language-ninja-0.2.0: A library for dealing with the Ninja build language.

CopyrightCopyright 2011-2017 Neil Mitchell
Safe HaskellNone




Parse a Ninja file.



parseFileIO :: Path -> IO (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the file at the given path into a Ninja. This function may throw an exception if parsing fails.

parseTextIO :: Text -> IO (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given Text into a Ninja. This function may throw an exception if parsing fails.

parseBSIO :: ByteString -> IO (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given ByteString into a Ninja. This function may throw an exception if parsing fails.

parseLexemesIO :: [Lexeme Ann] -> IO (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given list of Lexemes into a Ninja. This function may throw an exception if parsing fails.


parseFile :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadReadFile m) => Path -> m (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the file at the given path into a Ninja.

parseText :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadReadFile m) => Text -> m (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given Text into a Ninja.

parseBS :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadReadFile m) => ByteString -> m (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given ByteString into a Ninja.

parseLexemes :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadReadFile m) => [Lexeme Ann] -> m (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given list of Lexemes into a Ninja.


parseFileWithEnv :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadReadFile m) => Path -> Env Text Text -> m (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the file at the given path using the given Ninja variable context, resulting in a Ninja.

parseTextWithEnv :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadReadFile m) => Text -> Env Text Text -> m (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given Text using the given Ninja variable context, resulting in a Ninja.

parseBSWithEnv :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadReadFile m) => ByteString -> Env Text Text -> m (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given ByteString using the given Ninja variable context, resulting in a Ninja.

parseLexemesWithEnv :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadReadFile m) => [Lexeme Ann] -> Env Text Text -> m (Ninja Ann) Source 0.1.0#

Parse the given list of Lexemes into a Ninja.