{ {-| Module : Language.Rust.Parser.Internal Description : Rust parser Copyright : (c) Alec Theriault, 2017-2018 License : BSD-style Maintainer : alec.theriault@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : GHC The parsers in this file are all re-exported to 'Language.Rust.Parser' via the 'Parse' class. The parsers are based off of: * primarily the reference @rustc@ [implementation][0] * some documentation on [rust-lang][2] * drawing a couple ideas from a slightly outdated [ANTLR grammar][1] To get information about transition states and such, run > happy --info=happyinfo.txt -o /dev/null src/Language/Rust/Parser/Internal.y [0]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/libsyntax/parse/parser.rs [1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/grammar/parser-lalr.y [2]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/grammar.html -} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide, not-home #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} module Language.Rust.Parser.Internal ( -- * Parsers parseAttr, parseBlock, parseExpr, parseGenerics, parseImplItem, parseItem, parseLifetimeDef, parseLit, parsePat, parseSourceFile, parseStmt, parseTokenStream, parseTraitItem, parseTt, parseTy, parseTyParam, parseWhereClause, ) where import Language.Rust.Syntax import Language.Rust.Data.Ident ( Ident(..), mkIdent ) import Language.Rust.Data.Position import Language.Rust.Parser.Lexer ( lexNonSpace, lexShebangLine ) import Language.Rust.Parser.ParseMonad ( pushToken, getPosition, P, parseError ) import Language.Rust.Parser.Literals ( translateLit ) import Language.Rust.Parser.Reversed import Data.Foldable ( toList ) import Data.List ( (\\), isSubsequenceOf, sort ) import Data.Semigroup ( (<>) ) import Text.Read ( readMaybe ) import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..), (<|) ) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as N } -- in order to document the parsers, we have to alias them %name parseLit lit %name parseAttr export_attribute %name parseTy ty %name parsePat pat %name parseStmt stmt %name parseExpr expr %name parseItem mod_item %name parseSourceFileContents source_file %name parseBlock export_block %name parseImplItem impl_item %name parseTraitItem trait_item %name parseTt token_tree %name parseTokenStream token_stream %name parseTyParam ty_param %name parseLifetimeDef lifetime_def %name parseWhereClause where_clause %name parseGenerics generics %tokentype { Spanned Token } %lexer { lexNonSpace >>= } { Spanned Eof _ } %monad { P } { >>= } { return } %errorhandlertype explist %error { expParseError } %expect 0 %token -- Expression-operator symbols. '=' { Spanned Equal _ } '<' { Spanned Less _ } '>' { Spanned Greater _ } '!' { Spanned Exclamation _ } '~' { Spanned Tilde _ } '+' { Spanned Plus _ } '-' { Spanned Minus _ } '*' { Spanned Star _ } '/' { Spanned Slash _ } '%' { Spanned Percent _ } '^' { Spanned Caret _ } '&' { Spanned Ampersand _ } '|' { Spanned Pipe _ } -- Structural symbols. '@' { Spanned At _ } '...' { Spanned DotDotDot _ } '..=' { Spanned DotDotEqual _ } '..' { Spanned DotDot _ } '.' { Spanned Dot _ } ',' { Spanned Comma _ } ';' { Spanned Semicolon _ } '::' { Spanned ModSep _ } ':' { Spanned Colon _ } '->' { Spanned RArrow _ } '<-' { Spanned LArrow _ } '=>' { Spanned FatArrow _ } '#' { Spanned Pound _ } '$' { Spanned Dollar _ } '?' { Spanned Question _ } '#!' { Spanned Shebang _ } '||' { Spanned PipePipe _ } '&&' { Spanned AmpersandAmpersand _ } '>=' { Spanned GreaterEqual _ } '>>=' { Spanned GreaterGreaterEqual _ } '<<' { Spanned LessLess _ } '>>' { Spanned GreaterGreater _ } '==' { Spanned EqualEqual _ } '!=' { Spanned NotEqual _ } '<=' { Spanned LessEqual _ } '<<=' { Spanned LessLessEqual _ } '-=' { Spanned MinusEqual _ } '&=' { Spanned AmpersandEqual _ } '|=' { Spanned PipeEqual _ } '+=' { Spanned PlusEqual _ } '*=' { Spanned StarEqual _ } '/=' { Spanned SlashEqual _ } '^=' { Spanned CaretEqual _ } '%=' { Spanned PercentEqual _ } '(' { Spanned (OpenDelim Paren) _ } '[' { Spanned (OpenDelim Bracket) _ } '{' { Spanned (OpenDelim Brace) _ } ')' { Spanned (CloseDelim Paren) _ } ']' { Spanned (CloseDelim Bracket) _ } '}' { Spanned (CloseDelim Brace) _ } -- Literals. byte { Spanned (LiteralTok ByteTok{} _) _ } char { Spanned (LiteralTok CharTok{} _) _ } int { Spanned (LiteralTok IntegerTok{} _) _ } float { Spanned (LiteralTok FloatTok{} _) _ } str { Spanned (LiteralTok StrTok{} _) _ } byteStr { Spanned (LiteralTok ByteStrTok{} _) _ } rawStr { Spanned (LiteralTok StrRawTok{} _) _ } rawByteStr { Spanned (LiteralTok ByteStrRawTok{} _) _ } -- Strict keywords used in the language as { Spanned (IdentTok "as") _ } box { Spanned (IdentTok "box") _ } break { Spanned (IdentTok "break") _ } const { Spanned (IdentTok "const") _ } continue { Spanned (IdentTok "continue") _ } crate { Spanned (IdentTok "crate") _ } else { Spanned (IdentTok "else") _ } enum { Spanned (IdentTok "enum") _ } extern { Spanned (IdentTok "extern") _ } false { Spanned (IdentTok "false") _ } fn { Spanned (IdentTok "fn") _ } for { Spanned (IdentTok "for") _ } if { Spanned (IdentTok "if") _ } impl { Spanned (IdentTok "impl") _ } in { Spanned (IdentTok "in") _ } let { Spanned (IdentTok "let") _ } loop { Spanned (IdentTok "loop") _ } match { Spanned (IdentTok "match") _ } mod { Spanned (IdentTok "mod") _ } move { Spanned (IdentTok "move") _ } mut { Spanned (IdentTok "mut") _ } pub { Spanned (IdentTok "pub") _ } ref { Spanned (IdentTok "ref") _ } return { Spanned (IdentTok "return") _ } Self { Spanned (IdentTok "Self") _ } self { Spanned (IdentTok "self") _ } static { Spanned (IdentTok "static") _ } struct { Spanned (IdentTok "struct") _ } super { Spanned (IdentTok "super") _ } trait { Spanned (IdentTok "trait") _ } true { Spanned (IdentTok "true") _ } type { Spanned (IdentTok "type") _ } unsafe { Spanned (IdentTok "unsafe") _ } use { Spanned (IdentTok "use") _ } where { Spanned (IdentTok "where") _ } while { Spanned (IdentTok "while") _ } do { Spanned (IdentTok "do") _ } -- Keywords reserved for future use abstract { Spanned (IdentTok "abstract") _ } alignof { Spanned (IdentTok "alignof") _ } become { Spanned (IdentTok "become") _ } final { Spanned (IdentTok "final") _ } macro { Spanned (IdentTok "macro") _ } offsetof { Spanned (IdentTok "offsetof") _ } override { Spanned (IdentTok "override") _ } priv { Spanned (IdentTok "priv") _ } proc { Spanned (IdentTok "proc") _ } pure { Spanned (IdentTok "pure") _ } sizeof { Spanned (IdentTok "sizeof") _ } typeof { Spanned (IdentTok "typeof") _ } unsized { Spanned (IdentTok "unsized") _ } virtual { Spanned (IdentTok "virtual") _ } -- Weak keywords, have special meaning only in specific contexts. default { Spanned (IdentTok "default") _ } union { Spanned (IdentTok "union") _ } catch { Spanned (IdentTok "catch") _ } auto { Spanned (IdentTok "auto") _ } yield { Spanned (IdentTok "yield") _ } dyn { Spanned (IdentTok "dyn") _ } -- Comments outerDoc { Spanned (Doc _ Outer _) _ } innerDoc { Spanned (Doc _ Inner _) _ } -- Identifiers. IDENT { Spanned IdentTok{} _ } '_' { Spanned Underscore _ } -- Lifetimes. LIFETIME { Spanned (LifetimeTok _) _ } -- Interpolated ntItem { Spanned (Interpolated (NtItem $$)) _ } ntBlock { Spanned (Interpolated (NtBlock $$)) _ } ntStmt { Spanned (Interpolated (NtStmt $$)) _ } ntPat { Spanned (Interpolated (NtPat $$)) _ } ntExpr { Spanned (Interpolated (NtExpr $$)) _ } ntTy { Spanned (Interpolated (NtTy $$)) _ } ntIdent { Spanned (Interpolated (NtIdent _)) _ } ntPath { Spanned (Interpolated (NtPath $$)) _ } ntTT { Spanned (Interpolated (NtTT $$)) _ } ntArm { Spanned (Interpolated (NtArm $$)) _ } ntImplItem { Spanned (Interpolated (NtImplItem $$)) _ } ntTraitItem { Spanned (Interpolated (NtTraitItem $$)) _ } ntGenerics { Spanned (Interpolated (NtGenerics $$)) _ } ntWhereClause { Spanned (Interpolated (NtWhereClause $$)) _ } ntArg { Spanned (Interpolated (NtArg $$)) _ } ntLit { Spanned (Interpolated (NtLit $$)) _ } -- 'SEG' needs to be lower than '::' for path segments %nonassoc SEG -- 'mut' needs to be lower precedence than 'IDENT' so that in 'pat', something like "&mut x" -- associates the "mut" to a refence pattern and not to the identifier pattern "x". -- -- 'DEF' is for the empty case of 'def', which needs to _not_ be taken when there is a 'default' -- token available. -- -- 'EQ' is for differentiating the 'where ty' from 'where ty = ty' case in where clause -- predicates, since the former needs to _not_ be taken when there is a '=' token available. -- -- '::' is so that the remainder of mod paths in attributes are not gobbled as just raw tokens %nonassoc mut DEF EQ '::' -- These are all identifiers of sorts ('union' and 'default' are "weak" keywords) %nonassoc IDENT ntIdent default union catch self Self super auto dyn -- These are all very low precedence unary operators %nonassoc box return yield break continue for IMPLTRAIT LAMBDA -- 'static' needs to have higher precedenc than 'LAMBDA' so that statements starting in static get -- considered as static items, and not a static lambda %nonassoc static -- These are the usual arithmetic precedences. 'UNARY' is introduced here for '*', '!', '-', '&' %right '=' '>>=' '<<=' '-=' '+=' '*=' '/=' '^=' '|=' '&=' '%=' %right '<-' %nonassoc SINGLERNG %nonassoc INFIXRNG %nonassoc POSTFIXRNG %nonassoc PREFIXRNG %nonassoc '..' '...' '..=' %left '||' %left '&&' %left '==' '!=' '<' '>' '<=' '>=' %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left '<<' '>>' %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %nonassoc ':' as %nonassoc UNARY -- These are all generated precedence tokens. -- -- * 'FIELD' for field access expressions (which bind less tightly than '.' for method calls) -- * 'VIS' for adjusting the precedence of 'pub' compared to other visbility modifiers (see 'vis') -- * 'PATH' boosts the precedences of paths in types and expressions -- * 'WHERE' is for non-empty where clauses -- %nonassoc FIELD VIS PATH WHERE NOSEMI -- These are postfix operators. %nonassoc '?' '.' -- Delimiters have the highest precedence. 