module Test.Permutation where import qualified Test.Indexed as Indexed import qualified Test.Generator as Gen import qualified Test.Utility as Util import Test.Generator ((<#*#>)) import Test.Logic (Dim) import Test.Utility (Tagged, equalArray) import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Permutation as Perm import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Permutation as PermMatrix import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Square as Square import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix as Matrix import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Vector as Vector import Numeric.LAPACK.Permutation (Permutation, Inversion(Inverted, NonInverted)) import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Square (Square) import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix (Matrix, ShapeInt, shapeInt, (#*##)) import Numeric.LAPACK.Vector (Vector) import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Class as Class import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable as Array import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape import Control.Monad (forM) import Control.Applicative (liftA2, (<$>)) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC type Pivots = Vector (Perm.Shape ShapeInt) (Perm.Element ShapeInt) genPivots :: [()] -> QC.Gen Pivots genPivots nat = do let n = length nat let nc = fromIntegral n fmap (Vector.fromList (Perm.Shape $ shapeInt n)) $ forM (zip [1..] nat) $ \(i,()) -> Perm.Element <$> QC.choose (i,nc) genPerm :: [()] -> QC.Gen (Permutation ShapeInt) genPerm = fmap (Perm.fromPivots NonInverted) . genPivots permutationPivots :: Inversion -> Pivots -> Bool permutationPivots inv xs = Array.toList (Perm.toPivots inv (Perm.fromPivots inv xs)) == Array.toList xs determinantMultiply :: (Permutation ShapeInt, Permutation ShapeInt) -> Bool determinantMultiply (p0,p1) = Perm.determinant (Perm.multiply p0 p1) == Perm.determinant p0 <> Perm.determinant p1 transposeMultiply :: (Permutation ShapeInt, Permutation ShapeInt) -> Bool transposeMultiply (p0,p1) = (Array.toList $ Perm.toPivots NonInverted $ Perm.transpose (Perm.multiply p0 p1)) == (Array.toList $ Perm.toPivots NonInverted $ Perm.multiply (Perm.transpose p1) (Perm.transpose p0)) genPermutation :: (Dim sh) => Gen.Matrix sh sh a (Permutation sh) genPermutation = flip Gen.mapGen Gen.squareDim $ \_maxElem sh -> let nc = fromIntegral $ Shape.size sh in fmap (Perm.fromPivots NonInverted . Vector.fromList (Perm.Shape sh)) $ forM [1..] $ \i -> Perm.Element <$> QC.choose (i,nc) permToMatrix :: (Shape.C sh, Class.Floating a) => Inversion -> Permutation sh -> Square sh a permToMatrix inv = case inv of NonInverted -> Perm.toMatrix Inverted -> Matrix.transpose . Perm.toMatrix applyToMatrix :: (Class.Floating a) => Inversion -> (Permutation ShapeInt, Matrix.General ShapeInt ShapeInt a) -> Bool applyToMatrix inv (p,m) = equalArray (Perm.apply inv p m) (permToMatrix inv p #*## m) applyMultiply :: (Class.Floating a) => Inversion -> (Permutation ShapeInt, Permutation ShapeInt, Matrix.General ShapeInt ShapeInt a) -> Bool applyMultiply inv (p0,p1,m) = equalArray (case inv of NonInverted -> Perm.apply inv p0 $ Perm.apply inv p1 m Inverted -> Perm.apply inv p1 $ Perm.apply inv p0 m) (Perm.apply inv (Perm.multiply p0 p1) m) applyTranspose :: (Class.Floating a) => Inversion -> (Permutation ShapeInt, Matrix.General ShapeInt ShapeInt a) -> Bool applyTranspose inv (p,m) = equalArray (Perm.apply inv (Perm.transpose p) m) (Matrix.transpose (permToMatrix inv p) #*## m) genPermMatrix :: (Dim sh) => Gen.Matrix sh sh a (Matrix (Permutation sh) a) genPermMatrix = PermMatrix.fromPermutation <$> genPermutation determinantNumber :: (Class.Floating a, Eq a) => Matrix (Permutation ShapeInt) a -> Bool determinantNumber p = PermMatrix.determinant p == Square.determinant (PermMatrix.toMatrix p) tests :: [(String, QC.Property)] tests = ("permutationPivots", $ QC.forAll QC.arbitraryBoundedEnum $ \inv -> QC.forAll (QC.arbitrary >>= genPivots) $ \pivot -> permutationPivots inv pivot) : ("determinantMultiply", $ QC.forAll (do nat <- QC.arbitrary liftA2 (,) (genPerm nat) (genPerm nat)) determinantMultiply) : ("transposeMultiply", $ QC.forAll (do nat <- QC.arbitrary liftA2 (,) (genPerm nat) (genPerm nat)) transposeMultiply) : [] checkForAll :: (Show a, QC.Testable test) => Gen.T dim tag a -> (a -> test) -> Tagged tag QC.Property checkForAll gen = Util.checkForAll ( gen 10 5) checkForAllExtra :: (Show a, Show b, QC.Testable test) => QC.Gen a -> Gen.T dim tag b -> (a -> b -> test) -> Tagged tag QC.Property checkForAllExtra = Gen.withExtra checkForAll testsVar :: (Show a, Class.Floating a, Eq a) => [(String, Tagged a QC.Property)] testsVar = ("index", checkForAll (Indexed.genMatrixIndex genPermMatrix) Indexed.unitDot) : ("applyToMatrix", checkForAllExtra QC.arbitraryBoundedEnum ((,) <$> genPermutation <#*#> Gen.matrix) applyToMatrix) : ("applyMultiply", checkForAllExtra QC.arbitraryBoundedEnum ((,,) <$> genPermutation <#*#> genPermutation <#*#> Gen.matrix) applyMultiply) : ("applyTranspose", checkForAllExtra QC.arbitraryBoundedEnum ((,) <$> genPermutation <#*#> Gen.matrix) applyTranspose) : ("determinantNumber", checkForAll genPermMatrix determinantNumber) : []