{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Monad.Writer import Elm.Classes import Elm.Declaration import Elm.Expression import Elm.GenError import Elm.Import import Elm.Program import Elm.Type import Renderer import Test.Hspec import Text.PrettyPrint hiding (Str, render) main = hspec $ do describe "Setup" $ do it "Should work" $ do 5 `shouldBe` 5 describe "Expression" $ do describe "Bool" $ do it "Should render true properly" $ do let expr = Bool True renderExpr expr `shouldBe` "True" it "Should render false properly" $ do let expr = Bool False renderExpr expr `shouldBe` "False" describe "Int" $ do it "Should work" $ do renderExpr (Int 5) `shouldBe` "5" describe "Float" $ do it "Should work" $ do renderExpr (Float 1.2) `shouldBe` "1.2" describe "String" $ do it "Should work" $ do renderExpr (Str "hello") `shouldBe` "\"hello\"" describe "Tuple" $ do it "Should work for 0 tuples" $ do renderExpr (Tuple []) `shouldBe` "()" it "Should work for larger tuples" $ do renderExpr (Tuple [Int 5, Int 6]) `shouldBe` "( 5, 6 )" renderExpr (Tuple [Int 2, Float 2.5]) `shouldBe` "( 2, 2.5 )" describe "Var" $ do it "Should work" $ do renderExpr (Var "a") `shouldBe` "a" renderExpr (Var "abc") `shouldBe` "abc" it "Should work with overloadedstrings" $ do renderExpr "a" `shouldBe` "a" renderExpr "abc" `shouldBe` "abc" it "Should error on an empty string" $ do (runWriter . generate $ Var "") `shouldBe` (text "", Error "An empty string is not a valid variable name") it "Should wrap operators in parens" $ do pending it "Should only allow operators with valid characters" $ do pending it "Should only allow variables with valid characters" $ do pending describe "Under" $ do it "Does this I guess" $ do renderExpr Under `shouldBe` "_" describe "List" $ do it "Should work for empty lists" $ do renderExpr (List []) `shouldBe` "[]" it "Should work for single item lists" $ do renderExpr (List ["a"]) `shouldBe` "[a]" it "Should work for multi item lists" $ do renderExpr (List ["a", "b", "c"]) `shouldBe` "[a, b, c]" it "Should work with overloaded lists" $ do renderExpr (List ["a", "b", "c"]) `shouldBe` "[a, b, c]" describe "Function Application" $ do it "Should work for 0 params" $ do renderExpr (App ["a"]) `shouldBe` "a" it "Should work for multiple params" $ do renderExpr (App ["a", "b", "c"]) `shouldBe` "a b c" renderExpr (App ["a", Int 5, "b", Int 7]) `shouldBe` "a 5 b 7" it "Should nest properly" $ do renderExpr (App ["a", App ["b", "c"]]) `shouldBe` "a (b c)" describe "Inline operators" $ do it "Should work" $ do renderExpr (Op "+" "a" "b") `shouldBe` "a + b" it "Should error on invalid operator characters" $ do pending describe "Record" $ do it "Should work when empty" $ do renderExpr (Record Nothing []) `shouldBe` "{}" it "Should work with key value pairs" $ do renderExpr (Record Nothing [("a", Int 5), ("b", Int 6)]) `shouldBe` "{ a = 5, b = 6 }" it "Should allow updates" $ do renderExpr (Record (Just "a") [("b", Int 5)]) `shouldBe` "{ a | b = 5 }" it "Should warn here" $ do (runWriter . generate $ Record (Just "data") []) `shouldBe` ("data", WarningList ["Trying to update record data with no changed fields"]) it "Should error here" $ do (runWriter . generate $ Record (Just $ App ["f", Int 5]) []) `shouldBe` ("", Error "You are unable to update a record with a non constant") describe "Let" $ do it "Should work with one dec" $ do text <- liftIO . readFile $ "test/spec/let1.txt" let ast = Let "a" [("a", Int 5)] renderExpr ast ++ "\n" `shouldBe` text it "Should work with more than one dec" $ do text <- liftIO . readFile $ "test/spec/let2.txt" let ast = Let (Op "+" "a" "b") [("a", Int 5), ("b", Int 6)] renderExpr ast ++ "\n" `shouldBe` text it "Should error with zero declerations" $ do (runWriter . generate $ Let "a" []) `shouldBe` ("", Error "Unable to create let expression with 0 bindings") describe "Case" $ do it "Should work" $ do text <- liftIO . readFile $ "test/spec/case1.txt" let ast = Case "m" [(App ["Just", "x"], "x") ,("Nothing", Int 0) ] renderExpr ast ++ "\n" `shouldBe` text it "Should generate an error with no cases" $ do let ast = Case "m" [] (runWriter . generate $ ast) `shouldBe` ("", Error "Unable to create case expression with 0 cases") describe "Type" $ do describe "Params" $ do it "Should work for without params" $ do render (Params "a" []) `shouldBe` "a" it "Should work with params" $ do render (Params "a" [Params "b" []]) `shouldBe` "a b" it "Should put params in parens if needed" $ do render (Params "a" [Params "b" [Params "c" []]]) `shouldBe` "a (b c)" describe "TApp" $ do it "Should work" $ do render (TApp [Params "a" [], Params "b" []]) `shouldBe` "a -> b" it "Should put nested tapps in parens" $ do render (TApp [Params "a" [], TApp [Params "a" [], Params "b" []]]) `shouldBe` "a -> (a -> b)" describe "TTuple" $ do it "Should work for unit" $ do render (TTuple []) `shouldBe` "()" it "Should return the value and warn with a one item tuple" $ do let ast = TTuple [Params "a" []] (runWriter . generate $ ast) `shouldBe` ("(a)", WarningList ["Attempt to create a one item tuple"]) it "Should work for multiple item tuples" $ do render (TTuple [Params "a" [], Params "b" []]) `shouldBe` "(a, b)" describe "TRecord" $ do it "Should error when passed nothing" $ do let ast = TRecord Nothing [] (runWriter . generate $ ast) `shouldBe` ("", Error "Unable to create a record type with no base and no constraints") it "Should warn when there are no constraints" $ do let ast = TRecord (Just "a") [] (runWriter . generate $ ast) `shouldBe` ("a", WarningList ["You are creating a record type from a with no constraints"]) it "Should work with no base" $ do let ast = TRecord Nothing [ ("a", Params "Int" []) , ("b", Params "Int" []) ] render ast `shouldBe` "{ a : Int, b : Int }" it "Should work with a base" $ do let ast = TRecord (Just "a") [ ("b", Params "Int" []) , ("c", Params "Int" []) ] render ast `shouldBe` "{ a | b : Int, c : Int }" describe "Import" $ do describe "ImportItem" $ do it "Should work for single items" $ do render (Item "Maybe") `shouldBe` "Maybe" it "Should work for sub importing" $ do render (ItemExposing "Maybe" ["Just", "Nothing"]) `shouldBe` "Maybe(Just, Nothing)" it "Should working for sub importing everything" $ do render (ItemEvery "Maybe") `shouldBe` "Maybe(..)" describe "ImportType" $ do it "Should properly select everything" $ do render (Everything) `shouldBe` "(..)" it "Should properly select only types" $ do render (Select []) `shouldBe` "()" it "Should properly select items" $ do render (Select [Item "Just", Item "withDefault"]) `shouldBe` "(Just, withDefault)" render (Select [ItemEvery "Just", Item "withDefault"]) `shouldBe` "(Just(..), withDefault)" describe "Import" $ do it "Should import stuff" $ do render (Import "List" Nothing Nothing) `shouldBe` "import List" it "Should render with an alias" $ do render (Import "Maybe" (Just "M") Nothing) `shouldBe` "import Maybe as M" it "Should expose from the imports" $ do render (Import "Maybe" Nothing $ Just $ Select [Item "withDefault"]) `shouldBe` "import Maybe exposing (withDefault)" describe "Dec" $ do it "Should work for simple delcerations" $ do let ast = Dec "add5" (TApp ["Int", "Int"]) [Var "x"] (Op "+" (Var "x") (Int 5)) file <- readFile "test/spec/dec1.txt" render ast ++ "\n" `shouldBe` file it "Should work for more complex declerations" $ do let ast = Dec "withDefault" (TApp ["a", Params "Maybe" ["a"], "a"]) ["default", "m"] (Case "m" [ (App ["Just", "x"], "x") , ("Nothing", "default") ]) file <- readFile "test/spec/dec2.txt" render ast ++ "\n" `shouldBe` file it "Should properly handle type declerations" $ do -- \_(*_*)_/ let ast = DecType "Maybe" ["a"] [ ("Nothing", []) , ("Just", ["a"]) ] file <- readFile "test/spec/dec3.txt" render ast ++ "\n" `shouldBe` file it "Should properly handle type aliases" $ do let ast = DecTypeAlias "Model" ["a"] (Params "Maybe" ["a"]) file <- readFile "test/spec/dec4.txt" render ast ++ "\n" `shouldBe` file describe "Program" $ do it "Should work" $ do let ast = Program "Maybe" (Select [ ItemExposing "Maybe" ["Just", "Nothing"] , Item "andThen" , Item "map" , Item "map2" , Item "map3" , Item "map4" , Item "map5" , Item "withDefault" ]) [] [ DecType "Maybe" ["a"] [ ("Nothing", []) , ("Just", ["a"]) ] , Dec "withDefault" (TApp ["a", Params "Maybe" ["a"], "a"]) ["default", "maybe"] (Case "maybe" [ (App ["Just", "value"], "value") , ("Nothing", "default") ]) , Dec "map" (TApp [TApp ["a", "b"], Params "Maybe" ["a"], Params "Maybe" ["b"]]) ["f", "maybe"] (Case "maybe" [ (App ["Just", "value"], App ["Just", App ["f", "value"]]) , ("Nothing", "Nothing") ]) , Dec "map2" (TApp [ TApp ["a", "b", "value"] , Params "Maybe" ["a"] , Params "Maybe" ["b"] , Params "Maybe" ["value"] ]) ["func", "ma", "mb"] (Case (Tuple ["ma", "mb"]) [ (Tuple [App ["Just", "a"], App ["Just", "b"]], App ["Just", App ["func", "a", "b"]]) , (Under, "Nothing") ]) , Dec "map3" (TApp [ TApp ["a", "b", "c", "value"] , Params "Maybe" ["a"] , Params "Maybe" ["b"] , Params "Maybe" ["c"] , Params "Maybe" ["value"] ]) ["func", "ma", "mb", "mc"] (Case (Tuple ["ma", "mb", "mc"]) [ (Tuple [ App ["Just", "a"] , App ["Just", "b"] , App ["Just", "c"] ], App ["Just", App ["func", "a", "b", "c"]]) , (Under, "Nothing") ]) ] file <- readFile "test/program1.elm" let (str, err) = renderProgram ast err `shouldBe` WarningList [] str `shouldBe` file