module Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape.Private where
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape.Box as Box
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent.Private as Extent
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent.Private (Extent)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Wrapper (Flip(Flip, getFlip))
import qualified Type.Data.Num.Unary.Literal as TypeNum
import qualified Type.Data.Num.Unary.Proof as Proof
import qualified Type.Data.Num.Unary as Unary
import Type.Data.Num.Unary (unary, (:+:))
import Type.Data.Num (integralFromProxy)
import Type.Base.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape
import Data.Array.Comfort.Shape (triangleSize, triangleRoot)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)
import Control.Applicative (Const(Const, getConst))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(Identity), runIdentity)
import Data.List (tails)
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapSnd, swap, double)
import Data.Bool.HT (if')
data Order = RowMajor | ColumnMajor
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData Order where
rnf RowMajor = ()
rnf ColumnMajor = ()
flipOrder :: Order -> Order
flipOrder RowMajor = ColumnMajor
flipOrder ColumnMajor = RowMajor
transposeFromOrder :: Order -> Char
transposeFromOrder RowMajor = 'T'
transposeFromOrder ColumnMajor = 'N'
swapOnRowMajor :: Order -> (a,a) -> (a,a)
swapOnRowMajor order =
case order of
RowMajor -> swap
ColumnMajor -> id
sideSwapFromOrder :: Order -> (a,a) -> (Char, (a,a))
sideSwapFromOrder order (m0,n0) =
let ((side,m), (_,n)) = swapOnRowMajor order (('L', m0), ('R', n0))
in (side,(m,n))
mapChecked ::
(Shape.C sha, Shape.C shb) =>
String -> (sha -> shb) -> sha -> shb
mapChecked name f sizeA =
let sizeB = f sizeA
in if Shape.size sizeA == Shape.size sizeB
then sizeB
else error $ name ++ ": sizes mismatch"
data Full vert horiz height width =
Full {
fullOrder :: Order,
fullExtent :: Extent vert horiz height width
} deriving (Eq, Show)
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Box.Box (Full vert horiz height width) where
type HeightOf (Full vert horiz height width) = height
type WidthOf (Full vert horiz height width) = width
height = fullHeight
width = fullWidth
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, NFData height, NFData width) =>
NFData (Full vert horiz height width) where
rnf (Full order extent) = rnf (order, extent)
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Shape.C (Full vert horiz height width) where
size (Full _ extent) = Shape.size (Extent.dimensions extent)
uncheckedSize (Full _ extent) =
Shape.uncheckedSize (Extent.dimensions extent)
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.Indexed height, Shape.Indexed width) =>
Shape.Indexed (Full vert horiz height width) where
type Index (Full vert horiz height width) =
(Shape.Index height, Shape.Index width)
indices (Full order extent) = fullIndices order extent
offset (Full RowMajor extent) =
Shape.offset (Extent.dimensions extent)
offset (Full ColumnMajor extent) =
Shape.offset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent) . swap
uncheckedOffset (Full RowMajor extent) =
Shape.uncheckedOffset (Extent.dimensions extent)
uncheckedOffset (Full ColumnMajor extent) =
Shape.uncheckedOffset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent) . swap
sizeOffset (Full RowMajor extent) =
Shape.sizeOffset (Extent.dimensions extent)
sizeOffset (Full ColumnMajor extent) =
mapSnd (.swap) $ Shape.sizeOffset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent)
uncheckedSizeOffset (Full RowMajor extent) =
Shape.uncheckedSizeOffset (Extent.dimensions extent)
uncheckedSizeOffset (Full ColumnMajor extent) =
mapSnd (.swap) $
Shape.uncheckedSizeOffset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent)
inBounds (Full _ extent) = Shape.inBounds (Extent.dimensions extent)
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.InvIndexed height, Shape.InvIndexed width) =>
Shape.InvIndexed (Full vert horiz height width) where
indexFromOffset (Full order extent) = fullIndexFromOffset order extent
transpose ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
