module Data.Graph.Libgraph.AlgoDebug where
import Data.Graph.Libgraph.Core
import Data.Graph.Libgraph.Dagify(collapse,remove)
import Prelude hiding (Right)
import Data.List(find)
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
import GHC.Generics
data AssistedMessage = InconclusiveProperty String | PassingProperty String deriving (Eq,Show,Ord,Generic)
data Judgement = Right | Wrong | Unassessed | Assisted [AssistedMessage] deriving (Eq,Show,Ord,Generic)
findFaulty_dag :: (Ord v, Eq a, Show v) => (v -> Judgement) -> Graph v a -> [v]
findFaulty_dag judge g = filter isFaulty (vertices g)
where isFaulty v = (judge v == Wrong)
&& (null $ filter ((/=Right) . judge) (succs g v))
findFaulty :: (Ord v, Eq a, Show v)
=> (v -> Judgement) -> ([v]->v) -> Graph v a -> [v]
findFaulty isWrong merge = (findFaulty_dag isWrong) . (collapse merge) . remove
next_step :: Eq v => Graph v a -> (v -> Judgement) -> v
next_step tree j = case go r of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> r
r = root tree
go v | v == r = findJust (map go (succs tree v))
| j v == Right = Nothing
| j v == Wrong = case findJust (map go (succs tree v)) of
Nothing -> (Just v)
(Just w) -> (Just w)
| otherwise = Just v
findJust mvs = case (find (isJust) mvs) of Just justv -> justv; Nothing -> Nothing
next_daq :: Ord v => Graph v a -> (v -> Judgement) -> v
next_daq tree j = snd (foldr1 f ws)
where c = succCache tree
ws = weight j c
(case start j c (root tree) of (Just r) -> r; Nothing -> root tree)
w = (maximum (map fst ws)) `div` 2
f x y | abs (w (fst x)) < abs (w (fst y)) = x
| otherwise = y
weight :: (v -> Judgement) -> (v -> [v]) -> v -> [(Int,v)]
weight j c v | j v == Right = [(0,v)]
| otherwise = (w,v) : foldr (++) [] vs
where vs = map (weight j c) (c v)
w = 1 + (sum $ map (fst . head) vs)
start :: (v -> Judgement) -> (v -> [v]) -> v -> Maybe v
start j c v = case filter isJust (map (start j c) (c v)) of
[] -> if j v == Wrong then Just v else Nothing
(w:_) -> w