ EApp f2 e))
    go (EApp f (EIte b e1 e2))
      = (True, EIte b (snd $ go $ EApp f e1) (snd $ go $ EApp f e2))
    go (EApp e1 e2)
      = let (f1, e1') = go e1
            (f2, e2') = go e2
        if f1 || f2
              then go $ EApp e1' e2'
              else (False, EApp e1' e2')
    go e = (False, e)

instance Expression (Symbol, SortedReft) where
  expr (x, RR _ (Reft (v, r))) = subst1 (expr r) (v, EVar x)