/* $Id: ClpGubDynamicMatrix.hpp 1665 2011-01-04 17:55:54Z lou $ */
// Copyright (C) 2003, International Business Machines
// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
#ifndef ClpGubDynamicMatrix_H
#define ClpGubDynamicMatrix_H
#include "CoinPragma.hpp"
#include "ClpGubMatrix.hpp"
/** This implements Gub rows plus a ClpPackedMatrix.
This a dynamic version which stores the gub part and dynamically creates matrix.
All bounds are assumed to be zero and infinity
This is just a simple example for real column generation
class ClpGubDynamicMatrix : public ClpGubMatrix {
/**@name Main functions provided */
/// Partial pricing
virtual void partialPricing(ClpSimplex * model, double start, double end,
int & bestSequence, int & numberWanted);
/** This is local to Gub to allow synchronization:
mode=0 when status of basis is good
mode=1 when variable is flagged
mode=2 when all variables unflagged (returns number flagged)
mode=3 just reset costs (primal)
mode=4 correct number of dual infeasibilities
mode=5 return 4 if time to re-factorize
mode=8 - make sure set is clean
mode=9 - adjust lower, upper on set by incoming
virtual int synchronize(ClpSimplex * model, int mode);
/// Sets up an effective RHS and does gub crash if needed
virtual void useEffectiveRhs(ClpSimplex * model, bool cheapest = true);
update information for a pivot (and effective rhs)
virtual int updatePivot(ClpSimplex * model, double oldInValue, double oldOutValue);
/// Add a new variable to a set
void insertNonBasic(int sequence, int iSet);
/** Returns effective RHS offset if it is being used. This is used for long problems
or big gub or anywhere where going through full columns is
expensive. This may re-compute */
virtual double * rhsOffset(ClpSimplex * model, bool forceRefresh = false,
bool check = false);
using ClpPackedMatrix::times ;
/** Return y + A * scalar *x
in y
@pre x
must be of size numColumns()
@pre y
must be of size numRows()
virtual void times(double scalar,
const double * x, double * y) const;
/** Just for debug
Returns sum and number of primal infeasibilities. Recomputes keys
virtual int checkFeasible(ClpSimplex * model, double & sum) const;
/// Cleans data after setWarmStart
void cleanData(ClpSimplex * model);
/**@name Constructors, destructor */
/** Default constructor. */
/** Destructor */
virtual ~ClpGubDynamicMatrix();
/**@name Copy method */
/** The copy constructor. */
ClpGubDynamicMatrix(const ClpGubDynamicMatrix&);
/** This is the real constructor.
It assumes factorization frequency will not be changed.
This resizes model !!!!
ClpGubDynamicMatrix(ClpSimplex * model, int numberSets,
int numberColumns, const int * starts,
const double * lower, const double * upper,
const int * startColumn, const int * row,
const double * element, const double * cost,
const double * lowerColumn = NULL, const double * upperColumn = NULL,
const unsigned char * status = NULL);
ClpGubDynamicMatrix& operator=(const ClpGubDynamicMatrix&);
/// Clone
virtual ClpMatrixBase * clone() const ;
/**@name gets and sets */
/// enums for status of various sorts
enum DynamicStatus {
inSmall = 0x01,
atUpperBound = 0x02,
atLowerBound = 0x03
/// Whether flagged
inline bool flagged(int i) const {
return (dynamicStatus_[i] & 8) != 0;
inline void setFlagged(int i) {
dynamicStatus_[i] = static_cast(dynamicStatus_[i] | 8);
inline void unsetFlagged(int i) {
dynamicStatus_[i] = static_cast(dynamicStatus_[i] & ~8);
inline void setDynamicStatus(int sequence, DynamicStatus status) {
unsigned char & st_byte = dynamicStatus_[sequence];
st_byte = static_cast(st_byte & ~7);
st_byte = static_cast(st_byte | status);
inline DynamicStatus getDynamicStatus(int sequence) const {
return static_cast (dynamicStatus_[sequence] & 7);
/// Saved value of objective offset
inline double objectiveOffset() const {
return objectiveOffset_;
/// Starts of each column
inline CoinBigIndex * startColumn() const {
return startColumn_;
/// rows
inline int * row() const {
return row_;
/// elements
inline double * element() const {
return element_;
/// costs
inline double * cost() const {
return cost_;
/// full starts
inline int * fullStart() const {
return fullStart_;
/// ids of active columns (just index here)
inline int * id() const {
return id_;
/// Optional lower bounds on columns
inline double * lowerColumn() const {
return lowerColumn_;
/// Optional upper bounds on columns
inline double * upperColumn() const {
return upperColumn_;
/// Optional true lower bounds on sets
inline double * lowerSet() const {
return lowerSet_;
/// Optional true upper bounds on sets
inline double * upperSet() const {
return upperSet_;
/// size
inline int numberGubColumns() const {
return numberGubColumns_;
/// first free
inline int firstAvailable() const {
return firstAvailable_;
/// set first free
inline void setFirstAvailable(int value) {
firstAvailable_ = value;
/// first dynamic
inline int firstDynamic() const {
return firstDynamic_;
/// number of columns in dynamic model
inline int lastDynamic() const {
return lastDynamic_;
/// size of working matrix (max)
inline int numberElements() const {
return numberElements_;
/// Status region for gub slacks
inline unsigned char * gubRowStatus() const {
return status_;
/// Status region for gub variables
inline unsigned char * dynamicStatus() const {
return dynamicStatus_;
/// Returns which set a variable is in
int whichSet (int sequence) const;
/**@name Data members
The data members are protected to allow access for derived classes. */
/// Saved value of objective offset
double objectiveOffset_;
/// Starts of each column
CoinBigIndex * startColumn_;
/// rows
int * row_;
/// elements
double * element_;
/// costs
double * cost_;
/// full starts
int * fullStart_;
/// ids of active columns (just index here)
int * id_;
/// for status and which bound
unsigned char * dynamicStatus_;
/// Optional lower bounds on columns
double * lowerColumn_;
/// Optional upper bounds on columns
double * upperColumn_;
/// Optional true lower bounds on sets
double * lowerSet_;
/// Optional true upper bounds on sets
double * upperSet_;
/// size
int numberGubColumns_;
/// first free
int firstAvailable_;
/// saved first free
int savedFirstAvailable_;
/// first dynamic
int firstDynamic_;
/// number of columns in dynamic model
int lastDynamic_;
/// size of working matrix (max)
int numberElements_;