Full vert horiz height width -> Full horiz vert width height
transpose (Full order extent) = Full (flipOrder order) (Extent.transpose extent)
dimensions ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Full vert horiz height width -> (Int, Int)
dimensions (Full order extent) =
swapOnRowMajor order
(Shape.size $ Extent.height extent,
Shape.size $ Extent.width extent)
fullHeight ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) => Full vert horiz height width -> height
fullHeight = Extent.height . fullExtent
fullWidth ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) => Full vert horiz height width -> width
fullWidth = Extent.width . fullExtent
fullIndices ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.Indexed a, Shape.Indexed b) =>
Order -> Extent vert horiz a b -> [(Shape.Index a, Shape.Index b)]
fullIndices order extent =
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.indices $ Extent.dimensions extent
ColumnMajor -> map swap $ Shape.indices $ swap $ Extent.dimensions extent
fullIndexFromOffset ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.InvIndexed a, Shape.InvIndexed b) =>
Order -> Extent vert horiz a b -> Int ->
(Shape.Index a, Shape.Index b)
fullIndexFromOffset order extent =
case order of
RowMajor ->
Shape.indexFromOffset (Extent.dimensions extent)
ColumnMajor ->
swap . Shape.indexFromOffset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent)
type General height width = Full Extent.Big Extent.Big height width
type Tall height width = Full Extent.Big Extent.Small height width
type Wide height width = Full Extent.Small Extent.Big height width
type Square size = Full Extent.Small Extent.Small size size
fullMapExtent ::
Extent.Map vertA horizA vertB horizB height width ->
Full vertA horizA height width ->
Full vertB horizB height width
fullMapExtent f (Full order extent) = Full order $ Extent.apply f extent
general :: Order -> height -> width -> General height width
general order height width = Full order $ Extent.general height width
tall ::
(Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Order -> height -> width -> Tall height width
tall order height width =
if Shape.size height >= Shape.size width
then Full order $ Extent.tall height width
else error "MatrixShape.tall: height smaller than width"
wide ::
(Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Order -> height -> width -> Wide height width
wide order height width =
if Shape.size height <= Shape.size width
then Full order $ Extent.wide height width
else error "MatrixShape.wide: width smaller than height"
square :: Order -> sh -> Square sh
square order sh = Full order $ Extent.square sh
caseTallWide ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Full vert horiz height width ->
Either (Tall height width) (Wide height width)
caseTallWide (Full order extent) =
either (Left . Full order) (Right . Full order) $
Extent.caseTallWide (\h w -> Shape.size h >= Shape.size w) extent
data Split lower vert horiz height width =
Split {
splitLower :: lower,
splitOrder :: Order,
splitExtent :: Extent vert horiz height width
} deriving (Eq, Show)
splitHeight ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
Split lower vert horiz height width -> height
splitHeight = Extent.height . splitExtent
splitWidth ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
Split lower vert horiz height width -> width
splitWidth = Extent.width . splitExtent
splitMapExtent ::
Extent.Map vertA horizA vertB horizB height width ->
Split lower vertA horizA height width ->
Split lower vertB horizB height width
splitMapExtent f (Split lowerPart order extent) =
Split lowerPart order $ Extent.apply f extent
caseTallWideSplit ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Split lower vert horiz height width ->
(Split lower Extent.Big Extent.Small height width)
(Split lower Extent.Small Extent.Big height width)
caseTallWideSplit (Split lowerPart order extent) =
either (Left . Split lowerPart order) (Right . Split lowerPart order) $
Extent.caseTallWide (\h w -> Shape.size h >= Shape.size w) extent
(Eq lower, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Box.Box (Split lower vert horiz height width) where
type HeightOf (Split lower vert horiz height width) = height
type WidthOf (Split lower vert horiz height width) = width
height = splitHeight
width = splitWidth
data Reflector = Reflector deriving (Eq, Show)
data Triangle = Triangle deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData Reflector where rnf Reflector = ()
instance NFData Triangle where rnf Triangle = ()
splitPart ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.Indexed height, Shape.Indexed width) =>
Split lower vert horiz height width ->
(Shape.Index height, Shape.Index width) -> Either lower Triangle
splitPart (Split lowerPart _ extent) (r,c) =
if Shape.offset (Extent.height extent) r >
Shape.offset (Extent.width extent) c
then Left lowerPart
else Right Triangle
(NFData lower, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, NFData height, NFData width) =>
NFData (Split lower vert horiz height width) where
rnf (Split lowerPart order extent) = rnf (lowerPart, order, extent)
(Eq lower, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Shape.C (Split lower vert horiz height width) where
size (Split _ _ extent) = Shape.size (Extent.dimensions extent)
uncheckedSize (Split _ _ extent) =
Shape.uncheckedSize (Extent.dimensions extent)
(Eq lower, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.Indexed height, Shape.Indexed width) =>
Shape.Indexed (Split lower vert horiz height width) where
type Index (Split lower vert horiz height width) =
(Either lower Triangle,
(Shape.Index height, Shape.Index width))
indices sh@(Split _ order extent) =
map (\ix -> (splitPart sh ix, ix)) $ fullIndices order extent
offset sh@(Split _ order extent) (part,ix) =
if part == splitPart sh ix
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.offset (Extent.dimensions extent) ix
ColumnMajor ->
Shape.offset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent) (swap ix)
else error "Shape.Split.offset: wrong matrix part"
uncheckedOffset (Split _ RowMajor extent) =
Shape.uncheckedOffset (Extent.dimensions extent) . snd
uncheckedOffset (Split _ ColumnMajor extent) =
Shape.uncheckedOffset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent) . swap . snd
sizeOffset sh@(Split _ order extent) =
let check (part,ix) a =
if part == splitPart sh ix
then a
else error "Shape.Split.sizeOffset: wrong matrix part"
in case order of
RowMajor ->
mapSnd (\getOffset (part,ix) -> check (part,ix) $ getOffset ix) $
Shape.sizeOffset (Extent.dimensions extent)
ColumnMajor ->
(\getOffset (part,ix) ->
check (part,ix) $ getOffset $ swap ix) $
Shape.sizeOffset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent)
uncheckedSizeOffset (Split _ RowMajor extent) =
mapSnd (.snd) $ Shape.uncheckedSizeOffset (Extent.dimensions extent)
uncheckedSizeOffset (Split _ ColumnMajor extent) =
mapSnd (.swap.snd) $
Shape.uncheckedSizeOffset (swap $ Extent.dimensions extent)
inBounds sh@(Split _ _ extent) (part,ix) =
Shape.inBounds (Extent.dimensions extent) ix
part == splitPart sh ix
(Eq lower, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.InvIndexed height, Shape.InvIndexed width) =>
Shape.InvIndexed (Split lower vert horiz height width) where
indexFromOffset sh@(Split _ order extent) k =
let ix = fullIndexFromOffset order extent k
in (splitPart sh ix, ix)
data Hermitian size =
Hermitian {
hermitianOrder :: Order,
hermitianSize :: size
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance (Shape.C size) => Box.Box (Hermitian size) where
type HeightOf (Hermitian size) = size
type WidthOf (Hermitian size) = size
height = hermitianSize
width = hermitianSize
uploFromOrder :: Order -> Char
uploFromOrder RowMajor = 'L'
uploFromOrder ColumnMajor = 'U'
instance (NFData size) => NFData (Hermitian size) where
rnf (Hermitian order size) = rnf (order, size)
instance (Shape.C size) => Shape.C (Hermitian size) where
size (Hermitian _ size) = triangleSize $ Shape.size size
uncheckedSize (Hermitian _ size) = triangleSize $ Shape.uncheckedSize size
instance (Shape.Indexed size) => Shape.Indexed (Hermitian size) where
type Index (Hermitian size) = (Shape.Index size, Shape.Index size)
indices (Hermitian order size) = triangleIndices order size
offset (Hermitian order size) = triangleOffset order size
uncheckedOffset (Hermitian order size) =
triangleUncheckedOffset order size
sizeOffset (Hermitian order size) = triangleSizeOffset order size
uncheckedSizeOffset (Hermitian order size) =
triangleUncheckedSizeOffset order size
inBounds (Hermitian _ size) ix@(r,c) =
Shape.inBounds (size,size) ix
Shape.offset size r <= Shape.offset size c
instance (Shape.InvIndexed size) => Shape.InvIndexed (Hermitian size) where
indexFromOffset (Hermitian order size) k =
triangleIndexFromOffset order size k
data Triangular lo diag up size =
Triangular {
triangularDiag :: diag,
triangularUplo :: (lo,up),
triangularOrder :: Order,
triangularSize :: size
} deriving (Eq, Show)
(Content lo, TriDiag diag, Content up, Shape.C size) =>
Box.Box (Triangular lo diag up size) where
type HeightOf (Triangular lo diag up size) = size
type WidthOf (Triangular lo diag up size) = size
height = triangularSize
width = triangularSize
data Unit = Unit deriving (Eq, Show)
data NonUnit = NonUnit deriving (Eq, Show)
class TriDiag diag where switchTriDiag :: f Unit -> f NonUnit -> f diag
instance TriDiag Unit where switchTriDiag f _ = f
instance TriDiag NonUnit where switchTriDiag _ f = f
autoDiag :: TriDiag diag => diag
autoDiag = runIdentity $ switchTriDiag (Identity Unit) (Identity NonUnit)
caseTriDiag :: TriDiag diag => diag -> a -> a -> a
caseTriDiag diag unit nonUnit =
getConstAs diag $ switchTriDiag (Const unit) (Const nonUnit)
charFromTriDiag :: TriDiag diag => diag -> Char
charFromTriDiag diag = caseTriDiag diag 'U' 'N'
relaxUnitDiagonal ::
(TriDiag diag) => Triangular lo Unit up sh -> Triangular lo diag up sh
relaxUnitDiagonal shape = shape{triangularDiag = autoDiag}
strictNonUnitDiagonal ::
(TriDiag diag) => Triangular lo diag up sh -> Triangular lo NonUnit up sh
strictNonUnitDiagonal shape = shape{triangularDiag = NonUnit}
data Empty = Empty deriving (Eq, Show)
data Filled = Filled deriving (Eq, Show)
lower :: (Filled,Empty)
lower = (Filled,Empty)
upper :: (Empty,Filled)
upper = (Empty,Filled)
type Identity = Triangular Empty Unit Empty
type Diagonal = Triangular Empty NonUnit Empty
type LowerTriangular diag = Triangular Filled diag Empty
type UpperTriangular diag = Triangular Empty diag Filled
type FlexSymmetric diag = Triangular Filled diag Filled
type Symmetric = FlexSymmetric NonUnit
triangularTranspose ::
(Content lo, Content up) =>
Triangular lo diag up sh -> Triangular up diag lo sh
triangularTranspose (Triangular diag uplo order size) =
Triangular diag
(swap uplo)
(caseDiagUpLoSym uplo flipOrder flipOrder flipOrder id order)
class Content c where switchContent :: f Empty -> f Filled -> f c
instance Content Empty where switchContent f _ = f
instance Content Filled where switchContent _ f = f
type UpLo lo up = (UpLoC lo up, UpLoC up lo)
class (DiagUpLoC lo up, UpLoSymC lo up) => UpLoC lo up where
switchUpLo :: f Empty Filled -> f Filled Empty -> f lo up
instance UpLoC Empty Filled where switchUpLo f _ = f
instance UpLoC Filled Empty where switchUpLo _ f = f
type DiagUpLo lo up = (DiagUpLoC lo up, DiagUpLoC up lo)
class (Content lo, Content up) => DiagUpLoC lo up where
switchDiagUpLo ::
f Empty Empty -> f Empty Filled -> f Filled Empty -> f lo up
instance DiagUpLoC Empty Empty where switchDiagUpLo f _ _ = f
instance DiagUpLoC Empty Filled where switchDiagUpLo _ f _ = f
instance DiagUpLoC Filled Empty where switchDiagUpLo _ _ f = f
type UpLoSym lo up = (UpLoSymC lo up, UpLoSymC up lo)
class (Content lo, Content up) => UpLoSymC lo up where
switchUpLoSym ::
f Empty Filled -> f Filled Empty -> f Filled Filled -> f lo up
instance UpLoSymC Empty Filled where switchUpLoSym f _ _ = f
instance UpLoSymC Filled Empty where switchUpLoSym _ f _ = f
instance UpLoSymC Filled Filled where switchUpLoSym _ _ f = f
switchDiagUpLoSym ::
(Content lo, Content up) =>
f Empty Empty -> f Empty Filled -> f Filled Empty -> f Filled Filled ->
f lo up
switchDiagUpLoSym fDiag fUpper fLower fSymm =
getFlip $
(Flip $ switchContent fDiag fUpper)
(Flip $ switchContent fLower fSymm)
autoContent :: Content c => c
autoContent = runIdentity $ switchContent (Identity Empty) (Identity Filled)
autoUplo :: (Content lo, Content up) => (lo,up)
autoUplo = (autoContent,autoContent)
uploOrder :: (Content lo, Content up) => (lo,up) -> Order -> Order
uploOrder (_loc,upc) = caseContent upc flipOrder id
getConstAs :: c -> Const a c -> a
