# libfuse3: A Haskell binding to libfuse-3.x ![GitHub Actions](https://github.com/matil019/haskell-libfuse3/workflows/Haskell%20CI/badge.svg?branch=master) ## Important notes - Executables using `libfuse3` should be compiled with the threaded runtime (`-threaded`). - Developed and tested on Linux only. Not tested on other UNIXes such as BSD and MacOS because I don't own them / machines to run them on. ## System dependencies This package depends on the C library [libfuse][libfuse] and `pkg-config`. Please install them with your system package manager before building this package. For example, on Ubuntu: ```sh sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libfuse3-dev pkg-config ``` **NOTE:** `libfuse3-dev` is not available until Ubuntu-20.04 (a.k.a. "focal"). **NOTE2:** Not to be confused with `libfuse-dev` (whose version is 2.x). It can coexist with `libfuse3-dev`, but it is incompatible with this package. ## Building from HEAD This packages uses the `./configure` script, but it is not checked into the git repository. To build the source checked out from git, you must generate it from `configure.ac` before invoking any of the `cabal` commands: ``` autoreconf -fiv # cabal v2-build, etc. ``` You may have to install `autotools` or something like that with your system package manager. ## Examples There are two examples, `null` and `passthrough` in the `example` directory. These are the ports of the examples in the official libfuse. They should be good start points for writing your filesystems. Enable the cabal flag to build them: ``` cabal v2-configure --flags=examples ``` ## Known issues and limitations - A signal needs to be sent twice to stop the process and unmount the filesystem. - This means you have to run `kill -2 ` twice or hit `Ctrl-C` twice (if running in foreground). - On the other hand, `fusermount -u` can unmount the filesystem on the first attempt. - Not all Haskell-friendly bindings to the FUSE operations are implemented yet, including but not limited to: - `struct fuse_conn_info`. The availability of filesystem capabilities such as `FUSE_CAP_HANDLE_KILLPRIV` can't be checked. - Setting the fields of `struct fuse_file_info` from the certain fuse operations. - Look for the `TODO` comments in the source tree for more specific topics. If you are able to fix/implement any of these, that would be very appreciated! Please open a PR to contribute. ## Related works - [libfuse][libfuse]: The reference implementation, to which this package binds - [HFuse][HFuse]: The bindings to libfuse-2.x - `libfuse3` is based on `HFuse` (with massive rewrites). - `libfuse3` has more complete API and exposes internal (and unstable) API to allow workarounds. - [fuse-rs][fuse-rs]: The Rust implementation of FUSE. Unlike this package, `fuse-rs` implements the FUSE protocol itself (i.e. replaces `libfuse`). See [its README](https://github.com/zargony/fuse-rs) for overview. [libfuse]: https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse [HFuse]: https://github.com/m15k/hfuse [fuse-rs]: https://github.com/zargony/fuse-rs