{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {- | This module contains the "pure-ish" state machine that defines what it means to be a legion node. As described on 'SM', the state machine is modeled in monadic fashion, where the state machine sate is modeled as monadic context, state machine input is modeled as various monadic functions, and state machine output is modeled as the result of those monadic functions. The reason the state lives behind a monad is because part of the node state (i.e. the persistence layer) really does live behind IO, and cannot be accessed purely. Therefore, the state is divided into a pure part, modeled by 'NodeState'; and an impure part, modeled by the persistence layer interface. We wrap these two components inside of a new, opaque, monad called 'SM' by using a monad transformation stack, where 'StateT' wraps the pure part of the state, and IO wraps the impure part of the state. (This is a simplified description. The actual monad transformation stack is more complicated, because it incorporates logging and access to the user-defined request handler.) The overall purpose of all of this is to separate as much as possible the abstract idea of what a legion node is with its runtime considerations. The state machine contained in this module defines how a legion node should behave when faced with various inputs, and it would be completely pure but for the persistence layer interface. The runtime system 'Network.Legion.Runtime' implements the mechanisms by which such input is collected and any behavior associated with the output (e.g. managing network connections, sending data across the wire, reading data from the wire, transforming those data into inputs to the state machine, etc.). -} module Network.Legion.StateMachine( -- * Running the state machine. NodeState, newNodeState, SM, runSM, -- * State machine inputs. userRequest, partitionMerge, clusterMerge, migrate, propagate, rebalance, heartbeat, eject, join, minimumCompleteServiceSet, search, -- * State machine outputs. ClusterAction(..), UserResponse(..), -- * State inspection getPeers, ) where import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger, logWarn, logDebug, logError) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift, MonadTrans) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, ask) import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, runStateT, get, put, modify) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, toJSON, object, (.=), encode) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.Conduit (($=), ($$), Sink, transPipe, awaitForever) import Data.Default.Class (Default) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Set (Set, (\\)) import Data.Text (pack, unpack) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime) import Network.Legion.Application (Legionary(Legionary), getState, saveState, list, persistence, handleRequest, index) import Network.Legion.BSockAddr (BSockAddr) import Network.Legion.ClusterState (ClusterPropState, ClusterPowerState) import Network.Legion.Distribution (Peer, rebalanceAction, newPeer, RebalanceAction(Invite)) import Network.Legion.Index (IndexRecord(IndexRecord), stTag, stKey, irTag, irKey, SearchTag(SearchTag)) import Network.Legion.KeySet (KeySet, union) import Network.Legion.LIO (LIO) import Network.Legion.PartitionKey (PartitionKey) import Network.Legion.PartitionState (PartitionPowerState, PartitionPropState) import Network.Legion.PowerState (ApplyDelta) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Network.Legion.ClusterState as C import qualified Network.Legion.Distribution as D import qualified Network.Legion.KeySet as KS import qualified Network.Legion.PartitionState as P {- | This is the portion of the local node state that is not persistence related. -} data NodeState i s = NodeState { self :: Peer, cluster :: ClusterPropState, partitions :: Map PartitionKey (PartitionPropState i s), migration :: KeySet, nsIndex :: Set IndexRecord } instance (Show i, Show s) => Show (NodeState i s) where show = unpack . decodeUtf8 . toStrict . encode {- The ToJSON instance is mainly for debugging. The Haskell-generated 'Show' instance is very hard to read. -} instance (Show i, Show s) => ToJSON (NodeState i s) where toJSON (NodeState self cluster partitions migration nsIndex) = object [ "self" .= show self, "cluster" .= cluster, "partitions" .= Map.mapKeys show partitions, "migration" .= show migration, "nsIndex" .