getConstAs _ = getConst
caseContent :: Content c => c -> a -> a -> a
caseContent c lo up =
getConstAs c $ switchContent (Const lo) (Const up)
caseLoUp :: UpLo lo up => (lo,up) -> a -> a -> a
caseLoUp (_loc,upc) = caseContent upc
caseDiagUpLoSym :: (Content lo, Content up) => (lo,up) -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a
caseDiagUpLoSym (loc,upc) diag up lo symm =
caseContent loc
(caseContent upc diag up)
(caseContent upc lo symm)
newtype Const2 a lo up = Const2 {getConst2 :: a}
getContentConst2 :: (lo,up) -> Const2 a lo up -> a
getContentConst2 _ = getConst2
caseUpLoSym :: (UpLoSym lo up) => (lo,up) -> a -> a -> a -> a
caseUpLoSym c lo up sym =
getContentConst2 c $ switchUpLoSym (Const2 lo) (Const2 up) (Const2 sym)
(Content lo, TriDiag diag, Content up, NFData size) =>
NFData (Triangular lo diag up size) where
rnf (Triangular diag (loc,upc) order size) =
(flip getFlip diag $
switchTriDiag (Flip $ \Unit -> ()) (Flip $ \NonUnit -> ()),
let rnfContent c =
flip getFlip c $
(Flip $ \Empty -> ())
(Flip $ \Filled -> ())
in (rnfContent loc, rnfContent upc),
order, size)
(Content lo, TriDiag diag, Content up, Shape.C size) =>
Shape.C (Triangular lo diag up size) where
size (Triangular _diag uplo _ size) =
let n = Shape.size size
in caseDiagUpLoSym uplo n
(triangleSize n)
(triangleSize n)
(triangleSize n)
uncheckedSize (Triangular _diag uplo _ size) =
let n = Shape.uncheckedSize size
in caseDiagUpLoSym uplo n
(triangleSize n)
(triangleSize n)
(triangleSize n)
(Content lo, TriDiag diag, Content up, Shape.Indexed size) =>
Shape.Indexed (Triangular lo diag up size) where
type Index (Triangular lo diag up size) =
(Shape.Index size, Shape.Index size)
indices (Triangular _diag uplo order size) =
caseDiagUpLoSym uplo
(map double $ Shape.indices size)
(triangleIndices order size)
(map swap $ triangleIndices (flipOrder order) size)
(triangleIndices order size)
offset (Triangular _diag uplo order size) =
caseDiagUpLoSym uplo
(Shape.offset size . snd)
(triangleOffset order size)
(triangleOffset (flipOrder order) size . swap)
(triangleOffset order size)
uncheckedOffset (Triangular _diag uplo order size) =
caseDiagUpLoSym uplo
(Shape.offset size . snd)
(triangleUncheckedOffset order size)
(triangleUncheckedOffset (flipOrder order) size . swap)
(triangleUncheckedOffset order size)
sizeOffset (Triangular _diag uplo order size) =
caseDiagUpLoSym uplo
(mapSnd (.snd) $ Shape.sizeOffset size)
(triangleSizeOffset order size)
(mapSnd (.swap) $ triangleSizeOffset (flipOrder order) size)
(triangleSizeOffset order size)
uncheckedSizeOffset (Triangular _diag uplo order size) =
caseDiagUpLoSym uplo
(mapSnd (.snd) $ Shape.uncheckedSizeOffset size)
(triangleUncheckedSizeOffset order size)
(mapSnd (.swap) $ triangleUncheckedSizeOffset (flipOrder order) size)
(triangleUncheckedSizeOffset order size)
inBounds (Triangular _diag uplo _ size) ix@(r,c) =
Shape.inBounds (size,size) ix
caseDiagUpLoSym uplo
(Shape.offset size r == Shape.offset size c)
(Shape.offset size r <= Shape.offset size c)
(Shape.offset size r >= Shape.offset size c)
(Shape.offset size r <= Shape.offset size c)
(Content lo, TriDiag diag, Content up, Shape.InvIndexed size) =>
Shape.InvIndexed (Triangular lo diag up size) where
indexFromOffset (Triangular _diag uplo order size) k =
caseDiagUpLoSym uplo
(double $ Shape.indexFromOffset size k)
(triangleIndexFromOffset order size k)
(swap $ triangleIndexFromOffset (flipOrder order) size k)
(triangleIndexFromOffset order size k)
triangleRootDouble :: Int -> Double
triangleRootDouble = triangleRoot . fromIntegral
triangleExtent :: String -> Int -> Int
triangleExtent name size =
let n = round $ triangleRootDouble size
in if size == triangleSize n
then n
else error (name ++ ": no triangular number of elements")
triangleIndices ::
(Shape.Indexed sh) => Order -> sh -> [(Shape.Index sh, Shape.Index sh)]
triangleIndices RowMajor = Shape.indices . Shape.upperTriangular
triangleIndices ColumnMajor = map swap . Shape.indices . Shape.lowerTriangular
triangleOffset ::
(Shape.Indexed sh) => Order -> sh -> (Shape.Index sh, Shape.Index sh) -> Int
triangleOffset order size =
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.offset (Shape.upperTriangular size)
