{ module Language.JavaScript.Parser.Grammar5 ( parseProgram , parseLiteral , parsePrimaryExpression , parseStatement ) where import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError) import Data.Char import Language.JavaScript.Parser.Lexer import Language.JavaScript.Parser.ParserMonad import Language.JavaScript.Parser.SrcLocation import qualified Language.JavaScript.Parser.AST as AST } -- The name of the generated function to be exported from the module %name parseProgram Program %name parseLiteral Literal %name parsePrimaryExpression PrimaryExpression %name parseStatement Statement %tokentype { Token } %error { parseError } %monad { P } { thenP } { returnP } %lexer { lexCont } { EOFToken {} } %token ';' { SemiColonToken {} } ',' { CommaToken {} } '?' { HookToken {} } ':' { ColonToken {} } '||' { OrToken {} } '&&' { AndToken {} } '|' { BitwiseOrToken {} } '^' { BitwiseXorToken {} } '&' { BitwiseAndToken {} } '===' { StrictEqToken {} } '==' { EqToken {} } '=' { SimpleAssignToken {} } '!==' { StrictNeToken {} } '!=' { NeToken {} } '<<' { LshToken {} } '<=' { LeToken {} } '<' { LtToken {} } '>>>' { UrshToken {} } '>>' { RshToken {} } '>=' { GeToken {} } '>' { GtToken {} } '++' { IncrementToken {} } '--' { DecrementToken {} } '+' { PlusToken {} } '-' { MinusToken {} } '*' { MulToken {} } '/' { DivToken {} } '%' { ModToken {} } '!' { NotToken {} } '~' { BitwiseNotToken {} } '.' { DotToken {} } '[' { LeftBracketToken {} } ']' { RightBracketToken {} } '{' { LeftCurlyToken {} } '}' { RightCurlyToken {} } '(' { LeftParenToken {} } ')' { RightParenToken {} } '@*/' { CondcommentEndToken {} } 'break' { BreakToken {} } 'case' { CaseToken {} } 'catch' { CatchToken {} } 'const' { ConstToken {} } 'continue' { ContinueToken {} } 'debugger' { DebuggerToken {} } 'default' { DefaultToken {} } 'delete' { DeleteToken {} } 'do' { DoToken {} } 'else' { ElseToken {} } 'enum' { EnumToken {} } 'false' { FalseToken {} } 'finally' { FinallyToken {} } 'for' { ForToken {} } 'function' { FunctionToken {} } 'get' { GetToken {} } 'if' { IfToken {} } 'in' { InToken {} } 'instanceof' { InstanceofToken {} } 'new' { NewToken {} } 'null' { NullToken {} } 'return' { ReturnToken {} } 'set' { SetToken {} } 'switch' { SwitchToken {} } 'this' { ThisToken {} } 'throw' { ThrowToken {} } 'true' { TrueToken {} } 'try' { TryToken {} } 'typeof' { TypeofToken {} } 'var' { VarToken {} } 'void' { VoidToken {} } 'while' { WhileToken {} } 'with' { WithToken {} } 'ident' { IdentifierToken {} } 'decimal' { DecimalToken {} } 'hexinteger' { HexIntegerToken {} } 'string' { StringToken {} } 'regex' { RegExToken {} } 'assign' { AssignToken {} } 'future' { FutureToken {} } %% -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Start of GOLD Grammar for Javascript, used as a base -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "Name" = 'JavaScript Grammar' -- "Author" = 'M.Schnoor-Matriciani' -- "Version" = '0.9' -- "About" = 'JavaScript Grammar, Subset of ECMA Edition 3' -- "Start Symbol" = -- "Case Sensitive" = 'True' -- ! ------------------------------------------------- Sets -- {ID Head} = {Letter} + [_] + [$] -- {ID Tail} = {Alphanumeric} + [_] + [$] -- {String Chars1} = {Printable} + {HT} - ["\] -- {String Chars2} = {Printable} + {HT} - [\''] -- {Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [ABCDEF] + [abcdef] -- {RegExp Chars} = {Letter}+{Digit}+['^']+['$']+['*']+['+']+['?']+['{']+['}']+['|']+['-']+['.']+[',']+['#']+['[']+[']']+['_']+['<']+['>'] -- {Non Terminator} = {String Chars1} - {CR} - {LF} -- {Non Zero Digits}={Digit}-[0] -- ! ------------------------------------------------- Terminals -- Identifier = {ID Head}{ID Tail}* -- StringLiteral = '"' ( {String Chars1} | '\' {Printable} )* '"' | '' ( {String Chars2} | '\' {Printable} )* '' -- HexIntegerLiteral = '0x' {Hex Digit}+ -- RegExp = '/' ({RegExp Chars} | '\' {Non Terminator})+ '/' ( 'g' | 'i' | 'm' )* -- DecimalLiteral= {Non Zero Digits}+ '.' {Digit}* ('e' | 'E' ) {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* | {Non Zero Digits}+ '.' {Digit}* | '0' '.' {Digit}+ ('e' | 'E' ) {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* | {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* | '0' | '0' '.' {Digit}+ -- Comment Start = '/*' -- Comment End = '*/' -- Comment Line = '//' -- ! ------------------------------------------------- Rules -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sort out automatically inserted semi-colons AutoSemi :: { AST.JSNode } AutoSemi : ';' { AST.JSLiteral ";"} | { AST.JSLiteral ""} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Literal :: See 7.8 -- NullLiteral -- BooleanLiteral -- NumericLiteral -- StringLiteral Literal :: { AST.JSNode } Literal : NullLiteral {$1} | BooleanLiteral {$1} | NumericLiteral {$1} | StringLiteral {$1} | RegularExpressionLiteral {$1} NullLiteral :: { AST.JSNode } NullLiteral : 'null' { AST.JSLiteral "null" } BooleanLiteral :: { AST.JSNode } BooleanLiteral : 'true' { AST.JSLiteral "true" } | 'false' { AST.JSLiteral "false" } -- ::= DecimalLiteral -- | HexIntegerLiteral NumericLiteral :: { AST.JSNode } NumericLiteral : 'decimal' { AST.JSDecimal (token_literal $1)} | 'hexinteger' { AST.JSHexInteger (token_literal $1)} StringLiteral :: { AST.JSNode } StringLiteral : 'string' {AST.JSStringLiteral (token_delimiter $1) (token_literal $1)} -- ::= RegExp RegularExpressionLiteral :: { AST.JSNode } RegularExpressionLiteral : 'regex' {AST.JSRegEx (token_literal $1)} -- PrimaryExpression : See 11.1 -- this -- Identifier -- Literal -- ArrayLiteral -- ObjectLiteral -- ( Expression ) PrimaryExpression :: { AST.JSNode } PrimaryExpression : 'this' { AST.JSLiteral "this" } | Identifier { $1 {- PrimaryExpression1 -}} | Literal { $1 {- PrimaryExpression2 -}} | ArrayLiteral { $1 {- PrimaryExpression3 -}} | ObjectLiteral { $1 {- PrimaryExpression4 -}} | '(' Expression ')' { AST.JSExpressionParen $2 } -- Identifier :: See 7.6 -- IdentifierName but not ReservedWord -- IdentifierName :: See 7.6 -- IdentifierStart -- IdentifierName IdentifierPart Identifier :: { AST.JSNode } Identifier : 'ident' { AST.JSIdentifier (token_literal $1) } | 'get' { AST.JSIdentifier "get" } | 'set' { AST.JSIdentifier "set" } -- TODO: make this include any reserved word too, including future ones IdentifierName :: { AST.JSNode } IdentifierName : Identifier {$1} | 'break' { AST.JSIdentifier "break" } | 'case' { AST.JSIdentifier "case" } | 'catch' { AST.JSIdentifier "catch" } | 'const' { AST.JSIdentifier "const" } | 'continue' { AST.JSIdentifier "continue" } | 'debugger' { AST.JSIdentifier "debugger" } | 'default' { AST.JSIdentifier "default" } | 'delete' { AST.JSIdentifier "delete" } | 'do' { AST.JSIdentifier "do" } | 'else' { AST.JSIdentifier "else" } | 'enum' { AST.JSIdentifier "enum" } | 'false' { AST.JSIdentifier "false" } | 'finally' { AST.JSIdentifier "finally" } | 'for' { AST.JSIdentifier "for" } | 'function' { AST.JSIdentifier "function" } | 'get' { AST.JSIdentifier "get" } | 'if' { AST.JSIdentifier "if" } | 'in' { AST.JSIdentifier "in" } | 'instanceof' { AST.JSIdentifier "instanceof" } | 'new' { AST.JSIdentifier "new" } | 'null' { AST.JSIdentifier "null" } | 'return' { AST.JSIdentifier "return" } | 'set' { AST.JSIdentifier "set" } | 'switch' { AST.JSIdentifier "switch" } | 'this' { AST.JSIdentifier "this" } | 'throw' { AST.JSIdentifier "throw" } | 'true' { AST.JSIdentifier "true" } | 'try' { AST.JSIdentifier "try" } | 'typeof' { AST.JSIdentifier "typeof" } | 'var' { AST.JSIdentifier "var" } | 'void' { AST.JSIdentifier "void" } | 'while' { AST.JSIdentifier "while" } | 'with' { AST.JSIdentifier "with" } | 'future' { AST.JSIdentifier (token_literal $1) } -- ArrayLiteral : See 11.1.4 -- [ Elisionopt ] -- [ ElementList ] -- [ ElementList , Elisionopt ] ArrayLiteral :: { AST.JSNode } ArrayLiteral : '[' ']' { AST.JSArrayLiteral [] } | '[' Elision ']' { AST.JSArrayLiteral $2 } | '[' ElementList ']' { AST.JSArrayLiteral $2 } | '[' ElementList ',' Elision ']' { AST.JSArrayLiteral ($2++$4) } | '[' ElementList ',' ']' { AST.JSArrayLiteral ($2++[AST.JSLiteral ","]) } -- ElementList : See 11.1.4 -- Elisionopt AssignmentExpression -- ElementList , Elisionopt AssignmentExpression ElementList :: { [AST.JSNode] } ElementList : Elision AssignmentExpression { ($1++$2) {- ElementList -}} | AssignmentExpression { $1 {- ElementList -}} | ElementList ',' Elision AssignmentExpression { ($1++[(AST.JSElision [])]++$3++$4) {- ElementList -}} | ElementList ',' AssignmentExpression { ($1++[(AST.JSElision [])]++$3) {- ElementList -}} -- Elision : See 11.1.4 -- , -- Elision , Elision :: { [AST.JSNode] } Elision : ',' { [(AST.JSElision [])] } | Elision ',' { $1 ++ [(AST.JSElision [])] } -- ObjectLiteral : See 11.1.5 -- { } -- { PropertyNameAndValueList } -- { PropertyNameAndValueList , } ObjectLiteral :: { AST.JSNode } ObjectLiteral : '{' '}' { AST.JSObjectLiteral [] } | '{' PropertyNameandValueList '}' { AST.JSObjectLiteral $2 } | '{' PropertyNameandValueList ',' '}' { AST.JSObjectLiteral ($2++[AST.JSLiteral ","]) } -- ::= ':' -- | ',' ':' -- Seems we can have function declarations in the value part too -- PropertyNameAndValueList : See 11.1.5 -- PropertyAssignment -- PropertyNameAndValueList , PropertyAssignment PropertyNameandValueList :: { [ AST.JSNode ] } PropertyNameandValueList : PropertyAssignment { [$1] {- PropertyNameandValueList1 -} } | PropertyNameandValueList ',' PropertyAssignment { ($1 ++ [$3]) {- PropertyNameandValueList2 -} } -- PropertyAssignment : See 11.1.5 -- PropertyName : AssignmentExpression -- get PropertyName() { FunctionBody } -- set PropertyName( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } -- TODO: not clear if get/set are keywords, or just used in a specific context. Puzzling. PropertyAssignment :: { AST.JSNode } PropertyAssignment : PropertyName ':' AssignmentExpression { (AST.JSPropertyNameandValue $1 $3) } -- Should be "get" in next, but is not a Token | 'get' PropertyName '(' ')' '{' FunctionBody '}' { (AST.JSPropertyAccessor "get" $2 [] $6) } -- Should be "set" in next, but is not a Token | 'set' PropertyName '(' PropertySetParameterList ')' '{' FunctionBody '}' { (AST.JSPropertyAccessor "set" $2 [$4] $7) } -- PropertyName : See 11.1.5 -- IdentifierName -- StringLiteral -- NumericLiteral PropertyName :: { AST.JSNode } PropertyName : IdentifierName { $1 {- PropertyName1 -}} | StringLiteral { $1 {- PropertyName2 -}} | NumericLiteral { $1 {- PropertyName3 -}} -- PropertySetParameterList : See 11.1.5 -- Identifier PropertySetParameterList :: { AST.JSNode } PropertySetParameterList : Identifier { $1 {- PropertySetParameterList -}} -- MemberExpression : See 11.2 -- PrimaryExpression -- FunctionExpression -- MemberExpression [ Expression ] -- MemberExpression . IdentifierName -- new MemberExpression Arguments MemberExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } MemberExpression : PrimaryExpression { [$1] {- MemberExpression -}} | FunctionExpression { [$1] {- MemberExpression -}} | MemberExpression '[' Expression ']' { [AST.JSMemberSquare $1 $3] } | MemberExpression '.' IdentifierName { [AST.JSMemberDot $1 $3] } | 'new' MemberExpression Arguments { (((AST.JSLiteral "new "):$2)++[$3])} -- MARK -- -- NewExpression : See 11.2 -- MemberExpression -- new NewExpression NewExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } NewExpression : MemberExpression {$1 {- NewExpression -}} | 'new' NewExpression { (AST.JSLiteral "new "):$2 } -- CallExpression : See 11.2 -- MemberExpression Arguments -- CallExpression Arguments -- CallExpression [ Expression ] -- CallExpression . IdentifierName CallExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } CallExpression : MemberExpression Arguments { $1++[$2] {- CallExpression -} } | CallExpression Arguments { ($1++[(AST.JSCallExpression "()" [$2])]) } | CallExpression '[' Expression ']' { ($1++[(AST.JSCallExpression "[]" [$3])]) } | CallExpression '.' IdentifierName { ($1++[(AST.JSCallExpression "." [$3])]) } -- Arguments : See 11.2 -- () -- ( ArgumentList ) Arguments :: { AST.JSNode } Arguments : '(' ')' { (AST.JSArguments []) } | '(' ArgumentList ')' { (AST.JSArguments $2) } -- ArgumentList : See 11.2 -- AssignmentExpression -- ArgumentList , AssignmentExpression ArgumentList :: { [[AST.JSNode]] } ArgumentList : AssignmentExpression { [$1] {- ArgumentList -}} | ArgumentList ',' AssignmentExpression { $1++[$3] {- ArgumentList2 -} } -- LeftHandSideExpression : See 11.2 -- NewExpression -- CallExpression LeftHandSideExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } LeftHandSideExpression : NewExpression { $1 {- LeftHandSideExpression1 -}} | CallExpression { $1 {- LeftHandSideExpression12 -}} -- PostfixExpression : See 11.3 -- LeftHandSideExpression -- [no LineTerminator here] -- LeftHandSideExpression ++ -- [no LineTerminator here] -- LeftHandSideExpression -- PostfixExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } PostfixExpression : LeftHandSideExpression { $1 {- PostfixExpression -} } | PostfixExpression '++' {[(AST.JSExpressionPostfix "++" $1)]} | PostfixExpression '--' {[(AST.JSExpressionPostfix "--" $1)]} -- UnaryExpression : See 11.4 -- PostfixExpression -- delete UnaryExpression -- void UnaryExpression -- typeof UnaryExpression -- ++ UnaryExpression -- -- UnaryExpression -- + UnaryExpression -- - UnaryExpression -- ~ UnaryExpression -- ! UnaryExpression UnaryExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } UnaryExpression : PostfixExpression { $1 {- UnaryExpression -} } | 'delete' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "delete "):$2)} | 'void' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "void "):$2)} | 'typeof' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "typeof "):$2)} | '++' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "++"):$2) } | '--' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "--"):$2)} | '+' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "+"):$2)} | '-' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "-"):$2)} | '~' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "~"):$2)} | '!' UnaryExpression { ((AST.JSUnary "!"):$2)} -- MultiplicativeExpression : See 11.5 -- UnaryExpression -- MultiplicativeExpression * UnaryExpression -- MultiplicativeExpression / UnaryExpression -- MultiplicativeExpression % UnaryExpression MultiplicativeExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } MultiplicativeExpression : UnaryExpression { $1 {- MultiplicativeExpression -}} | MultiplicativeExpression '*' UnaryExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "*" $1 $3)]} | MultiplicativeExpression '/' UnaryExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "/" $1 $3)]} | MultiplicativeExpression '%' UnaryExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "%" $1 $3)]} -- AdditiveExpression : See 11.6 -- MultiplicativeExpression -- AdditiveExpression + MultiplicativeExpression -- AdditiveExpression - MultiplicativeExpression AdditiveExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } AdditiveExpression : AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "+" $1 $3)]} | AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "-" $1 $3)]} | MultiplicativeExpression { $1 {- (goRegExp $1)-} {- AdditiveExpression -} } -- ShiftExpression : See 11.7 -- AdditiveExpression -- ShiftExpression << AdditiveExpression -- ShiftExpression >> AdditiveExpression -- ShiftExpression >>> AdditiveExpression ShiftExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } ShiftExpression : ShiftExpression '<<' AdditiveExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "<<" $1 $3)]} | ShiftExpression '>>' AdditiveExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary ">>" $1 $3)]} | ShiftExpression '>>>' AdditiveExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary ">>>" $1 $3)]} | AdditiveExpression { $1 {- ShiftExpression -}} -- RelationalExpression : See 11.8 -- ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpression < ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpression > ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpression <= ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpression >= ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpression instanceof ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpression in ShiftExpression RelationalExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } RelationalExpression : ShiftExpression { $1 {- RelationalExpression -}} | RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "<" $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary ">" $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpression '<=' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "<=" $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpression '>=' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary ">=" $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpression 'instanceof' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary " instanceof " $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpression 'in' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary " in " $1 $3)]} -- RelationalExpressionNoIn : See 11.8 -- ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpressionNoIn < ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpressionNoIn > ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpressionNoIn <= ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpressionNoIn >= ShiftExpression -- RelationalExpressionNoIn instanceof ShiftExpression RelationalExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } RelationalExpressionNoIn : ShiftExpression { $1 {- RelationalExpressionNoIn -}} | RelationalExpressionNoIn '<' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "<" $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpressionNoIn '>' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary ">" $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpressionNoIn '<=' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "<=" $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpressionNoIn '>=' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary ">=" $1 $3)]} | RelationalExpressionNoIn 'instanceof' ShiftExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary " instanceof " $1 $3)]} -- EqualityExpression : See 11.9 -- RelationalExpression -- EqualityExpression == RelationalExpression -- EqualityExpression != RelationalExpression -- EqualityExpression === RelationalExpression -- EqualityExpression !== RelationalExpression EqualityExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } EqualityExpression : RelationalExpression { $1 {- EqualityExpression -} } | EqualityExpression '==' RelationalExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "==" $1 $3)]} | EqualityExpression '!=' RelationalExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "!=" $1 $3)]} | EqualityExpression '===' RelationalExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "===" $1 $3)]} | EqualityExpression '!==' RelationalExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "!==" $1 $3)]} -- EqualityExpressionNoIn : See 11.9 -- RelationalExpressionNoIn -- EqualityExpressionNoIn == RelationalExpressionNoIn -- EqualityExpressionNoIn != RelationalExpressionNoIn -- EqualityExpressionNoIn === RelationalExpressionNoIn -- EqualityExpressionNoIn !== RelationalExpressionNoIn EqualityExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } EqualityExpressionNoIn : RelationalExpressionNoIn { $1 {- EqualityExpressionNoIn -} } | EqualityExpressionNoIn '==' RelationalExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "==" $1 $3)]} | EqualityExpressionNoIn '!=' RelationalExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "!=" $1 $3)]} | EqualityExpressionNoIn '===' RelationalExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "===" $1 $3)]} | EqualityExpressionNoIn '!==' RelationalExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "!==" $1 $3)]} -- BitwiseANDExpression : See 11.10 -- EqualityExpression -- BitwiseANDExpression & EqualityExpression BitwiseAndExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } BitwiseAndExpression : EqualityExpression { $1 {- BitwiseAndExpression -} } | BitwiseAndExpression '&' EqualityExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "&" $1 $3)]} -- BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn : See 11.10 -- EqualityExpressionNoIn -- BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn & EqualityExpressionNoIn BitwiseAndExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } BitwiseAndExpressionNoIn : EqualityExpressionNoIn { $1 {- BitwiseAndExpression -} } | BitwiseAndExpressionNoIn '&' EqualityExpressionNoIn { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "&" $1 $3)]} -- BitwiseXORExpression : See 11.10 -- BitwiseANDExpression -- BitwiseXORExpression ^ BitwiseANDExpression BitwiseXOrExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } BitwiseXOrExpression : BitwiseAndExpression { $1 {- BitwiseXOrExpression -} } | BitwiseXOrExpression '^' BitwiseAndExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "^" $1 $3)]} -- BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn : See 11.10 -- BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn -- BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn ^ BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn BitwiseXOrExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } BitwiseXOrExpressionNoIn : BitwiseAndExpressionNoIn { $1 {- BitwiseXOrExpression -} } | BitwiseXOrExpressionNoIn '^' BitwiseAndExpressionNoIn { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "^" $1 $3)]} -- BitwiseORExpression : See 11.10 -- BitwiseXORExpression -- BitwiseORExpression | BitwiseXORExpression BitwiseOrExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } BitwiseOrExpression : BitwiseXOrExpression { $1 {- BitwiseOrExpression -} } | BitwiseOrExpression '|' BitwiseXOrExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "|" $1 $3)]} -- BitwiseORExpressionNoIn : See 11.10 -- BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn -- BitwiseORExpressionNoIn | BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn BitwiseOrExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } BitwiseOrExpressionNoIn : BitwiseXOrExpressionNoIn { $1 {- BitwiseOrExpression -} } | BitwiseOrExpressionNoIn '|' BitwiseXOrExpressionNoIn { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "|" $1 $3)]} -- LogicalANDExpression : See 11.11 -- BitwiseORExpression -- LogicalANDExpression && BitwiseORExpression LogicalAndExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } LogicalAndExpression : BitwiseOrExpression { $1 {- LogicalAndExpression -} } | LogicalAndExpression '&&' BitwiseOrExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "&&" $1 $3)]} -- LogicalANDExpressionNoIn : See 11.11 -- BitwiseORExpressionNoIn -- LogicalANDExpressionNoIn && BitwiseORExpressionNoIn LogicalAndExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } LogicalAndExpressionNoIn : BitwiseOrExpressionNoIn { $1 {- LogicalAndExpression -} } | LogicalAndExpressionNoIn '&&' BitwiseOrExpressionNoIn { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "&&" $1 $3)]} -- LogicalORExpression : See 11.11 -- LogicalANDExpression -- LogicalORExpression || LogicalANDExpression LogicalOrExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } LogicalOrExpression : LogicalAndExpression { $1 {- LogicalOrExpression -} } | LogicalOrExpression '||' LogicalAndExpression { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "||" $1 $3)]} -- LogicalORExpressionNoIn : See 11.11 -- LogicalANDExpressionNoIn -- LogicalORExpressionNoIn || LogicalANDExpressionNoIn LogicalOrExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } LogicalOrExpressionNoIn : LogicalAndExpressionNoIn { $1 {- LogicalOrExpression -} } | LogicalOrExpressionNoIn '||' LogicalAndExpressionNoIn { [(AST.JSExpressionBinary "||" $1 $3)]} -- ConditionalExpression : See 11.12 -- LogicalORExpression -- LogicalORExpression ? AssignmentExpression : AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } ConditionalExpression : LogicalOrExpression { $1 {- ConditionalExpression -} } | LogicalOrExpression '?' AssignmentExpression ':' AssignmentExpression { [AST.JSExpressionTernary $1 $3 $5] } -- ConditionalExpressionNoIn : See 11.12 -- LogicalORExpressionNoIn -- LogicalORExpressionNoIn ? AssignmentExpressionNoIn : AssignmentExpressionNoIn ConditionalExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } ConditionalExpressionNoIn : LogicalOrExpressionNoIn { $1 {- ConditionalExpression -} } | LogicalOrExpressionNoIn '?' AssignmentExpressionNoIn ':' AssignmentExpressionNoIn { [AST.JSExpressionTernary $1 $3 $5] } -- AssignmentExpression : See 11.13 -- ConditionalExpression -- LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression AssignmentExpression :: { [AST.JSNode] } AssignmentExpression : ConditionalExpression { $1 {- AssignmentExpression -}} | LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression { ($1++[$2]++$3) } -- AssignmentExpressionNoIn : See 11.13 -- ConditionalExpressionNoIn -- LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpressionNoIn AssignmentExpressionNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } AssignmentExpressionNoIn : ConditionalExpressionNoIn { $1 {- AssignmentExpression -}} | LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpressionNoIn { ($1++[$2]++$3) } -- AssignmentOperator : one of See 11.13 -- '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' AssignmentOperator :: { AST.JSNode } AssignmentOperator : 'assign' { AST.JSOperator (token_literal $1) } | '=' { AST.JSOperator "=" } -- Expression : See 11.14 -- AssignmentExpression -- Expression , AssignmentExpression Expression :: { AST.JSNode } Expression : AssignmentExpression { AST.JSExpression $1 {- Expression -} } | Expression ',' AssignmentExpression { flattenExpression $1 $3 } -- ExpressionNoIn : See 11.14 -- AssignmentExpressionNoIn -- ExpressionNoIn , AssignmentExpressionNoIn ExpressionNoIn :: { AST.JSNode } ExpressionNoIn : AssignmentExpressionNoIn { AST.JSExpression $1 {- Expression -} } | ExpressionNoIn ',' AssignmentExpressionNoIn { flattenExpression $1 $3 } -- TODO: still required? ExpressionOpt :: { [AST.JSNode] } ExpressionOpt : Expression { [$1] {- ExpressionOpt -}} | { [] {- ExpressionOpt -}} ExpressionNoInOpt :: { [AST.JSNode] } ExpressionNoInOpt : ExpressionNoIn { [$1] {- ExpressionOpt -}} | { [] {- ExpressionOpt -}} -- Statement : See clause 12 -- Block -- VariableStatement -- EmptyStatement -- ExpressionStatement -- IfStatement -- IterationStatement -- ContinueStatement -- BreakStatement -- ReturnStatement -- WithStatement -- LabelledStatement -- SwitchStatement -- ThrowStatement -- TryStatement -- DebuggerStatement Statement :: { AST.JSNode } Statement : StatementNoEmpty { $1 {- Statement1 -}} | EmptyStatement { $1 {- Statement3 -}} StatementNoEmpty :: { AST.JSNode } StatementNoEmpty : StatementBlock { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty1 -}} | VariableStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty2 -}} -- | EmptyStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty3 -}} | ExpressionStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty4 -}} | IfStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty5 -}} | IterationStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty6 -}} | ContinueStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty7 -}} | BreakStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty8 -}} | ReturnStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty9 -}} | WithStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty10 -}} | LabelledStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty11 -}} | SwitchStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty12 -}} | ThrowStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty13 -}} | TryStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty14 -}} | DebuggerStatement { $1 {- StatementNoEmpty15 -}} StatementBlock :: { AST.JSNode } StatementBlock : '{' '}' { (AST.JSLiteral ";") } | '{' StatementList '}' { (if ($2 == AST.JSStatementList [AST.JSLiteral ";"]) then (AST.JSLiteral ";") else (AST.JSBlock $2)) } -- Block : See 12.1 -- { StatementListopt } Block :: { AST.JSNode } Block : '{' '}' { (AST.JSBlock (AST.JSStatementList [])) } | '{' StatementList '}' { (AST.JSBlock $2) } -- StatementList : See 12.1 -- Statement -- StatementList Statement StatementList :: { AST.JSNode } StatementList : Statement { (AST.JSStatementList [$1]) } | StatementList Statement { (combineStatements $1 $2) } -- VariableStatement : See 12.2 -- var VariableDeclarationList ; VariableStatement :: { AST.JSNode } VariableStatement : 'var' VariableDeclarationList AutoSemi { AST.JSVariables "var" $2 } | 'const' VariableDeclarationList AutoSemi { AST.JSVariables "const" $2 } -- VariableDeclarationList : See 12.2 -- VariableDeclaration -- VariableDeclarationList , VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList :: { [AST.JSNode] } VariableDeclarationList : VariableDeclaration { [$1] {- VariableDeclarationList -}} | VariableDeclarationList ',' VariableDeclaration { ($1 ++ [$3]) {- VariableDeclarationList -}} -- VariableDeclarationListNoIn : See 12.2 -- VariableDeclarationNoIn -- VariableDeclarationListNoIn , VariableDeclarationNoIn VariableDeclarationListNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } VariableDeclarationListNoIn : VariableDeclarationNoIn { [$1] {- VariableDeclarationList -}} | VariableDeclarationListNoIn ',' VariableDeclarationNoIn { ($1 ++ [$3]) {- VariableDeclarationList -}} -- VariableDeclaration : See 12.2 -- Identifier Initialiseropt VariableDeclaration :: { AST.JSNode } VariableDeclaration : Identifier { (AST.JSVarDecl $1 [])} | Identifier Initializer { (AST.JSVarDecl $1 $2)} -- VariableDeclarationNoIn : See 12.2 -- Identifier InitialiserNoInopt VariableDeclarationNoIn :: { AST.JSNode } VariableDeclarationNoIn : Identifier InitializerNoIn { (AST.JSVarDecl $1 $2) } | Identifier { (AST.JSVarDecl $1 []) } -- Initialiser : See 12.2 -- = AssignmentExpression Initializer :: { [AST.JSNode] } Initializer : '=' AssignmentExpression { $2 {- Initializer -} } -- InitialiserNoIn : See 12.2 -- = AssignmentExpressionNoIn InitializerNoIn :: { [AST.JSNode] } InitializerNoIn : '=' AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $2 {- InitializerNoIn -}} -- EmptyStatement : See 12.3 -- ; EmptyStatement :: { AST.JSNode } EmptyStatement : ';' { (AST.JSLiteral ";") } -- ExpressionStatement : See 12.4 -- [lookahead ∉ {{, function}] Expression ; -- TODO: Sort out lookahead issue. Maybe by just putting production lower to set reduce/reduce conflict -- According to http://sideshowbarker.github.com/es5-spec/#x12.4, the ambiguity is with -- Block or FunctionDeclaration ExpressionStatement :: { AST.JSNode } ExpressionStatement : Expression { $1 {- ExpressionStatement -} } -- IfStatement : See 12.5 -- if ( Expression ) Statement else Statement -- if ( Expression ) Statement IfStatement :: { AST.JSNode } IfStatement : 'if' '(' Expression ')' StatementSemi IfElseRest { (if ($6 /= []) then (if (length $6 == 1) then (AST.JSIfElse $3 $5 (head $6)) else (AST.JSIfElse $3 (AST.JSBlock (AST.JSStatementList [$5])) (last $6))) else (AST.JSIf $3 $5)) } IfElseRest :: { [AST.JSNode] } IfElseRest : 'else' Statement { [$2] } | { [] } StatementSemi :: { AST.JSNode } StatementSemi : StatementNoEmpty ';' { (AST.JSBlock (AST.JSStatementList [$1])) } | StatementNoEmpty { $1 {- StatementSemi -}} | ';' { AST.JSLiteral ";" } -- IterationStatement : See 12.6 -- do Statement while ( Expression ); -- while ( Expression ) Statement -- for (ExpressionNoInopt; Expressionopt ; Expressionopt ) Statement -- for ( var VariableDeclarationListNoIn; Expressionopt ; Expressionopt ) Statement -- for ( LeftHandSideExpression in Expression ) Statement -- for ( var VariableDeclarationNoIn in Expression ) Statement IterationStatement :: { AST.JSNode } IterationStatement : 'do' Statement 'while' '(' Expression ')' AutoSemi { (AST.JSDoWhile $2 $5 $7) } | 'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement { (AST.JSWhile $3 $5) } | 'for' '(' ExpressionNoInOpt ';' ExpressionOpt ';' ExpressionOpt ')' Statement { (AST.JSFor $3 $5 $7 $9) } | 'for' '(' 'var' VariableDeclarationListNoIn ';' ExpressionOpt ';' ExpressionOpt ')' Statement { (AST.JSForVar $4 $6 $8 $10) } | 'for' '(' LeftHandSideExpression 'in' Expression ')' Statement { (AST.JSForIn $3 $5 $7) } | 'for' '(' 'var' VariableDeclarationNoIn 'in' Expression ')' Statement { (AST.JSForVarIn $4 $6 $8) } -- ContinueStatement : See 12.7 -- continue [no LineTerminator here] Identifieropt ; -- TODO: deal with [no LineTerminator here] ContinueStatement :: { AST.JSNode } ContinueStatement : 'continue' AutoSemi { (AST.JSContinue [$2]) } | 'continue' Identifier AutoSemi { (AST.JSContinue [$2,$3]) } -- BreakStatement : See 12.8 -- break [no LineTerminator here] Identifieropt ; -- TODO: deal with [no LineTerminator here] BreakStatement :: { AST.JSNode } BreakStatement : 'break' AutoSemi { (AST.JSBreak [] [$2]) } | 'break' Identifier AutoSemi { (AST.JSBreak [$2] [$3]) } -- ReturnStatement : See 12.9 -- return [no LineTerminator here] Expressionopt ; -- TODO: deal with [no LineTerminator here] ReturnStatement :: { AST.JSNode } ReturnStatement : 'return' AutoSemi { (AST.JSReturn [$2]) } | 'return' Expression AutoSemi { (AST.JSReturn [$2,$3]) } -- WithStatement : See 12.10 -- with ( Expression ) Statement WithStatement :: { AST.JSNode } WithStatement : 'with' '(' Expression ')' Statement AutoSemi { (AST.JSWith $3 [$5,$6]) } -- SwitchStatement : See 12.11 -- switch ( Expression ) CaseBlock SwitchStatement :: { AST.JSNode } SwitchStatement : 'switch' '(' Expression ')' CaseBlock { (AST.JSSwitch $3 $5) } -- CaseBlock : See 12.11 -- { CaseClausesopt } -- { CaseClausesopt DefaultClause CaseClausesopt } CaseBlock :: { [AST.JSNode] } CaseBlock : '{' CaseClausesOpt '}' { $2 {- CaseBlock1 -}} | '{' CaseClausesOpt DefaultClause CaseClausesOpt '}' { ($2++($3:$4)) {- CaseBlock2 -}} -- CaseClauses : See 12.11 -- CaseClause -- CaseClauses CaseClause CaseClausesOpt :: { [AST.JSNode] } CaseClausesOpt : CaseClause { [$1] {- CaseClauses1 -}} | CaseClausesOpt CaseClause { ($1++[$2]) {- CaseClauses2 -}} | { [] } -- CaseClause : See 12.11 -- case Expression : StatementListopt CaseClause :: { AST.JSNode } CaseClause : 'case' Expression ':' StatementList { (AST.JSCase $2 $4) } | 