= show nsIndex ] {- | Make a new node state. -} newNodeState :: Peer -> ClusterPropState -> NodeState i s newNodeState self cluster = NodeState { self, cluster, partitions = Map.empty, migration = KS.empty, nsIndex = Set.empty } {- | This monad encapsulates the global state of the legion node (not counting the runtime stuff, like open connections and what have you). The main reason that the state is hidden behind a monad is because part of the sate (i.e. the partition data) lives behind 'IO'. Therefore, if we want to model the global state of the node as a single unit, we have to do so using a monad. -} newtype SM i o s a = SM { unSM :: ReaderT (Legionary i o s) (StateT (NodeState i s) LIO) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadLogger, MonadIO) {- | Run an SM action. -} runSM :: Legionary i o s -> NodeState i s -> SM i o s a -> LIO (a, NodeState i s) runSM l ns action = runStateT (runReaderT (unSM action) l) ns {- | Handle a user request. -} userRequest :: (ApplyDelta i s, Default s) => PartitionKey -> i -> SM i o s (UserResponse o) userRequest key request = SM $ do NodeState {self, cluster} <- lift get Legionary {handleRequest} <- ask let owners = C.findPartition key cluster if self `Set.member` owners then do partition <- unSM $ getPartition key let response = handleRequest request (P.ask partition) partition2 = P.delta request partition unSM $ savePartition key partition2 return (Respond response) else case Set.toList owners of [] -> do let msg = "No owners for key: " ++ show key $(logError) . pack $ msg error msg peer:_ -> return (Forward peer) {- | Handle the state transition for a partition merge event. Returns 'Left' if there is an error, and 'Right' if everything went fine. -} partitionMerge :: (Show i, Show s, ApplyDelta i s, Default s) => Peer -> PartitionKey -> PartitionPowerState i s -> SM i o s () partitionMerge source key foreignPartition = do partition <- getPartition key case P.mergeEither source foreignPartition partition of Left err -> $(logWarn) . pack $ "Can't apply incomming partition merge from " ++ show source ++ ": " ++ show foreignPartition ++ ". because of: " ++ show err Right newPartition -> savePartition key newPartition {- | Handle the state transition for a cluster merge event. -} clusterMerge :: Peer -> ClusterPowerState -> SM i o s () clusterMerge source foreignCluster = SM . lift $ do nodeState@NodeState {migration, cluster} <- get case C.mergeEither source foreignCluster cluster of Left err -> $(logWarn) . pack $ "Can't apply incomming cluster merge from " ++ show source ++ ": " ++ show foreignCluster ++ ". because of: " ++ show err Right (newCluster, newMigration) -> put nodeState { migration = migration `union` newMigration, cluster = newCluster } {- | Migrate partitions based on new cluster state information. TODO: this migration algorithm is super naive. It just goes ahead and migrates everything in one pass, which is going to be terrible for performance. Also, it is important to remember that "migrate" in this context does not mean "transfer data". Rather, "migrate" means to add a participating peer to a partition. This will cause the data to be transfered in the normal course of propagation. -} migrate :: (Default s, ApplyDelta i s) => SM i o s () migrate = do NodeState {migration} <- (SM . lift) get Legionary {persistence} <- SM ask unless (KS.null migration) $ transPipe (SM . lift3) (list persistence) $= CL.filter ((`KS.member` migration) . fst) $$ accum (SM . lift) $ modify (\ns -> ns {migration = KS.empty}) where accum :: (Default s, ApplyDelta i s) => Sink (PartitionKey, PartitionPowerState i s) (SM i o s) () accum = awaitForever $ \ (key, ps) -> do NodeState {self, cluster, partitions} <- (lift . SM . lift) get let partition = fromMaybe (P.initProp self ps) (Map.lookup key partitions) newPeers = C.findPartition key cluster \\ P.projParticipants partition newPartition = foldr P.participate partition (Set.toList newPeers) $(logDebug) . pack $ "Migrating: " ++ show key lift (savePartition key newPartition) {- | Handle all cluster and partition state propagation actions, and return an updated node state. -} propagate :: SM i o s [ClusterAction i s] propagate = SM $ do partitionActions <- getPartitionActions clusterActions <- unSM getClusterActions return (clusterActions ++ partitionActions) where getPartitionActions = do ns@NodeState {partitions} <- lift get let updates = [ (key, newPartition, [ PartitionMerge peer key ps | peer <- Set.toList peers_ ]) | (key, partition) <- Map.toAscList partitions , let (peers_, ps, newPartition) = P.actions partition ] actions = [a | (_, _, as) <- updates, a <- as] newPartitions = Map.fromAscList [ (key, newPartition) | (key, newPartition, _) <- updates , not (P.idle newPartition) ] (lift . put) ns { partitions = newPartitions } return actions getClusterActions :: SM i o s [ClusterAction i s] getClusterActions = SM $ do ns@NodeState {cluster} <- lift get let (peers, cs, newCluster) = C.actions cluster actions = [ClusterMerge peer cs | peer <- Set.toList peers] (lift . put) ns { cluster = newCluster } return actions {- | Figure out if any rebalancing actions must be taken by this node, and kick them off if so. -} rebalance :: SM i o s () rebalance = SM $ do ns@NodeState {self, cluster} <- lift get let allPeers = (Set.fromList . Map.keys . C.getPeers) cluster dist = C.getDistribution cluster action = rebalanceAction self allPeers dist $(logDebug) . pack $ "The rebalance action is: " ++ show action (lift . put) ns { cluster = case action of Nothing -> cluster Just (Invite ks) -> {- This 'claimParticipation' will be enforced by the remote peers, because those peers will see the change in distribution and then perform a 'migrate'. -} C.claimParticipation self ks cluster } {- | Update all of the propagation states with the current time. -} heartbeat :: SM i o s () heartbeat = SM $ do now <- lift3 getCurrentTime ns@NodeState {cluster, partitions} <- lift get (lift . put) ns { cluster = C.heartbeat now cluster, partitions = Map.fromAscList [ (k, P.heartbeat now p) | (k, p) <- Map.toAscList partitions ] } {- | Eject a peer from the cluster. -} eject :: Peer -> SM i o s () eject peer = SM . lift $ do ns@NodeState {cluster} <- get put ns {cluster = C.eject peer cluster} {- | Handle a peer join request. -} join :: BSockAddr -> SM i o s (Peer, ClusterPowerState) join peerAddr = SM $ do peer <- lift2 newPeer ns@NodeState {cluster} <- lift get let newCluster = C.joinCluster peer peerAddr cluster (lift . put) ns {cluster = newCluster} return (peer, C.getPowerState newCluster) {- | Figure out the set of nodes to which search requests should be dispatched. "Minimum complete service set" means the minimum set of peers that, together, service the whole partition key space; thereby guaranteeing that if any particular partition is indexed, the corresponding index record will exist on one of these peers. Implementation considerations: There will usually be more than one solution for the MCSS. For now, we just compute a deterministic solution, but we should implement a random (or pseudo-random) solution in order to maximally balance cluster resources. Also, it is not clear that the minimum complete service set is even what we really want. MCSS will reduce overall network utilization, but it may actually increase latency. If we were to dispatch redundant requests to multiple nodes, we could continue with whichever request returns first, and ignore the slow responses. This is probably the best solution. We will call this "fastest competitive search". TODO: implement fastest competitive search. -} minimumCompleteServiceSet :: SM i o s (Set Peer) minimumCompleteServiceSet = SM $ do NodeState {cluster} <- lift get return (D.minimumCompleteServiceSet (C.getDistribution cluster)) {- | Search the index, and return the first record that is __strictly greater than__ the provided search tag, if such a record exists. -} search :: SearchTag -> SM i o s (Maybe IndexRecord) search SearchTag {stTag, stKey = Nothing} = SM $ do NodeState {nsIndex} <- lift get return (Set.lookupGE IndexRecord {irTag = stTag, irKey = minBound} nsIndex) search SearchTag {stTag, stKey = Just key} = SM $ do NodeState {nsIndex} <- lift get return (Set.lookupGT IndexRecord {irTag = stTag, irKey = key} nsIndex) {- | These are the actions that a node can take which allow it to coordinate with other nodes. It is up to the runtime system to implement the actions. -} data ClusterAction i s = ClusterMerge Peer ClusterPowerState | PartitionMerge Peer PartitionKey (PartitionPowerState i s) {- | The type of response to a user request, either forward to another node, or respond directly. -} data UserResponse o = Forward Peer | Respond o {- | Get the known peer data from the cluster. -} getPeers :: SM i o s (Map Peer BSockAddr) getPeers = SM $ C.getPeers . cluster <$> lift get {- | Gets a partition state. -} getPartition :: (Default s, ApplyDelta i s) => PartitionKey -> SM i o s (PartitionPropState i s) getPartition key = SM $ do Legionary {persistence} <- ask NodeState {self, partitions, cluster} <- lift get case Map.lookup key partitions of Nothing -> lift3 (getState persistence key) <&> \case Nothing -> P.new key self (C.findPartition key cluster) Just partition -> P.initProp self partition Just partition -> return partition {- | Saves a partition state. This function automatically handles the cache for active propagations, as well as reindexing of partitions. -} savePartition :: (Default s, ApplyDelta i s) => PartitionKey -> PartitionPropState i s -> SM i o s () savePartition key partition = SM $ do Legionary {persistence, index} <- ask oldTags <- index . P.ask <$> unSM (getPartition key) let currentTags = index (P.ask partition) {- TODO: maybe use Set.mapMonotonic for performance? -} obsoleteRecords = Set.map (flip IndexRecord key) (oldTags \\ currentTags) newRecords = Set.map (flip IndexRecord key) currentTags $(logDebug) . pack $ "Tagging " ++ show key ++ " with: " ++ show (currentTags, obsoleteRecords, newRecords) ns@NodeState {partitions, nsIndex} <- lift get lift3 (saveState persistence key ( if P.participating partition then Just (P.getPowerState partition) else Nothing )) lift $ put ns { partitions = if P.idle partition then {- Remove the partition from the working cache because there is no remaining work that needs to be done to propagage its changes. -} Map.delete key partitions else Map.insert key partition partitions, nsIndex = (nsIndex \\ obsoleteRecords) `Set.union` newRecords } {- | Borrowed from 'lens', like @flip fmap@. -} (<&>) :: (Functor f) => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b (<&>) = flip fmap {- | Lift from two levels down in a monad transformation stack. -} lift2 :: ( MonadTrans a, MonadTrans b, Monad m, Monad (b m) ) => m r -> a (b m) r lift2 = lift . lift {- | Lift from three levels down in a monad transformation stack. -} lift3 :: ( MonadTrans a, MonadTrans b, MonadTrans c, Monad m, Monad (c m), Monad (b (c m)) ) => m r -> a (b (c m)) r lift3 = lift . lift . lift