{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# HLINT ignore "Redundant bracket" #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-} -- | Functions to convert @Haskell@ to @Markdown@ and between @Literate Haskell@ (@.lhs@) and @Markdown@. module Converter (hsToMd, mdToHs, lhsToMd, mdToLhs, Config (..), ConfigHsMd (..)) where import Data.Default (Default) import Data.Foldable (Foldable (..)) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf) import Data.Yaml (FromJSON (..)) import Data.Yaml.Aeson (withObject, (.:), (.:?)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) -- | App config. newtype Config = Config {configHsMd :: Maybe ConfigHsMd} deriving (Generic, Default) instance FromJSON Config where parseJSON = withObject "Configs" (\v -> Config <$> v .:? "hs-md") -- | Config for @Haskell@ to @Markdown@ converter. newtype ConfigHsMd = ConfigHs2Md {specialComments :: [String]} deriving (Generic, Default) instance FromJSON ConfigHsMd where parseJSON = withObject "CommentsToIgnore" (\v -> ConfigHs2Md <$> v .: "special-comments") backticks_ :: Int -> String backticks_ n = indentN n backticks backticks :: String backticks = "```" haskellSnippet :: String haskellSnippet = backticks ++ "haskell" consoleSnippet :: String consoleSnippet = backticks ++ "console" chooseSnippetType :: String -> String chooseSnippetType s | s `startsWith` birdTrack = haskellSnippet | otherwise = consoleSnippet birdTrack :: String birdTrack = "> " reverseBirdTrack :: String reverseBirdTrack = "< " birdTracks :: [String] birdTracks = [birdTrack, reverseBirdTrack] -- | Convert @Literate Haskell@ to @Markdown@. -- -- Convert @LHS@ birdtick style to @Markdown@, replacing the code marked by birdticks with @```haskell ... ```@. lhsToMd :: String -> String lhsToMd = unlines . convert "" . lines where convert :: String -> [String] -> [String] convert prev [] | -- close code tags at the end prev `startsWithAnyOf` birdTracks = [backticks] | otherwise = [] convert prev (h : t) | -- check for Haskell code to start -- insert newline above code block if needed not (prev `startsWithAnyOf` birdTracks) && (h `startsWithAnyOf` birdTracks) = (["" | prev /= ""]) ++ [chooseSnippetType h, drop 2 h] ++ rest | -- check for code h `startsWithAnyOf` birdTracks = drop 2 h : rest | -- check for code end, insert newline after code block if needed prev `startsWithAnyOf` birdTracks = [backticks] ++ (["" | h /= ""]) ++ [h] ++ rest | h `startsWith` (' ' : birdTrack) = drop 1 h : rest | otherwise = shiftIfHeader h ++ rest where rest = convert h t -- | Convert @Markdown@ file to @Literate Haskell@. -- -- Replace code marked with @```haskell ...```@ with birdticks (@>@) -- and code marked with @``` ... ```@ with reverse birdticks (@<@). mdToLhs :: String -> String mdToLhs = unlines . convert False False "" . lines where convert :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> [String] -> [String] convert inHsCode inSample prev [] = [] convert inHsCode inSample prev (h : t) | -- handle code block starts, add newline if needed h == haskellSnippet = (["" | prev /= ""]) ++ convert True False prev t | -- handle code inHsCode && h /= backticks = ("> " ++ h) : convert True False h t | -- handle code sample inSample && h /= backticks = ("< " ++ h) : convert False True h t | -- move headings one space to right isHeading h = (' ' : h) : rest | -- handle code and sample block ends (inHsCode || inSample) && h == backticks = (["" | null t || head t /= ""]) ++ convert False False prev t | -- handle sample block starts, add newline if needed take 3 h == backticks = (["" | prev /= ""]) ++ convert False True prev t | -- handle quotes h `startsWith` birdTrack = (" >" ++ drop 1 h) : rest | otherwise = h : rest where -- count headings isHeading h = not (null (takeWhile (== '#') h)) rest = convert False False h t startsWith :: String -> String -> Bool startsWith = flip isPrefixOf startsWithAnyOf :: String -> [String] -> Bool startsWithAnyOf l = any (startsWith l) shiftIfHeader :: String -> [String] shiftIfHeader "" = [""] shiftIfHeader (' ' : '#' : x) = ['#' : x] shiftIfHeader x = [x] _LIMA_DISABLE :: String _LIMA_DISABLE = "LIMA_DISABLE" _LIMA_ENABLE :: String _LIMA_ENABLE = "LIMA_ENABLE" _LIMA_INDENT :: String _LIMA_INDENT = "LIMA_INDENT" _LIMA_DEDENT :: String _LIMA_DEDENT = "LIMA_DEDENT" -- | Comments that should be ignored for some reason -- -- FOURMOLU_DISABLE is ignored because it's a special comment and shouldn't be visible in a `.md` specialCommentsDefault :: [String] specialCommentsDefault = ["FOURMOLU_DISABLE", "FOURMOLU_ENABLE", _LIMA_INDENT, _LIMA_DEDENT] endsWith :: String -> String -> Bool endsWith = flip isSuffixOf -- multi-line comments mcOpen :: String mcOpen = "{-" mcOpenSpace :: String mcOpenSpace = mcOpen ++ " " -- | multiline comment closing symbols mcClose :: String mcClose = "-}" mcCloseSpace :: String mcCloseSpace = " -}" dropEnd :: Int -> String -> String dropEnd n s = reverse (drop n (reverse s)) backticksHs :: String backticksHs = backticks ++ "haskell" backticksHs_ :: Int -> String backticksHs_ n = indentN n backticksHs dropEmpties :: [String] -> [String] dropEmpties = dropWhile (\x -> dropSpaces x == "") -- Markdown comments -- | Open a @Markdown@ comment mdcOpen :: String mdcOpen = "" mdcOpenSpace :: String mdcOpenSpace = mdcOpen ++ " " mdcCloseSpace :: String mdcCloseSpace = " " ++ mdcClose -- | Remove multiline comment marks from the beginning and end of a string stripMC :: String -> String stripMC x = dropEnd (length mcCloseSpace) (drop (length mcOpenSpace) x) indentN :: Int -> String -> String indentN x s = concat (replicate x " ") ++ s -- | Convert @Haskell@ to @Markdown@. -- -- Multi-line comments are copied as text blocks and @Haskell@ code is copied as @Haskell@ snippets. hsToMd :: ConfigHsMd -> String -> String hsToMd ConfigHs2Md{..} = unlines . dropWhile (== "") . reverse . (\x -> convert True False False 0 x []) . lines where specialComments_ = specialCommentsDefault ++ specialComments convert :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [String] convert inLimaEnable inComments inSnippet indent_ (h : hs) res | not inComments = if | -- disable -- split a snippet h == mcOpenSpace ++ _LIMA_DISABLE ++ mcCloseSpace -> (convert False False False indent_ hs) ([mdcOpenSpace ++ _LIMA_DISABLE] ++ [backticks_ indent_ | inSnippet] ++ dropEmpties res) | -- enable h == mcOpenSpace ++ _LIMA_ENABLE ++ mcCloseSpace -> convert True False inSnippet indent_ hs ((_LIMA_ENABLE ++ mdcCloseSpace) : res) | -- disabled not inLimaEnable -> convert inLimaEnable False False indent_ hs (h : res) | -- indentation comment -- splits a snippet h `startsWithAnyOf` ((mcOpenSpace ++) <$> [_LIMA_INDENT, _LIMA_DEDENT]) -> let h_ = stripMC h isIndent = h_ `startsWith` _LIMA_INDENT newIndent_ = if isIndent then indent_ + (read @Int $ drop (length _LIMA_INDENT) h_) else 0 curIndent_ = if isIndent then newIndent_ else indent_ in (convert inLimaEnable False False newIndent_ hs) ( [indentN curIndent_ $ mdcOpenSpace ++ stripMC h ++ mdcCloseSpace] ++ ["" | inSnippet] ++ [backticks_ indent_ | inSnippet] ++ (if isIndent then squashEmpties else dropEmpties) res ) | -- a special comment -- a comment should be in multi-line style like '{- FOURMOLU_DISABLE -}' -- it should occupy a single line -- it may be followed by arbitrary text in that line -- splits a snippet h `startsWithAnyOf` ((mcOpenSpace ++) <$> specialComments_) -> (convert inLimaEnable False False