ColumnMajor -> Shape.offset (Shape.lowerTriangular size) . swap
triangleUncheckedOffset ::
(Shape.Indexed sh) => Order -> sh -> (Shape.Index sh, Shape.Index sh) -> Int
triangleUncheckedOffset order size =
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.uncheckedOffset (Shape.upperTriangular size)
ColumnMajor -> Shape.uncheckedOffset (Shape.lowerTriangular size) . swap
triangleSizeOffset ::
(Shape.Indexed sh) =>
Order -> sh -> (Int, (Shape.Index sh, Shape.Index sh) -> Int)
triangleSizeOffset order size =
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.sizeOffset (Shape.upperTriangular size)
ColumnMajor ->
mapSnd (.swap) $ Shape.sizeOffset (Shape.lowerTriangular size)
triangleUncheckedSizeOffset ::
(Shape.Indexed sh) =>
Order -> sh -> (Int, (Shape.Index sh, Shape.Index sh) -> Int)
triangleUncheckedSizeOffset order size =
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.uncheckedSizeOffset (Shape.upperTriangular size)
ColumnMajor ->
mapSnd (.swap) $ Shape.uncheckedSizeOffset (Shape.lowerTriangular size)
triangleIndexFromOffset ::
(Shape.InvIndexed sh) =>
Order -> sh -> Int -> (Shape.Index sh, Shape.Index sh)
triangleIndexFromOffset order size =
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.indexFromOffset (Shape.upperTriangular size)
ColumnMajor -> swap . Shape.indexFromOffset (Shape.lowerTriangular size)
type UnaryProxy a = Proxy (Unary.Un a)
data Banded sub super vert horiz height width =
Banded {
bandedOffDiagonals :: (UnaryProxy sub, UnaryProxy super),
bandedOrder :: Order,
bandedExtent :: Extent vert horiz height width
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type BandedGeneral sub super = Banded sub super Extent.Big Extent.Big
type BandedSquare sub super size =
Banded sub super Extent.Small Extent.Small size size
type BandedLowerTriangular sub size = BandedSquare sub TypeNum.U0 size
type BandedUpperTriangular super size = BandedSquare TypeNum.U0 super size
type BandedDiagonal size = BandedSquare TypeNum.U0 TypeNum.U0 size
bandedHeight ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
Banded sub super vert horiz height width -> height
bandedHeight = Extent.height . bandedExtent
bandedWidth ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
Banded sub super vert horiz height width -> width
bandedWidth = Extent.width . bandedExtent
bandedMapExtent ::
Extent.Map vertA horizA vertB horizB height width ->
Banded sub super vertA horizA height width ->
Banded sub super vertB horizB height width
bandedMapExtent f (Banded numDiag order extent) =
Banded numDiag order $ Extent.apply f extent
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Box.Box (Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
type HeightOf (Banded sub super vert horiz height width) = height
type WidthOf (Banded sub super vert horiz height width) = width
height = bandedHeight
width = bandedWidth
bandedBreadth ::
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super) =>
(UnaryProxy sub, UnaryProxy super) -> Int
bandedBreadth (sub,super) =
integralFromProxy sub + 1 + integralFromProxy super
numOffDiagonals ::
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super) =>
Order -> (UnaryProxy sub, UnaryProxy super) -> (Int,Int)
numOffDiagonals order (sub,super) =
swapOnRowMajor order (integralFromProxy sub, integralFromProxy super)
natFromProxy :: (Unary.Natural n) => UnaryProxy n -> Proof.Nat n
natFromProxy Proxy = Proof.Nat
addOffDiagonals ::
(Unary.Natural subA, Unary.Natural superA,
Unary.Natural subB, Unary.Natural superB,
(subA :+: subB) ~ subC,
(superA :+: superB) ~ superC) =>
(UnaryProxy subA, UnaryProxy superA) ->
(UnaryProxy subB, UnaryProxy superB) ->
((Proof.Nat subC, Proof.Nat superC),
(UnaryProxy subC, UnaryProxy superC))
addOffDiagonals (subA,superA) (subB,superB) =
((Proof.addNat (natFromProxy subA) (natFromProxy subB),
Proof.addNat (natFromProxy superA) (natFromProxy superB)),
bandedTranspose ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
Banded sub super vert horiz height width ->
Banded super sub horiz vert width height
bandedTranspose (Banded (sub,super) order extent) =
Banded (super,sub) (flipOrder order) (Extent.transpose extent)
bandedGeneral ::
(UnaryProxy sub, UnaryProxy super) -> Order -> height -> width ->
Banded sub super Extent.Big Extent.Big height width
bandedGeneral offDiag order height width =
Banded offDiag order (Extent.general height width)
bandedSquare ::
(UnaryProxy sub, UnaryProxy super) -> Order -> size ->
Banded sub super Extent.Small Extent.Small size size
bandedSquare offDiag order = Banded offDiag order . Extent.square
data BandedIndex row column =
InsideBox row column
| VertOutsideBox Int column
| HorizOutsideBox row Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, NFData height, NFData width) =>
NFData (Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
rnf (Banded (Proxy,Proxy) order extent) = rnf (order, extent)
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Shape.C (Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
size (Banded offDiag order extent) =
bandedBreadth offDiag *
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.size (Extent.height extent)
ColumnMajor -> Shape.size (Extent.width extent)
uncheckedSize (Banded offDiag order extent) =
bandedBreadth offDiag *
case order of
RowMajor -> Shape.uncheckedSize (Extent.height extent)
ColumnMajor -> Shape.uncheckedSize (Extent.width extent)
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.Indexed height, Shape.Indexed width) =>
Shape.Indexed (Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
type Index (Banded sub super vert horiz height width) =
BandedIndex (Shape.Index height) (Shape.Index width)
indices (Banded (sub,super) order extent) =
let (height,width) = Extent.dimensions extent
in case order of
RowMajor ->
map (\(r,c) -> either (HorizOutsideBox r) (InsideBox r) c) $
bandedIndicesRowMajor (sub,super) (height,width)
ColumnMajor ->
map (\(c,r) ->
either (flip VertOutsideBox c) (flip InsideBox c) r) $
bandedIndicesRowMajor (super,sub) (width,height)
offset shape ix =
if Shape.inBounds shape ix
then Shape.uncheckedOffset shape ix
else error "Banded.offset: index outside band"
uncheckedOffset (Banded (sub,super) order extent) ix =
let (height,width) = Extent.dimensions extent
kl = integralFromProxy sub
ku = integralFromProxy super
in bandedOffset (kl,ku) order (height,width) ix
inBounds (Banded (sub,super) order extent) ix =
let (height,width) = Extent.dimensions extent
kl = integralFromProxy sub
ku = integralFromProxy super
insideBand r c = Shape.inBounds (Shape.Range (kl) ku) (cr)
in case (order,ix) of
(_, InsideBox r c) ->
Shape.inBounds (height,width) (r,c)
insideBand (Shape.offset height r) (Shape.offset width c)
(RowMajor, HorizOutsideBox r c) ->
Shape.inBounds height r
insideBand (Shape.offset height r) (outsideOffset width c)
(ColumnMajor, VertOutsideBox r c) ->
Shape.inBounds width c
insideBand (outsideOffset height r) (Shape.offset width c)
_ -> False
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.InvIndexed height, Shape.InvIndexed width) =>
Shape.InvIndexed (Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
indexFromOffset (Banded (sub,super) order extent) j =
Shape.indexFromOffset Shape.indexFromOffset
(integralFromProxy sub, integralFromProxy super) order
(Extent.dimensions extent) j
uncheckedIndexFromOffset (Banded (sub,super) order extent) j =
Shape.uncheckedIndexFromOffset Shape.uncheckedIndexFromOffset
(integralFromProxy sub, integralFromProxy super) order
(Extent.dimensions extent) j
outsideOffset :: Shape.C sh => sh -> Int -> Int
outsideOffset size k = if k<0 then k else Shape.size size + k
bandedOffset ::
(Shape.Indexed height, Shape.Indexed width) =>
(Int, Int) -> Order -> (height, width) ->
BandedIndex (Shape.Index height) (Shape.Index width) -> Int
bandedOffset (kl,ku) order (height,width) ix =
let k = kl+ku
in case ix of
InsideBox r c ->
let i = Shape.uncheckedOffset height r
j = Shape.uncheckedOffset width c
in case order of
RowMajor -> k*i + kl+j
ColumnMajor -> k*j + ku+i
VertOutsideBox r c ->
let i = outsideOffset height r
j = Shape.uncheckedOffset width c
in k*j + ku+i
HorizOutsideBox r c ->
let i = Shape.uncheckedOffset height r
j = outsideOffset width c
in k*i + kl+j
bandedIndicesRowMajor ::
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Shape.Indexed height, Shape.Indexed width) =>
(UnaryProxy sub, UnaryProxy super) ->
(height, width) ->
[(Shape.Index height, Either Int (Shape.Index width))]