'ntBlock' counts as a delimiter since it always starts -- and ends with '{' and '}' %nonassoc '{' ntBlock '[' '(' '!' ';' %% -- Unwraps the IdentTok into just an Ident -- For questionable reasons of backwards compatibility, 'union', 'default', and 'catch' can be used -- as identifiers, even if they are also keywords. They are "contextual" keywords. -- -- Union's RFC: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1444-union.md ident :: { Spanned Ident } : ntIdent { fmap (\(Interpolated (NtIdent i)) -> i) $1 } | union { toIdent $1 } | default { toIdent $1 } | catch { toIdent $1 } | auto { toIdent $1 } | dyn { toIdent $1 } | IDENT { toIdent $1 } -- This should precede any '>' token which could be absorbed in a '>>', '>=', or '>>=' token. Its -- purpose is to check if the lookahead token starts with '>' but contains more that. If that is -- the case, it pushes two tokens, the first of which is '>'. We exploit the %% feature of threaded -- lexers to discard what would have been the troublesome '>>', '>=', or '>>=' token. gt :: { () } : {- empty -} {%% \(Spanned tok s) -> let s' = nudge 1 0 s; s'' = nudge 0 (-1) s in case tok of GreaterGreater -> pushToken (Spanned Greater s') *> pushToken (Spanned Greater s'') GreaterEqual -> pushToken (Spanned Equal s') *> pushToken (Spanned Greater s'') GreaterGreaterEqual -> pushToken (Spanned GreaterEqual s') *> pushToken (Spanned Greater s'') _ -> pushToken (Spanned tok s) } -- This should precede any '|' token which could be absorbed in a '||' token. This works in the same -- way as 'gt'. pipe :: { () } : {- empty -} {%% \(Spanned tok s) -> let s' = nudge 1 0 s; s'' = nudge 0 (-1) s in case tok of PipePipe -> pushToken (Spanned Pipe s') *> pushToken (Spanned Pipe s'') _ -> pushToken (Spanned tok s) } ------------- -- Utility -- ------------- -- | One or more occurences of 'p' some(p) :: { Reversed NonEmpty _ } : some(p) p { let Reversed xs = $1 in Reversed ($2 <| xs) } | p { [$1] } -- | Zero or more occurences of 'p' many(p) :: { [ _ ] } : some(p) { toList $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } -- | One or more occurences of 'p', seperated by 'sep' sep_by1(p,sep) :: { Reversed NonEmpty _ } : sep_by1(p,sep) sep p { let Reversed xs = $1 in Reversed ($3 <| xs) } | p { [$1] } -- | Zero or more occurrences of 'p', separated by 'sep' sep_by(p,sep) :: { [ _ ] } : sep_by1(p,sep) { toList $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } -- | One or more occurrences of 'p', seperated by 'sep', optionally ending in 'sep' sep_by1T(p,sep) :: { Reversed NonEmpty _ } : sep_by1(p,sep) sep { $1 } | sep_by1(p,sep) { $1 } -- | Zero or more occurences of 'p', seperated by 'sep', optionally ending in 'sep' (only if there -- is at least one 'p') sep_byT(p,sep) :: { [ _ ] } : sep_by1T(p,sep) { toList $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } -------------------------- -- Whole file -------------------------- -- shebang is dealt with at the top level, outside Happy/Alex source_file :: { ([Attribute Span],[Item Span]) } : inner_attrs many(mod_item) { (toList $1, $2) } | many(mod_item) { ([], $1) } -------------------------- -- Attributes -------------------------- outer_attribute :: { Attribute Span } : '#' '[' mod_path token_stream ']' { Attribute Outer $3 $4 ($1 # $>) } | outerDoc { let Spanned (Doc str _ l) x = $1 in SugaredDoc Outer l str x } inner_attribute :: { Attribute Span } : '#' '!' '[' mod_path token_stream ']' { Attribute Inner $4 $5 ($1 # $>) } | '#!' '[' mod_path token_stream ']' { Attribute Inner $3 $4 ($1 # $>) } | innerDoc { let Spanned (Doc str _ l) x = $1 in SugaredDoc Inner l str x } -- TODO: for some precedence related reason, using 'some' here doesn't work inner_attrs :: { Reversed NonEmpty (Attribute Span) } : inner_attrs inner_attribute { let Reversed xs = $1 in Reversed ($2 <| xs) } | inner_attribute { [$1] } -------------- -- Literals -- -------------- lit :: { Lit Span } : ntLit { $1 } | byte { lit $1 } | char { lit $1 } | int { lit $1 } | float { lit $1 } | true { lit $1 } | false { lit $1 } | string { $1 } string :: { Lit Span } : str { lit $1 } | rawStr { lit $1 } | byteStr { lit $1 } | rawByteStr { lit $1 } ----------- -- Paths -- ----------- -- parse_qualified_path(PathStyle::Type) -- qual_path :: Spanned (NonEmpty (Ident, PathParameters Span)) -> P (Spanned (QSelf Span, Path Span)) qual_path(segs) :: { Spanned (QSelf Span, Path Span) } : '<' qual_path_suf(segs) { let Spanned x _ = $2 in Spanned x ($1 # $2) } | lt_ty_qual_path as ty_path '>' '::' segs { let Path g segsTy x = $3 in Spanned (QSelf (unspan $1) (length segsTy), Path g (segsTy <> toList $6) x) ($1 # $>) } -- Basically a qualified path, but ignoring the very first '<' token qual_path_suf(segs) :: { Spanned (QSelf Span, Path Span) } : ty '>' '::' segs { Spanned (QSelf $1 0, Path False (toList $4) (spanOf $4)) ($1 # $>) } | ty as ty_path '>' '::' segs { let Path g segsTy x = $3 in Spanned (QSelf $1 (length segsTy), Path g (segsTy <> toList $6) x) ($1 # $>) } -- Usually qual_path_suf is for... type paths! This consumes these but with a starting '<<' token. -- The underlying type has the right 'Span' (it doesn't include the very first '<', while the -- 'Spanned' wrapper does) lt_ty_qual_path :: { Spanned (Ty Span) } : '<<' qual_path_suf(path_segments_without_colons) { let (qself,path) = unspan $2 in Spanned (PathTy (Just qself) path (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $2))) ($1 # $2) } -- parse_generic_args() but with the '<' '>' generic_values :: { Spanned ([Lifetime Span], [Ty Span], [(Ident, Ty Span)]) } : '<' sep_by1(lifetime,',') ',' sep_by1(ty,',') ',' sep_by1T(binding,',') gt '>' { Spanned (toList $2, toList $4, toList $6) ($1 # $>) } | '<' sep_by1(lifetime,',') ',' sep_by1T(ty,',') gt '>' { Spanned (toList $2, toList $4, [] ) ($1 # $>) } | '<' sep_by1(lifetime,',') ',' sep_by1T(binding,',') gt '>' { Spanned (toList $2, [], toList $4) ($1 # $>) } | '<' sep_by1T(lifetime,',') gt '>' { Spanned (toList $2, [], [] ) ($1 # $>) } | '<' sep_by1(ty,',') ',' sep_by1T(binding,',') gt '>' { Spanned ([], toList $2, toList $4) ($1 # $>) } | '<' sep_by1T(ty,',') gt '>' { Spanned ([], toList $2, [] ) ($1 # $>) } | '<' sep_by1T(binding,',') gt '>' { Spanned ([], [], toList $2) ($1 # $>) } | '<' gt '>' { Spanned ([], [], [] ) ($1 # $>) } | lt_ty_qual_path ',' sep_by1(ty,',') ',' sep_by1T(binding,',') gt '>' { Spanned ([], unspan $1 : toList $3, toList $5) ($1 # $>) } | lt_ty_qual_path ',' sep_by1T(ty,',') gt '>' { Spanned ([], unspan $1 : toList $3, [] ) ($1 # $>) } | lt_ty_qual_path ',' sep_by1T(binding,',') gt '>' { Spanned ([], [unspan $1],toList $3) ($1 # $>) } | lt_ty_qual_path gt '>' { Spanned ([], [unspan $1],[] ) ($1 # $>) } binding :: { (Ident, Ty Span) } : ident '=' ty { (unspan $1, $3) } -- Type related: -- parse_path(PathStyle::Type) ty_path :: { Path Span } : ntPath { $1 } | path_segments_without_colons { Path False $1 (spanOf $1) } | '::' path_segments_without_colons { Path True $2 ($1 # $2) } ty_qual_path :: { Spanned (QSelf Span, Path Span) } : qual_path(path_segments_without_colons) { $1 } -- parse_path_segments_without_colons() path_segments_without_colons :: { [PathSegment Span] } : sep_by1(path_segment_without_colons, '::') %prec SEG { toList $1 } -- No corresponding function - see path_segments_without_colons path_segment_without_colons :: { PathSegment Span } : self_or_ident path_parameter { PathSegment (unspan $1) $2 ($1 # $>) } path_parameter :: { Maybe (PathParameters Span) } : generic_values { let (lts, tys, bds) = unspan $1 in Just (AngleBracketed lts tys bds (spanOf $1)) } | '(' sep_byT(ty,',') ')' { Just (Parenthesized $2 Nothing ($1 # $>)) } | '(' sep_byT(ty,',') ')' '->' ty_no_plus { Just (Parenthesized $2 (Just $>) ($1 # $>)) } | {- empty -} %prec IDENT { Nothing } -- Expression related: -- parse_path(PathStyle::Expr) expr_path :: { Path Span } : ntPath { $1 } | path_segments_with_colons { Path False (toList $1) (spanOf $1) } | '::' path_segments_with_colons { Path True (toList $2) ($1 # $2) } expr_qual_path :: { Spanned (QSelf Span, Path Span) } : qual_path(path_segments_with_colons) { $1 } -- parse_path_segments_with_colons() path_segments_with_colons :: { Reversed NonEmpty (PathSegment Span) } : self_or_ident { [PathSegment (unspan $1) Nothing (spanOf $1)] } | path_segments_with_colons '::' self_or_ident { $1 <> [PathSegment (unspan $3) Nothing (spanOf $3)] } | path_segments_with_colons '::' generic_values {% case (unsnoc $1, unspan $3) of ((rst, PathSegment i Nothing x), (lts, tys, bds)) -> let seg = PathSegment i (Just (AngleBracketed lts tys bds (spanOf $3))) (x # $3) in pure $ snoc rst seg _ -> fail "invalid path segment in expression path" } -- Mod related: -- parse_path(PathStyle::Mod) -- -- TODO: This is O(n^2) in the segment length! I haven't been able to make the grammar work out in -- order to refactor this nicely mod_path :: { Path Span } : ntPath { $1 } | self_or_ident { Path False [PathSegment (unspan $1) Nothing (spanOf $1)] (spanOf $1) } | '::' self_or_ident { Path True [PathSegment (unspan $2) Nothing (spanOf $2)] ($1 # $>) } | mod_path '::' self_or_ident { let Path g segs _ = $1 in Path g (segs <> [PathSegment (unspan $3) Nothing (spanOf $3) ]) ($1 # $3) } self_or_ident :: { Spanned Ident } : ident { $1 } | self { Spanned "self" (spanOf $1) } | Self { Spanned "Self" (spanOf $1) } | super { Spanned "super" (spanOf $1) } ----------- -- Types -- ----------- lifetime :: { Lifetime Span } : LIFETIME { let Spanned (LifetimeTok (Ident l _)) s = $1 in Lifetime l s } -- parse_trait_ref() trait_ref :: { TraitRef Span } : ty_path { TraitRef $1 } -- parse_ty() -- See https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0438-precedence-of-plus.md -- All types, including trait types with plus ty :: { Ty Span } : ty_no_plus { $1 } | poly_trait_ref_mod_bound '+' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') { TraitObject ($1 <| toNonEmpty $3) ($1 # $3) } -- parse_ty_no_plus() ty_no_plus :: { Ty Span } : ntTy { $1 } | no_for_ty { $1 } | for_ty_no_plus { $1 } -- All types not starting with a '(' or '<' ty_prim :: { Ty Span } : no_for_ty_prim { $1 } | for_ty_no_plus { $1 } | poly_trait_ref_mod_bound '+' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') { TraitObject ($1 <| toNonEmpty $3) ($1 # $3) } -- All (non-sum) types not starting with a 'for' no_for_ty :: { Ty Span } : no_for_ty_prim { $1 } | '(' ')' { TupTy [] ($1 # $2) } | '(' ty ')' { ParenTy $2 ($1 # $3) } | '(' ty ',' ')' { TupTy [$2] ($1 # $4) } | '(' ty ',' sep_by1T(ty,',') ')' { TupTy ($2 : toList $4) ($1 # $5) } | ty_qual_path { PathTy (Just (fst (unspan $1))) (snd (unspan $1)) (spanOf $1) } -- All (non-sum) types not starting with a 'for', '(', or '<' no_for_ty_prim :: { Ty Span } : '_' { Infer (spanOf $1) } | '!' { Never (spanOf $1) } | '[' ty ']' { Slice $2 ($1 # $3) } | '*' ty_no_plus { Ptr Immutable $2 ($1 # $2) } | '*' const ty_no_plus { Ptr Immutable $3 ($1 # $3) } | '*' mut ty_no_plus { Ptr Mutable $3 ($1 # $3) } | '&' ty_no_plus { Rptr Nothing Immutable $2 ($1 # $>) } | '&' lifetime ty_no_plus { Rptr (Just $2) Immutable $3 ($1 # $>) } | '&' mut ty_no_plus { Rptr Nothing Mutable $3 ($1 # $>) } | '&' lifetime mut ty_no_plus { Rptr (Just $2) Mutable $4 ($1 # $>) } | '&&' ty_no_plus { Rptr Nothing Immutable (Rptr Nothing Immutable $2 (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $>))) ($1 # $>) } | '&&' lifetime ty_no_plus { Rptr Nothing Immutable (Rptr (Just $2) Immutable $3 (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $>))) ($1 # $>) } | '&&' mut ty_no_plus { Rptr Nothing Immutable (Rptr Nothing Mutable $3 (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $>))) ($1 # $>) } | '&&' lifetime mut ty_no_plus { Rptr Nothing Immutable (Rptr (Just $2) Mutable $4 (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $>))) ($1 # $>) } | ty_path %prec PATH { PathTy Nothing $1 ($1 # $>) } | ty_mac { MacTy $1 ($1 # $>) } | unsafe extern abi fn fn_decl(arg_general) { BareFn Unsafe $3 [] $> ($1 # $>) } | unsafe fn fn_decl(arg_general) { BareFn Unsafe Rust [] $> ($1 # $>) } | extern abi fn fn_decl(arg_general) { BareFn Normal $2 [] $> ($1 # $>) } | fn fn_decl(arg_general) { BareFn Normal Rust [] $> ($1 # $>) } | typeof '(' expr ')' { Typeof $3 ($1 # $>) } | '[' ty ';' expr ']' { Array $2 $4 ($1 # $>) } | '?' trait_ref { TraitObject [TraitTyParamBound (PolyTraitRef [] $2 (spanOf $2)) Maybe ($1 # $2)] ($1 # $2) } | '?' for_lts trait_ref { TraitObject [TraitTyParamBound (PolyTraitRef (unspan $2) $3 ($2 # $3)) Maybe ($1 # $3)] ($1 # $3) } | impl sep_by1(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') %prec IMPLTRAIT { ImplTrait (toNonEmpty $2) ($1 # $2) } | dyn sep_by1(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') %prec IMPLTRAIT { TraitObject (toNonEmpty $2) ($1 # $2) } -- All (non-sum) types starting with a 'for' for_ty_no_plus :: { Ty Span } : for_lts unsafe extern abi fn fn_decl(arg_general) { BareFn Unsafe $4 (unspan $1) $> ($1 # $>) } | for_lts unsafe fn fn_decl(arg_general) { BareFn Unsafe Rust (unspan $1) $> ($1 # $>) } | for_lts extern abi fn fn_decl(arg_general) { BareFn Normal $3 (unspan $1) $> ($1 # $>) } | for_lts fn fn_decl(arg_general) { BareFn Normal Rust (unspan $1) $> ($1 # $>) } | for_lts trait_ref { let poly = PolyTraitRef (unspan $1) $2 ($1 # $2) in TraitObject [TraitTyParamBound poly None ($1 # $2)] ($1 # $2) } -- An optional lifetime followed by an optional mutability lifetime_mut :: { (Maybe (Lifetime Span), Mutability) } : lifetime mut { (Just $1, Mutable) } | lifetime { (Just $1, Immutable) } | mut { (Nothing, Mutable) } | {- empty -} { (Nothing, Immutable) } -- The argument list and return type in a function fn_decl(arg) :: { FnDecl Span } : '(' sep_by1(arg,',') ',' '...' ')' ret_ty { FnDecl (toList $2) $> True ($1 # $5 # $6) } | '(' sep_byT(arg,',') ')' ret_ty { FnDecl $2 $> False ($1 # $3 # $4) } -- Like 'fn_decl', but also accepting a self argument fn_decl_with_self_general :: { FnDecl Span } : '(' arg_self_general ',' sep_byT(arg_general,',') ')' ret_ty { FnDecl ($2 : $4) $> False ($1 # $5 # $6) } | '(' arg_self_general ')' ret_ty { FnDecl [$2] $> False ($1 # $3 # $4) } | '(' ')' ret_ty { FnDecl [] $> False ($1 # $2 # $3) } -- Like 'fn_decl', but also accepting a self argument fn_decl_with_self_named :: { FnDecl Span } : '(' arg_self_named ',' sep_by1(arg_named,',') ',' ')' ret_ty { FnDecl ($2 : toList $4) $> False ($1 # $6 # $7) } | '(' arg_self_named ',' sep_by1(arg_named,',') ')' ret_ty { FnDecl ($2 : toList $4) $> False ($1 # $5 # $6) } | '(' arg_self_named ',' ')' ret_ty { FnDecl [$2] $> False ($1 # $3 # $4) } | '(' arg_self_named ')' ret_ty { FnDecl [$2] $> False ($1 # $3 # $4) } | fn_decl(arg_named) { $1 } -- parse_ty_param_bounds(BoundParsingMode::Bare) == sep_by1(ty_param_bound,'+') ty_param_bound :: { TyParamBound Span } : lifetime { RegionTyParamBound $1 (spanOf $1) } | poly_trait_ref { TraitTyParamBound $1 None (spanOf $1) } | '(' poly_trait_ref ')' { TraitTyParamBound $2 None ($1 # $3) } poly_trait_ref_mod_bound :: { TyParamBound Span } : poly_trait_ref { TraitTyParamBound $1 None (spanOf $1) } | '?' poly_trait_ref { TraitTyParamBound $2 Maybe ($1 # $2) } -- parse_ty_param_bounds(BoundParsingMode::Modified) == sep_by1(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') ty_param_bound_mod :: { TyParamBound Span } : ty_param_bound { $1 } | '?' poly_trait_ref { TraitTyParamBound $2 Maybe ($1 # $2) } -- Sort of like parse_opt_abi() -- currently doesn't handle raw string ABI abi :: { Abi } : str {% case unspan $1 of LiteralTok (StrTok "cdecl") Nothing -> pure Cdecl LiteralTok (StrTok "stdcall") Nothing -> pure Stdcall LiteralTok (StrTok "fastcall") Nothing -> pure Fastcall LiteralTok (StrTok "vectorcall") Nothing -> pure Vectorcall LiteralTok (StrTok "aapcs") Nothing -> pure Aapcs LiteralTok (StrTok "win64") Nothing -> pure Win64 LiteralTok (StrTok "sysv64") Nothing -> pure SysV64 LiteralTok (StrTok "ptx-kernel") Nothing -> pure PtxKernel LiteralTok (StrTok "msp430-interrupt") Nothing -> pure Msp430Interrupt LiteralTok (StrTok "x86-interrupt") Nothing -> pure X86Interrupt LiteralTok (StrTok "Rust") Nothing -> pure Rust LiteralTok (StrTok "C") Nothing -> pure C LiteralTok (StrTok "system") Nothing -> pure System LiteralTok (StrTok "rust-intrinsic") Nothing -> pure RustIntrinsic LiteralTok (StrTok "rust-call") Nothing -> pure RustCall LiteralTok (StrTok "platform-intrinsic") Nothing -> pure PlatformIntrinsic LiteralTok (StrTok "unadjusted") Nothing -> pure Unadjusted _ -> parseError $1 {- "invalid ABI" -} } | {- empty -} { C } -- parse_ret_ty ret_ty :: { Maybe (Ty Span) } : '->' ty_no_plus { Just $2 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } -- parse_poly_trait_ref() poly_trait_ref :: { PolyTraitRef Span } : trait_ref { PolyTraitRef [] $1 (spanOf $1) } | for_lts trait_ref { PolyTraitRef (unspan $1) $2 ($1 # $2) } -- parse_for_lts() -- Unlike the Rust libsyntax version, this _requires_ the 'for' for_lts :: { Spanned [LifetimeDef Span] } : for '<' sep_byT(lifetime_def,',') '>' { Spanned $3 ($1 # $>) } -- Definition of a lifetime: attributes can come before the lifetime, and a list of bounding -- lifetimes can come after the lifetime. lifetime_def :: { LifetimeDef Span } : many(outer_attribute) lifetime ':' sep_by1T(lifetime,'+') { LifetimeDef $1 $2 (toList $4) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) lifetime { LifetimeDef $1 $2 [] ($1 # $2 # $>) } --------------- -- Arguments -- --------------- -- Argument (requires a name / pattern, ie. @parse_arg_general(true)@) arg_named :: { Arg Span } : ntArg { $1 } | pat ':' ty { Arg (Just $1) $3 ($1 # $3) } -- Argument (does not require a name / pattern, ie. @parse_arg_general(false)@) -- -- Remark: not all patterns are accepted (as per ) -- The details for which patterns _should_ be accepted fall into @is_named_argument()@. arg_general :: { Arg Span } : ntArg { $1 } | ty { Arg Nothing $1 (spanOf $1) } | '_' ':' ty { Arg (Just (WildP (spanOf $1))) $3 ($1 # $3) } | ident ':' ty { Arg (Just (IdentP (ByValue Immutable) (unspan $1) Nothing (spanOf $1))) $3 ($1 # $3) } | mut ident ':' ty { Arg (Just (IdentP (ByValue Mutable) (unspan $2) Nothing (spanOf $2))) $4 ($1 # $4) } | '&' '_' ':' ty { Arg (Just (RefP (WildP (spanOf $2)) Immutable ($1 # $2))) $4 ($1 # $4) } | '&' ident ':' ty { Arg (Just (RefP (IdentP (ByValue Immutable) (unspan $2) Nothing (spanOf $2)) Immutable ($1 # $2))) $4 ($1 # $4) } | '&&' '_' ':' ty { Arg (Just (RefP (RefP (WildP (spanOf $2)) Immutable (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $2))) Immutable ($1 # $2))) $4 ($1 # $4) } | '&&' ident ':' ty { Arg (Just (RefP (RefP (IdentP (ByValue Immutable) (unspan $2) Nothing (spanOf $2)) Immutable (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $2))) Immutable ($1 # $2))) $4 ($1 # $4) } -- Self argument (only allowed in trait function signatures) arg_self_general :: { Arg Span } : mut self { SelfValue Mutable ($1 # $>) } | self ':' ty { SelfExplicit $3 Immutable ($1 # $>) } | mut self ':' ty { SelfExplicit $4 Mutable ($1 # $>) } | arg_general { case $1 of Arg Nothing (PathTy Nothing (Path False [PathSegment "self" Nothing _] _) _) x -> SelfValue Immutable x Arg Nothing (Rptr l m (PathTy Nothing (Path False [PathSegment "self" Nothing _] _) _) _) x -> SelfRegion l m x _ -> $1 } -- Self argument (only allowed in impl function signatures) arg_self_named :: { Arg Span } : self { SelfValue Immutable ($1 # $>) } | mut self { SelfValue Mutable ($1 # $>) } | '&' self { SelfRegion Nothing Immutable ($1 # $>) } | '&' lifetime self { SelfRegion (Just $2) Immutable ($1 # $>) } | '&' mut self { SelfRegion Nothing Mutable ($1 # $>) } | '&' lifetime mut self { SelfRegion (Just $2) Mutable ($1 # $>) } | self ':' ty { SelfExplicit $3 Immutable ($1 # $>) } | mut self ':' ty { SelfExplicit $4 Mutable ($1 # $>) } -- Lambda expression argument lambda_arg :: { Arg Span } : ntArg { $1 } | pat ':' ty { Arg (Just $1) $3 ($1 # $3) } | pat { Arg (Just $1) (Infer mempty) (spanOf $1) } -------------- -- Patterns -- -------------- -- There is a funky trick going on here around 'IdentP'. When there is a binding mode (ie a 'mut' or -- 'ref') or an '@' pattern, everything is fine, but otherwise there is no difference between an -- expression variable path and a pattern. To deal with this, we intercept expression paths with -- only one segment, no path parameters, and not global and turn them into identifier patterns. pat :: { Pat Span } : ntPat { $1 } | '_' { WildP (spanOf $1) } | '&' mut pat { RefP $3 Mutable ($1 # $3) } | '&' pat { RefP $2 Immutable ($1 # $2) } | '&&' mut pat { RefP (RefP $3 Mutable (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $3))) Immutable ($1 # $3) } | '&&' pat { RefP (RefP $2 Immutable (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $2))) Immutable ($1 # $2) } | lit_expr { LitP $1 (spanOf $1) } | '-' lit_expr { LitP (Unary [] Neg $2 ($1 # $2)) ($1 # $2) } | box pat { BoxP $2 ($1 # $2) } | binding_mode1 ident '@' pat { IdentP (unspan $1) (unspan $2) (Just $4) ($1 # $>) } | binding_mode1 ident { IdentP (unspan $1) (unspan $2) Nothing ($1 # $>) } | ident '@' pat { IdentP (ByValue Immutable) (unspan $1) (Just $3) ($1 # $>) } | expr_path { case $1 of Path False [PathSegment i Nothing _] _ -> IdentP (ByValue Immutable) i Nothing (spanOf $1) _ -> PathP Nothing $1 (spanOf $1) } | expr_qual_path { PathP (Just (fst (unspan $1))) (snd (unspan $1)) ($1 # $>) } | lit_or_path '...' lit_or_path { RangeP $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lit_or_path '..=' lit_or_path { RangeP $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '{' '..' '}' { StructP $1 [] True ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '{' pat_fields '}' { let (fs,b) = $3 in StructP $1 fs b ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '(' pat_tup ')' { let (ps,m,_) = $3 in TupleStructP $1 ps m ($1 # $>) } | expr_mac { MacP $1 (spanOf $1) } | '[' pat_slice ']' { let (b,s,a) = $2 in SliceP b s a ($1 # $3) } | '(' pat_tup ')' {% case $2 of ([p], Nothing, False) -> parseError (CloseDelim Paren) (ps,m,t) -> pure (TupleP ps m ($1 # $3)) } -- The first element is the spans, the second the position of '..', and the third if there is a -- trailing comma pat_tup :: { ([Pat Span], Maybe Int, Bool) } : sep_by1(pat,',') ',' '..' ',' sep_by1(pat,',') { (toList ($1 <> $5), Just (length $1), False) } | sep_by1(pat,',') ',' '..' ',' sep_by1(pat,',') ',' { (toList ($1 <> $5), Just (length $1), True) } | sep_by1(pat,',') ',' '..' { (toList $1, Just (length $1), False) } | sep_by1(pat,',') { (toList $1, Nothing, False) } | sep_by1(pat,',') ',' { (toList $1, Nothing, True) } | '..' ',' sep_by1(pat,',') { (toList $3, Just 0, False) } | '..' ',' sep_by1(pat,',') ',' { (toList $3, Just 0, True) } | '..' { ([], Just 0, False) } | {- empty -} { ([], Nothing, False) } -- The first element is the patterns at the beginning of the slice, the second the optional binding -- for the middle slice ('Nothing' if there is no '..' and 'Just (WildP mempty) is there is one, but -- unlabelled), and the third is the patterns at the end of the slice. pat_slice :: { ([Pat Span], Maybe (Pat Span), [Pat Span]) } : sep_by1(pat,',') ',' '..' ',' sep_by1T(pat,',') { (toList $1, Just (WildP mempty), toList $5) } | sep_by1(pat,',') ',' '..' { (toList $1, Just (WildP mempty), []) } | sep_by1(pat,',') '..' ',' sep_by1T(pat,',') { let (xs, x) = unsnoc $1 in (toList xs, Just x, toList $4) } | sep_by1(pat,',') '..' { let (xs, x) = unsnoc $1 in (toList xs, Just x, []) } | sep_by1T(pat,',') { (toList $1, Nothing, []) } | '..' ',' sep_by1T(pat,',') { ([], Just (WildP mempty), toList $3) } | '..' { ([], Just (WildP mempty), []) } | {- empty -} { ([], Nothing, []) } -- Endpoints of range patterns lit_or_path :: { Expr Span } : expr_path { PathExpr [] Nothing $1 (spanOf $1) } | expr_qual_path { PathExpr [] (Just (fst (unspan $1))) (snd (unspan $1)) (spanOf $1) } | '-' lit_expr { Unary [] Neg $2 ($1 # $2) } | lit_expr { $1 } -- Used in patterns for tuple and expression patterns pat_fields :: { ([FieldPat Span], Bool) } : sep_byT(pat_field,',') { ($1, False) } | sep_by1(pat_field,',') ',' '..' { (toList $1, True) } pat_field :: { FieldPat Span } : binding_mode ident { FieldPat Nothing (IdentP (unspan $1) (unspan $2) Nothing (spanOf $2)) ($1 # $2) } | box binding_mode ident { FieldPat Nothing (BoxP (IdentP (unspan $2) (unspan $3) Nothing ($2 # $3)) ($1 # $3)) ($1 # $3) } | binding_mode ident ':' pat { FieldPat (Just (unspan $2)) $4 ($1 # $2 # $4) } -- Used prefixing IdentP patterns (not empty - that is a seperate pattern case) binding_mode1 :: { Spanned BindingMode } : ref mut { Spanned (ByRef Mutable) ($1 # $2) } | ref { Spanned (ByRef Immutable) (spanOf $1) } | mut { Spanned (ByValue Mutable) (spanOf $1) } -- Used for patterns for fields (includes the empty case) binding_mode :: { Spanned BindingMode } : binding_mode1 { $1 } | {- empty -} { Spanned (ByValue Immutable) mempty } ----------------- -- Expressions -- ----------------- -- Expressions are a pain to parse. The Rust language places "restrictions" preventing certain -- specific expressions from being valid in a certain context. Elsewhere in the parser, it will turn -- on or off these restrictions. Unfortunately, that doesn't work well at all in a grammar, so we -- have to define production rules for every combination of restrications used. Parametrized -- productions make this a bit easier by letting us factor out the core expressions used everywhere. -- Generalized expressions, parametrized by -- -- * 'lhs' - expressions allowed on the left extremity of the term -- * 'rhs' - expressions allowed on the right extremity of the term -- * 'rhs2' - expressions allowed on the right extremity following '..'/'.../..=' -- -- Precedences are handled by Happy (right at the end of the token section) gen_expression(lhs,rhs,rhs2) :: { Expr Span } -- immediate expressions : ntExpr { $1 } | lit_expr { $1 } | '[' sep_byT(expr,',') ']' { Vec [] $2 ($1 # $>) } | '[' inner_attrs sep_byT(expr,',') ']' { Vec (toList $2) $3 ($1 # $>) } | '[' expr ';' expr ']' { Repeat [] $2 $4 ($1 # $>) } | expr_mac { MacExpr [] $1 (spanOf $1) } | expr_path %prec PATH { PathExpr [] Nothing $1 (spanOf $1) } | expr_qual_path { PathExpr [] (Just (fst (unspan $1))) (snd (unspan $1)) (spanOf $1) } -- unary expressions | '*' rhs %prec UNARY { Unary [] Deref $2 ($1 # $>) } | '!' rhs %prec UNARY { Unary [] Not $2 ($1 # $>) } | '-' rhs %prec UNARY { Unary [] Neg $2 ($1 # $>) } | '&' rhs %prec UNARY { AddrOf [] Immutable $2 ($1 # $>) } | '&' mut rhs %prec UNARY { AddrOf [] Mutable $3 ($1 # $>) } | '&&' rhs %prec UNARY { AddrOf [] Immutable (AddrOf [] Immutable $2 (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $2))) ($1 # $2) } | '&&' mut rhs %prec UNARY { AddrOf [] Immutable (AddrOf [] Mutable $3 (nudge 1 0 ($1 # $3))) ($1 # $3) } | box rhs %prec UNARY { Box [] $2 ($1 # $>) } -- left-recursive | left_gen_expression(lhs,rhs,rhs2) { $1 } -- range expressions | '..' rhs2 %prec PREFIXRNG { Range [] Nothing (Just $2) HalfOpen ($1 # $2) } | '...' rhs2 %prec PREFIXRNG { Range [] Nothing (Just $2) Closed ($1 # $2) } | '..=' rhs2 %prec PREFIXRNG { Range [] Nothing (Just $2) Closed ($1 # $2) } | '..' %prec SINGLERNG { Range [] Nothing Nothing HalfOpen (spanOf $1) } | '..=' %prec SINGLERNG { Range [] Nothing Nothing Closed (spanOf $1) } -- low precedence prefix expressions | return { Ret [] Nothing (spanOf $1) } | return rhs { Ret [] (Just $2) ($1 # $2) } | yield { Yield [] Nothing (spanOf $1) } | yield rhs { Yield [] (Just $2) ($1 # $2) } | continue { Continue [] Nothing (spanOf $1) } | continue label { Continue [] (Just $2) ($1 # $2) } | break { Break [] Nothing Nothing (spanOf $1) } | break rhs { Break [] Nothing (Just $2) ($1 # $2) } | break label { Break [] (Just $2) Nothing ($1 # $2) } | break label rhs %prec break { Break [] (Just $2) (Just $3) ($1 # $3) } -- lambda expressions | static move lambda_args rhs %prec LAMBDA { Closure [] Immovable Value (FnDecl (unspan $3) Nothing False (spanOf $3)) $> ($1 # $>) } | move lambda_args rhs %prec LAMBDA { Closure [] Movable Value (FnDecl (unspan $2) Nothing False (spanOf $2)) $> ($1 # $>) } | static lambda_args rhs %prec LAMBDA { Closure [] Immovable Ref (FnDecl (unspan $2) Nothing False (spanOf $2)) $> ($1 # $>) } | lambda_args rhs %prec LAMBDA { Closure [] Movable Ref (FnDecl (unspan $1) Nothing False (spanOf $1)) $> ($1 # $>) } -- Variant of 'gen_expression' which only constructs expressions starting with another expression. left_gen_expression(lhs,rhs,rhs2) :: { Expr Span } : postfix_blockexpr(lhs) { $1 } | lhs '[' expr ']' { Index [] $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '(' sep_byT(expr,',') ')' { Call [] $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } -- unary expressions | lhs ':' ty_no_plus { TypeAscription [] $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs as ty_no_plus { Cast [] $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } -- binary expressions | lhs '*' rhs { Binary [] MulOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '/' rhs { Binary [] DivOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '%' rhs { Binary [] RemOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '+' rhs { Binary [] AddOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '-' rhs { Binary [] SubOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '<<' rhs { Binary [] ShlOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '>>' rhs { Binary [] ShrOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '&' rhs { Binary [] BitAndOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '^' rhs { Binary [] BitXorOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '|' rhs { Binary [] BitOrOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '==' rhs { Binary [] EqOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '!=' rhs { Binary [] NeOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '<' rhs { Binary [] LtOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '>' rhs { Binary [] GtOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '<=' rhs { Binary [] LeOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '>=' rhs { Binary [] GeOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '&&' rhs { Binary [] AndOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '||' rhs { Binary [] OrOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } -- range expressions | lhs '..' %prec POSTFIXRNG { Range [] (Just $1) Nothing HalfOpen ($1 # $>) } | lhs '...' %prec POSTFIXRNG { Range [] (Just $1) Nothing Closed ($1 # $>) } | lhs '..=' %prec POSTFIXRNG { Range [] (Just $1) Nothing Closed ($1 # $>) } | lhs '..' rhs2 %prec INFIXRNG { Range [] (Just $1) (Just $3) HalfOpen ($1 # $>) } | lhs '...' rhs2 %prec INFIXRNG { Range [] (Just $1) (Just $3) Closed ($1 # $>) } | lhs '..