module Language.Fortran.PreProcess (
, pre_process_fixed_form
, parseExpr
) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces)
import System.Environment
import Debug.Trace
num = many1 digit
small = lower <|> char '_'
idchar = small <|> upper <|> digit
ident = do{ c <- small <|> upper ; cs <- many idchar; return (c:cs) }
spaces = many space
manyTillEnd p end =
scan where scan = (try end) <|> do { x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x:xs) }
pre_parser labels = manyTillEnd anyChar
(try $ if null labels then try (end_or_start_do labels) <|> (eof >> return "")
else end_or_start_do labels)
end_or_start_do labels = (try $ doBlock labels) <|> (end_do labels)
doBlock labels =
do doStr <- string "do" <|> string "DO"
updateState (+1)
sp <- spaces
label <- (try numberedBlock) <|> (do { loop <- loop_control; return (Nothing, loop) })
p <- pre_parser $ (fst label) : labels
return $ doStr ++ sp ++ snd label ++ p
end_do labels = do label' <- optionMaybe (do {space; n <- num; space; return n})
sp <- spaces
lookAhead (end_do_marker <|> continue)
ender <-
case (labels, label') of
([], _) -> do { ender <- end_do_marker; return $ sp ++ ender }
(Nothing:_, _) -> do { ender <- end_do_marker; return $ sp ++ ender }
((Just n):_, Nothing) -> do { ender <- end_do_marker; return $ sp ++ ender }
((Just n):_, Just m) -> if (n==m) then do ender <- end_do_marker <|> continue
return $ " " ++ m ++ " " ++ sp ++ ender
if Just m `notElem` labels then
do ender <- end_do_marker <|> continue_non_replace
return $ " " ++ m ++ " " ++ sp ++ ender
error $ "Ill formed do blocks, labels do not match: " ++ n ++ " and " ++ m ++
" - with label stack " ++ (show labels)
level <- getState
updateState (\x -> x1)
p <- pre_parser (if labels == [] then [] else tail labels)
return $ ender ++ p
continue_non_replace = string "continue" <|> string "CONTINUE"
continue = do string "continue" <|> string "CONTINUE"
return "end do "
end_do_marker = do endStr <- string "end" <|> string "END"
sp <- spaces
doStr <- string "do" <|> string "DO"
return $ endStr ++ sp ++ doStr
numberedBlock = do label <- num
sp1 <- spaces
comma <- optionMaybe (string ",")
sp2 <- spaces
loop <- loop_control
return $ (Just label, label ++ " " ++ sp1 ++ (maybe "" id comma) ++ sp2 ++ loop)
newline' =
(try $ do { c <- char '\r';
n <- newline;
return [c,n] })
<|> do { n <- newline;
return [n] }
loop_control = do var <- ident
sp1 <- spaces
char '='
sp2 <- spaces
lower <- num <|> ident
sp3 <- spaces
char ','
sp4 <- spaces
upper <- num <|> ident
rest <- manyTillEnd anyChar (try newline')
return $ var ++ sp1 ++ "=" ++ sp2 ++ lower ++ sp3 ++ "," ++ sp4 ++ upper ++ rest
parseExpr :: String -> String -> String
parseExpr file input =
case (runParser p (0::Int) "" input) of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right x -> x
p = do pos <- getPosition
setPosition $ (flip setSourceName) file $
(flip setSourceLine) 1 $
(flip setSourceColumn) 1 $ pos
pre_parser []
processComments :: String -> String
processComments source = unlines $ map changeComment $ lines source
changeComment :: String -> String
changeComment "" = ""
changeComment original@(x:xs)
| isComment original = '!':xs
| otherwise = original
isComment :: String -> Bool
isComment "" = False
isComment (f:_)
| f == 'c' = True
| f == 'C' = True
| f == '*' = True
| otherwise = False
processOldContLines :: String -> String
processOldContLines source = unlines (eliminateContLines (lines source) 2)
eliminateContLines :: [String] -> Integer -> [String]
eliminateContLines [] _ = []
eliminateContLines [x] _ = [x]
eliminateContLines (l1:l2:rest) lineNumb
| length l2 <= 6 = l1:eliminateContLines (l2:rest) (lineNumb + 1)
| isContLine == False = l1:eliminateContLines (l2:rest) (lineNumb + 1)
| isComment l2 = l1:eliminateContLines (l2:rest) (lineNumb + 1)
| isContLine && isFirst5ColsEmpty =
eliminateContLines ((removeTrailingWhitespace l1 ++ (statement l2)):rest)
(lineNumb + 1)
| otherwise = error $ "Cannot preprocess continuation at line " ++
show lineNumb
statement = (\s -> drop 6 s)
newLineNumb = lineNumb + 1
first5Cols = take 5 l2
col6 = l2 !! 5
isContLine = col6 /= ' ' && col6 /= '0'
isFirst5ColsEmpty = first5Cols == " "
removeTrailingWhitespace :: String -> String
removeTrailingWhitespace line =
reverse $ dropWhile (==' ') $ reverse line
pre_process :: String -> String
pre_process input = parseExpr "" input
pre_process_fixed_form input =
parseExpr ""
$ processComments
$ processOldContLines input
go filename = do args <- getArgs
srcfile <- readFile filename
return $ parseExpr filename srcfile