-- | This is a set of pure helpers for evaluation the 'InterpreterMonad' -- function that can be found in "Puppet.Interpreter" and -- "Puppet.Interpreter.Resolve". They are used to power some prisms from -- "Puppet.Lens". -- -- > > dummyEval (resolveExpression (Addition "1" "2")) -- > Right (PString "3") module Puppet.Interpreter.Pure where import Puppet.PP import Puppet.Parser.Types import Puppet.Interpreter.Types import Puppet.Interpreter.IO import Puppet.NativeTypes import Erb.Parser import Erb.Evaluate import PuppetDB.Dummy import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Control.Monad.Identity import qualified Data.Either.Strict as S import qualified Data.Maybe.Strict as S import Data.Tuple.Strict import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Text as T import Control.Lens -- | Worst name ever, this is a set of pure stub for the 'ImpureMethods' -- type. impurePure :: ImpureMethods Identity impurePure = ImpureMethods (return []) (const (return (Left "Can't read file"))) (\_ -> return ()) (\_ _ _ -> return (Left "Can't call lua")) -- | A pure 'InterpreterReader', that can only evaluate a subset of the -- templates, and that can include only the supplied top level statements. pureReader :: HM.HashMap (TopLevelType, T.Text) Statement -- ^ A top-level statement map -> InterpreterReader Identity pureReader sttmap = InterpreterReader baseNativeTypes getstatementdummy templatedummy dummyPuppetDB mempty "dummy" hieradummy impurePure where templatedummy (Right _) _ _ = return (S.Left "Can't interpret files") templatedummy (Left cnt) ctx scope = return $ case parseErbString (T.unpack cnt) of Left rr -> S.Left (PrettyError (text (show rr))) Right stmts -> case rubyEvaluate scope ctx stmts of Right x -> S.Right x Left rr -> S.Left (PrettyError rr) hieradummy _ _ _ = return (S.Right (mempty :!: S.Nothing)) getstatementdummy tlt n = return $ case HM.lookup (tlt,n) sttmap of Just x -> S.Right x Nothing -> S.Left "Can't get statement" -- | Evaluates an interpreter expression in a pure context. pureEval :: Facts -- ^ A list of facts that will be used during evaluation -> HM.HashMap (TopLevelType, T.Text) Statement -- ^ A top-level map -> InterpreterMonad a -- ^ The action to evaluate -> (Either PrettyError a, InterpreterState, InterpreterWriter) pureEval facts sttmap action = runIdentity (interpretMonad (pureReader sttmap) startingState action) where startingState = initialState facts -- | A bunch of facts that can be used for pure evaluation. dummyFacts :: Facts dummyFacts = HM.fromList $ [ ("architecture", "amd64") , ("augeasversion", "0.10.0") , ("bios_release_date", "07/06/2010") , ("bios_vendor", "Dell Inc.") , ("bios_version", "2.2.0") , ("boardmanufacturer", "Dell Inc.") , ("domain", "dummy.domain") , ("facterversion", "1.7.5") , ("filesystems", "ext2,ext3,ext4,vfat") , ("fqdn", "dummy.dummy.domain") , ("hardwareisa", "x86_64") , ("hardwaremodel", "x86_64") , ("hostname", "dummy") , ("id", "root") , ("interfaces", "eth0,lo") , ("ipaddress", "") , ("ipaddress_eth0", "") , ("ipaddress_lo", "") , ("is_virtual", "false") , ("kernel", "Linux") , ("kernelmajversion", "3.8") , ("kernelrelease", "3.8.0-37-generic") , ("kernelversion", "3.8.0") , ("lsbdistcodename", "precise") , ("lsbdistdescription", "Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS") , ("lsbdistid", "Ubuntu") , ("lsbdistrelease", "12.04") , ("lsbmajdistrelease", "12") , ("macaddress", "a5:cb:10:b0:9a:4b") , ("macaddress_eth0", "72:53:10:c1:eb:70") , ("manufacturer", "Dell Inc.") , ("memoryfree", "12.57 GB") , ("memoryfree_mb", "12869.89") , ("memorysize", "15.63 GB") , ("memorysize_mb", "16009.07") , ("memorytotal", "15.63 GB") , ("mtu_eth0", "1500") , ("mtu_lo", "65536") , ("netmask", "") , ("netmask_eth0", "") , ("netmask_lo", "") , ("network_eth0", "") , ("network_lo", "") , ("operatingsystem", "Ubuntu") , ("operatingsystemrelease", "12.04") , ("osfamily", "Debian") , ("path", "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin") , ("physicalprocessorcount", "1") , ("processor0", "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz") , ("processor1", "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz") , ("processor2", "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz") , ("processor3", "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz") , ("processor4", "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz") , ("processor5", "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz") , ("processor6", "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz") , ("processor7", "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz") , ("processorcount", "8") , ("productname", "Vostro 430") , ("ps", "ps -ef") , ("puppetversion", "3.4.3") , ("rubysitedir", "/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8") , ("rubyversion", "1.8.7") , ("selinux", "false") , ("serialnumber", "9L3FW4J") , ("swapfree", "15.96 GB") , ("swapfree_mb", "16340.00") , ("swapsize", "15.96 GB") , ("swapsize_mb", "16340.00") , ("timezone", "CEST") , ("type", "Desktop") , ("uniqueid", "007f0101") , ("uptime", "5:48 hours") , ("uptime_days", "0") , ("uptime_hours", "5") , ("uptime_seconds", "20932") , ("uuid", "97b75940-be55-11e3-b1b6-0800200c9a66") , ("virtual", "physical") ] -- | A default evaluation function for arbitrary interpreter actions. dummyEval :: InterpreterMonad a -> Either PrettyError a dummyEval action = pureEval dummyFacts mempty action ^. _1