{ module Language.JavaScript.Parser.Lexer ( Token(..) , lexCont ) where import Control.Monad import Language.JavaScript.Parser.LexerUtils import Language.JavaScript.Parser.ParserMonad hiding (location,input) import Language.JavaScript.Parser.SrcLocation import Language.JavaScript.Parser.Token import qualified Data.Map as Map } -- Not using a wrapper, rolling own below. --%wrapper "basic" -- %wrapper "monad" -- %wrapper "monad-bytestring" -- character sets $lf = \n -- line feed $cr = \r -- carriage return $ht = \t -- horizontal tab $sq = ' -- single quote $dq = \" -- double quote $digit = 0-9 -- digits $alpha = [a-zA-Z] -- alphabetic characters $digit = 0-9 $non_zero_digit = 1-9 $ident_letter = [a-zA-Z_] @eol_pattern = $lf | $cr $lf | $cr $lf $any_char = [\x00-\xff] $eol_char = [$lf $cr] -- any end of line character $not_eol_char = ~$eol_char -- anything but an end of line character -- From GOLD Parser -- {ID Head} = {Letter} + [_] + [$] @IDHead = $alpha | [_] | [\$] -- {ID Tail} = {Alphanumeric} + [_] + [$] @IDTail = $alpha | $digit | [_] | [\$] -- {String Chars1} = {Printable} + {HT} - ["\] -- {String Chars2} = {Printable} + {HT} - [\''] $StringChars1 = [$printable $ht] # [$dq \\] $StringChars2 = [$printable $ht] # [$sq \\] $short_str_char = [^ \n \r ' \" \\] -- {Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [ABCDEF] + [abcdef] @HexDigit = $digit | [a-fA-F] -- {RegExp Chars} = {Letter}+{Digit}+['^']+['$']+['*']+['+']+['?']+['{']+['}']+['|']+['-']+['.']+[',']+['#']+['[']+[']']+['_']+['<']+['>'] --$RegExpChars = [$alpha $digit \^\$\*\+\?\{\}\|\-\.\,\#\[\]\_\<\>] --$RegExpChars = [$printable] # [\\] -- {Non Terminator} = {String Chars1} - {CR} - {LF} --$NonTerminator = $StringChars1 # [$cr $lf] $NonTerminator = [$printable] # [$cr $lf] -- {Non Zero Digits}={Digit}-[0] -- ~ (LineTerminator | MUL | BSLASH | DIV) $RegExpFirstChar = [$printable] # [ $cr $lf \* \\ \/] -- ~ ( LineTerminator | BSLASH | DIV ) $RegExpChars = [$printable] # [ $cr $lf \\ \/] -- WhiteSpace :: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- TODO: bring in NBSP and USP $white_char = [\ \f\v\t\r\n] -- ! ------------------------------------------------- Terminals tokens :- -- State: 0 is regex allowed, 1 is / or /= allowed <0> () ; -- { registerStates lexToken reg divide } -- Skip Whitespace $white_char+ ; -- Skip one line comment "//"($not_eol_char)* ; -- Skip multi-line comments. Note: may not nest "/*"($any_char)*"*/" ; -- Identifier = {ID Head}{ID Tail}* @IDHead(@IDTail)* { \loc len str -> keywordOrIdent (take len str) loc } -- StringLiteral = '"' ( {String Chars1} | '\' {Printable} )* '"' -- | '' ( {String Chars2} | '\' {Printable} )* '' $dq ( $StringChars1 | \\ $printable )* $dq | $sq ( $StringChars2 | \\ $printable )* $sq { mkString stringToken } -- HexIntegerLiteral = '0x' {Hex Digit}+ "0x" @HexDigit+ { mkString hexIntegerToken } -- RegExp = '/' ({RegExp Chars} | '\' {Non Terminator})+ '/' ( 'g' | 'i' | 'm' )* -- "/" ($RegExpChars | "\" $NonTerminator)+ "/" ("g"|"i"|"m")* { mkString regExToken } -- Based on the Jint version "/" ($RegExpFirstChar | "\" $NonTerminator) ($RegExpChars | "\" $NonTerminator)* "/" ("g"|"i"|"m")* { mkString regExToken } -- DecimalLiteral= {Non Zero Digits}+ '.' {Digit}* ('e' | 'E' ) {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* -- | {Non Zero Digits}+ '.' {Digit}* -- | '0' '.' {Digit}+ ('e' | 'E' ) {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* -- | {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* -- | '0' -- | '0' '.' {Digit}+ $non_zero_digit+ "." $digit* ("e"|"E") $non_zero_digit+ $digit* | $non_zero_digit+ "." $digit* | "0." $digit+ ("e"|"E") $non_zero_digit+ $digit* | $non_zero_digit+ $digit* | "0" | "0." $digit+ { mkString decimalToken } -- beginning of file { -- @eol_pattern ; @eol_pattern { endOfLine lexToken } -- () { indentation lexToken dedent BOF } } -- / or /= only allowed in state 1 { "/=" { mkString assignToken} "/" { symbolToken DivToken} } { \; { symbolToken SemiColonToken} "," { symbolToken CommaToken} "?" { symbolToken HookToken} ":" { symbolToken ColonToken} "||" { symbolToken OrToken} "&&" { symbolToken AndToken} "|" { symbolToken BitwiseOrToken} "^" { symbolToken BitwiseXorToken} "&" { symbolToken BitwiseAndToken} "===" { symbolToken StrictEqToken} "==" { symbolToken EqToken} "*=" | "%=" | "+=" | "-=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|=" { mkString assignToken} "=" { symbolToken SimpleAssignToken} "!