{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Puppet.Daemon (initDaemon) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Exception.Lens import Control.Lens import qualified Data.Either.Strict as S import Data.FileCache import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Traversable (for) import Data.Tuple.Strict import qualified Data.Vector as V import Debug.Trace import Erb.Compute import Foreign.Ruby.Safe import Prelude import System.IO (stdout) import System.Log.Formatter as LOG import System.Log.Handler as LOG import System.Log.Handler.Simple as LOG import qualified System.Log.Logger as LOG import Hiera.Server import Puppet.Interpreter import Puppet.Interpreter.IO import Puppet.Interpreter.Types import Puppet.Lens (_PrettyError) import Puppet.Manifests import Puppet.OptionalTests import Puppet.Parser import Puppet.Parser.Types import Puppet.Plugins import Puppet.PP import Puppet.Preferences import Puppet.Stats import Puppet.Utils {-| This is a high level function, that will initialize the parsing and interpretation infrastructure from the 'Preferences', and will return 'DaemonMethods'. From there, you have access to 'getCatalog', a function that take a node name, and the 'Facts' to return the result of the catalog computation. 'DaemonMethods' also returns a few IO functions that can be used to query for statistics (see "Puppet.Stats"). It will internaly initialize a thread for the LUA interpreter, and a thread for the Ruby one. It should cache the AST of every .pp file, and could use a bit of memory. As a comparison, it fits in 60 MB with the author's manifests, but really breathes when given 300 MB of heap space. In this configuration, even if it spawns a ruby process for every template evaluation, it is way faster than the puppet stack. It can optionnaly talk with PuppetDB, by setting an URL via the 'prefPDB'. The recommended way to set it to http://localhost:8080 and set a SSH tunnel : > ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 puppet.host Canveats : * It might be buggy when top level statements that are not class\/define\/nodes are altered, or when files loaded with require are changed. * The catalog is not computed exactly the same way Puppet does. Some good practices are enforced, particularly in strict mode. For instance, unknown variables are always an error. Querying a dictionary with a non existent key returns undef in puppet, whereas it would throw an error in strict mode. -} initDaemon :: Preferences IO -> IO DaemonMethods initDaemon prefs = do setupConsoleLogger logDebug "initDaemon" traceEventIO "initDaemon" templateStats <- newStats parserStats <- newStats catalogStats <- newStats pfilecache <- newFileCache intr <- startRubyInterpreter hquery <- case prefs ^. hieraPath of Just p -> either error id <$> startHiera p Nothing -> return dummyHiera luacontainer <- initLuaMaster (T.pack (prefs ^. puppetPaths.modulesPath)) let myprefs = prefs & prefExtFuncs %~ HM.union luacontainer getStatements = parseFunction myprefs pfilecache parserStats getTemplate <- initTemplateDaemon intr myprefs templateStats return (DaemonMethods (gCatalog myprefs getStatements getTemplate catalogStats hquery) parserStats catalogStats templateStats) gCatalog :: Preferences IO -> ( TopLevelType -> T.Text -> IO (S.Either PrettyError Statement) ) -> (Either T.Text T.Text -> InterpreterState -> InterpreterReader IO -> IO (S.Either PrettyError T.Text)) -> MStats -> HieraQueryFunc IO -> Nodename -> Facts -> IO (S.Either PrettyError (FinalCatalog, EdgeMap, FinalCatalog, [Resource])) gCatalog prefs getStatements getTemplate stats hquery ndename facts = do logDebug ("Received query for node " <> ndename) traceEventIO ("START gCatalog " <> T.unpack ndename) let catalogComputation = getCatalog (InterpreterReader (prefs ^. natTypes) getStatements getTemplate (prefs ^. prefPDB) (prefs ^. prefExtFuncs) ndename hquery defaultImpureMethods (prefs ^. ignoredmodules) (prefs ^. externalmodules) (prefs ^. strictness == Strict) (prefs ^. puppetPaths) ) ndename facts (prefs^.puppetSettings) (stmts :!: warnings) <- measure stats ndename catalogComputation mapM_ (\(p :!: m) -> LOG.logM loggerName p (displayS (renderCompact (ttext ndename <> ":" <+> m)) "")) warnings traceEventIO ("STOP gCatalog " <> T.unpack ndename) if prefs ^. extraTests then runOptionalTests stmts else return stmts where runOptionalTests stm = case stm^?S._Right._1 of Nothing -> return stm (Just c) -> catching _PrettyError (do {testCatalog prefs c; return stm}) (return . S.Left) parseFunction :: Preferences IO -> FileCache (V.Vector Statement) -> MStats -> TopLevelType -> T.Text -> IO (S.Either PrettyError Statement) parseFunction prefs filecache stats topleveltype toplevelname = case compileFileList prefs topleveltype toplevelname of S.Left rr -> return (S.Left rr) S.Right fname -> do let sfname = T.unpack fname handleFailure :: SomeException -> IO (S.Either String (V.Vector Statement)) handleFailure e = return (S.Left (show e)) x <- measure stats fname (query filecache sfname (parseFile sfname `catch` handleFailure)) case x of S.Right stmts -> filterStatements topleveltype toplevelname stmts S.Left rr -> return (S.Left (PrettyError (red (text rr)))) -- TODO this is wrong, see -- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_namespaces.html#behavior compileFileList :: Preferences IO -> TopLevelType -> T.Text -> S.Either PrettyError T.Text compileFileList prefs TopNode _ = S.Right (T.pack (prefs ^. puppetPaths.manifestPath) <> "/site.pp") compileFileList prefs _ name = moduleInfo where moduleInfo | length nameparts == 1 = S.Right (mpath <> "/" <> name <> "/manifests/init.pp") | null nameparts = S.Left "no name parts, error in compilefilelist" | otherwise = S.Right (mpath <> "/" <> head nameparts <> "/manifests/" <> T.intercalate "/" (tail nameparts) <> ".pp") mpath = T.pack (prefs ^. puppetPaths.modulesPath) nameparts = T.splitOn "::" name parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (S.Either String (V.Vector Statement)) parseFile fname = do traceEventIO ("START parsing " ++ fname) cnt <- T.readFile fname o <- case runPParser puppetParser fname cnt of Right r -> traceEventIO ("Stopped parsing " ++ fname) >> return (S.Right r) Left rr -> traceEventIO ("Stopped parsing " ++ fname ++ " (failure: " ++ show rr ++ ")") >> return (S.Left (show rr)) traceEventIO ("STOP parsing " ++ fname) return o -- Some utils func internal to this module loggerName :: String loggerName = "Puppet.Daemon" logDebug :: T.Text -> IO () logDebug = LOG.debugM loggerName . T.unpack setupConsoleLogger :: IO () setupConsoleLogger = do hs <- for [LOG.DEBUG, LOG.INFO, LOG.NOTICE, LOG.WARNING] consoleLogHandler LOG.updateGlobalLogger LOG.rootLoggerName $ LOG.setHandlers hs where consoleLogHandler p = LOG.setFormatter <$> LOG.streamHandler stdout p <*> pure (LOG.simpleLogFormatter "$prio: $msg")