'case' Expression ':' { (AST.JSCase $2 (AST.JSStatementList [])) } -- DefaultClause : See 12.11 -- default : StatementListopt DefaultClause :: { AST.JSNode } DefaultClause : 'default' ':' { (AST.JSDefault (AST.JSStatementList [])) } | 'default' ':' StatementList { (AST.JSDefault $3) } -- LabelledStatement : See 12.12 -- Identifier : Statement LabelledStatement :: { AST.JSNode } LabelledStatement : Identifier ':' Statement { (AST.JSLabelled $1 $3) } -- ThrowStatement : See 12.13 -- throw [no LineTerminator here] Expression ; -- TODO : sort out no LineTerminator here -- Does it need a semi at the end? ThrowStatement :: { AST.JSNode } ThrowStatement : 'throw' Expression { (AST.JSThrow $2) } -- Note: worked in updated syntax as per https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/try...catch -- i.e., 0 or more catches, then an optional finally -- TryStatement : See 12.14 -- try Block Catch -- try Block Finally -- try Block Catch Finally TryStatement :: { AST.JSNode } TryStatement : 'try' Block Catches { (AST.JSTry $2 $3) {- TryStatement1 -} } | 'try' Block Finally { (AST.JSTry $2 [$3]) {- TryStatement2 -} } | 'try' Block Catches Finally { (AST.JSTry $2 ($3++[$4])) {- TryStatement3 -} } Catches :: { [AST.JSNode] } Catches : Catch { [$1] {- Catches 1 -} } | Catches Catch { ($1++[$2]) {- Catches 2 -} } -- Note: worked in updated syntax as per https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/try...catch -- ::= 'catch' '(' Identifier ')' -- becomes -- ::= 'catch' '(' Identifier ')' -- | 'catch' '(' Identifier 'if' ConditionalExpression ')' Catch :: { AST.JSNode } Catch : 'catch' '(' Identifier ')' Block { (AST.JSCatch $3 [] $5) } | 'catch' '(' Identifier 'if' ConditionalExpression ')' Block { (AST.JSCatch $3 $5 $7) } -- Finally : See 12.14 -- finally Block Finally :: { AST.JSNode } Finally : 'finally' Block { (AST.JSFinally $2) } -- DebuggerStatement : See 12.15 -- debugger ; DebuggerStatement :: { AST.JSNode } DebuggerStatement : 'debugger' AutoSemi { (AST.JSLiteral "debugger") } -- FunctionDeclaration : See clause 13 -- function Identifier ( FormalParameterListopt ) { FunctionBody } FunctionDeclaration :: { AST.JSNode } FunctionDeclaration : 'function' Identifier '(' FormalParameterList ')' '{' FunctionBody '}' { (AST.JSFunction $2 $4 $7) } | 'function' Identifier '(' ')' '{' FunctionBody '}' { (AST.JSFunction $2 [] $6) } -- FunctionExpression : See clause 13 -- function Identifieropt ( FormalParameterListopt ) { FunctionBody } FunctionExpression :: { AST.JSNode } FunctionExpression : 'function' IdentifierOpt '(' ')' '{' FunctionBody '}' { (AST.JSFunctionExpression $2 [] $6) } | 'function' IdentifierOpt '(' FormalParameterList ')' '{' FunctionBody '}' { (AST.JSFunctionExpression $2 $4 $7) } IdentifierOpt :: { [AST.JSNode] } IdentifierOpt : Identifier { [$1] {- IdentifierOpt -}} | { [] {- IdentifierOpt -}} -- FormalParameterList : See clause 13 -- Identifier -- FormalParameterList , Identifier FormalParameterList :: { [AST.JSNode] } FormalParameterList : Identifier { [$1] {- FormalParameterList -}} | FormalParameterList ',' Identifier { ($1++[$3]) } -- FunctionBody : See clause 13 -- SourceElementsopt FunctionBody :: { AST.JSNode } FunctionBody : SourceElements { (AST.JSFunctionBody [$1]) } | { (AST.JSFunctionBody []) } -- Program : See clause 14 -- SourceElementsopt Program :: { AST.JSNode } Program : SourceElementsTop { $1 {- Program -}} -- SourceElements : See clause 14 -- SourceElement -- SourceElements SourceElement SourceElements :: { AST.JSNode } SourceElements : SourceElement { (AST.JSSourceElements [$1]) } | SourceElements SourceElement { (combineSourceElements $1 $2) } SourceElementsTop :: { AST.JSNode } SourceElementsTop : SourceElement { (AST.JSSourceElementsTop [$1]) } | SourceElementsTop SourceElement { (combineSourceElementsTop $1 $2) } -- SourceElement : -- Statement -- FunctionDeclaration SourceElement :: { AST.JSNode } SourceElement : Statement { $1 {- SourceElement1 -} } | FunctionDeclaration { $1 {- SourceElement2 -} } { combineSourceElements :: AST.JSNode -> AST.JSNode -> AST.JSNode combineSourceElements (AST.JSSourceElements xs) x = (AST.JSSourceElements (xs++[x]) ) combineSourceElementsTop :: AST.JSNode -> AST.JSNode -> AST.JSNode combineSourceElementsTop (AST.JSSourceElementsTop xs) x = (AST.JSSourceElementsTop (xs++[x]) ) combineStatements :: AST.JSNode -> AST.JSNode -> AST.JSNode combineStatements (AST.JSStatementList xs) (AST.JSStatementList ys) = (AST.JSStatementList (xs++ys) ) combineStatements (AST.JSStatementList xs) y = (AST.JSStatementList (xs++[y]) ) parseError :: Token -> P a parseError = throwError . UnexpectedToken flattenExpression :: AST.JSNode -> [AST.JSNode] -> AST.JSNode flattenExpression (AST.JSExpression xs) e = AST.JSExpression (xs++litComma++e) where litComma :: [AST.JSNode] litComma = [(AST.JSLiteral ",")] } -- Set emacs mode -- Local Variables: -- mode:haskell -- End: