> module Main (main) where > import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, ($!!)) > import System.IO (IOMode(WriteMode), hFlush, hPutStr, withFile) > import Data.Set (Set) > import qualified Data.Set as Set (toAscList) > import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parListChunk, rdeepseq, using) > import LTK.ConstraintCompiler(compile) > import LTK.Porters(ATT(ATT), to, untransliterate) > import LTK.Porters.ATT(extractSymbolsATT) > import LTK.Factors ( Factor(Substring), forbidden, required ) > import LTK.FSA > c89, c9x, c91, c145, c146 :: FSA Integer String > c89 = compile wx [[required (Substring [wxs2] False False)]] > c9x = compile wx [[ forbidden (Substring [wpluss0] False False) > , forbidden (Substring [w1s2] False True)] > ] > c91 = compile wx [[ forbidden (Substring [wpluss1] False False) > , forbidden (Substring [w1s2] False True)] > ] > c145 = desurfaceSecondary $ compile wx > [ [forbidden (Substring [w0plus, w0plus] False False)] > , [forbidden (Substring [w0s0,w0s0] False False)] > , [forbidden (Substring [wplus, w0plus] False False)] > , [forbidden (Substring [w0plus] True False)] > ] > c146 = renameStates . minimize $ unionAll > [ compile wx [[forbidden (Substring [w0s2] False False)]] > , c145 > , compile wx [[required (Substring [w0s2] True True)]] > ] > desurfaceSecondary :: (Enum n1, Ord n, Ord n1) => > FSA n String -> FSA n1 String > desurfaceSecondary > = renameStates . minimize . renameSymbolsBy f > where f x = case ( tr (Set.toAscList wxs1) (Set.toAscList wxs0) > $ singleton x) of > (a:_) -> a > _ -> x > nonEmptySubsets :: (Ord n, NFData e, Ord e) => > [(String, FSA n e)] -> [(String, FSA Int e)] > nonEmptySubsets [] = [] > nonEmptySubsets [x] = [fmap renameStates x] > nonEmptySubsets (x:xs) = f x : map (combine (f x)) xs' ++ xs' > where xs' = nonEmptySubsets xs > f = fmap renameStates > combine (s1, f1) (s2, f2) > = ( s1 `seq` s2 `seq` s1 ++ "_" ++ drop 1 s2 > , normalize' $!! intersection f1 f2) > normalize' :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSA n e -> FSA Int e > normalize' = renameStates . minimize > main :: IO () > main = mapM_ (uncurry write) (constraints `using` parListChunk 1 rdeepseq) > where prepare (a, b) = (a, f . to ATT $ untransliterate b) > f = (\(a,_,_) -> a) . extractSymbolsATT > constraints = map prepare $ > nonEmptySubsets > [ ("c89", c89) > , ("c9x", c9x) > , ("c91", c91) > , ("c145", c145) > , ("c146", c146) > ] > write :: FilePath -> String -> IO () > write fp str = withFile fp WriteMode $ \h -> > do hPutStr h str > hFlush h Symbols ======= > w0s0, w0s1, w0s2, w1s0, w1s1, w1s2 :: Set String > w2s0, w2s1, w2s2, w3s0, w3s1, w3s2 :: Set String > w4s0, w4s1, w4s2, wxs0, wxs1, wxs2 :: Set String > -- |Light, unstressed > w0s0 = singleton "L" > -- |Light, secondary stress > w0s1 = singleton "L`" > -- |Light, primary stress > w0s2 = singleton "L'" > -- |Heavy, unstressed > w1s0 = singleton "H" > -- |Heavy, secondary stress > w1s1 = singleton "H`" > -- |Heavy, primary stress > w1s2 = singleton "H'" > -- |Superheavy, unstressed > w2s0 = singleton "S" > -- |Superheavy, secondary stress > w2s1 = singleton "S`" > -- |Superheavy, primary stress > w2s2 = singleton "S'" > -- |Weight 3, unstressed > w3s0 = singleton "X" > -- |Weight 3, secondary stress > w3s1 = singleton "X`" > -- |Weight 3, primary stress > w3s2 = singleton "X'" > -- |Weight 4, unstressed > w4s0 = singleton "Y" > -- |Weight 4, secondary stress > w4s1 = singleton "Y`" > -- |Weight 5, primary stress > w4s2 = singleton "Y'" > -- |Unstressed > wxs0 = unionAll [w0s0, w1s0, w2s0, w3s0, w4s0] > -- |Secondary stress > wxs1 = unionAll [w0s1, w1s1, w2s1, w3s1, w4s1] > -- |Primary stress > wxs2 = unionAll [w0s2, w1s2, w2s2, w3s2, w4s2] > w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, wx :: Set String > -- |Light, any stress > w0 = unionAll [w0s0, w0s1, w0s2] > -- |Heavy, any stress > w1 = unionAll [w1s0, w1s1, w1s2] > -- |Superheavy, any stress > w2 = unionAll [w2s0, w2s1, w2s2] > -- |Weight 3, any stress > w3 = unionAll [w3s0, w3s1, w3s2] > -- |Weight 4, any stress > w4 = unionAll [w4s0, w4s1, w4s2] > -- |Any weight or stress > wx = unionAll [w0, w1, w2, w3, w4] > w0plus :: Set String > -- |Light, some stress > w0plus = unionAll [w0s1, w0s2] > wplus, wpluss0, wpluss1 :: Set String > -- |Non-light, any stress > wplus = wx `difference` w0 > -- |Non-light, unstressed > wpluss0 = wxs0 `difference` w0 > -- |Non-light, secondary stress > wpluss1 = wxs1 `difference` w0