{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Generated (generatedTests) where import Assembly import Compiler.Hoopl hiding ((<*>)) import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Control.Monad import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf) import LinearScan (UseVerifier(..)) import LinearScan.Hoopl import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck hiding (label) import Test.QuickCheck.Test (isSuccess) import Unsafe.Coerce instance Arbitrary IRVar where arbitrary = sized $ \n -> frequency [ (1, PhysicalIV <$> choose (0,31)) , (50, VirtualIV <$> choose (0,n)) ] instance Arbitrary (Instruction IRVar) where arbitrary = frequency [ (3, Add <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) , (1, Offp <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) , (1, Offlpi <$> arbitrary) , (1, pure Nop) ] instance Arbitrary (Node IRVar O C) where arbitrary = sized $ \n -> frequency [ (1, Jump <$> unsafeCoerce <$> (choose (0,n) :: Gen Int)) , (1, Branch <$> pure Zero <*> arbitrary <*> (unsafeCoerce <$> (choose (0,n) :: Gen Int)) <*> (unsafeCoerce <$> (choose (0,n) :: Gen Int))) , (1, ReturnInstr [] <$> arbitrary) ] instance Arbitrary (Node IRVar O O) where arbitrary = sized $ \n -> frequency [ (1, Alloc <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) -- , (1, Reclaim <$> arbitrary) , (40, Instr <$> arbitrary) , (20, Call InlineC <$> choose (0,n)) , (30, LoadConst <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) , (50, Move <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) , (25, Copy <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) -- , (0, Save <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) -- , (0, Restore <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) -- , (0, pure $ Trace "tracer") ] -- instance Arbitrary (Block (Node IRVar) C C) where -- arbitrary = BlockCC (Label (unsafeCoerce (0 :: Int))) -- <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- instance Arbitrary (Block (Node IRVar) C O) where -- arbitrary = BlockCO (Label (unsafeCoerce (0 :: Int))) <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary (Block (Node IRVar) O C) where arbitrary = BlockOC <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary (Block (Node IRVar) O O) where arbitrary = frequency [ (2, pure BNil) , (1, BMiddle <$> arbitrary) , (1, BCat <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) , (2, BSnoc <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) , (3, BCons <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) ] instance Arbitrary (Graph' Block (Node IRVar) C C) where arbitrary = sized $ \n -> GMany NothingO <$> (unsafeCoerce <$> IM.fromList <$> (forM [1..n] $ \(i :: Int) -> (,) <$> pure i <*> (BlockCC (Label (unsafeCoerce i)) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary :: Gen (Block (Node IRVar) C C)))) <*> pure NothingO instance Show (Graph' Block (Node IRVar) C C) where show = showGraph show generatedTests :: SpecWith () generatedTests = it "Handles generated tests" $ do res <- quickCheckWithResult stdArgs { maxSuccess = 1000 } $ forAll arbitrary testGraph isSuccess res `shouldBe` True testGraph :: Graph (Node IRVar) C C -> Expectation testGraph graph@(GMany _ body _) = case IS.elems (unsafeCoerce (externalEntryLabels body)) of [] -> True `shouldBe` True (entry:_) -> case allocateHoopl 32 0 8 VerifyEnabled (unsafeCoerce entry) graph of Left (dump, err) | any ("Cannot insert onto unhandled:" `isInfixOf`) err -> True `shouldBe` True | otherwise -> error $ "Allocation failed: " ++ intercalate "\n" err ++ "\n" ++ dump Right graph' -> do let g = showGraph show graph' _ <- evaluate (length g) return () -- putStrLn $ "---- Compiled ----\n" ++ g