\documentclass[10pt]{scrartcl} % save linebreak; see below \let\origlinebreak=\\ \renewcommand{\sectfont}{\bfseries} %let framed = False \usepackage[english]{babel} %\usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} \usepackage{stmaryrd} \usepackage{hyperref} %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{mathpazo} %\usepackage[scaled=0.9]{luximono} \usepackage{colortbl} \usepackage{calc} %\usepackage{pifont} \usepackage{paralist} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{relsize} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{tabularx} %if framed \usepackage{framed} \FrameSep=2\fboxsep %endif \newcommand*{\PDF}{{\smaller{PDF}}\xspace} \newcommand*{\CTAN}{{\smaller{CTAN}}\xspace} %format lhs2TeX = "\text{\textrm{lhs}\textsf{2}\TeX}" \setdefaultitem{\textbf{--}}{}{}{} %let doc = True %include lhs2TeX.fmt %include Version.lhs \newlength{\lwidth} \newlength{\cwidth} \setlength{\lwidth}{0pt} \setlength{\cwidth}{0pt} %separation 2 %latency 2 \let\origcolor=\color \newcommand{\dep}[1]{{\origcolor{red}#1}} \def\swgt#1{\switch[\value{step}>#1]}% \def\ro#1{\ifthenelse{\value{step}=#1}{\origcolor{red}}{}}% %\usepackage[display]{texpower} %hyperref needs some setup, especially after pdfscreen \hypersetup{% colorlinks=True,% pdfmenubar=True,% pdfcenterwindow=False,% pdffitwindow=False}% %fixed lengths are better ... % \AtBeginDocument{% % \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{6pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}% originally 10.0pt plus 2.0pt minus 5.0pt % \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{6pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}% originally 10.0pt plus 2.0pt minus 5.0pt % } % \setlength{\belowdisplayshortskip}{6pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}% % \setlength{\abovedisplayshortskip}{6pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}% % \setlength{\smallskipamount}{2pt} % \setlength{\medskipamount}{5pt} % \setlength{\bigskipamount}{10pt} % % % \setlength\pltopsep{2pt} % \setlength\plitemsep{1pt} % \setlength\parskip{0pt} \newcounter{pagesave} % redefining the lhs2TeX code command is needed because % TeXpower seems to tamper with \\ in some nasty way ... % This one works: %%subst code a = "\begingroup\parskip=\abovedisplayskip\par\advance\leftskip\mathindent\let\\=\origlinebreak\('n\begin{pboxed}\SaveRestoreHook'n" a "\ColumnHook'n\end{pboxed}'n\)\parskip=\belowdisplayskip\par\endgroup\resethooks'n" % This one is with color: %subst code a = "\begin{colorcode}'n" a "\end{colorcode}\resethooks'n" \definecolor{rlcolor}{gray}{.8} \arrayrulecolor{rlcolor} \definecolor{hcolor}{gray}{.7} % \newenvironment{colorcode}{% % \parskip=\abovedisplayskip\par\noindent % \begingroup\small% small changes displayskips! % %if color % \tabular{@@{}>{\columncolor{codecolor}}p{\linewidth}@@{}}% % %elif framed % \framed % %else % \tabular{@@{}||p{\linewidth-2\arraycolsep-2\arrayrulewidth-2pt}||@@{}}% % \hline \\[-1.5ex] % \let\myendofline=\\ % %endif % \let\\=\origlinebreak % \(% % \pboxed\SaveRestoreHook}{% % \ColumnHook\endpboxed % \)% % %if not color && not framed % \myendofline[.5ex]\hline % %endif % %if framed % \endframed % %else % \endtabular % %endif % \endgroup % \parskip=\belowdisplayskip\par\noindent % \ignorespacesafterend} \newenvironment{colorcode}{% \colorsurround \(% \pboxed\SaveRestoreHook}{% \ColumnHook\endpboxed \)% \endcolorsurround} % \newenvironment{colorsurround}{% % \parskip=\abovedisplayskip\par\noindent % \begingroup\small% small changes displayskips! % %if color % \tabular{@@{}>{\columncolor{codecolor}}p{\linewidth}@@{}}% % %elif framed % \framed % %else % \tabular{@@{}||p{\linewidth-2\arraycolsep-2\arrayrulewidth-2pt}||@@{}}% % \hline \\[-1.5ex] % \let\myendofline=\\ % %endif % \let\\=\origlinebreak}{% % %if not color && not framed % \myendofline[.5ex]\hline % %endif % %if framed % \endframed % %else % \endtabular % %endif % \endgroup % \parskip=\belowdisplayskip\par\noindent % \ignorespacesafterend} \newenvironment{colorsurround}{\colorverb}{\endcolorverb} % \newenvironment{colorarray}{% % \parskip=\abovedisplayskip\par\noindent % \begingroup\small% small changes displayskips! % %if color % \tabular{@@{}>{\columncolor{codecolor}}p{\linewidth}@@{}}% % %elif framed % \framed % %else % \tabular{@@{}||p{\linewidth-2\arraycolsep-2\arrayrulewidth-2pt}||@@{}}% % \hline \\[-1.5ex] % \let\myendofline=\\ % %endif % \let\\=\origlinebreak % \(% % \array}{% % \endarray % \)% % %if not color && not framed % \myendofline[.5ex]\hline % %endif % %if framed % \endframed % %else % \endtabular % %endif % \endgroup % \parskip=\belowdisplayskip\par\noindent % \ignorespacesafterend} \newenvironment{colorarray}{% \colorsurround \(% \array}{% \endarray \)% \endcolorsurround} \makeatletter \newenvironment{colorverb}{% \parskip=\abovedisplayskip\par\noindent \begingroup\small% small changes displayskips! %if color \tabular{@@{}>{\columncolor{codecolor}}p{\linewidth}@@{}}% %elif framed \framed %else \tabular{@@{}||p{\linewidth-2\arraycolsep-2\arrayrulewidth-2pt}||@@{}}% \hline \\[-1.5ex] \let\myendofline=\\ %endif \let\\=\origlinebreak}{% %if not color && not framed \myendofline[.5ex]\hline %endif %if framed \endframed %else \endtabular %endif \endgroup \parskip=\belowdisplayskip\par\noindent \ignorespacesafterend} \makeatother %%% %%% "IMPORTANT" ENVIRONMENT %%% \newenvironment{important}[1][Important]% {\colorsurround \centering \bfseries\textsc{#1:}\ }% {\endcolorsurround} %\definecolor{codecolor}{rgb}{.982, .902, .902}% original %\definecolor{codecolor}{rgb}{1,.898,.667}% so'n orange \definecolor{codecolor}{rgb}{1,1,.667} %format forall(a) = "\forall " a "\relax" %\usepackage{fonttabl} \begin{document} %\begingroup %\texfamily %\fonttable %\endgroup \title{Guide to |lhs2TeX|\\ \smaller (for version \ProgramVersion)} \author{{Ralf Hinze}\\ \smaller \tabular{c} Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford\\ %Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD, England\\ \verb|ralf.hinze@comlab.ox.ac.uk| \endtabular \and {Andres L\"oh}\\ \smaller \tabular{c} Well-Typed LLP\\ %Institute of Information and Computing Sciences\\ %Utrecht University, P.O.~Box 80.089\\ %3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands\\ \verb|mail@andres-loeh.de| \endtabular}% \date{\today} \maketitle \tableofcontents %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{About |lhs2TeX|} \label{sec:about} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The program |lhs2TeX| is a preprocessor that takes a literate Haskell source file as input (or something sufficiently alike) and produces a formatted file that can be processed further by \LaTeX. For example, consider the following input file: \input{HelloWorldInput} If we run the following two commands on it \input{HelloWorldDialogue} then the resulting \PDF file will look similar to \begin{colorsurround} \input{HelloWorld} %if color \vspace*{-2\baselineskip}% %endif \end{colorsurround} %if color \vspace*{\belowdisplayskip}% \par\noindent %endif The behaviour of |lhs2TeX| is highly customizable. The main mode of operation of |lhs2TeX| is called the \textbf{style}. By default, |lhs2TeX| operates in \textbf{poly} style. Other styles can be selected via command line flags. Depending on the selected style, |lhs2TeX| can perform quite different tasks. Here is a brief overview: % \begin{compactitem} \item \textbf{verb} (verbatim): format code completely verbatim \item \textbf{tt} (typewriter): format code verbatim, but allow special formatting of keywords, characters, some functions, \dots \item \textbf{math}: mathematical formatting with basic alignment, highly customizable \item \textbf{poly}: mathematical formatting with mutliple alignments, highly customizable, supersedes \textbf{math} \item \textbf{code}: delete all comments, extract sourcecode \item \textbf{newcode} (new code): delete all comments, extract sourcecode, but allow for formatting, supersedes \textbf{code} \end{compactitem} The name of the style is also the name of the flag you have to pass to |lhs2TeX| in order to activate the style. For example, call @lhs2TeX --newcode@ to use |lhs2TeX| in \textbf{newcode} style. %%% %%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Installing |lhs2TeX|} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three options for installing |lhs2TeX| (ordered by ease): \begin{compactitem} \item Using Hackage \item Using Cabal. \item Classic configure/make. \end{compactitem} \subsection{Using Hackage to install |lhs2TeX|} The Haskell Platform~\cite{platform} is the easiest way to get started with programming Haskell. It is also the easiest way to build, install, and manage Haskell packages, through Hackage~\cite{hackage}: \input{HackageInstallation}% The first command downloads the latest package list, and the second installs (along with any dependencies) the latest version of |lhs2TeX|. \subsection{Using Cabal to install |lhs2TeX|} If you have downloaded a source distribution, which is a valid Cabal package, you can install |lhs2TeX| using Cabal (this requires Cabal 1.2 or later). Begin by unpacking the archive. Assuming that it has been unpacked into directory @/somewhere@, then say \input{CabalInstallation}% The install step requires write access to the installation location and the \LaTeX\ filename database. (Hint: use \texttt{sudo} if necessary.) \subsection{configure/make} The following instructions apply to Unix-like environments. However, |lhs2TeX| does run on Windows systems, too. (If you would like to add installation instructions or facilitate the installation procedure for Windows systems, please contact the authors.) Begin by unpack the archive. Assuming that it has been unpacked into directory @/somewhere@, then say \input{InstallationInstructions}% You might need administrator permissions to perform the @make install@ step. Alternatively, you can select your own installation location by passing the @--prefix@ argument to @configure@: \input{ConfigureCall} There are a couple of library files that come with |lhs2TeX| (containing basic |lhs2TeX| formatting directives) that need to be found by the |lhs2TeX| binary. The default search path is as follows: \input{SearchPath}% \label{defaultsearchpath}% Here, @{HOME}@ and @{LHS2TEX}@ denote the current values of the environment variables @HOME@ and @LHS2TEX@. The double slash at the end of each dir means that subdirectories are also scanned. If |lhs2TeX| is installed to a non-standard path, you might want to set the environment variable @LHS2TEX@ to point to the directory where @lhs2TeX.fmt@ and the other library files have been installed to. \begin{important} To be able to use ``poly'' style, the two \LaTeX\ packages\\ @polytable.sty@ and @lazylist.sty@ are required! \end{important} % Both are included in the |lhs2TeX| distribution (they are not part of standard \LaTeX\ distributions, although they are available from \CTAN~\cite{polytable,lazylist}), and are usually installed during the normal procedure. The @configure@ script will determine whether a suitably recent version of @polytable@ is installed on your system, and if necessary, install both @polytable.sty@ and @lazylist.sty@ to your \TeX\ system. If this is not desired or fails (because the script cannot detect your \TeX\ installation properly), the installation of these files can be disabled by passing the option @--disable-polytable@ to @configure@. In this case, the two files must be manually installed to a location where your \TeX\ distribution will find them. Assuming that you have a local \TeX\ tree at @/usr/local/share/texmf@, this can usually be achieved by placing the files in the directory @/usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/polytable@ and subsequently running \input{MkTeXLsrCall}% to update the \TeX\ filename database. %%% %%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{How to hit the ground running with |lhs2TeX|} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- When run on a literate Haskell source file, |lhs2TeX| classifies the input into different blocks. \paragraph{\bfseries Bird-style code blocks} % In the Bird-style of literate Haskell programming, all lines starting with @>@ are interpreted as code. (To be good literate code, you must always leave a blank line before and after the code block.) % \input{HelloWorldBirdInput}% % These lines are considered by |lhs2TeX| as \textbf{code blocks} and are processed as such. Lines beginning with @>@ will be treated as code to be formatted by |lhs2TeX| and code to be compiled by the compiler. If you wish to hide code from the compiler, but not from |lhs2TeX|, you can flip the @>@ characters around. % \input{HelloWorldBirdSpecInput}% % There is no change in the output of |lhs2TeX| (with the exception of code extraction through the \textbf{code} and \textbf{newcode} styles). \paragraph{\bfseries \LaTeX-style code blocks} % The \LaTeX-style of literate programming is to surround code blocks with @\begin{code}@ and @\end{code}@. % \input{HelloWorldCodeInput}% % These lines will be treated by |lhs2TeX| (and a Haskell compiler) in the same way as lines beginning with @>@. The equivalent to lines beginning with @<@, is to surround the lines with @\begin{spec}@ and @\end{spec}@. % \input{HelloWorldSpecInput}% % Unlike a Haskell compiler, |lhs2TeX| does not care if both styles of literate programming are used in the same file. \emph{But}, if you are using the \textbf{code} and \textbf{newcode} styles to produce Haskell source files, the initial characters @>@ and @<@ will be replaced by spaces, which means that you have to indent @code@ environments in order to create a properly indented Haskell module. \paragraph{\bfseries Inline verbatim} % Text between two \verb+@+ characters that is not in a code block is considered inline verbatim. If you actually want a \verb+@+ character to appear in the text, it needs to be escaped: \verb+@@+. There is no need to escape \verb+@+'s in code blocks. For example, \verb+@id :: a -> a@+ appears as @id :: a -> a@. \paragraph{\bfseries Inline code} % Text between two @|@ characters that is not in a code block is considered inline code. Again, @|@ characters that should appear literally outside of code blocks need to be escaped: @||@. For example, \verb+|id :: a -> a|+ appears as |id :: a -> a|. \paragraph{\bfseries Directives} % A \verb+%+ that is followed by the name of an |lhs2TeX| directive is considered as a \textbf{directive} and may cause |lhs2TeX| to take special actions. Directives are described in detail in Section~\ref{sec:directives}. \paragraph{\bfseries Special commands} % Some commands are treated specially, such as occurrences of the \TeX\ commands @\eval@, @\perform@, @\verb@ or of the \LaTeX\ environment @verbatim@. % The treatment of the @\eval@ and @\perform@ commands is covered in Section~\ref{sec:call-interp}. % The @\verb@ command and the @verbatim@ environment are intercepted by |lhs2TeX|, however, they will behave as they would without |lhs2TeX|. \paragraph{\bfseries Everything else} % Everything in the input file that does not fall into one of the above cases is classified as \textbf{plain text} and will simply pass straight through |lhs2TeX|. %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Using |lhs2TeX| with style} \label{sec:styles} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section, we will walk through an example to illustrate how to utilize the styles of |lhs2TeX|. As we noted in Section~\ref{sec:about}, |lhs2TeX| operates in the \textbf{poly} style by default. Appendix~\ref{sec:deprecatedstyles} contains summaries of the more simplistic and deprecated styles: \textbf{verb}, \textbf{tt} and \textbf{math}. For each style, there will also be a short summary. Some of the points listed in the summary are simply defaults for the particular style and can actually be changed. %%% %%% \subsection{Achieving complex layouts with the ``poly'' style} The \textbf{poly} style permits multiple alignments and thus it is possible to construct complex layouts. The style supersedes the \textbf{math} style and lifts the alignment restrictions that the \textbf{math} style has. % We will demonstrate the \textbf{poly} style with the following example as our input to |lhs2TeX|: % \input{ZipPolyIn}% % This results in the following output: % \input{ZipPoly}% % If run in \textbf{poly} style, |lhs2TeX| produces \LaTeX\ code that makes use of the @polytable@ package, a package that has been specifically designed to fit the needs that arise while formatting Haskell code. (If you are interested in the package or think that it might be useful for other purposes, you are welcome to look at the documentation for @polytable@~\cite[also distributed with |lhs2TeX| as @polytable.pdf@ in the @polytable@ directory]{polytable}.) Beyond the advanced alignment options, \textbf{poly} style has all the functionality of its ancestor style. If \textbf{poly} style works for you, you should use it. \paragraph{``poly'' summary} \begin{compactitem} \item all formatting directives are obeyed \item conditionals and includes are handled \item inline verbatim is typeset as verbatim, whereas inline code and code blocks are typeset using a proportional font, using mathematical symbols to represent many Haskell operators. \item alignment can be flexibly specified; complex layouts are possible \item plain text is copied unchanged \end{compactitem} %%% %%% \subsection{Customizing the ``poly'' style} The following example demonstrates that the visual appearance of ``poly'' style is in no way dictated by |lhs2TeX|. There are several possibilities to modify the output by means of formatting directives. Here, we try to mimic the legacy \textbf{tt} style (see Section~\ref{sec:tt-style}) by choosing a typewriter font again and using the same symbols that are default in \textbf{tt} style. % \input{ZipPolyTT}% % The spaces in the code of the source file are \emph{not} preserved---the alignment is generated by the @polytable@ package. This is in contrast to the \textbf{tt} style we are imitating, where the spacing of the output is the spacing of the input. %%% %%% \subsection{Producing code with the ``code'' and ``newcode'' styles} These two styles are not for producing a \LaTeX\ source file, but instead are for producing a Haskell file again. Everything that is not code is thrown away. In addition, the \textbf{newcode} style has a few extra features. It applies formatting directives, which can be used as simple macros on the Haskell source level, and it generates line pragmas for the Haskell compiler that will result in error messages pointing to the original file (before processing with |lhs2TeX|). The plain \textbf{code} style does not have this extra functionality. Again, \textbf{code} is mainly intended for compatibility with old documents. You should use \textbf{newcode} where possible. \paragraph{``code'' summary} \begin{compactitem} \item formatting directives are ignored \item conditionals and includes are handled \item code blocks that are not specifications are copied unchanged \item plain text, inline code, specification code, and inline verbatim are discarded \end{compactitem} \paragraph{``new code'' summary} \begin{compactitem} \item all formatting directives are obeyed \item conditionals and includes are handled \item code blocks that are not specifications are, after applying formatting directives, copied unchanged and prefixed by a line pragma indicating the original source location of the code block \item plain text, inline code, specification code, and inline verbatim are discarded \end{compactitem} %%% %%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Directives} \label{sec:directives} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a number of directives that are understood by |lhs2TeX|. Some of these are specific to styles, and others are ignored in some styles. Directives can occur on all non-code lines and start with a @%@, the \TeX\ comment character, immediately followed by the name of the directive, plus a list of potential arguments. While |lhs2TeX| will remove directives that it has interpreted, it will simply ignore all normal \TeX\ comments that are no directives. Therefore, if a directive is accidentally misspelled, no error message will be raised, in general. Table~\ref{directives} is a complete list of the directives that |lhs2TeX| knows about. % \begin{table} \input{CompleteDirectives}% \caption{All |lhs2TeX| directives}\label{directives} \end{table} % Many of these directives will be explained in more detail in the following sections: \begin{compactitem} \item See Section~\ref{sec:include} for the @%include@ directive. \item See Section~\ref{sec:format} for the @%format@ directive. \item See Section~\ref{subsec:group-directive} for the @%{@ and @%}@ directives. \item See Section~\ref{subsec:poly-alignment} for the @%separation@ and @%latency@ directives. \item See Section~\ref{sec:variables} for the @%let@ directive. \item See Section~\ref{sec:conditionals} for the @%if@, @%elif@, @%else@ and @%endif@ directives. \item See Section~\ref{sec:call-interp} for the @%options@ directive. \item See Section~\ref{sec:subst} for the @%subst@ directive. \end{compactitem} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Including files} \label{sec:include} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other files can be included by |lhs2TeX|; this is what the @%include@ directive is for: % \input{IncludeSyntax}% % The specified file is searched for in the |lhs2TeX| source path, which can be modified using environment variables or the @-P@ command line option (see also page~\pageref{defaultsearchpath}). % The include directive causes the indicated file to be read and processed, exactly as if its contents had been inserted in the current file at that point. It is the |lhs2TeX| equivalent of the \TeX\ command @\input@. % The include mechanism of |lhs2TeX| is entirely independent of \TeX\ or Haskell includes/imports. \begin{important}[Warning] Although relative and absolute pathnames can be specified as part of a filename in an @%include@ directive, the use of this feature is strongly discouraged. Set the search path using the @-P@ command line option to detect files to include. \end{important} If the @-v@ command line flag is set, |lhs2TeX| will print the paths of the files it is reading on screen while processing a file. %%% %%% \subsection{The |lhs2TeX| ``prelude''} Several aspects of the behaviour of |lhs2TeX| are not hardcoded, but configurable via directives. As a consequence, a minimal amount of functionality has to be defined for |lhs2TeX| to be able to operate normally. Essential definitions are collected in the file @polycode.fmt@. You should include this file at the start of your document: % \input{PolyPrelude} % This is the appropriate prelude to use for the default \textbf{poly} style and the \textbf{newcode} style. If you intend to use one of the other styles, you should instead include the file @lhs2TeX.fmt@. % \input{IncludePrelude}% % The reason for this is that some of the defaults in @lhs2TeX.fmt@ are sub-optimal for the \textbf{poly} or \textbf{newcode} styles; the @polycode.fmt@ prelude file has been tailored specifically for them. One of the two files @lhs2TeX.fmt@ or @polycode.fmt@ should be included---directly or indirectly---in every file to be processed by |lhs2TeX|! % \begin{important}[Note to users of previous versions] There used to be a file @lhs2TeX.sty@ that also contained a part of the prelude declarations. This file still exists for compatibility reasons, but it is now deprecated; it should \emph{not} be included in any of your documents anymore. \end{important} % It is perfectly possible to design your own libraries that replace or extend these basic files and to include these libraries instead. It is not recommended, though, to edit @polycode.fmt@ or @lhs2TeX.fmt@ files directly. If you are not satisfied with some of the default definitions, create your own file to redefine selected parts. This way, if |lhs2TeX| is updated, you will still be able to benefit from improvements and changes in the `prelude' files. It is possible to use |lhs2TeX| in a setup where a \TeX\ document is split into several files. In this case, each of the files will be processed separately by |lhs2TeX|, so you have to include @polycode.fmt@ (or @lhs2TeX.fmt@) in every single source file. \begin{important}[Warning] Note that both @polycode.fmt@ and @lhs2TeX.fmt@ contain |lhs2TeX| directives, and therefore \emph{cannot} be included using \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ include mechanisms such as @\input@ or @\usepackage@. \end{important} %%% %%% % End of introduction part -- begin of reference %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Formatting} \label{sec:format} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The @%format@ directive is a powerful tool for transforming the source file. The complete syntax that is supported by |lhs2TeX| is quite complex, but we will break it down by looking in detail at many different use cases. % \input{FormatSyntax}% % There are three different forms of the formatting statement. The first can be used to change the appearance of most functions and operators and a few other symbols (cf.~Section~\ref{subsec:format-single}). The second form is restricted to named identifiers (both qualified and unqualified, but no symbolic operators); in turn, such formatting directives can be parametrized (cf.~Section~\ref{subsec:format-param}). Finally, the third form provides a syntactically lightweight way of formatting certain identifiers using some heuristics (cf.~Section~\ref{subsec:format-implicit}). Let us begin by looking at the first form. %%% %%% \subsection{Formatting single tokens} \label{subsec:format-single} The most important use for @%format@ is to assign a symbol to an identifier or an operator. The input % \input{FormatGreekIn}% % produces output similar to the following: % \input{FormatGreekOut}% % The occurrences of @alpha@ within the Haskell code portions of the input file are replaced by the \TeX\ command @\alpha@ and thus appear as ``$\alpha$'' in the output. A lot of formatting directives for frequently used identifiers or operators are already defined in the |lhs2TeX| prelude. For instance, @++@ is formatted as ``|++|'', @undefined@ is formatted as ``|undefined|'', and @not@ is formatted as ``|not|''. If you look at @lhs2TeX.fmt@, you will find the following directives that do the job: % \input{FormatIdentifierExamples}% % Here, @\plus@ refers to a \LaTeX\ macro defined in the lhs2\TeX\ prelude: % \input{PlusDefinition}% % If you are not satisfied with any of the default definitions, just redefine them (by overriding, not replacing them). A @%format@ directive scopes over the rest of the input, and if multiple directives for the same token are defined, the last one is used. Thus, after % \input{FormatIdentifierRedefs}% %{ %format ++ = "\mathbin{\mathbf{+}}" %format undefined = "\Varid{undefined}" %format not = "!" you get ``|++|'', ``|undefined|'', and ``|not|'', respectively. Note that @\Varid@ is a macro defined in the lhs2\TeX\ prelude that can be used to typeset identifier names. It is predefined to be the same as @\mathit@, but can be changed. Do not use identifier names in \TeX\ replacements directly. For instance, % \input{FormatIdentifierWrong}% %{ %format undefined = "undefined" will cause @undefined@ to be typeset as ``|undefined|'', which looks by far less nice than %} ``|undefined|''. %} It is also possible to define a symbol for infix uses of a function. The file @lhs2TeX.fmt@ contains: % \input{FormatElem}% % This causes @2 `elem` [1,2]@ to be typeset as ``|2 `elem` [1,2]|'', whereas @elem 2 [1,2]@ will still be typeset as ``|elem 2 [1,2]|''. %%% %%% \subsection{Nested formatting} The right hand sides of formatting directives are not restricted to (\TeX-)strings. They can in fact be sequences of such strings or other tokens, separated by space. Such other tokens will be replaced by their formatting again. For example, if you have already defined a specific formatting % \input{FormatArrow}% %format ~> = "\leadsto " then you can later reuse that formatting while defining variants: % \input{FormatArrow2}% %format ~>* = ~> "^{" * "}" As you can see, in this definition we reuse both the current formatting for @~>@ and for @*@. We now get ``|~>*|'' for @~>*@, but should we decide to define % \input{FormatStar}% %format * = "\star " later, we then also get ``|~>*|''. Of course, you can use the same mechanism for non-symbolic identifiers: % \input{FormatId}% %{ %format new = "\mathbf{new}" %format text0 = text %format text_new = text "_{" new "}" will cause @text0@ to be typeset as ``|text0|'', and @text_new@ will appear as ``|text_new|''. %} \begin{important}[Warning] There is no check for recursion in the formatting directives. Formatting directives are expanded on-demand, therefore a directive such as % \input{FormatRecurse}% % will not produce ``$\mathsf{text}$'' for @text@, but rather cause an infinite loop in |lhs2TeX| once used. \end{important} %%% %%% \subsection{Parametrized formatting directives} \label{subsec:format-param} Formatting directives can be parametrized. The parameters may occur one or more times on the right hand side. This form of the format directive is only available for alphanumeric identifiers. For example, the input % \input{CardIn}% % produces output similar to % \begin{colorsurround} \input{Card} \end{colorsurround} % If the function is used with too few arguments as in the text, a default symbol is substituted (usually a @\cdot@, but that is customizable, cf.~Section~\ref{sec:subst}). %%% %%% \subsection{(No) nesting with parametrized directives} You cannot use a parametrized directive on the right hand side of another directive. In summary, the right-hand sides of formatting directives are processed as follows: % \begin{compactitem} \item A string, enclosed in @"@, will be reproduced literally (without the quotes). \item A name, if it is the name of a parameter, will be replaced by the actual (formatted) argument. \item A name, if it is the name of a non-parametrized formatting directive, will be replaced by that directive's replacement. \item Any other name will be replaced by its standard formatting. \end{compactitem} % Note that the spaces between the tokens do not occur in the output. If you want spaces, insert them explicitly with quotes. %%% %%% \subsection{Parentheses} Sometimes, due to formatting an identifier as a symbol, parentheses around arguments, or the entire function, become unnecessary. Therefore, |lhs2TeX| can be instructed to drop parentheses around an argument by enclosing the argument on the left hand side of the directive in parentheses. Parentheses around the entire function are dropped if the entire left hand side of the directive is enclosed in parentheses. Let us look at another example: % \input{ParensExampleIn}% % The above input produces the following output: % \begin{colorsurround} \input{ParensExample} \end{colorsurround} % In the first line there are no parentheses to drop. In the second line, the parentheses around the arguments @a@ and @c@ are dropped, as are the parentheses around the function @ptest@. In the third line, the source has double parentheses around each argument as well as the function. One set of parentheses are dropped in each case, except for the @b@ argument. Note that in this example, a special purpose operator, @^^@, is used to facilitate the insertion of spaces on the right hand side of a formatting directive. You can read more about influencing spacing using formatting directives in Section~\ref{spacing}. Let us consider another example involving parentheses with the following input: % \input{ParensExample2In}% % This results in % \begin{colorsurround} \input{ParensExample2} \end{colorsurround} % In the second format directive we have redefined the eval function to drop the redundant parentheses. %%% %%% \subsection{Local formatting directives} \label{subsec:group-directive} Usually, formatting directives scope over the rest of the input. If that is not desired, formatting directives can be placed into \textbf{groups}. Groups look as follows: % \input{GroupSyntax}% % Formatting directives that are defined in a group only scope over the remainder of that group. Groups can also be nested. (Groups in |lhs2TeX| do not interact with \TeX\ groups, so these different kinds of groups do not have to occur properly nested.) Let us demonstrate the effect of groups with the following example input: % \input{GroupExampleIn}% % This is appears as: % \begin{colorsurround} \input{GroupExample}% \end{colorsurround} % On the first line, the string ``one'' has been formatted in italics as |lhs2TeX| has treated it, by default, as a Haskell identifier. On the second line of output, the first format directive from the source file has come into effect, so ``one'' has been rendered as a numeral in a sans-serif font. On the third line, the corresponding source is inside the group and second formatting directive is in effect. Thus, ``one'' has been rendered in a sans-serif font. Finally, on the fourth line, the group has closed, along with the scope of the second format directive. The original format directive applies again (as its scope extends to the end of the source file), thus, ``one'' has again been rendered as a numeral in a sans-serif font. %%% %%% \subsection{Implicit formatting} \label{subsec:format-implicit} The third syntactic form of the formatting directive, which lacks a right hand side, can be used to easily format a frequently occurring special case, where a token is to be given a numeric subscript, or is primed. % Only a variable (or constructor) name that ends in a number or a prime @'@ can be used in an implicit formatting statement. The prefix will then be formatted as determined by the formatting directives in the input so far. The number will be added as an index, the prime character as itself. Let us demonstrate implicit formatting with the follow input: % \input{ImplicitIn}% % The corresponding output is: % \begin{colorsurround} \input{Implicit}% \end{colorsurround} Another form of implicit formatting only takes place only if the token to be formatted does not end in primes, and only if digits at the end are immediately preceded by an underscore. The reason for these conditions is compatibility. If the conditions are met, then the token is split at underscores, and the part to the right of an underscore is typeset as subscript to the part on the left, recursively. Again, let us look at an example: % \input{ImplicitUnderscoreIn}% % And its output: % \begin{colorsurround} \input{ImplicitUnderscore}% \end{colorsurround} %%% %%% \subsection{Formatting behaviour in different styles} \begin{compactitem} \item Formatting directives are applied in \textbf{math}, \textbf{poly}, and \textbf{newcode} styles. \item In \textbf{tt} style, only non-parametrized directives apply. \item In \textbf{verb} and \textbf{code} styles, formatting directives are ignored. \end{compactitem} % A document can be prepared for processing in different styles using conditionals (cf.~Section~\ref{sec:conditionals}). %%% %%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Alignment in ``poly'' style} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the ability to transform the appearance of the source file is probably the most important feature of |lhs2TeX|, certainly the next most important is the ability to maintain alignment of code elements, while using a proportional font. Using this feature is relatively simple: % \begin{compactitem} \item Alignment is computed per code block. \item All tokens that start on the same column and are preceded by at least \textbf{2} spaces will appear beginning from the same vertical axis in the output. \end{compactitem} % Using these simple rules, (almost) everything is possible, but it is very important to verify the results and watch out for accidental alignments (i.e.~tokens that get aligned unintentionally). %%% %%% \subsection{An example} The following example shows some of the potential. This is the input: % \input{RepAlgIn}% % Look at the highlighted (gray) tokens. The @lt@ will not appear aligned with the two equality symbols, because it is preceded by only one space. Similarly, the @m@ in the first line after the @Leaf@ constructor will not be aligned with the declarations and the body of the let-statement, because it is preceded by only one space. Note furthermore that the equality symbols for the main functions @rep_alg@ and @replace_min'@ are surrounded by two spaces on both sides, also on the right. This causes the comma and the closing parenthesis to be aligned correctly. % The output looks as follows: % \input{RepAlg}% %%% %%% \subsection{Accidental alignment} The main danger of the alignment heuristic is that it may result in some tokens being aligned unintentionally. The following example contains illustrates this possibility: % \input{AccidentalIn}% % The gray tokens will be unintentionally aligned because they start on the same column, with two or more preceding spaces each. The output looks as follows: % \input{Accidental}% % The ``|::|'' and the ``|=|'' have been aligned with the declarations of the where-clause. This results in too much space between the two |options| tokens and the symbols. Another problems is that in this case the \emph{centering} of the two symbols is destroyed by the alignment (cf.~Section~\ref{centering}). As a result, ``|::|'' and ``|=|'' appear left-aligned, but not cleanly, because \TeX\ inserts a different amount of whitespace around the two symbols. The solution to all this is surprisingly simple: just insert extra spaces in the input to ensure that unrelated tokens start on different columns: % \input{AccidentalCIn}% % This produces the correct output: \input{AccidentalC}% %%% %%% \subsection{The full story} \label{subsec:poly-alignment} If you want to customize the alignment behaviour further, you can. Here is exactly what happens: % \begin{compactitem} \item Alignment is computed per code block. \item Per code block there are a number of \textbf{alignment columns}. \item If a token starts in column |n| and is prefixed by at least ``\emph{separation}'' spaces, then |n| is an \textbf{alignment column} for the code block. \item If a token starts in an alignment column |n| and is prefixed by at least ``\emph{latency}'' spaces, then the token is \textbf{aligned} at column |n|. \item All tokens that are aligned at a specific column will appear aligned (i.e.~at the same horizontal position) in the output. \end{compactitem} % Both latency and separation can be modified by means of associated directives: % \input{SepLatSyntax}% % It can occasionally be useful to increase the default settings of 2 and 2 for large code blocks where accidental alignments can become very likely! It does not really make sense to set latency to a value that is strictly smaller than the separation, but you can do so---there are no checks that the specified settings are sensible. %%% %%% \subsection{Indentation in ``poly'' style} Sometimes, |lhs2TeX| will insert additional space at the beginning of a line to reflect indentation. The rule is as follows. If a line is indented in column |n|, then the \emph{previous} code line is taken into account: % \begin{compactitem} \item If there is an aligned token at column |n| in the previous line, then the indented line will be aligned normally. \item Otherwise, the line will be indented with respect to the first aligned token in the previous line to the left of column |n|. \end{compactitem} The first example demonstrates the first case: % \input{Indent1In}% % In this example, there is an aligned token in the previous line at the same column, so everything is normal. The two highlighted parentheses are aligned, causing the second line to be effectively indented: % \input{Indent1}% % The next example demonstrates the second case. It is the same example, with one space before the two previously aligned parentheses removed: % \input{Indent2In}% % Here, there is no aligned token in the previous line at the same column. Therefore, the third line is indented with respect to the first aligned token in the previous line to the left of that column, which in this case happens to be the @xs@: % \input{Indent2}% % Sometimes, this behaviour might not match the intention of the user, especially in cases as above, where there really starts a token at the same position in the previous line, but is not preceded by enough spaces. Always verify the output to see if the result looks as desired. The amount of space that is inserted can be modified. A call to the \TeX\ control sequence @\hsindent@ is inserted at the appropriate position in the output, which gets as argument the column difference in the source between the token that is indented, and the base token. In the situation of the above example, the call is @\hsindent{12}@. The default definition in the lhs2\TeX\ prelude ignores the argument and inserts a fixed amount of space: % \input{HsIndent}% Here is another example that shows indentation in action, the Haskell standard function |scanr1| written using only basic pattern matching: % \input{Indent2aIn}% % And the associated output: % \input{Indent2a}% % The third line, which begins with |x:xs|, is an indented line, but it does not start at an alignment column from the previous line. Thus, the second rule applies and it is indented relative to the first aligned token to the left in the previous line, which is |case|. The same explanation applies for the pattern |[]|. The indentation of the line beginning with |_| is an example of the first rule. It is indented so as to be aligned with the token |[]|. %%% %%% \subsection{Interaction between alignment and indentation} In rare cases, the indentation heuristic can lead to surprising results. This is an example: \input{Indent3In}% And its output: \input{Indent3}% Here, the large amount of space between |test| and |1| might be surprising. However, the |1| is aligned with the |2|, but |2| is also indented with respect to |bar|, so everything is according to the rules. The ``solution'' is to verify if both the alignment between |1| and |2| and the indentation of the |2| are intended, and to remove or add spaces accordingly. %%% %%% \subsection{Interaction between alignment and formatting} If a token at a specific column is typeset according to a formatting directive, then the first token of the replacement text inherits the column position of the original token. The other tokens of the replacement text will never be aligned. Actual arguments of parametrized formatting directives keep the column positions they have in the input. %%% %%% \subsection{Centered and right-aligned columns}\label{centering} Under certain circumstances |lhs2TeX| decides to typeset a column centered instead of left-aligned. This happens if the following two conditions hold: \begin{compactitem} \item There is \emph{at most one} token per line that is associated with the column. \item \emph{At least one} of the tokens associated with the column is a symbol. \end{compactitem} In most cases, this matches the intention. If it does not, there still might be the possibility to trick |lhs2TeX| to do the right thing: \begin{compactitem} \item Change the alignment behaviour of the column using @\aligncolumn@ (see below). \item If the column is centered but should not be, add extra tokens that are formatted as nothing that will be associated with the column (see also Section~\ref{spacing} about spacing). \item If the column should be centered but is left-aligned, it is sometimes possible to use a symbol instead of an alphanumeric identifier, and add a formatting directive for that newly introduced symbol. \end{compactitem} The syntax of the @\aligncolumn@ command is: \input{AlignColumnSyntax}% % The above file also contains some additional documentation. TODO: ADD EXAMPLE!! %%% %%% \subsection{Saving and restoring column information} It is possible to share alignment information between different code blocks. This can be desirable, especially when one wants to interleave the definition of a single function with longer comments. This feature is implemented on the \TeX\ level (the commands are defined in the lhs2\TeX\ prelude). Here is an example of its use: \input{SaveRestoreIn}% As output we get: \begin{colorsurround} \input{SaveRestore} \end{colorsurround} Compare this to the output that would be generated without the @\savecolumns@ and @\restorecolumns@ commands: \begin{colorsurround} \input{SaveRestoreNo} \end{colorsurround} \begin{important} If this feature is used, it may require several runs of \LaTeX\ until all code blocks are correctly aligned. Watch out for warnings of the @polytable@ package that tell you to rerun \LaTeX! \end{important} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Defining variables} \label{sec:variables} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- One can define flags (or variables) by means of the @%let@ directive: \input{LetSyntax}% Expressions are built from booleans (either @True@ or @False@), numerals (integers, but also decimal numbers) and previously defined variables using some fixed set of builtin operators. The expression will be evaluated completely at the time the @%let@ directive is processed. If an error occurs during evaluation, |lhs2TeX| will fail. Variables can also be passed to |lhs2TeX| from the operating system level by using the @-l@ or @-s@ command line options. The main use of variables is in conditionals (cf.