/* $Id: ClpSimplexOther.hpp 1884 2012-11-05 17:38:48Z forrest $ */ // Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL). /* Authors John Forrest */ #ifndef ClpSimplexOther_H #define ClpSimplexOther_H #include "ClpSimplex.hpp" /** This is for Simplex stuff which is neither dual nor primal It inherits from ClpSimplex. It has no data of its own and is never created - only cast from a ClpSimplex object at algorithm time. */ class ClpSimplexOther : public ClpSimplex { public: /**@name Methods */ //@{ /** Dual ranging. This computes increase/decrease in cost for each given variable and corresponding sequence numbers which would change basis. Sequence numbers are 0..numberColumns and numberColumns.. for artificials/slacks. For non-basic variables the information is trivial to compute and the change in cost is just minus the reduced cost and the sequence number will be that of the non-basic variables. For basic variables a ratio test is between the reduced costs for non-basic variables and the row of the tableau corresponding to the basic variable. The increase/decrease value is always >= 0.0 Up to user to provide correct length arrays where each array is of length numberCheck. which contains list of variables for which information is desired. All other arrays will be filled in by function. If fifth entry in which is variable 7 then fifth entry in output arrays will be information for variable 7. If valueIncrease/Decrease not NULL (both must be NULL or both non NULL) then these are filled with the value of variable if such a change in cost were made (the existing bounds are ignored) When here - guaranteed optimal */ void dualRanging(int numberCheck, const int * which, double * costIncrease, int * sequenceIncrease, double * costDecrease, int * sequenceDecrease, double * valueIncrease = NULL, double * valueDecrease = NULL); /** Primal ranging. This computes increase/decrease in value for each given variable and corresponding sequence numbers which would change basis. Sequence numbers are 0..numberColumns and numberColumns.. for artificials/slacks. This should only be used for non-basic variabls as otherwise information is pretty useless For basic variables the sequence number will be that of the basic variables. Up to user to provide correct length arrays where each array is of length numberCheck. which contains list of variables for which information is desired. All other arrays will be filled in by function. If fifth entry in which is variable 7 then fifth entry in output arrays will be information for variable 7. When here - guaranteed optimal */ void primalRanging(int numberCheck, const int * which, double * valueIncrease, int * sequenceIncrease, double * valueDecrease, int * sequenceDecrease); /** Parametrics This is an initial slow version. The code uses current bounds + theta * change (if change array not NULL) and similarly for objective. It starts at startingTheta and returns ending theta in endingTheta. If reportIncrement 0.0 it will report on any movement If reportIncrement >0.0 it will report at startingTheta+k*reportIncrement. If it can not reach input endingTheta return code will be 1 for infeasible, 2 for unbounded, if error on ranges -1, otherwise 0. Normal report is just theta and objective but if event handler exists it may do more On exit endingTheta is maximum reached (can be used for next startingTheta) */ int parametrics(double startingTheta, double & endingTheta, double reportIncrement, const double * changeLowerBound, const double * changeUpperBound, const double * changeLowerRhs, const double * changeUpperRhs, const double * changeObjective); /** Version of parametrics which reads from file See CbcClpParam.cpp for details of format Returns -2 if unable to open file */ int parametrics(const char * dataFile); /** Parametrics This is an initial slow version. The code uses current bounds + theta * change (if change array not NULL) It starts at startingTheta and returns ending theta in endingTheta. If it can not reach input endingTheta return code will be 1 for infeasible, 2 for unbounded, if error on ranges -1, otherwise 0. Event handler may do more On exit endingTheta is maximum reached (can be used for next startingTheta) */ int parametrics(double startingTheta, double & endingTheta, const double * changeLowerBound, const double * changeUpperBound, const double * changeLowerRhs, const double * changeUpperRhs); int parametricsObj(double startingTheta, double & endingTheta, const double * changeObjective); /// Finds best possible pivot double bestPivot(bool justColumns=false); typedef struct { double startingTheta; double endingTheta; double maxTheta; double acceptableMaxTheta; // if this far then within tolerances double * lowerChange; // full array of lower bound changes int * lowerList; // list of lower bound changes double * upperChange; // full array of upper bound changes int * upperList; // list of upper bound changes char * markDone; // mark which ones looked at int * backwardBasic; // from sequence to pivot row int * lowerActive; double * lowerGap; double * lowerCoefficient; int * upperActive; double * upperGap; double * upperCoefficient; int unscaledChangesOffset; bool firstIteration; // so can update rhs for accuracy } parametricsData; private: /** Parametrics - inner loop This first attempt is when reportIncrement non zero and may not report endingTheta correctly If it can not reach input endingTheta return code will be 1 for infeasible, 2 for unbounded, otherwise 0. Normal report is just theta and objective but if event handler exists it may do more */ int parametricsLoop(parametricsData & paramData, double reportIncrement, const double * changeLower, const double * changeUpper, const double * changeObjective, ClpDataSave & data, bool canTryQuick); int parametricsLoop(parametricsData & paramData, ClpDataSave & data,bool canSkipFactorization=false); int parametricsObjLoop(parametricsData & paramData, ClpDataSave & data,bool canSkipFactorization=false); /** Refactorizes if necessary Checks if finished. Updates status. type - 0 initial so set up save arrays etc - 1 normal -if good update save - 2 restoring from saved */ void statusOfProblemInParametrics(int type, ClpDataSave & saveData); void statusOfProblemInParametricsObj(int type, ClpDataSave & saveData); /** This has the flow between re-factorizations Reasons to come out: -1 iterations etc -2 inaccuracy -3 slight inaccuracy (and done iterations) +0 looks optimal (might be unbounded - but we will investigate) +1 looks infeasible +3 max iterations */ int whileIterating(parametricsData & paramData, double reportIncrement, const double * changeObjective); /** Computes next theta and says if objective or bounds (0= bounds, 1 objective, -1 none). theta is in theta_. type 1 bounds, 2 objective, 3 both. */ int nextTheta(int type, double maxTheta, parametricsData & paramData, const double * changeObjective); int whileIteratingObj(parametricsData & paramData); int nextThetaObj(double maxTheta, parametricsData & paramData); /// Restores bound to original bound void originalBound(int iSequence, double theta, const double * changeLower, const double * changeUpper); /// Compute new rowLower_ etc (return negative if infeasible - otherwise largest change) double computeRhsEtc(parametricsData & paramData); /// Redo lower_ from rowLower_ etc void redoInternalArrays(); /** Row array has row part of pivot row Column array has column part. This is used in dual ranging */ void checkDualRatios(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, CoinIndexedVector * columnArray, double & costIncrease, int & sequenceIncrease, double & alphaIncrease, double & costDecrease, int & sequenceDecrease, double & alphaDecrease); /** Row array has pivot column This is used in primal ranging */ void checkPrimalRatios(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, int direction); /// Returns new value of whichOther when whichIn enters basis double primalRanging1(int whichIn, int whichOther); public: /** Write the basis in MPS format to the specified file. If writeValues true writes values of structurals (and adds VALUES to end of NAME card) Row and column names may be null. formatType is