indent_ hs) ([mdcOpenSpace ++ stripMC h ++ mdcCloseSpace] ++ ["" | inSnippet] ++ [backticks_ indent_ | inSnippet] ++ dropEmpties res) | -- start of a multi-line comment -- it should be either like '{- ...' or '{-\n' (h `startsWith` mcOpenSpace || h == mcOpen) -> let x' = drop 3 h pref = "" : [backticks_ indent_ | inSnippet] res' = if inSnippet then dropEmpties res else res in -- if a multiline comment ends on the same line -- it should end with '-}' if h `endsWith` mcClose then convert inLimaEnable False False indent_ hs ([dropEnd (length mcCloseSpace) x'] ++ pref ++ res') else convert inLimaEnable True False indent_ hs ([x' | not (null x')] ++ pref ++ res') | -- non-empty line means the start of a Haskell snippet not inSnippet -> if not (null h) then -- non-empty line means the start of a Haskell snippet convert inLimaEnable False True indent_ hs ([indentN indent_ h, backticksHs_ indent_] ++ squashEmpties res) else -- if not in snippet, collapse consequent empty lines convert inLimaEnable False False indent_ hs res | inSnippet -> convert inLimaEnable False True indent_ hs ((indentN indent_ h) : res) | inComments = if h `startsWith` mcClose then -- end of a multiline comment convert inLimaEnable False False indent_ hs (res) else -- copy everything from comments convert inLimaEnable True False indent_ hs (h : res) convert _ _ inSnippet indent_ [] res = [backticks_ indent_ | inSnippet] ++ dropEmpties res stripMdc :: String -> String stripMdc x = dropEnd (length mdcCloseSpace) (drop (length mdcOpenSpace) (dropSpaces x)) squashEmpties :: [String] -> [String] squashEmpties = ([""] ++) . dropEmpties dropSpaces :: String -> String dropSpaces = dropWhile (== ' ') countSpaces :: String -> Int countSpaces x = length $ takeWhile (== ' ') x -- | Convert @Markdown@ to @Haskell@. -- -- Multi-line comments are copied as text blocks and @Haskell@ code is copied as @Haskell@ snippets. mdToHs :: ConfigHsMd -> String -> String mdToHs ConfigHs2Md{..} = unlines . dropWhile (== "") . reverse . (\x -> convert False False False 0 x []) . lines where specialComments_ = specialCommentsDefault ++ specialComments closeTextIf x = [mcClose | x] convert :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [String] convert inText inSnippet inComments dedent_ (h : hs) res | inComments = -- enable if h `startsWith` (_LIMA_ENABLE ++ mdcCloseSpace) then -- split text (convert inText inSnippet False dedent_ hs) ([mcOpenSpace ++ _LIMA_ENABLE ++ mcCloseSpace] ++ ["" | inText] ++ closeTextIf inText ++ res) else -- copy lines convert False False True dedent_ hs (h : res) | not inSnippet = if | -- found a disable comment h `startsWith` (mdcOpenSpace ++ _LIMA_DISABLE) -> (convert False False True dedent_ hs) ([mcOpenSpace ++ _LIMA_DISABLE ++ mcCloseSpace, ""] ++ closeTextIf inText ++ res) | -- found a special comment (dropSpaces h) `startsWithAnyOf` ((mdcOpenSpace ++) <$> specialComments_) -> (convert False False False dedent_ hs) ([mcOpenSpace ++ stripMdc h ++ mcCloseSpace] ++ [""] ++ closeTextIf inText ++ dropEmpties res) | -- start of a haskell snippet (dropSpaces h) `startsWith` backticksHs -> convert False True False (countSpaces h) hs ([""] ++ closeTextIf inText ++ dropEmpties res) | not inText -> if null h then -- just a blank line convert inText False False dedent_ hs res else -- start of text convert True False False dedent_ hs ([h, mcOpen, ""] ++ res) | -- copy text line by line otherwise -> convert True False False dedent_ hs (h : res) | otherwise = if (dropSpaces h) == backticks then -- end of a snippet convert False False False 0 hs res else -- in a snippet convert False True False dedent_ hs ((drop dedent_ h) : res) convert inText _ _ dedent_ [] res = [mcClose | inText] ++ res