/* THIS FILE IS NOT INTENDED FOR USER READING. USE HADDOCK DOCUMENTATION INSTEAD. */ #define __addTags__ \ -- | Tag an album using a list of user supplied tags. \ More: #define __getCorrection__ \ -- | Use the last.fm corrections data to check whether the supplied artist has a correction to a canonical artist \ More: #define __getEvents__ \ -- | Get a list of upcoming events for this artist. \ More: #define __getImages__ \ -- | Get Images for this artist in a variety of sizes. \ More: #define __getInfo__ \ -- | Get the metadata for an artist. Includes biography. \ More: #define __getPastEvents__ \ -- | Get a paginated list of all the events this artist has played at in the past. \ More: #define __getPodcast__ \ -- | Get a podcast of free mp3s based on an artist. \ More: #define __getShouts__ \ -- | Get shouts for this artist. Also available as an rss feed. \ More: #define __getSimilar__ \ -- | Get all the artists similar to this artist. \ More: #define __getTags__ \ -- | Get the tags applied by an individual user to an artist on Last.fm. If accessed as an authenticated service /and/ you don't supply a user parameter then this service will return tags for the authenticated user. \ More: #define __getTopAlbums__ \ -- | Get the top albums for an artist on Last.fm, ordered by popularity. \ More: #define __getTopFans__ \ -- | Get the top fans for an artist on Last.fm, based on listening data. \ More: #define __getTopTags__ \ -- | Get the top tags for an artist on Last.fm, ordered by popularity. \ More: #define __getTopTracks__ \ -- | Get the top tracks by an artist on Last.fm, ordered by popularity. \ More: #define __removeTag__ \ -- | Remove a user's tag from an artist. \ More: #define __search__ \ -- | Search for an artist by name. Returns artist matches sorted by relevance. \ More: #define __share__ \ -- | Share an artist with Last.fm users or other friends. \ More: #define __shout__ \ -- | Shout in this artist's shoutbox. \ More: