module Language.C.Data.Error (
ErrorLevel(..), isHardError,
Error(..), errorPos, errorLevel, errorMsgs,
UnsupportedFeature, unsupportedFeature, unsupportedFeature_,
UserError, userErr,
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics
import Language.C.Data.Node
import Language.C.Data.Position
data ErrorLevel = LevelWarn
| LevelError
| LevelFatal
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show ErrorLevel where
show LevelWarn = "WARNING"
show LevelError = "ERROR"
show LevelFatal = "FATAL ERROR"
isHardError :: (Error ex) => ex -> Bool
isHardError = ( > LevelWarn) . errorLevel
data ErrorInfo = ErrorInfo ErrorLevel Position [String] deriving Typeable
instance Show ErrorInfo where show = showErrorInfo "error"
instance Error ErrorInfo where
errorInfo = id
changeErrorLevel (ErrorInfo _ pos msgs) lvl' = ErrorInfo lvl' pos msgs
mkErrorInfo :: ErrorLevel -> String -> NodeInfo -> ErrorInfo
mkErrorInfo lvl msg node = ErrorInfo lvl (posOfNode node) (lines msg)
data CError
= forall err. (Error err) => CError err
deriving Typeable
class (Typeable e, Show e) => Error e where
errorInfo :: e -> ErrorInfo
toError :: e -> CError
fromError :: CError -> (Maybe e)
changeErrorLevel :: e -> ErrorLevel -> e
fromError (CError e) = cast e
toError = CError
changeErrorLevel e lvl =
if errorLevel e == lvl
then e
else error $ "changeErrorLevel: not possible for " ++ show e
instance Show CError where
show (CError e) = show e
instance Error CError where
errorInfo (CError err) = errorInfo err
toError = id
fromError = Just
changeErrorLevel (CError e) = CError . changeErrorLevel e
errorPos :: (Error e) => e -> Position
errorPos = ( \(ErrorInfo _ pos _) -> pos ) . errorInfo
errorLevel :: (Error e) => e -> ErrorLevel
errorLevel = ( \(ErrorInfo lvl _ _) -> lvl ) . errorInfo
errorMsgs :: (Error e) => e -> [String]
errorMsgs = ( \(ErrorInfo _ _ msgs) -> msgs ) . errorInfo
data UnsupportedFeature = UnsupportedFeature String Position deriving Typeable
instance Error UnsupportedFeature where
errorInfo (UnsupportedFeature msg pos) = ErrorInfo LevelError pos (lines msg)
instance Show UnsupportedFeature where show = showError "Unsupported Feature"
unsupportedFeature :: (Pos a) => String -> a -> UnsupportedFeature
unsupportedFeature msg a = UnsupportedFeature msg (posOf a)
unsupportedFeature_ :: String -> UnsupportedFeature
unsupportedFeature_ msg = UnsupportedFeature msg internalPos
newtype UserError = UserError ErrorInfo deriving Typeable
instance Error UserError where
errorInfo (UserError info) = info
instance Show UserError where show = showError "User Error"
userErr :: String -> UserError
userErr msg = UserError (ErrorInfo LevelError internalPos (lines msg))
showError :: (Error e) => String -> e -> String
showError short_msg = showErrorInfo short_msg . errorInfo
showErrorInfo :: String -> ErrorInfo -> String
showErrorInfo short_msg (ErrorInfo level pos msgs) =
header ++ showMsgLines (if null short_msg then msgs else short_msg:msgs)
header = showPos pos ++ "[" ++ show level ++ "]"
showPos p | isSourcePos p = (posFile p) ++ ":" ++ show (posRow pos) ++ ": " ++
"(column " ++ show (posColumn pos) ++ ") "
| otherwise = show p ++ ":: "
showMsgLines [] = internalErr "No short message or error message provided."
showMsgLines (x:xs) = indent ++ ">>> " ++ x ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map (indent++) xs)
internalErrPrefix :: String
internalErrPrefix = unlines [ "Language.C : Internal Error" ,
"This is propably a bug, and should be reported at "++
internalErr :: String -> a
internalErr msg = error (internalErrPrefix ++ "\n"
++ indentLines msg
++ "\n")
indent :: String
indent = " "
indentLines :: String -> String
indentLines = unlines . map (indent++) . lines