~Section~\ref{sec:conditionals}). At the moment, there is no way to directly use the value of a variable in a @%format@ directive. %%% %%% \subsection{Predefined variables} In every run of |lhs2TeX|, the version of |lhs2TeX| is available as a numerical value in the predefined variable @version@. Similarly, the current style is available as an integer in the predefined variable @style@. There also are integer variables @verb@, @tt@, @math@, @poly@, @code@, and @newcode@ predefined that can be used to test @style@. It is thus possible to write documents in a way that they can be processed beautifully in different styles, or to make safe use of new |lhs2TeX| features by checking its version first. %%% %%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Conditionals} \label{sec:conditionals} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boolean expressions can be used in conditionals. The syntax of an |lhs2TeX| conditional is \input{IfSyntax}% where the @%elif@ and @%else@ directives are optional. There may be arbitrarily many @%elif@ directives. When an @%if@ directive is encountered, the expression is evaluated, and depending on the result of the evaluation of the expression, only the then or only the else part of the conditional is processed by |lhs2TeX|, and the rest is ignored. %%% %%% \subsection{Uses of conditionals} These are some of the most common uses of conditionals: \begin{compactitem} \item One can have different versions of one paper in one (set of) source file(s). Depending on a flag, |lhs2TeX| can produce either the one or the other. Because the flag can be defined via a command line option (cf.~Section~\ref{sec:variables}), no modification of the source is necessary to switch versions. \item Code that is needed to make the Haskell program work but that should not appear in the formatted article (module headers, auxiliary definitions), can be enclosed between @%if False@ and @%endif@ directives. \item Alternatively, if Haskell code has to be annotated for |lhs2TeX| to produce aesthetically pleasing output, one can define different formatting directives for the annotation depending on style (\textbf{poly} or \textbf{newcode}). Both code and \TeX\ file can then still be produced from a common source! Section~\ref{generichaskell} contains an example that puts this technique to use. \end{compactitem} The lhs2\TeX\ library files use conditionals to include different directives depending on the style selected, but they also use conditionals to provide additional or modified behaviour if some flags are set. These flags are @underlineKeywords@, @spacePreserving@, @meta@ (activate a number of additional formatting directives), @array@ (use @array@ environment instead of @tabular@ to format code blocks in \textbf{math} style; use @parray@ instead of @pboxed@ in \textbf{poly} style), @latex209@ (adapt for use with \LaTeX\ 2.09 (not supported anymore)), @euler@, and @standardsymbols@. %TODO: document the purpose of these flags better. It is likely that these flags will be replaced by a selection of library files that can be selectively included in documents in future versions of |lhs2TeX|. %%% %%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Typesetting code beyond Haskell} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Spacing}\label{spacing} There is no full Haskell parser in |lhs2TeX|. Instead, the input code is only lexed and subsequently parsed by an extremely simplified parser. The main purpose of the parser is to allow a simple heuristic where to insert spaces into the output while in \textbf{math} or \textbf{poly} style. The disadvantage is that in rare cases, this default spacing produces unsatisfying results. However, there is also a big advantage: dialects of Haskell can be processed by |lhs2TeX|, too. In theory, even completely different languages can be handled. The more difference between Haskell and the actual input language, the more tweaking is probably necessary to get the desired result. An easy trick to modify the behaviour of |lhs2TeX| is to insert ``dummy'' operators that do not directly correspond to constructs in the input language, but rather provide hints to |lhs2TeX| on how to format something. For instance, spacing can be guided completely by the following two formatting directives: \input{SpacingOps}% Use @^@ everywhere where \emph{no} space is desired, but the automatic spacing of |lhs2TeX| would usually place one. Conversely, use @^^@ everywhere where a space \emph{is} desired, but |lhs2TeX| does usually not place one. As described in Section~\ref{sec:conditionals}, one can use conditionals to format such annotated input code in both \textbf{poly} (or \textbf{math}) and \text{newcode} style to generate both typeset document and code with annotation remove from a single source file. For this to work correctly, one would define \input{SpacingOpsCond}% as an extended version of the above. This instructs |lhs2TeX| to ignore @^@ and replace @^^@ by a single space while in \textbf{newcode} style, and to adjust spacing in other styles, as before. The examples in the following subsections show these directives in use. %%% %%% \subsection{Inline \TeX} Another possibility that can help to trick |lhs2TeX| into doing things it normally doesn't want to is to insert inline \TeX\ code directly into the code block by using a special form of Haskell comment: \input{InlineTeXSyntax}% % The above file also contains some additional documentation. The advantage of this construct over a dummy operator is that if the input language is indeed Haskell, one does not need to sacrifice the syntactic validity of the source program for nice formatting. On the other hand, inline \TeX\ tends to be more verbose than an annotation using a formatting directive. %%% %%% \subsection{{\smaller AG} code example} Here is an example that shows how one can typeset code of the Utrecht University Attribute Grammar ({\smaller UUAG}) (\cite{uuag}) system, which is based on Haskell, but adds additional syntactic constructs. The input \input{AGExampleIn}% produces the following output: \input{AGExample} %%% %%% \subsection{Generic Haskell example}\label{generichaskell} Another example of a Haskell variant that can be typeset using |lhs2TeX| using some annotations is Generic Haskell~\cite{gh}. This is a possible input file, including the directives necessary to be able to process it in both \textbf{newcode} and \textbf{poly} style. \input{GHExampleIn}% Processed in \textbf{poly} style, the output looks as follows: \input{GHExample}% %%% %%% \subsection{Calculation example} The following example shows a calculational proof. The input \input{CalcExampleIn}% produces \input{CalcExample}% %%% %%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Calling @hugs@ or @ghci@} \label{sec:call-interp} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is possible to call @ghci@ or @hugs@ using the @%options@ directive. In all but the two \textbf{code} styles, |lhs2TeX| looks for calls to the \textbf{\TeX\ commands} @\eval@ and @\perform@ and feeds their arguments to the Haskell interpreter selected. The current input file will be the active module. This has a couple of consequences: on the positive side, values defined in the current source file may be used in the expressions; on the negative side, the feature will only work if the current file is accepted as legal input by the selected interpreter. If the command line in the @%options@ directive starts with @ghci@, then |lhs2TeX| assumes that @ghci@ is called; otherwise, it assumes that @hugs@ is called. Depending on the interpreter, |lhs2TeX| will use some heuristics to extract the answer from the output of the interpreter. After this extraction, the result will either be printed as inline verbatim (for a @\perform@) or as inline code (for @\eval@), to which formatting directives apply. \begin{important}[Warning] This feature is somewhat fragile: different versions of @ghci@ and @hugs@ show different behaviour, and the extraction heuristics can sometimes fail. Do not expect too much from this feature. \end{important} %%% %%% \subsection{Calling @ghci@ -- example} The following input shows an example of how to call @ghci@: \input{InteractiveGhciIn}% The options are necessary to make @ghci@ accept and print the @forall@ keyword (it only serves as an example here how to pass options to the interpreter). The output will look similar to this: \begin{colorsurround} \input{InteractiveGhci} \end{colorsurround} Note that it is possible to pass interpreter commands such as @:t@ to the external program. %(ADAPT EXAMPLE TO SHOW THIS:) %Note furthermore the difference %in output between an @\eval@ and a @\perform@ command. %%% %%% \subsection{Calling @hugs@ -- example} The same could be achieved using @hugs@ instead of @ghci@. For this simple example, the output is almost indistinguishable, only that @hugs@ usually does not print type signatures using explicit quantification and tends to use different variable names. \input{InteractiveHugsIn}% The input is the same except for the changed @%options@ directive. The output now looks as follows: \begin{colorsurround} \input{InteractiveHugs} \end{colorsurround} %%% %%% \subsection{Using a preprocessor} The situation is more difficult if the current |lhs2TeX| source file is not valid input to the interpreter, because annotations were needed to format some Haskell extensions satisfactory. The following input file makes use of Template Haskell, and uses the formatting directives for both \textbf{newcode} and \textbf{poly} style. The @%options@ directive instructs @ghci@ to use |lhs2TeX| itself as the literate preprocessor, using the @-pgmL@ option of @ghci@. The |lhs2TeX| binary itself acts as a suitable literate preprocessor if the @--pre@ command line option is passed, which is achieved using the @-optL--pre@ option: \input{InteractivePreIn}% This is the corresponding output: \begin{colorsurround} \input{InteractivePre} \end{colorsurround} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Advanced customization} \label{sec:subst} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is one directive that has not yet been described: @%subst@. This directive is used by |lhs2TeX| to customize almost every aspect of its output. The average user will and should not need to use a @%subst@ directive, but if one wants to influence the very nature of the code generated by |lhs2TeX|, the @%subst@ directives provide a way to do it. If one would, for instance, want to generate output for another \TeX\ format such as plain\TeX\ or Con\TeX t, or if one would want to use a different package than @polytable@ to do the alignment on the \TeX\ side, then the @%subst@ directives are a good place to start. The default definitions can be found in @lhs2TeX.fmt@. Table~\ref{substs} shows only a short description of the approximate use of each of the categories. \begin{table} \centering \begin{colorsurround} \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX} @thinspace@ & how to produce a small quantity of horizontal space \\ @space@ & how to produce a normal horizontal space \\ @newline@ & how to produce a new line inside a code block \\ @verbnl@ & how to produce a new line in |lhs2TeX| generated verbatim \\ @blankline@ & how to translate a blank line in a code block \\ @dummy@ & how to display a missing argument in a formatted function \\ @spaces@ |a| & how to format the whitespace contained in |a| \\ @special@ |a| & how to format the special character |a| \\ @verb@ |a| & how to format the (already translated) inline verbatim text~|a| \\ @verbatim@ |a|& how to format an (already translated) verbatim block |a| \\ @inline@ |a| & how to format (already translated) inline code |a| \\ @code@ |a| & how to format an (already translated) code block |a| \\ @conid@ |a| & how to format an identifier starting with an upper-case character |a| \\ @varid@ |a| & how to format an identifier starting with a lower-case character |a| \\ @consym@ |a| & how to format a constructor symbol |a| \\ @varsym@ |a| & how to format a variable symbol |a| \\ @backquoted@ |a| & how to format a backquoted operator |a| \\ @numeral@ |a| & how to format a numeral |a| \\ @char@ |a| & how to format a character literal |a| \\ @string@ |a| & how to format a literal string |a| \\ @comment@ |a| & how to format an (already translated) one-line comment |a| \\ @nested@ |a| & how to format an (already translated) nested comment |a| \\ @pragma@ |a| & how to format an (already translated) compiler pragma |a| \\ @tex@ |a| & how to format inlines \TeX\ code \\ @keyword@ |a| & how to format the Haskell keyword |a| \\ @column1@ |a| & how to format an (already translated) line |a| in one column in \textbf{math} style \\ @hskip@ |a| & how to produce a horizontal skip of |a| units \\ @phantom@ |a| & how to produce horizontal space of the width of the (already translated) text |a| \\ @column3@ |a| & how to format an (already translated) line |a| in three columns in \textbf{math} style \\ @fromto@ |b e a| & how to format a column starting at label |b|, ending at label |e|, containing the (already translated) code |a| in \textbf{poly} style \\ @column@ |n a| & how to define a column of label |n| with (already processed) format string |a| in \textbf{poly} style \\ @centered@ & the format string to use for a centered column \\ @left@ & the format string to use for a left-aligned column \\ @dummycol@ & the format string to use for the dummy column (a column that does not contain any code; needed due to deficiencies of the @polytable@ implementation) \\ @indent@ |n| & how to produce an indentation (horizontal space) of |n| units \\ \end{tabularx} \end{colorsurround} \caption{A short description of the @%subst@ directives}\label{substs} \end{table} %%% %%% % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \section{Implementation and distribution} % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \begin{compactitem} % \item |lhs2TeX| is written in Haskell % \item \textbf{poly} style makes use of a specifically written \LaTeX\ package % @polytable@, which is included in the distribution % \item License is {\smaller GPL}. % \item There has not been an official release for a long time, so get the % most recent version from {\smaller CVS} (or subversion soon). % \item It does work on Unix-alikes. It should work on Windows/Cygwin, and % on native Windows with minor modifications -- help welcome. % \item It has been used for several recent papers and seems to be quite stable. % \end{compactitem} % % %%% % %%% % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \section{Future work} % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \begin{compactitem} % \item More language independence (customizable lexer). % \item Clean up (and extend) the formatting directives language. % \item Allow directives during code blocks. % \item Add more features to @polytable@ package. % \item \dots % \end{compactitem} % Future development is relatively low priority, though. % If you want it, do it yourself or try to convince me % that it is urgent! \newenvironment{problem}% {\medskip\par\noindent\bfseries\ignorespaces}{\ignorespacesafterend} %%% %%% % \section{History of |lhs2TeX|} % % \begin{compactitem} % \item Ralf Hinze started development in 1997. Most of the hard work has % been done by him! % \item The program is based on @smugweb@ and @pphs@, both of which are % no longer available and I do not know. % \item I picked up development in 2002, and added % the \textbf{poly} and \textbf{newcode} styles. % %\item Future: I consider the \textbf{tt} and \textbf{math} styles as deprecated, % % I want to add more language independence (customizable lexer) and % % extend/improve the formatting language. % \end{compactitem} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Pitfalls/FAQ} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{problem} The document consists of multiple files. Can |lhs2TeX| be used? \end{problem} One option is to use @%include@ rather than \LaTeX\ commands to include all files in the master file. The other is to process all files that contain code \emph{and} the master file with |lhs2TeX|. All files to be processed with |lhs2TeX| must contain an @%include lhs2TeX.fmt@ (or @%include polycode.fmt@) statement. From version 1.11 on, including @lhs2TeX.sty@ is no longer necessary. \begin{problem} Yes, but the master file should be pure \LaTeX. \end{problem} Create a file @mylhs2tex.lhs@ with just one line, namely @%include lhs2TeX.fmt@. Process that file with |lhs2TeX|, using the options you also use for the other included files. Call the resulting file @mylhs2tex.sty@ and say @\usepackage{mylhs2tex}@ at the beginning of your master file. \begin{problem} The spacing around my code blocks is bad (nonexistent) in ``\textbf{poly}'' style. \end{problem} Add the line @%include polycode.fmt@ to the preamble of your document. \begin{problem} \LaTeX\ complains when using |lhs2TeX| in ``\textbf{poly}'' style with the @beamer@ package. \end{problem} Add the line @%include polycode.fmt@ to the preamble of your document. \begin{problem} \LaTeX\ complains when using |lhs2TeX| in ``\textbf{poly}'' style with the @jfp@ class. \end{problem} Add the line @%include jfpcompat.fmt@ to the preamble of your document. \begin{problem} \LaTeX\ claims that the package @polytable@ (or @lazylist@) cannot be found, or that the version installed on your system is too old. \end{problem} Did you install @polytable.sty@ (or @lazylist.sty@) in your \TeX\ system manually? If you have absolutely no idea how to do this, you may try to copy both @polytable.sty@ and @lazylist.sty@ from the |lhs2TeX| distribution into your working directory. \begin{problem} Haskell strings are displayed without double quotes. \end{problem} This is a result from using an old @lhs2TeX.fmt@ file together with a new version of |lhs2TeX|. Usually, this stems from the fact that there is an old version in the working directory. Now, |lhs2TeX| maintains a search path for included files, thus usually a local old copy of @lhs2TeX.fmt@ can be removed. \begin{problem} In ``math'' style, I have aligned several symbols on one column, but |lhs2TeX| still won't align the code block. \end{problem} Did you set the alignment column correctly using the @%align@ directive? Note also that |lhs2TeX| starts counting columns beginning with |1|, whereas some editors might start counting with |0|. \begin{problem} Large parts of the formatted file look completely garbled. Passages are formatted as code or verbatim, although they are plain text. Conversely, things supposed to be code or verbatim are typeset as text. \end{problem} You probably forgot multiple @|@ or \verb+@+ characters. Because |lhs2TeX| identifies both the beginning and end of inline code or inline verbatim via the same character, one missing delimiter can confuse |lhs2TeX| and cause large passages to be typeset in the wrong way. You should locate the first position in the document where something goes wrong and look for a missing delimiter at the corresponding position in the source file. \begin{problem} \LaTeX\ complains about a ``nested @\fromto@'' in ``poly'' style. \end{problem} This usually is a problem with one of your formatting directives. If you start a \TeX\ group in one of your directives but do not close it, then this error arises. You should not write such unbalanced formatting directives unless you make sure that they do never span an aligned column. %TODO: Write example. \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{polytable} Andres L\"oh. \emph{The @polytable@ package.} \url{http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/polytable/} \bibitem{lazylist} Alan Jeffrey. \emph{The @lazylist@ package.} \url{http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/lazylist/} \bibitem{uuag} Arthur Baars, S.~Doaitse Swierstra, Andres L\"oh. \emph{The UU AG System User Manual.} \url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/~arthurb/data/AG/AGman.pdf} \bibitem{array} Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle. \emph{The @array@ package.} \url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/tools/array.dtx} \bibitem{gh} Andres L\"oh. \emph{Exploring Generic Haskell.} PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, 2004. \bibitem{hackage} Hackage \url{http://hackage.haskell.org} \bibitem{platform} The Haskell Platform. \url{http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/} \end{thebibliography} \appendix \newpage %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Deprecated styles} \label{sec:deprecatedstyles} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this Appendix, we will cover the styles that were omitted from Section~\ref{sec:styles}. We will demonstrate them with the same common example. As before, each style will include a short summary. Some of the points listed in the summary are simply defaults for the particular style and can actually be changed. \subsection{Verbatim: ``verb'' style} In \textbf{verb} style, the code shows up in the formatted document exactly as it has been entered, i.e.~verbatim. All spaces are preserved, and a non-proportional font is used. \input{Zip}% One does not need |lhs2TeX| to achieve such a result. This style, however, does not make use of an internal \TeX\ verbatim construct. The implementation of verbatim environments in \TeX\ is somewhat restricted, and the preprocessor approach may prove more flexible in some situations. For example, it is easier to apply additional formatting instructions to the output as a whole, such as placing the code in a colored box. \paragraph{Verbatim summary} \begin{compactitem} \item formatting directives are ignored \item conditionals and includes are handled \item inline code, inline verbatim, and code blocks are all typeset completely verbatim, using a typewriter font \item all spaces in code blocks are preserved \item plain text is copied unchanged \end{compactitem} %%% %%% \subsection{Space-preserving formatting with ``tt'' style} \label{sec:tt-style} The \textbf{tt} style is very similar to \textbf{verb} style, but applies a tiny bit of formatting to the code and allows for more customizabilty: \input{ZipTT}% By default, some of the Haskell symbols are expressed more naturally. For instance, special symbols are being used for the arrows or the lambda. In addition, the user can specify additional formatting directives to affect the appearance of certain identifiers. In this way, keywords can be highlighted, user-defined Haskell infix operators can be replaced by more appropriate symbols etc. In this style, the layout and all spaces from the source file are still preserved, and a non-proportional font is used, as in \textbf{verb} style. \paragraph{Typewriter summary} \begin{compactitem} \item non-recursive formatting directives are obeyed \item conditionals and includes are handled \item inline verbatim is typeset as verbatim, whereas inline code and code blocks are typeset almost verbatim, after formatting directives are applied, in a typewriter font using some special symbols to ``beautify'' some Haskell operators. \item all spaces in code blocks are preserved \item plain text is copied unchanged \end{compactitem} %%% %%% \subsection{Proportional vs.~Monospaced} Usually, there is a tradeoff between restricting oneself to the use of a typewriter font and not using any formatting and using a proportional font, at the same time replacing operators with mathematical symbols, using different font shapes to highlight keywords etc. While the latter offers far more flexibility, the proportional font might destroy (at least part of) the layout that the programmer has employed in order to make the source code more readable. Compare, for example, the previous two examples with the following result (this is a negative example, |lhs2TeX| can do far better than that!!): \input{ZipStupid}% \noindent While the indentation is kept (otherwise, for the layout sensitive Haskell it would be even disastrous, because the code might no longer be valid), alignment that has been present in the code lines has been lost. For example, in the input the user had decided to align all equality symbols of all three function definitions, and also align them with the ``has-type'' operator |::|. Without support from a tool like |lhs2TeX|, the horizontal positions of the equality symbols in the formatted code are totally unrelated. A solution to this problem is of course to put the Haskell code in a \LaTeX\ table. Doing this manually, though, is very cumbersome and in some case still quite hard. The task of the formatted styles of |lhs2TeX| is thus to spare the user the burden of cluttering up the code with formatting annotations. Most of the time, completely unannotated code can be used to achieve good results, using the fonts you like while maintaining alignment information in the code! %%% %%% \subsection{Alignment and formatting with ``math'' style} In prior versions of |lhs2TeX|, \textbf{math} style was the mode to use for formatted Haskell code. There is one alignment column, often used to align the equality symbols of several equations. Additionally, indentation is handled automatically. User-defined formatting directives can be used to alter the formatting of identifiers, operators and symbols in many places. \input{ZipMath}% \noindent The example shows that there is still a loss of alignment information compared to the original verbatim example. The three arguments of the |zipWith| function as well as the two guarded equations in the definition of |select| are not aligned. At the moment, \textbf{math} style exists mainly to maintain compatibility with old documents. New features may be added to \textbf{poly} style only. \paragraph{``math'' summary} \begin{compactitem} \item all formatting directives are obeyed \item conditionals and includes are handled \item inline verbatim is typeset as verbatim, whereas inline code and code blocks are typeset using a proportional font, using mathematical symbols to represent many Haskell operators. \item indentation in code blocks is preserved; furthermore, alignment on a single column is possible \item plain text is copied unchanged \end{compactitem} %%% %%% \end{document} %%% %%% \section{Test} \input{Variable} %%% %%% \end{document}