=' rhs2 %prec INFIXRNG { Range [] (Just $1) (Just $3) Closed ($1 # $>) } -- assignment expressions | lhs '<-' rhs { InPlace [] $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '=' rhs { Assign [] $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '>>=' rhs { AssignOp [] ShrOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '<<=' rhs { AssignOp [] ShlOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '-=' rhs { AssignOp [] SubOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '+=' rhs { AssignOp [] AddOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '*=' rhs { AssignOp [] MulOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '/=' rhs { AssignOp [] DivOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '^=' rhs { AssignOp [] BitXorOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '|=' rhs { AssignOp [] BitOrOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '&=' rhs { AssignOp [] BitAndOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '%=' rhs { AssignOp [] RemOp $1 $3 ($1 # $>) } -- Postfix expressions that can come after an expression block, in a 'stmt' -- -- * `{ 1 }[0]` isn't here because it is treated as `{ 1 }; [0]` -- * `{ 1 }(0)` isn't here because it is treated as `{ 1 }; (0)` -- postfix_blockexpr(lhs) :: { Expr Span } : lhs '?' { Try [] $1 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident %prec FIELD { FieldAccess [] $1 (unspan $3) ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident '(' sep_byT(expr,',') ')' { MethodCall [] $1 (unspan $3) Nothing $5 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident '::' '<' sep_byT(ty,',') '>' '(' sep_byT(expr,',') ')' { MethodCall [] $1 (unspan $3) (Just $6) $9 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' int {% case lit $3 of Int Dec i Unsuffixed _ -> pure (TupField [] $1 (fromIntegral i) ($1 # $3)) _ -> parseError $3 } -- Postfix expressions that can come after an expression block, in a 'stmt' -- -- * `{ 1 }[0]` isn't here because it is treated as `{ 1 }; [0]` -- * `{ 1 }(0)` isn't here because it is treated as `{ 1 }; (0)` -- postfix_blockexpr(lhs) :: { Expr Span } : lhs '?' { Try [] $1 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident %prec FIELD { FieldAccess [] $1 (unspan $3) ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident '(' sep_byT(expr,',') ')' { MethodCall [] $1 (unspan $3) Nothing $5 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident '::' '<' sep_byT(ty,',') '>' '(' sep_byT(expr,',') ')' { MethodCall [] $1 (unspan $3) (Just $6) $9 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' int {% case lit $3 of Int Dec i Unsuffixed _ -> pure (TupField [] $1 (fromIntegral i) ($1 # $3)) _ -> parseError $3 } -- Postfix expressions that can come after an expression block, in a 'stmt' -- -- * `{ 1 }[0]` isn't here because it is treated as `{ 1 }; [0]` -- * `{ 1 }(0)` isn't here because it is treated as `{ 1 }; (0)` -- postfix_blockexpr(lhs) :: { Expr Span } : lhs '?' { Try [] $1 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident %prec FIELD { FieldAccess [] $1 (unspan $3) ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident '(' sep_byT(expr,',') ')' { MethodCall [] $1 (unspan $3) Nothing $5 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' ident '::' '<' sep_byT(ty,',') '>' '(' sep_byT(expr,',') ')' { MethodCall [] $1 (unspan $3) (Just $6) $9 ($1 # $>) } | lhs '.' int {% case lit $3 of Int Dec i Unsuffixed _ -> pure (TupField [] $1 (fromIntegral i) ($1 # $3)) _ -> parseError $3 } -- Then, we instantiate this general production into the following families of rules: -- -- ['expr'] Most general class of expressions, no restrictions -- -- ['nostruct_expr'] Forbids struct literals (for use as scrutinee of loops, ifs, etc) -- -- ['nostructblock_expr'] Forbids struct literals and block expressions (but not block-like things -- like 'if' expressions or 'loop' expressions) -- -- ['nonblock_expr'] Forbids expressions starting with blocks (things such as '{ 1 } + 2' are -- not allowed, while struct expressions are - their "block" is at the end -- of the expression) -- -- ['blockpostfix_expr'] Allows expressions starting with blocks (things such as '{ 1 }? + 1') -- but only when the leading block is itself a postfix expression. -- -- There is also a later instantiation revolving around 'match' expressions, but it has some -- different types. expr :: { Expr Span } : gen_expression(expr,expr,expr) { $1 } | paren_expr { $1 } | struct_expr { $1 } | block_expr { $1 } | lambda_expr_block { $1 } nostruct_expr :: { Expr Span } : gen_expression(nostruct_expr,nostruct_expr,nonstructblock_expr) { $1 } | paren_expr { $1 } | block_expr { $1 } nonstructblock_expr :: { Expr Span } : gen_expression(nonstructblock_expr,nostruct_expr,nonstructblock_expr) { $1 } | paren_expr { $1 } | block_like_expr { $1 } | unsafe inner_attrs_block { let (as, Block ss r x) = $> in BlockExpr as (Block ss Unsafe ($1 # x)) ($1 # x) } nonblock_expr :: { Expr Span } : gen_expression(nonblock_expr,expr,expr) { $1 } | paren_expr { $1 } | struct_expr { $1 } | lambda_expr_block { $1 } blockpostfix_expr :: { Expr Span } : postfix_blockexpr(block_like_expr) { $1 } | postfix_blockexpr(vis_safety_block) { $1 } | left_gen_expression(blockpostfix_expr,expr,expr) { $1 } -- Finally, what remains is the more mundane definitions of particular types of expressions. -- labels on loops label :: { Label Span } : LIFETIME { let Spanned (LifetimeTok (Ident l _)) s = $1 in Label l s } -- Literal expressions (composed of just literals) lit_expr :: { Expr Span } : lit { Lit [] $1 (spanOf $1) } -- An expression ending in a '{ ... }' block. Useful since "There is a convenience rule that allows -- one to omit the separating ';' after 'if', 'match', 'loop', 'for', 'while'" block_expr :: { Expr Span } : block_like_expr { $1 } | inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $1 in BlockExpr as b (spanOf b) } | unsafe inner_attrs_block { let (as, Block ss r x) = $> in BlockExpr as (Block ss Unsafe ($1 # x)) ($1 # x) } -- Any expression ending in a '{ ... }' block except a block itself. block_like_expr :: { Expr Span } : if_expr { $1 } | loop inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in Loop as b Nothing ($1 # b) } | label ':' loop inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in Loop as b (Just $1) ($1 # b) } | for pat in nostruct_expr inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in ForLoop as $2 $4 b Nothing ($1 # b) } | label ':' for pat in nostruct_expr inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in ForLoop as $4 $6 b (Just $1) ($1 # b) } | while nostruct_expr inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in While as $2 b Nothing ($1 # b) } | label ':' while nostruct_expr inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in While as $4 b (Just $1) ($1 # b) } | while let pats '=' nostruct_expr inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in WhileLet as $3 $5 b Nothing ($1 # b) } | label ':' while let pats '=' nostruct_expr inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in WhileLet as $5 $7 b (Just $1) ($1 # b) } | match nostruct_expr '{' '}' { Match [] $2 [] ($1 # $>) } | match nostruct_expr '{' inner_attrs '}' { Match (toList $4) $2 [] ($1 # $>) } | match nostruct_expr '{' arms '}' { Match [] $2 $4 ($1 # $>) } | match nostruct_expr '{' inner_attrs arms '}' { Match (toList $4) $2 $5 ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '!' '{' token_stream '}' { MacExpr [] (Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>)) ($1 # $>) } | do catch inner_attrs_block { let (as,b) = $> in Catch as b ($1 # b) } -- 'if' expressions are a bit special since they can have an arbitrary number of 'else if' chains. if_expr :: { Expr Span } : if nostruct_expr block else_expr { If [] $2 $3 $4 ($1 # $3 # $>) } | if let pats '=' nostruct_expr block else_expr { IfLet [] $3 $5 $6 $7 ($1 # $6 # $>) } else_expr :: { Maybe (Expr Span) } : else block { Just (BlockExpr [] $2 (spanOf $2)) } | else if_expr { Just $2 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } -- Match arms usually have to be seperated by commas (with an optional comma at the end). This -- condition is loosened (so that there is no seperator needed) if the arm ends in a safe block. arms :: { [Arm Span] } : ntArm { [$1] } | ntArm arms { $1 : $2 } | many(outer_attribute) pats arm_guard '=>' expr_arms { let (e,as) = $> in (Arm $1 $2 $3 e ($1 # $2 # e) : as) } pats :: { NonEmpty (Pat Span) } : '|' sep_by1(pat,'|') { toNonEmpty $2 } | sep_by1(pat,'|') { toNonEmpty $1 } arm_guard :: { Maybe (Expr Span) } : {- empty -} { Nothing } | if expr { Just $2 } -- Possibly more match arms, with a comma if present comma_arms :: { [Arm Span] } : {- empty -} { [] } | ',' { [] } | ',' arms { $2 } -- An expression followed by match arms. If there is a comma needed, it is added expr_arms :: { (Expr Span, [Arm Span]) } : nonblock_expr comma_arms { ($1, $2) } | blockpostfix_expr comma_arms { ($1, $2) } | vis_safety_block comma_arms { ($1, $2) } | vis_safety_block arms { ($1, $2) } | block_like_expr comma_arms { ($1, $2) } | block_like_expr arms { ($1, $2) } -- As per https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/15701 (as of March 10 2017), the only way to have -- attributes on expressions should be with inner attributes on a paren expression. paren_expr :: { Expr Span } : '(' ')' { TupExpr [] [] ($1 # $>) } | '(' inner_attrs ')' { TupExpr (toList $2) [] ($1 # $>) } | '(' expr ')' { ParenExpr [] $2 ($1 # $>) } | '(' inner_attrs expr ')' { ParenExpr (toList $2) $3 ($1 # $>) } | '(' expr ',' ')' { TupExpr [] [$2] ($1 # $>) } | '(' inner_attrs expr ',' ')' { TupExpr (toList $2) [$3] ($1 # $>) } | '(' expr ',' sep_by1T(expr,',') ')' { TupExpr [] ($2 : toList $4) ($1 # $>) } | '(' inner_attrs expr ',' sep_by1T(expr,',') ')' { TupExpr (toList $2) ($3 : toList $5) ($1 # $>) } -- Closure ending in blocks lambda_expr_block :: { Expr Span } : static move lambda_args '->' ty_no_plus block { Closure [] Immovable Value (FnDecl (unspan $3) (Just $5) False (spanOf $3)) (BlockExpr [] $> (spanOf $>)) ($1 # $>) } | move lambda_args '->' ty_no_plus block { Closure [] Movable Value (FnDecl (unspan $2) (Just $4) False (spanOf $2)) (BlockExpr [] $> (spanOf $>)) ($1 # $>) } | static lambda_args '->' ty_no_plus block { Closure [] Immovable Ref (FnDecl (unspan $2) (Just $4) False (spanOf $2)) (BlockExpr [] $> (spanOf $>)) ($1 # $>) } | lambda_args '->' ty_no_plus block { Closure [] Movable Ref (FnDecl (unspan $1) (Just $3) False (spanOf $1)) (BlockExpr [] $> (spanOf $>)) ($1 # $>) } -- Lambda expression arguments block lambda_args :: { Spanned [Arg Span] } : '||' { Spanned [] (spanOf $1) } | '|' sep_byT(lambda_arg,',') pipe '|' { Spanned $2 ($1 # $4) } -- Struct expression literal struct_expr :: { Expr Span } : expr_path '{' '..' expr '}' { Struct [] $1 [] (Just $4) ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '{' inner_attrs '..' expr '}' { Struct (toList $3) $1 [] (Just $5) ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '{' sep_by1(field,',') ',' '..' expr '}' { Struct [] $1 (toList $3) (Just $6) ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '{' inner_attrs sep_by1(field,',') ',' '..' expr '}' { Struct (toList $3) $1 (toList $4) (Just $7) ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '{' sep_byT(field,',') '}' { Struct [] $1 $3 Nothing ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '{' inner_attrs sep_byT(field,',') '}' { Struct (toList $3) $1 $4 Nothing ($1 # $>) } field :: { Field Span } : ident ':' expr { Field (unspan $1) (Just $3) ($1 # $3) } | ident { Field (unspan $1) Nothing (spanOf $1) } -- an expression block that won't cause conflicts with stmts vis_safety_block :: { Expr Span } : pub_or_inherited safety inner_attrs_block {% let (as, Block ss r x) = $3 e = BlockExpr as (Block ss (unspan $2) ($2 # x)) ($2 # x) in noVis $1 e } -- an expression starting with 'union' or 'default' (as identifiers) that won't cause conflicts with stmts vis_union_def_nonblock_expr :: { Expr Span } : union_default_expr { $1 } | left_gen_expression(vis_union_def_nonblock_expr, expr, expr) { $1 } union_default_expr :: { Expr Span } : pub_or_inherited union {% noVis $1 (PathExpr [] Nothing (Path False [PathSegment "union" Nothing (spanOf $2)] (spanOf $1)) (spanOf $1)) } | pub_or_inherited default {% noVis $1 (PathExpr [] Nothing (Path False [PathSegment "default" Nothing (spanOf $2)] (spanOf $1)) (spanOf $1)) } ---------------- -- Statements -- ---------------- stmt :: { Stmt Span } : ntStmt { $1 } | many(outer_attribute) let pat ':' ty initializer ';' { Local $3 (Just $5) $6 $1 ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) let pat initializer ';' { Local $3 Nothing $4 $1 ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) nonblock_expr ';' { toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) True False ($1 # $2 # $3) } | many(outer_attribute) block_like_expr ';' { toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) True True ($1 # $2 # $3) } | many(outer_attribute) blockpostfix_expr ';' { toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) True True ($1 # $2 # $3) } | many(outer_attribute) vis_union_def_nonblock_expr ';' { toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) True False ($1 # $2 # $3) } | many(outer_attribute) block_like_expr %prec NOSEMI { toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) False True ($1 # $2) } | many(outer_attribute) vis_safety_block ';' { toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) True True ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis_safety_block %prec NOSEMI { toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) False True ($1 # $2) } | gen_item(pub_or_inherited) { ItemStmt $1 (spanOf $1) } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' ident '[' token_stream ']' ';' { ItemStmt (macroItem $1 (Just (unspan $4)) (Mac $2 $6 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' ident '(' token_stream ')' ';' { ItemStmt (macroItem $1 (Just (unspan $4)) (Mac $2 $6 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' ident '{' token_stream '}' { ItemStmt (macroItem $1 (Just (unspan $4)) (Mac $2 $6 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } pub_or_inherited :: { Spanned (Visibility Span) } : pub %prec VIS { Spanned PublicV (spanOf $1) } | {- empty -} %prec VIS { pure InheritedV } stmtOrSemi :: { Maybe (Stmt Span) } : ';' { Nothing } | stmt { Just $1 } -- List of statements where the last statement might be a no-semicolon statement. stmts_possibly_no_semi :: { [Maybe (Stmt Span)] } : stmtOrSemi stmts_possibly_no_semi { $1 : $2 } | stmtOrSemi { [$1] } | many(outer_attribute) nonblock_expr { [Just (toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) False False ($1 # $2))] } | many(outer_attribute) blockpostfix_expr { [Just (toStmt ($1 `addAttrs` $2) False True ($1 # $2))] } initializer :: { Maybe (Expr Span) } : '=' expr { Just $2 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } block :: { Block Span } : ntBlock { $1 } | '{' '}' { Block [] Normal ($1 # $>) } | '{' stmts_possibly_no_semi '}' { Block [ s | Just s <- $2 ] Normal ($1 # $>) } inner_attrs_block :: { ([Attribute Span], Block Span) } : block { ([], $1) } | '{' inner_attrs '}' { (toList $2, Block [] Normal ($1 # $>)) } | '{' inner_attrs stmts_possibly_no_semi '}' { (toList $2, Block [ s | Just s <- $3 ] Normal ($1 # $>)) } ----------- -- Items -- ----------- -- Given the types of permitted visibilities, generate a rule for items. The reason this production -- is useful over just having 'item :: { ItemSpan }' and then 'many(outer_attribute) vis item' is -- that (1) not all items have visibility and (2) attributes and visibility are fields on the 'Item' -- algebraic data type. gen_item(vis) :: { Item Span } : many(outer_attribute) vis static ident ':' ty '=' expr ';' { Static $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) $6 Immutable $8 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis static mut ident ':' ty '=' expr ';' { Static $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $5) $7 Mutable $9 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis const ident ':' ty '=' expr ';' { ConstItem $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) $6 $8 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis type ident generics where_clause '=' ty ';' { TyAlias $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) $8 ($5 `withWhere` $6) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis use use_tree ';' { Use $1 (unspan $2) $4 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety extern crate ident ';' {% noSafety $3 (ExternCrate $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $6) Nothing ($1 # $2 # $4 # $>)) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety extern crate ident as ident ';' {% noSafety $3 (ExternCrate $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $8) (Just (unspan $6)) ($1 # $2 # $4 # $>)) } | many(outer_attribute) vis const safety fn ident generics fn_decl(arg_named) where_clause inner_attrs_block { Fn ($1 ++ fst $>) (unspan $2) (unspan $6) $8 (unspan $4) Const Rust ($7 `withWhere` $9) (snd $>) ($1 # $2 # $3 # snd $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety extern abi fn ident generics fn_decl(arg_named) where_clause inner_attrs_block { Fn ($1 ++ fst $>) (unspan $2) (unspan $7) $9 (unspan $3) NotConst $5 ($8 `withWhere` $10) (snd $>) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # snd $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety fn ident generics fn_decl(arg_named) where_clause inner_attrs_block { Fn ($1 ++ fst $>) (unspan $2) (unspan $5) $7 (unspan $3) NotConst Rust ($6 `withWhere` $8) (snd $>) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # snd $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis mod ident ';' { Mod $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) Nothing ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis mod ident '{' many(mod_item) '}' { Mod $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) (Just $6) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis mod ident '{' inner_attrs many(mod_item) '}' { Mod ($1 ++ toList $6) (unspan $2) (unspan $4) (Just $7) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety extern abi '{' many(foreign_item) '}' {% noSafety $3 (ForeignMod $1 (unspan $2) $5 $7 ($1 # $2 # $4 # $>)) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety extern abi '{' inner_attrs many(foreign_item) '}' {% noSafety $3 (ForeignMod ($1 ++ toList $7) (unspan $2) $5 $8 ($1 # $2 # $4 # $>)) } | many(outer_attribute) vis struct ident generics struct_decl_args { StructItem $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) (snd $6) ($5 `withWhere` fst $6) ($1 # $2 # $3 # snd $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis union ident generics struct_decl_args { Union $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) (snd $6) ($5 `withWhere` fst $6) ($1 # $2 # $3 # snd $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis enum ident generics where_clause '{' sep_byT(enum_def,',') '}' { Enum $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) $8 ($5 `withWhere` $6) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety trait ident generics ':' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound,'+') where_clause '{' many(trait_item) '}' { Trait $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $5) False (unspan $3) ($6 `withWhere` $9) (toList $8) $11 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety trait ident generics where_clause '{' many(trait_item) '}' { Trait $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $5) False (unspan $3) ($6 `withWhere` $7) [] $9 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety auto trait ident generics ':' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound,'+') where_clause '{' many(trait_item) '}' { Trait $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $6) True (unspan $3) ($7 `withWhere` $10) (toList $9) $12 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety auto trait ident generics where_clause '{' many(trait_item) '}' { Trait $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $6) True (unspan $3) ($7 `withWhere` $8) [] $10 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety trait ident generics '=' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound,'+') ';' {% noSafety $3 (TraitAlias $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $5) $6 (toNonEmpty $8) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $>)) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety impl generics ty_prim where_clause '{' impl_items '}' { Impl ($1 ++ fst $9) (unspan $2) Final (unspan $3) Positive ($5 `withWhere` $7) Nothing $6 (snd $9) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis default safety impl generics ty_prim where_clause '{' impl_items '}' { Impl ($1 ++ fst $10) (unspan $2) Default (unspan $4) Positive ($6 `withWhere` $8) Nothing $7 (snd $10) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety impl generics '(' ty_no_plus ')' where_clause '{' impl_items '}' { Impl ($1 ++ fst $11) (unspan $2) Final (unspan $3) Positive ($5 `withWhere` $9) Nothing (ParenTy $7 ($6 # $8)) (snd $11) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis default safety impl generics '(' ty_no_plus ')' where_clause '{' impl_items '}' { Impl ($1 ++ fst $12) (unspan $2) Default (unspan $4) Positive ($6 `withWhere` $10) Nothing (ParenTy $8 ($7 # $9)) (snd $12) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety impl generics '!' trait_ref for ty where_clause '{' impl_items '}' { Impl ($1 ++ fst $12) (unspan $2) Final (unspan $3) Negative ($5 `withWhere` $10) (Just $7) $9 (snd $12) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis default safety impl generics '!' trait_ref for ty where_clause '{' impl_items '}' { Impl ($1 ++ fst $13) (unspan $2) Default (unspan $4) Negative ($6 `withWhere` $11) (Just $8) $10 (snd $13) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis safety impl generics trait_ref for ty where_clause '{' impl_items '}' { Impl ($1 ++ fst $11) (unspan $2) Final (unspan $3) Positive ($5 `withWhere` $9) (Just $6) $8 (snd $11) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis default safety impl generics trait_ref for ty where_clause '{' impl_items '}' { Impl ($1 ++ fst $12) (unspan $2) Default (unspan $4) Positive ($6 `withWhere` $10) (Just $7) $9 (snd $12) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $>) } -- Most general type of item mod_item :: { Item Span } : ntItem { $1 } | gen_item(vis) { $1 } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' ident '[' token_stream ']' ';' { macroItem $1 (Just (unspan $4)) (Mac $2 $6 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' '[' token_stream ']' ';' { macroItem $1 Nothing (Mac $2 $5 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' ident '(' token_stream ')' ';' { macroItem $1 (Just (unspan $4)) (Mac $2 $6 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' '(' token_stream ')' ';' { macroItem $1 Nothing (Mac $2 $5 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' ident '{' token_stream '}' { macroItem $1 (Just (unspan $4)) (Mac $2 $6 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) expr_path '!' '{' token_stream '}' { macroItem $1 Nothing (Mac $2 $5 ($2 # $>)) ($1 # $2 # $>) } foreign_item :: { ForeignItem Span } : many(outer_attribute) vis static ident ':' ty ';' { ForeignStatic $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) $6 Immutable ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis static mut ident ':' ty ';' { ForeignStatic $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $5) $7 Mutable ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis fn ident generics fn_decl(arg_named) where_clause ';' { ForeignFn $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) $6 ($5 `withWhere` $7) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis type ident ';' { ForeignTy $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $4) ($1 # $2 # $>) } -- parse_generics -- Leaves the WhereClause empty generics :: { Generics Span } : ntGenerics { $1 } | '<' sep_by1(lifetime_def,',') ',' sep_by1T(ty_param,',') gt '>' { Generics (toList $2) (toList $4) (WhereClause [] mempty) ($1 # $>) } | '<' sep_by1T(lifetime_def,',') gt '>' { Generics (toList $2) [] (WhereClause [] mempty) ($1 # $>) } | '<' sep_by1T(ty_param,',') gt '>' { Generics [] (toList $2) (WhereClause [] mempty) ($1 # $>) } | '<' gt '>' { Generics [] [] (WhereClause [] mempty) ($1 # $>) } | {- empty -} { Generics [] [] (WhereClause [] mempty) mempty } ty_param :: { TyParam Span } : many(outer_attribute) ident { TyParam $1 (unspan $2) [] Nothing ($1 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) ident ':' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') { TyParam $1 (unspan $2) (toList $4) Nothing ($1 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) ident '=' ty { TyParam $1 (unspan $2) [] (Just $>) ($1 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) ident ':' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') '=' ty { TyParam $1 (unspan $2) (toList $4) (Just $>) ($1 # $>) } struct_decl_args :: { (WhereClause Span, VariantData Span) } : where_clause ';' { ($1, UnitD ($1 # $>)) } | where_clause '{' sep_byT(struct_decl_field,',') '}' { ($1, StructD $3 ($1 # $>)) } | '(' sep_byT(tuple_decl_field,',') ')' where_clause ';' { ($4, TupleD $2 ($1 # $>)) } struct_decl_field :: { StructField Span } : many(outer_attribute) vis ident ':' ty { StructField (Just (unspan $3)) (unspan $2) $5 $1 ($1 # $2 # $5) } tuple_decl_field :: { StructField Span } : many(outer_attribute) vis ty { StructField Nothing (unspan $2) $3 $1 ($1 # $2 # $3) } enum_def :: { Variant Span } : many(outer_attribute) ident '{' sep_byT(struct_decl_field,',') '}' { Variant (unspan $2) $1 (StructD $4 ($3 # $5)) Nothing ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) ident '(' sep_byT(tuple_decl_field,',') ')' { Variant (unspan $2) $1 (TupleD $4 ($3 # $5)) Nothing ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) ident initializer { Variant (unspan $2) $1 (UnitD mempty) $3 ($1 # $2 # $>) } -- parse_where_clause where_clause :: { WhereClause Span } : {- empty -} { WhereClause [] mempty } | ntWhereClause { $1 } | where sep_by(where_predicate,',') %prec WHERE { WhereClause $2 ($1 # $2) } | where sep_by1(where_predicate,',') ',' %prec WHERE { WhereClause (toList $2) ($1 # $3) } where_predicate :: { WherePredicate Span } : lifetime { RegionPredicate $1 [] (spanOf $1) } | lifetime ':' sep_by1T(lifetime,'+') { RegionPredicate $1 (toList $3) ($1 # $3) } | no_for_ty %prec EQ { BoundPredicate [] $1 [] (spanOf $1) } | no_for_ty '=' ty { EqPredicate $1 $3 ($1 # $3) } | no_for_ty '==' ty { EqPredicate $1 $3 ($1 # $3) } | no_for_ty ':' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') { BoundPredicate [] $1 (toList $3) ($1 # $3) } | for_lts no_for_ty { BoundPredicate (unspan $1) $2 [] ($1 # $2) } | for_lts no_for_ty ':' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') { BoundPredicate (unspan $1) $2 (toList $4) ($1 # $>) } impl_items :: { ([Attribute Span], [ImplItem Span]) } : many(impl_item) { ([], $1) } | inner_attrs many(impl_item) { (toList $1, $2) } impl_item :: { ImplItem Span } : ntImplItem { $1 } | many(outer_attribute) vis def type ident '=' ty ';' { TypeI $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $3) (unspan $5) $7 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis def const ident ':' ty '=' expr ';' { ConstI $1 (unspan $2) (unspan $3) (unspan $5) $7 $9 ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) def mod_mac { MacroI $1 (unspan $2) $3 ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis def const safety fn ident generics fn_decl_with_self_named where_clause inner_attrs_block { let methodSig = MethodSig (unspan $5) Const Rust $9; generics = $8 `withWhere` $10 in MethodI ($1 ++ fst $>) (unspan $2) (unspan $3) (unspan $7) generics methodSig (snd $>) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # snd $>) } | many(outer_attribute) vis def safety ext_abi fn ident generics fn_decl_with_self_named where_clause inner_attrs_block { let methodSig = MethodSig (unspan $4) NotConst (unspan $5) $9; generics = $8 `withWhere` $10 in MethodI ($1 ++ fst $>) (unspan $2) (unspan $3) (unspan $7) generics methodSig (snd $>) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $5 # $6 # snd $>) } trait_item :: { TraitItem Span } : ntTraitItem { $1 } | many(outer_attribute) const ident ':' ty initializer ';' { ConstT $1 (unspan $3) $5 $6 ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) mod_mac { MacroT $1 $2 ($1 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) type ident ';' { TypeT $1 (unspan $3) [] Nothing ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) type ident '=' ty ';' { TypeT $1 (unspan $3) [] (Just $5) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) type ident ':' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') ';' { TypeT $1 (unspan $3) (toList $5) Nothing ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) type ident ':' sep_by1T(ty_param_bound_mod,'+') '=' ty ';' { TypeT $1 (unspan $3) (toList $5) (Just $7) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) safety ext_abi fn ident generics fn_decl_with_self_general where_clause ';' { let methodSig = MethodSig (unspan $2) NotConst (unspan $3) $7; generics = $6 `withWhere` $8 in MethodT $1 (unspan $5) generics methodSig Nothing ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # $>) } | many(outer_attribute) safety ext_abi fn ident generics fn_decl_with_self_general where_clause inner_attrs_block { let methodSig = MethodSig (unspan $2) NotConst (unspan $3) $7; generics = $6 `withWhere` $8 in MethodT ($1 ++ fst $>) (unspan $5) generics methodSig (Just (snd $>)) ($1 # $2 # $3 # $4 # snd $>) } safety :: { Spanned Unsafety } : {- empty -} { pure Normal } | unsafe { Spanned Unsafe (spanOf $1) } ext_abi :: { Spanned Abi } : {- empty -} { pure Rust } | extern abi { Spanned $2 (spanOf $1) } vis :: { Spanned (Visibility Span) } : {- empty -} %prec VIS { Spanned InheritedV mempty } | pub %prec VIS { Spanned PublicV (spanOf $1) } | pub '(' crate ')' { Spanned CrateV ($1 # $4) } | pub '(' in mod_path ')' { Spanned (RestrictedV $4) ($1 # $5) } | pub '(' super ')' { Spanned (RestrictedV (Path False [PathSegment "super" Nothing (spanOf $3)] (spanOf $3))) ($1 # $4) } | pub '(' self ')' { Spanned (RestrictedV (Path False [PathSegment "self" Nothing (spanOf $3)] (spanOf $3))) ($1 # $4) } def :: { Spanned Defaultness } : {- empty -} %prec DEF { pure Final } | default { Spanned Default (spanOf $1) } use_tree :: { UseTree Span } : mod_path { UseTreeSimple $1 Nothing (spanOf $1) } | mod_path as ident { UseTreeSimple $1 (Just (unspan $3)) ($1 # $3) } | mod_path '::' '*' { UseTreeGlob $1 ($1 # $3) } | '::' '*' { UseTreeGlob (Path True [] (spanOf $1)) ($1 # $2) } | '*' { UseTreeGlob (Path False [] mempty) (spanOf $1) } | mod_path '::' '{' sep_byT(use_tree,',') '}' { UseTreeNested $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } | '::' '{' sep_byT(use_tree,',') '}' { UseTreeNested (Path True [] (spanOf $1)) $3 ($1 # $>) } | '{' sep_byT(use_tree,',') '}' { UseTreeNested (Path False [] mempty) $2 ($1 # $>) } ------------------- -- Macro related -- ------------------- expr_mac :: { Mac Span } : expr_path '!' '[' token_stream ']' { Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } | expr_path '!' '(' token_stream ')' { Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } ty_mac :: { Mac Span } : ty_path '!' '[' token_stream ']' { Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } | ty_path '!' '{' token_stream '}' { Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } | ty_path '!' '(' token_stream ')' { Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } mod_mac :: { Mac Span } : mod_path '!' '[' token_stream ']' ';' { Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } | mod_path '!' '{' token_stream '}' { Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } | mod_path '!' '(' token_stream ')' ';' { Mac $1 $4 ($1 # $>) } token_stream :: { TokenStream } : {- empty -} { Stream [] } | some(token_tree) { case $1 of [tt] -> Tree tt tts -> Stream [ Tree tt | tt <- toList tts ] } token_tree :: { TokenTree } : ntTT { $1 } -- # Delimited | '(' token_stream ')' { Delimited ($1 # $3) Paren $2 } | '{' token_stream '}' { Delimited ($1 # $3) Brace $2 } | '[' token_stream ']' { Delimited ($1 # $3) Bracket $2 } -- # Token | token { let Spanned t s = $1 in Token s t } token :: { Spanned Token } : '=' { $1 } | '<' { $1 } | '>' { $1 } | '!' { $1 } | '~' { $1 } | '-' { $1 } | '/' { $1 } | '+' { $1 } | '*' { $1 } | '%' { $1 } | '^' { $1 } | '&' { $1 } | '|' { $1 } | '<<=' { $1 } | '>>=' { $1 } | '-=' { $1 } | '&=' { $1 } | '|=' { $1 } | '+=' { $1 } | '*=' { $1 } | '/=' { $1 } | '^=' { $1 } | '%=' { $1 } | '||' { $1 } | '&&' { $1 } | '==' { $1 } | '!=' { $1 } | '<=' { $1 } | '>=' { $1 } | '<<' { $1 } | '>>' { $1 } -- Structural symbols. | '@' { $1 } | '...' { $1 } | '..=' { $1 } | '..' { $1 } | '.' { $1 } | ',' { $1 } | ';' { $1 } | '::' { $1 } | ':' { $1 } | '->' { $1 } | '<-' { $1 } | '=>' { $1 } | '#' { $1 } | '$' { $1 } | '?' { $1 } | '#!' { $1 } -- Literals. | byte { $1 } | char { $1 } | int { $1 } | float { $1 } | str { $1 } | byteStr { $1 } | rawStr { $1 } | rawByteStr { $1 } -- Strict keywords used in the language | as { $1 } | box { $1 } | break { $1 } | const { $1 } | continue { $1 } | crate { $1 } | else { $1 } | enum { $1 } | extern { $1 } | false { $1 } | fn { $1 } | for { $1 } | if { $1 } | impl { $1 } | in { $1 } | let { $1 } | loop { $1 } | match { $1 } | mod { $1 } | move { $1 } | mut { $1 } | pub { $1 } | ref { $1 } | return { $1 } | Self { $1 } | self { $1 } | static { $1 } | struct { $1 } | super { $1 } | trait { $1 } | true { $1 } | type { $1 } | unsafe { $1 } | use { $1 } | where { $1 } | while { $1 } -- Keywords reserved for future use | abstract { $1 } | alignof { $1 } | become { $1 } | do { $1 } | final { $1 } | macro { $1 } | offsetof { $1 } | override { $1 } | priv { $1 } | proc { $1 } | pure { $1 } | sizeof { $1 } | typeof { $1 } | unsized { $1 } | virtual { $1 } -- Weak keywords, have special meaning only in specific contexts. | default { $1 } | union { $1 } | catch { $1 } | auto { $1 } | yield { $1 } | dyn { $1 } -- Comments | outerDoc { $1 } | innerDoc { $1 } -- Identifiers. | IDENT { $1 } | '_' { $1 } -- Lifetimes. | LIFETIME { $1 } --------------------- -- Just for export -- --------------------- -- These rules aren't used anywhere in the grammar above, they just provide a more general parsers. -- Any attribute export_attribute :: { Attribute Span } : inner_attribute { $1 } | outer_attribute { $1 } -- Complete blocks export_block :: { Block Span } : ntBlock { $1 } | safety '{' '}' { Block [] (unspan $1) ($1 # $2 # $>) } | safety '{' stmts_possibly_no_semi '}' { Block [ s | Just s <- $3 ] (unspan $1) ($1 # $2 # $>) } { -- | Parser for literals. parseLit :: P (Lit Span) -- | Parser for attributes. parseAttr :: P (Attribute Span) -- | Parser for types. parseTy :: P (Ty Span) -- | Parser for patterns. parsePat :: P (Pat Span) -- | Parser for statements. parseStmt :: P (Stmt Span) -- | Parser for expressions. parseExpr :: P (Expr Span) -- | Parser for items. parseItem :: P (Item Span) -- | Parser for blocks. parseBlock :: P (Block Span) -- | Parser for @impl@ items. parseImplItem :: P (ImplItem Span) -- | Parser for @trait@ items. parseTraitItem :: P (TraitItem Span) -- | Parser for token trees. parseTt :: P TokenTree -- | Parser for token streams parseTokenStream :: P TokenStream -- | Parser for lifetime definitions parseLifetimeDef :: P (LifetimeDef Span) -- | Parser for a type parameter parseTyParam :: P (TyParam Span) -- | Parser for a where clause parseWhereClause :: P (WhereClause Span) -- | Parser for generics (although 'WhereClause' is always empty here) parseGenerics :: P (Generics Span) -- | Generate a nice looking error message based on expected tokens expParseError :: (Spanned Token, [String]) -> P a expParseError (Spanned t _, exps) = fail $ "Syntax error: unexpected `" ++ show t ++ "'" ++ case go (sort exps) [] replacements of [] -> "" [s] -> " (expected " ++ s ++ ")" [s2,s1] -> " (expected " ++ s1 ++ " or " ++ s2 ++ ")" (s : ss) -> " (expected " ++ (reverse ss >>= (++ ", ")) ++ "or " ++ s ++ ")" where go [] msgs _ = msgs go (e:es) msgs rs | e `elem` ignore = go es msgs rs go (e:es) msgs [] = go es (e : msgs) [] go es msgs ((rep,msg):rs) | rep `isSubsequenceOf` es = go (es \\ rep) (msg : msgs) rs | otherwise = go es msgs rs ignore = words "ntItem ntBlock ntStmt ntPat ntExpr ntTy ntIdent ntPath ntTT \ ntArm ntImplItem ntTraitItem ntGenerics ntWhereClause ntArg ntLit" replacements = map (\(ks,v) -> (sort ks,v)) $ [ (expr, "an expression" ) , (lit, "a literal" ) , (boolLit, "a boolean" ) , (byteLit, "a byte" ) , (charLit, "a character" ) , (intLit, "an int" ) , (floatLit, "a float" ) , (strLit, "a string" ) , (byteStrLit, "a byte string" ) , (rawStrLit, "a raw string" ) , (rawByteStrLit, "a raw bytestring") , (doc, "a doc" ) , (outerDoc, "an outer doc" ) , (innerDoc, "an inner doc" ) , (identifier, "an identifier" ) , (lifetime, "a lifetime" ) ] expr :: [String] expr = lit ++ identifier ++ lifetime ++ words "'<' '!' '-' '*' '&' '|' '...' '..=' '..' '::' \ '||' '&&' '<<' '(' '[' '{' box break continue \ for if loop match move return Self self \ static super unsafe while do default union \ catch auto yield dyn" lit = boolLit ++ byteLit ++ charLit ++ intLit ++ floatLit ++ strLit ++ byteStrLit ++ rawStrLit ++ rawByteStrLit boolLit = words "true false" byteLit = words "byte" charLit = words "char" intLit = words "int" floatLit = words "float" strLit = words "str" byteStrLit = words "byteStr" rawStrLit = words "rawStr" rawByteStrLit = words "rawByteStr" doc = outerDoc ++ innerDoc outerDoc = words "outerDoc" innerDoc = words "innerDoc" identifier = words "IDENT" lifetime = words "LIFETIME" -- | Convert an 'IdentTok' into an 'Ident' toIdent :: Spanned Token -> Spanned Ident toIdent (Spanned (IdentTok i) s) = Spanned i s -- | Try to convert an expression to a statement given information about whether there is a trailing -- semicolon toStmt :: Expr Span -> Bool -> Bool -> Span -> Stmt Span toStmt (MacExpr a m s) hasSemi isBlock | hasSemi = MacStmt m SemicolonMac a | isBlock = MacStmt m BracesMac a toStmt e hasSemi _ = (if hasSemi then Semi else NoSemi) e -- | Return the second argument, as long as the visibility is 'InheritedV' noVis :: Spanned (Visibility Span) -> a -> P a noVis (Spanned InheritedV _) x = pure x noVis _ _ = fail "visibility is not allowed here" -- | Fill in the where clause in a generic withWhere :: Generics a -> WhereClause a -> Generics a withWhere (Generics l t _ x) w = Generics l t w x -- | Return the second argument, as long as the safety is 'Normal' noSafety :: Spanned Unsafety -> a -> P a noSafety (Spanned Normal _) x = pure x noSafety _ _ = fail "safety is not allowed here" -- | Make a macro item, which may be a 'MacroDef' macroItem :: [Attribute Span] -> (Maybe Ident) -> Mac Span -> Span -> Item Span macroItem as (Just i) (Mac (Path False [PathSegment "macro_rules" Nothing _] _) tts _) x = MacroDef as i tts x macroItem as i mac x = MacItem as i mac x -- | Add attributes to an expression addAttrs :: [Attribute Span] -> Expr Span -> Expr Span addAttrs as (Box as' e s) = Box (as ++ as') e s addAttrs as (InPlace as' e1 e2 s) = InPlace (as ++ as') e1 e2 s addAttrs as (Vec as' e s) = Vec (as ++ as') e s addAttrs as (Call as' f es s) = Call (as ++ as') f es s addAttrs as (MethodCall as' i s tys es s') = MethodCall (as ++ as') i s tys es s' addAttrs as (TupExpr as' e s) = TupExpr (as ++ as') e s addAttrs as (Binary as' b e1 e2 s) = Binary (as ++ as') b e1 e2 s addAttrs as (Unary as' u e s) = Unary (as ++ as') u e s addAttrs as (Lit as' l s) = Lit (as ++ as') l s addAttrs as (Cast as' e t s) = Cast (as ++ as') e t s addAttrs as (TypeAscription as' e t s) = TypeAscription (as ++ as') e t s addAttrs as (If as' e1 b b2 s) = If (as ++ as') e1 b b2 s addAttrs as (IfLet as' p e b em s) = IfLet (as ++ as') p e b em s addAttrs as (While as' e b l s) = While (as ++ as') e b l s addAttrs as (WhileLet as' p e b l s) = WhileLet (as ++ as') p e b l s addAttrs as (ForLoop as' p e b l s) = ForLoop (as ++ as') p e b l s addAttrs as (Loop as' b l s) = Loop (as ++ as') b l s addAttrs as (Match as' e a s) = Match (as ++ as') e a s addAttrs as (Closure as' m c f e s) = Closure (as ++ as') m c f e s addAttrs as (BlockExpr as' b s) = BlockExpr (as ++ as') b s addAttrs as (Catch as' b s) = Catch (as ++ as') b s addAttrs as (Assign as' e1 e2 s) = Assign (as ++ as') e1 e2 s addAttrs as (AssignOp as' b e1 e2 s) = AssignOp (as ++ as') b e1 e2 s addAttrs as (FieldAccess as' e i s) = FieldAccess (as ++ as') e i s addAttrs as (TupField as' e i s) = TupField (as ++ as') e i s addAttrs as (Index as' e1 e2 s) = Index (as ++ as') e1 e2 s addAttrs as (Range as' e1 e2 r s) = Range (as ++ as') e1 e2 r s addAttrs as (PathExpr as' q p s) = PathExpr (as ++ as') q p s addAttrs as (AddrOf as' m e s) = AddrOf (as ++ as') m e s addAttrs as (Break as' l e s) = Break (as ++ as') l e s addAttrs as (Continue as' l s) = Continue (as ++ as') l s addAttrs as (Ret as' e s) = Ret (as ++ as') e s addAttrs as (MacExpr as' m s) = MacExpr (as ++ as') m s addAttrs as (Struct as' p f e a) = Struct (as ++ as') p f e a addAttrs as (Repeat as' e1 e2 s) = Repeat (as ++ as') e1 e2 s addAttrs as (ParenExpr as' e s) = ParenExpr (as ++ as') e s addAttrs as (Try as' e s) = Try (as ++ as') e s addAttrs as (Yield as' e s) = Yield (as ++ as') e s -- | Given a 'LitTok' token that is expected to result in a valid literal, construct the associated -- literal. Note that this should _never_ fail on a token produced by the lexer. lit :: Spanned Token -> Lit Span lit (Spanned (IdentTok (Ident "true" _)) s) = Bool True Unsuffixed s lit (Spanned (IdentTok (Ident "false" _)) s) = Bool False Unsuffixed s lit (Spanned (LiteralTok litTok suffix_m) s) = translateLit litTok suffix s where suffix = case suffix_m of Nothing -> Unsuffixed (Just "isize") -> Is (Just "usize") -> Us (Just "i8") -> I8 (Just "u8") -> U8 (Just "i16") -> I16 (Just "u16") -> U16 (Just "i32") -> I32 (Just "u32") -> U32 (Just "i64") -> I64 (Just "u64") -> U64 (Just "i128") -> I128 (Just "u128") -> U128 (Just "f32") -> F32 (Just "f64") -> F64 _ -> error "invalid literal" isTraitTyParamBound TraitTyParamBound{} = True isTraitTyParamBound _ = False -- | Parse a source file parseSourceFile :: P (SourceFile Span) parseSourceFile = do sh <- lexShebangLine (as,items) <- parseSourceFileContents pure (SourceFile sh as items) -- | Nudge the span endpoints of a 'Span' value nudge :: Int -> Int -> Span -> Span nudge leftSide rightSide (Span l r) = Span l' r' where l' = incPos l leftSide r' = incPos r rightSide -- Functions related to `NonEmpty` that really should already exist... -- | Append an element to a list to get a nonempty list (flipped version of '(:|)') (|:) :: [a] -> a -> NonEmpty a [] |: y = y :| [] (x:xs) |: y = x :| (xs ++ [y]) -- | Append an element to a nonempty list to get anothg nonempty list (flipped version of '(<|)') (|>) :: NonEmpty a -> a -> NonEmpty a (x:|xs) |> y = x :| (xs ++ [y]) }