module Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax.Annotations where
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.State hiding (mapM)
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
removeAnnotations :: Traversable t => t a -> t ()
removeAnnotations = reannotate (const ())
reannotate :: Traversable t => (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
reannotate f tree = traverse (pure . f) tree ()
addExtraAnnotationField :: Traversable t => b -> t a -> t (a, b)
addExtraAnnotationField def t = traverse (\z -> pure (z, def)) t ()
removeExtraAnnotationField :: Traversable t => t (a, b) -> t a
removeExtraAnnotationField t = traverse (pure . fst) t ()
assignUniqueIds :: Traversable t => Int
-> t a
-> (t (a, Int), Int)
assignUniqueIds first tree =
(returnA *** \i -> i1) $ runState (mapM f tree) first
where f :: a -> State Int (a, Int)
f a = do i <- get
put (i+1)
return (a, i)
class HasAnnotation a where
getAnnotation :: a b -> b
setAnnotation :: b -> a b -> a b
withAnnotation :: (HasAnnotation a) => (b -> b) -> a b -> a b
withAnnotation f x = setAnnotation (f $ getAnnotation x) x
instance HasAnnotation Expression where
getAnnotation e = case e of
(StringLit a s) -> a
(RegexpLit a s g ci) -> a
(NumLit a d) -> a
(IntLit a i) -> a
(BoolLit a b) -> a
(NullLit a) -> a
(ArrayLit a exps) -> a
(ObjectLit a props) -> a
(ThisRef a) -> a
(VarRef a id) -> a
(DotRef a exp id) -> a
(BracketRef a container key) -> a
(NewExpr a ctor params) -> a
(PrefixExpr a op e) -> a
(UnaryAssignExpr a op lv) -> a
(InfixExpr a op e1 e2) -> a
(CondExpr a g et ef) -> a
(AssignExpr a op lv e) -> a
(ListExpr a es) -> a
(CallExpr a fn params) -> a
(FuncExpr a mid args s) -> a
setAnnotation a e = case e of
(StringLit _ s) -> (StringLit a s)
(RegexpLit _ s g ci) -> (RegexpLit a s g ci)
(NumLit _ d) -> (NumLit a d)
(IntLit _ i) -> (IntLit a i)
(BoolLit _ b) -> (BoolLit a b)
(NullLit _) -> (NullLit a)
(ArrayLit _ exps) -> (ArrayLit a exps)
(ObjectLit _ props) -> (ObjectLit a props)
(ThisRef _) -> (ThisRef a)
(VarRef _ id) -> (VarRef a id)
(DotRef _ exp id) -> (DotRef a exp id)
(BracketRef _ container key) -> (BracketRef a container key)
(NewExpr _ ctor params) -> (NewExpr a ctor params)
(PrefixExpr _ op e) -> (PrefixExpr a op e)
(UnaryAssignExpr _ op lv) -> (UnaryAssignExpr a op lv)
(InfixExpr _ op e1 e2) -> (InfixExpr a op e1 e2)
(CondExpr _ g et ef) -> (CondExpr a g et ef)
(AssignExpr _ op lv e) -> (AssignExpr a op lv e)
(ListExpr _ es) -> (ListExpr a es)
(CallExpr _ fn params) -> (CallExpr a fn params)
(FuncExpr _ mid args s) -> (FuncExpr a mid args s)
instance HasAnnotation Statement where
getAnnotation s = case s of
BlockStmt a _ -> a
EmptyStmt a -> a
ExprStmt a _ -> a
IfStmt a _ _ _ -> a
IfSingleStmt a _ _ -> a
SwitchStmt a _ _ -> a
WhileStmt a _ _ -> a
DoWhileStmt a _ _ -> a
BreakStmt a _ -> a
ContinueStmt a _ -> a
LabelledStmt a _ _ -> a
ForInStmt a _ _ _ -> a
ForStmt a _ _ _ _ -> a
TryStmt a _ _ _ -> a
ThrowStmt a _ -> a
ReturnStmt a _ -> a
WithStmt a _ _ -> a
VarDeclStmt a _ -> a
FunctionStmt a _ _ _ -> a
setAnnotation a s = case s of
BlockStmt _ ss -> BlockStmt a ss
EmptyStmt _ -> EmptyStmt a
ExprStmt _ e -> ExprStmt a e
IfStmt _ g t e -> IfStmt a g t e
IfSingleStmt _ g t -> IfSingleStmt a g t
SwitchStmt _ g cs -> SwitchStmt a g cs
WhileStmt _ g ss -> WhileStmt a g ss
DoWhileStmt _ ss g -> DoWhileStmt a ss g
BreakStmt _ l -> BreakStmt a l
ContinueStmt _ l -> ContinueStmt a l
LabelledStmt _ l s -> LabelledStmt a l s
ForInStmt _ i o ss -> ForInStmt a i o ss
ForStmt _ i t inc ss -> ForStmt a i t inc ss
TryStmt _ tb mcb mfb -> TryStmt a tb mcb mfb
ThrowStmt _ e -> ThrowStmt a e
ReturnStmt _ e -> ReturnStmt a e
WithStmt _ o b -> WithStmt a o b
VarDeclStmt _ vds -> VarDeclStmt a vds
FunctionStmt _ n as b-> FunctionStmt a n as b
instance HasAnnotation LValue where
getAnnotation lv = case lv of
LVar a _ -> a
LDot a _ _ -> a
LBracket a _ _ -> a
setAnnotation a lv = case lv of
LVar _ n -> LVar a n
LDot _ o f -> LDot a o f
LBracket a o fe -> LBracket a o fe
instance HasAnnotation VarDecl where
getAnnotation (VarDecl a _ _) = a
setAnnotation a (VarDecl _ vn e) = VarDecl a vn e
instance HasAnnotation Prop where
getAnnotation p = case p of
PropId a _ -> a
PropString a _ -> a
PropNum a _ -> a
setAnnotation a p = case p of
PropId _ id -> PropId a id
PropString _ s -> PropString a s
PropNum _ n -> PropNum a n
instance HasAnnotation CaseClause where
getAnnotation c = case c of
CaseClause a _ _ -> a
CaseDefault a _ -> a
setAnnotation a c = case c of
CaseClause _ e b -> CaseClause a e b
CaseDefault _ b -> CaseDefault a b
instance HasAnnotation CatchClause where
getAnnotation (CatchClause a _ _) = a
setAnnotation a (CatchClause _ id b) = CatchClause a id b
instance HasAnnotation Id where
getAnnotation (Id a _) = a
setAnnotation a (Id _ s) = Id a s