Tutorial for libroman ===================== libroman lets you use roman numerals in Haskell. They support basic math and conversion to and from strings. This Tutorial is a literate Haskell file so if you want to play along with the Tutorial while we do this you can simply boot up ghci and load this module with `ghci> :l Data.Roman.Tutorial` Type Class Roman ---------------- The Module `Data.Roman` exports the type class **`Roman`**. Which has a single method `fromRoman` to convert from a `Roman` value to any `Integral` value. There are two data types that implement this type class: - `RomanSymbol`: represents the symbols that make up roman numerals - `RomanNumeral`: represents the combination of these symbols. The Data Type `RomanSymbol` is a simple ADT that has the following Constructors: `Nulla | I | V | X | L | C | D | M` where `Nulla` represents zero. `RomanNumeral` is a type synonym for lists of `RomanSymbol`s ( as in `[RomanSymbol]` ). This data type can be used to represent any combination of RomanSymbol ( even if it does not follow the classical rules ), and by extension the numeric values they represent. For the rest of this tutorial we will be working with `RomanNumeral` Data Type RomanNumeral ---------------------- Besides the aforementioned instance for `Roman`, `RomanNumeral` is also a member of a whole host of other type classes. - `Eq` - `Ord` - `Enum` - `Show` - `Read` - `Num` - `Real` - `Integral` `RomanNumeral` is a Because a numeric literal `a` is syntactic sugar for `fromInteger a` the easiest way to declare a RomanNumeral value is like this: > a = 12 :: RomanNumeral > > b :: RomanNumeral > b = 273 You can also create RomanNumerals manually using List Syntax. If, for instance, you want the number 4 represented as IIII, you could just do this. > c = [I, I, I, I] Mathy Stuff with RomanNumeral ----------------------------- Once you have some Values you can get to work. The type class `Num` enables you to do basic math: > d = a + b -- CCLXXXV > e = b - c -- CCLXVI > f = e * d Check the result of f by yourself: `ghci> f` You will see that roman numerals are not really suited for big numbers. Try to keep your math under 10'000 or prepare for lots or `M`s Roman numerals can't represent fractional values so you can't use `(\)`, but you can use the methods of the `Integral` type class to do Integer division and so on. > g = div f d -- CCLXV Just as with any other enumerable value, you can declare ranges: > r :: [RomanNumeral] > r = [1..12] > r' = [a..b] > r'' = [[C, X, I]..[C, C]] **Beware:** The Romans didn't have a concept of negative numbers, so `RomanNumeral` can't represent negative numbers. This means that the function `negate` will cause an *Underflow Exception*. Same if you subtract a larger RomanNumeral from a smaller one, or perform any other operation that would create a negative value. *I don't know how to solve this problem ( apart from dependent typing :P ), as simply throwing an exception and crashing everything ruins part of the type-checked goodness we have in haskell, but returning the wrong result because of this seems even worse somehow.* > baloney = negate e -- This throws an error if evaluated! > Try to guess which of the next two thows an Exception, and which one doesn't > hogwash = a - b + b > salami = a + b - b *In a nutshell: Mathematically you can use `RomanNumeral` in basically the same way as any other unsigned integral value (`Word` for instance)* Comparison of RomanNumerals --------------------------- And of course you can compare two `RomanNumeral`s with `(>=)`, `(>)`, `(==)`, `(<)` and `(<=)` **Beware:** `(==)` has a little quirk stemming from the fact that `RomanNumeral` enables you to represent the same numerical value in multiple ways. `(==)` will only return `True` if the representation is equal, not just the numerical value. > rep1 = [I, I, I, I] > rep2 = [I, V] > rep3 :: RomanNumeral > rep3 = 4 > > rep1 == rep2 -- this will return false > rep2 == rep3 -- this will return true Numerical Type Converting ------------------------- `Integral` also has a method `toInteger` which can be used to coerce your Roman values to `Integer`s. However the function `fromIntegral` from the Prelude is a lot more general, as you can convert from any `Integral` value to any other `Integral` value, so you can use it to both convert to and from RomanNumeral. > thisIsAnInteger = 12 -- Numeric literals default to Integer > thisIsARoman = 44 :: RomanNumeral > > h = toInteger thisIsARoman > > i = fromIntegral thisIsARoman > > j = fromIntegral thisIsAnInteger > > k :: RomanNumeral > k = fromIntegral thisIsAnInteger libroman is pretty good at interpreting the 'correct' numeric value for `RomanNumeral`s which don't follow the classic rules of writing roman numerals, for instance double subtraction as in XIIX, or repeating the same character more than 3 times as in IIII. > weird = [X, I, I, X] > clock = [I, I, I, I] If you check these values in ghci ( using `fromIntegral` ) you will see that they are interpreted as `18` and `4` which is the most sensible interpretation (imho) You can probably guess the types of `h`, `i` and `j`, but if you are not sure you can check in ghci with `:t` Converting to Strings --------------------- `RomanNumeral` implements `Read` and `Show` to convert to and from `String` `read` is case insensitive. > l = show k -- "XII" > m = read "XXXII" :: RomanNumeral > n = read "nulla" :: RomanNumeral