-- | Generalized lenses
-- Intended to be imported qualified
-- > import Generics.SOP.Lens as GLens
module Generics.SOP.Lens (
    -- * Generalized lenses
  , lens
  , get
  , modify
  , set
    -- * Conversion
  , fromLens
  , fromIso
  , toLens
    -- * Generic computation of lenses for record type
  , glenses
    -- * Labels for the representation types
  , np
  , rep
  , sop
  , head
  , tail
  , i
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (id, (.), curry, uncurry, const, head, tail)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Data.Label.Mono (Lens)
import Data.Label.Point (Iso(..))
import qualified Data.Label.Mono as Lens

import Generics.SOP

  Generalized lens using two categories

-- | GLens generalizes a monomorphic lens by allowing for different categories
-- for the getter and modifier
data GLens r w a b = GLens (r a b) (w (w b b, a) a)

instance (Category r, ArrowApply w) => Category (GLens r w) where
  id = GLens id app
  (GLens f m) . (GLens g n) = GLens (f . g) (uncurry (curry n . curry m))

lens :: r a b -> w (w b b, a) a -> GLens r w a b
lens = GLens

get :: GLens r w a b -> r a b
get (GLens f _) = f

modify :: GLens r w a b -> w (w b b, a) a
modify (GLens _ g) = g

set :: Arrow w => GLens r w a b -> w (b, a) a
set l = modify l . first (arr const)


fromLens :: (Arrow r, ArrowApply w) => Lens (->) a b -> GLens r w a b
fromLens l =
  GLens (arr (Lens.get l))
        (uncurry $ \h -> arr (Lens.set l) . (h . arr (Lens.get l) &&& id))

fromIso :: (Arrow r, ArrowApply w) => Iso (->) a b -> GLens r w a b
fromIso (Iso f g) = GLens (arr f) (uncurry $ \h -> arr g . h . arr f)

toLens :: GLens cat cat a b -> Lens cat a b
toLens (GLens f g) = Lens.lens f g

  Generic computation of all lenses for a record type

glenses :: forall r w a xs. (Generic a, Code a ~ '[xs], Arrow r, ArrowApply w) => NP (GLens r w a) xs
glenses = case sList :: SList (Code a) of
            SCons -> hliftA (\l -> l . sop . rep) np
            _     -> error "inaccessible"

  Generalized lenses for representation types

np :: forall r w xs. (Arrow r, ArrowApply w, SListI xs) => NP (GLens r w (NP I xs)) xs
np = case sList :: SList xs of
      SNil  -> Nil
      SCons -> i . head :* hliftA (. tail) np

rep :: (Arrow r, ArrowApply w, Generic a) => GLens r w a (Rep a)
rep = fromIso $ Iso from to

sop :: (Arrow r, ArrowApply w) => GLens r w (SOP f '[xs]) (NP f xs)
sop = fromIso $ Iso (\(SOP (Z x)) -> x) (SOP . Z)

head :: (Arrow r, ArrowApply w) => GLens r w (NP f (x ': xs)) (f x)
head = fromLens $ Lens.lens (\(x :* _) -> x) (\(f, x :* xs) -> (f x :* xs))

tail :: (Arrow r, ArrowApply w) => GLens r w (NP f (x ': xs)) (NP f xs)
tail = fromLens $ Lens.lens (\(_ :* xs) -> xs) (\(f, x :* xs) -> (x :* f xs))

i :: (Arrow r, ArrowApply w) => GLens r w (I a) a
i = fromIso $ Iso unI I


const :: Arrow arr => c -> arr b c
const a = arr (\_ -> a)

curry :: Arrow cat => cat (a, b) c -> (a -> cat b c)
curry m a = m . (const a &&& id)

uncurry :: ArrowApply cat => (a -> cat b c) -> cat (a, b) c
uncurry a = app . arr (first a)