bandedIndicesRowMajor (sub,super) (height,width) =
let kl = integralFromProxy sub
ku = integralFromProxy super
in concat $
zipWith (\r -> map ((,) r)) (Shape.indices height) $
map (take (kl+1+ku)) $ tails $
(map Left $ take kl $ iterate (1+) (kl)) ++
(map Right $ Shape.indices width) ++
(map Left $ iterate (1+) 0)
bandedIndexFromOffset ::
(Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
(height -> Int -> row) ->
(width -> Int -> column) ->
(Int,Int) -> Order -> (height,width) -> Int -> BandedIndex row column
rowFromOffset columnFromOffset (kl,ku) order (height,width) j =
case order of
RowMajor ->
let n = Shape.size width
(rb,cb) = divMod j (kl+1+ku)
r = rowFromOffset height rb
ci = rb+cbkl
in if' (ci<0) (HorizOutsideBox r ci) $
if' (ci>=n) (HorizOutsideBox r (cin)) $
InsideBox r (columnFromOffset width ci)
ColumnMajor ->
let m = Shape.size height
(cb,rb) = divMod j (kl+1+ku)
c = columnFromOffset width cb
ri = rb+cbku
in if' (ri<0) (VertOutsideBox ri c) $
if' (ri>=m) (VertOutsideBox (rim) c) $
InsideBox (rowFromOffset height ri) c
data BandedHermitian off size =
BandedHermitian {
bandedHermitianOffDiagonals :: UnaryProxy off,
bandedHermitianOrder :: Order,
bandedHermitianSize :: size
} deriving (Eq, Show)
(Unary.Natural off, Shape.C size) =>
Box.Box (BandedHermitian off size) where
type HeightOf (BandedHermitian off size) = size
type WidthOf (BandedHermitian off size) = size
height = bandedHermitianSize
width = bandedHermitianSize
instance (Unary.Natural off, NFData size) =>
NFData (BandedHermitian off size) where
rnf (BandedHermitian Proxy order size) = rnf (order, size)
instance (Unary.Natural off, Shape.C size) =>
Shape.C (BandedHermitian off size) where
size (BandedHermitian offDiag _order size) =
(1 + integralFromProxy offDiag) * Shape.size size
uncheckedSize (BandedHermitian offDiag _order size) =
(1 + integralFromProxy offDiag) * Shape.uncheckedSize size
instance (Unary.Natural off, Shape.Indexed size) =>
Shape.Indexed (BandedHermitian off size) where
type Index (BandedHermitian off size) =
BandedIndex (Shape.Index size) (Shape.Index size)
indices (BandedHermitian offDiag order size) =
case order of
RowMajor ->
map (\(r,c) -> either (HorizOutsideBox r) (InsideBox r) c) $
bandedIndicesRowMajor (unary TypeNum.u0, offDiag) (size,size)
ColumnMajor ->
map (\(c,r) ->
either (flip VertOutsideBox c) (flip InsideBox c) r) $
bandedIndicesRowMajor (offDiag, unary TypeNum.u0) (size,size)
offset shape ix =
if Shape.inBounds shape ix
then Shape.uncheckedOffset shape ix
else error "BandedHermitian.offset: index outside band"
uncheckedOffset (BandedHermitian offDiag order size) ix =
let k = integralFromProxy offDiag
in bandedOffset (0,k) order (size,size) ix
inBounds (BandedHermitian offDiag order size) ix =
let ku = integralFromProxy offDiag
insideBand r c = Shape.inBounds (Shape.Range 0 ku) (cr)
in case (order,ix) of
(_, InsideBox r c) ->
Shape.inBounds (size,size) (r,c)
insideBand (Shape.offset size r) (Shape.offset size c)
(RowMajor, HorizOutsideBox r c) ->
Shape.inBounds size r
insideBand (Shape.offset size r) (outsideOffset size c)
(ColumnMajor, VertOutsideBox r c) ->
Shape.inBounds size c
insideBand (outsideOffset size r) (Shape.offset size c)
_ -> False
instance (Unary.Natural off, Shape.InvIndexed size) =>
Shape.InvIndexed (BandedHermitian off size) where
indexFromOffset (BandedHermitian offDiag order size) j =
Shape.indexFromOffset Shape.indexFromOffset
(integralFromProxy offDiag) order size j
uncheckedIndexFromOffset (BandedHermitian offDiag order size) j =
Shape.uncheckedIndexFromOffset Shape.uncheckedIndexFromOffset
(integralFromProxy offDiag) order size j
bandedHermitianIndexFromOffset ::
(Shape.C sh) =>
(sh -> Int -> row) ->
(sh -> Int -> column) ->
Int -> Order -> sh -> Int -> BandedIndex row column
bandedHermitianIndexFromOffset rowFromOffset columnFromOffset k order size j =
case order of
RowMajor ->
let n = Shape.size size
(rb,cb) = divMod j (k+1)
r = rowFromOffset size rb
ci = rb+cb
in if ci<n
then InsideBox r (columnFromOffset size ci)
else HorizOutsideBox r (cin)
ColumnMajor ->
let (cb,rb) = divMod j (k+1)
c = columnFromOffset size cb
ri = rb+cbk
in if ri>=0
then InsideBox (rowFromOffset size ri) c
else VertOutsideBox ri c