==" { symbolToken StrictNeToken} "!=" { symbolToken NeToken} "<<" { symbolToken LshToken} "<=" { symbolToken LeToken} "<" { symbolToken LtToken} ">>>" { symbolToken UrshToken} ">>" { symbolToken RshToken} ">=" { symbolToken GeToken} ">" { symbolToken GtToken} "++" { symbolToken IncrementToken} "--" { symbolToken DecrementToken} "+" { symbolToken PlusToken} "-" { symbolToken MinusToken} "*" { symbolToken MulToken} "%" { symbolToken ModToken} "!" { symbolToken NotToken} "~" { symbolToken BitwiseNotToken} "." { symbolToken DotToken} "[" { symbolToken LeftBracketToken} "]" { symbolToken RightBracketToken} "{" { symbolToken LeftCurlyToken} "}" { symbolToken RightCurlyToken} "(" { symbolToken LeftParenToken} ")" { symbolToken RightParenToken} "@*/" { symbolToken CondcommentEndToken} } { {- -- The next function select between the two lex input states, as called for in -- secion 7 of ECMAScript Language Specification, Edition 3, 24 March 2000. The method is inspired by the lexer in http://jint.codeplex.com/ -} --classifyToken :: Token -> Int classifyToken token = case token of IdentifierToken {} -> divide NullToken {} -> divide TrueToken {} -> divide FalseToken {} -> divide ThisToken {} -> divide -- OctalToken {} -> divide -- May have to extend parser to cope with these DecimalToken {} -> divide HexIntegerToken {} -> divide StringToken {} -> divide RightCurlyToken {} -> divide RightParenToken {} -> divide _other -> reg -- Each right-hand side has type :: String -> Token lexToken :: P Token lexToken = do location <- getLocation input <- getInput -- startCode <- getStartCode lt <- getLastToken case alexScan (location, input) (classifyToken lt) of --vcase alexScan (location, input) startCode of AlexEOF -> return endOfFileToken AlexError _ -> lexicalError AlexSkip (nextLocation, rest) _len -> do setLocation nextLocation setInput rest lexToken AlexToken (nextLocation, rest) len action -> do setLocation nextLocation setInput rest token <- action (mkSrcSpan location $ decColumn 1 nextLocation) len input setLastToken token return token -- This is called by the Happy parser. lexCont :: (Token -> P a) -> P a lexCont cont = do lexLoop where -- lexLoop :: P a lexLoop = do tok <- lexToken case tok of {- CommentToken {} -> do addComment tok lexLoop LineJoinToken {} -> lexLoop -} _other -> cont tok -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a keyword or an identifier (the syntax overlaps) keywordOrIdent :: String -> SrcSpan -> P Token keywordOrIdent str location = return $ case Map.lookup str keywords of Just symbol -> symbol location Nothing -> IdentifierToken location str -- mapping from strings to keywords keywords :: Map.Map String (SrcSpan -> Token) keywords = Map.fromList keywordNames keywordNames :: [(String, SrcSpan -> Token)] keywordNames = [ ("break",BreakToken),("case",CaseToken),("catch",CatchToken),("const",ConstToken), ("continue",ContinueToken),("debugger",DebuggerToken),("default",DefaultToken), ("delete",DeleteToken),("do",DoToken),("else",ElseToken),("enum",EnumToken), ("false",FalseToken),("finally",FinallyToken),("for",ForToken), ("function",FunctionToken),("if",IfToken),("in",InToken), ("instanceof",InstanceofToken),("new",NewToken),("null",NullToken), ("return",ReturnToken),("switch",SwitchToken),("this",ThisToken), ("throw",ThrowToken),("true",TrueToken),("try",TryToken), ("typeof",TypeofToken),("var",VarToken),("void",VoidToken), ("while",WhileToken),("with",WithToken) ] } -- Set emacs mode -- Local Variables: -- mode:haskell -- End: