module Language.C.Analysis.TypeCheck where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Language.C.Data.Ident
import Language.C.Data.Node
import Language.C.Data.Position
import Language.C.Pretty
import Language.C.Syntax.AST
import Language.C.Syntax.Constants
import Language.C.Syntax.Ops
import Language.C.Analysis.Debug
import Language.C.Analysis.DefTable
import Language.C.Analysis.SemRep
import Language.C.Analysis.TravMonad
import Language.C.Analysis.TypeConversions
import Language.C.Analysis.TypeUtils
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 700
instance Monad (Either String) where
return = Right
Left l >>= _ = Left l
Right r >>= k = k r
fail msg = Left msg
pType :: Type -> String
pType = render . pretty
typeErrorOnLeft :: (MonadCError m) => NodeInfo -> Either String a -> m a
typeErrorOnLeft ni (Left err) = typeError ni err
typeErrorOnLeft _ (Right v) = return v
typeError :: MonadCError m => NodeInfo -> String -> m a
typeError = astError
notFound :: Ident -> Either String a
notFound i = Left $ "not found: " ++ identToString i
checkScalar' :: MonadCError m => NodeInfo -> Type -> m ()
checkScalar' ni = typeErrorOnLeft ni . checkScalar
checkIntegral' :: MonadCError m => NodeInfo -> Type -> m ()
checkIntegral' ni = typeErrorOnLeft ni . checkIntegral
assignCompatible' :: MonadCError m =>
NodeInfo -> CAssignOp -> Type -> Type -> m ()
assignCompatible' ni op t1 t2 = typeErrorOnLeft ni (assignCompatible op t1 t2)
binopType' :: MonadCError m =>
NodeInfo -> CBinaryOp -> Type -> Type -> m Type
binopType' ni op t1 t2 = typeErrorOnLeft ni (binopType op t1 t2)
conditionalType' :: MonadCError m => NodeInfo -> Type -> Type -> m Type
conditionalType' ni t1 t2 = typeErrorOnLeft ni $ conditionalType t1 t2
checkScalar :: Type -> Either String ()
checkScalar t =
case canonicalType t of
DirectType _ _ _ -> return ()
PtrType _ _ _ -> return ()
ArrayType _ _ _ _ -> return ()
t' -> fail $
"expected scalar type, got: "
++ pType t ++ " (" ++ pType t' ++ ")"
checkIntegral :: Type -> Either String ()
checkIntegral t | isIntegralType (canonicalType t) = return ()
| otherwise = fail $
"expected integral type, got: " ++
pType t ++ " (" ++
pType (canonicalType t) ++ ")"
constType :: (MonadCError m, MonadName m) => CConst -> m Type
constType (CIntConst (CInteger _ _ flags) _) =
return $ DirectType (TyIntegral (getIntType flags)) noTypeQuals noAttributes
constType (CCharConst (CChar _ True) _) =
return $ DirectType (TyIntegral TyInt) noTypeQuals noAttributes
constType (CCharConst (CChar _ False) _) =
return $ DirectType (TyIntegral TyChar) noTypeQuals noAttributes
constType (CCharConst (CChars _ _) _) =
return $ DirectType (TyIntegral TyInt) noTypeQuals noAttributes
constType (CFloatConst (CFloat fs) _) =
return $ DirectType (TyFloating (getFloatType fs)) noTypeQuals noAttributes
constType (CStrConst (CString chars wide) ni) =
do n <- genName
let charType | wide = TyInt
| otherwise = TyChar
ni' = mkNodeInfo (posOf ni) n
arraySize = ArraySize
(cInteger (toInteger (length chars))) ni'))
return $ ArrayType (DirectType (TyIntegral charType) noTypeQuals noAttributes)
arraySize noTypeQuals []
compatible :: Type -> Type -> Either String ()
compatible t1 t2 = compositeType t1 t2 >> return ()
compositeType :: Type -> Type -> Either String Type
compositeType t1 (DirectType (TyBuiltin TyAny) _ _) = return t1
compositeType (DirectType (TyBuiltin TyAny) _ _) t2 = return t2
compositeType t1@(DirectType tn1 q1 a1) t2@(DirectType tn2 q2 a2) =
do tn <- case (tn1, tn2) of
(TyVoid, TyVoid) -> return TyVoid
(TyIntegral _, TyEnum _) -> return tn1
(TyEnum _, TyIntegral _) -> return tn2
(TyIntegral i1, TyIntegral i2) ->
return $ TyIntegral (intConversion i1 i2)
(TyFloating f1, TyFloating f2) ->
return $ TyFloating (floatConversion f1 f2)
(TyComplex f1, TyComplex f2) ->
return $ TyComplex (floatConversion f1 f2)
(TyComp c1, TyComp c2) ->
do when (sueRef c1 /= sueRef c2) $
fail $ "incompatible composite types: "
++ pType t1 ++ ", " ++ pType t2
return tn1
(TyEnum e1, TyEnum e2) ->
do when (sueRef e1 /= sueRef e2) $
fail $ "incompatible enumeration types: "
++ pType t1 ++ ", " ++ pType t2
return $ TyEnum e1
(TyBuiltin TyVaList, TyBuiltin TyVaList) ->
return $ TyBuiltin TyVaList
(TyBuiltin _, TyBuiltin _) ->
fail $ "incompatible builtin types: "
++ pType t1 ++ ", " ++ pType t2
(_, _) -> fail $ "incompatible direct types: "
++ pType t1 ++ ", " ++ pType t2
return $ DirectType tn (mergeTypeQuals q1 q2) (mergeAttributes a1 a2)
compositeType (PtrType t1 q1 a1) (PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) q2 _) =
return $ PtrType t1 (mergeTypeQuals q1 q2) a1
compositeType (PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) q1 _) (PtrType t2 q2 a2) =
return $ PtrType t2 (mergeTypeQuals q1 q2) a2
compositeType (PtrType t1 q1 a1) t2 | isIntegralType t2 =
return $ PtrType t1 (mergeTypeQuals q1 (typeQuals t2)) a1
compositeType t1 (PtrType t2 q2 a2) | isIntegralType t1 =
return $ PtrType t2 (mergeTypeQuals (typeQuals t1) q2) a2
compositeType (ArrayType t1 sz1 q1 a1) t2 | isIntegralType t2 =
return $ PtrType t1 q1 a1
compositeType t1 (ArrayType t2 sz2 q2 a2) | isIntegralType t1 =
return $ PtrType t2 q2 a2
compositeType (ArrayType t1 s1 q1 a1) (ArrayType t2 s2 q2 a2) =
do t <- compositeType t1 t2
s <- compositeSize s1 s2
let quals = mergeTypeQuals q1 q2
attrs = mergeAttrs a1 a2
return (ArrayType t s quals attrs)
compositeType t1 t2 | isPointerType t1 && isPointerType t2 =
do t <- compositeType (baseType t1) (baseType t2)
let quals = mergeTypeQuals (typeQuals t1) (typeQuals t2)
attrs = mergeAttrs (typeAttrs t1) (typeAttrs t2)
return (PtrType t quals attrs)
compositeType (TypeDefType tdr1 q1 a1) (TypeDefType tdr2 q2 a2) =
case (tdr1, tdr2) of
(TypeDefRef i1 Nothing _, TypeDefRef i2 _ _) -> doTypeDef i1 i2 tdr1
(TypeDefRef i1 _ _, TypeDefRef i2 Nothing _) -> doTypeDef i1 i2 tdr2
(TypeDefRef _ (Just t1) _, TypeDefRef _ (Just t2) _) ->
compositeType t1 t2
where doTypeDef i1 i2 tdr =
do when (i1 /= i2) $ fail $ "incompatible typedef types: "
++ identToString i1 ++ ", " ++ identToString i2
return (TypeDefType tdr (mergeTypeQuals q1 q2) (mergeAttributes a1 a2))
compositeType (FunctionType ft1 attrs1) (FunctionType ft2 attrs2) =
case (ft1, ft2) of
(FunType rt1 args1 varargs1, FunType rt2 args2 varargs2) ->
args <- mapM (uncurry compositeParamDecl) (zip args1 args2)
when (varargs1 /= varargs2) $
fail "incompatible varargs declarations"
doFunType rt1 rt2 args varargs1
(FunType rt1 args1 varargs1, FunTypeIncomplete rt2) ->
doFunType rt1 rt2 args1 varargs1
(FunTypeIncomplete rt1, FunType rt2 args2 varargs2) ->
doFunType rt1 rt2 args2 varargs2
(FunTypeIncomplete rt1, FunTypeIncomplete rt2) ->
do rt <- compositeType rt1 rt2
return (FunctionType (FunTypeIncomplete rt) (mergeAttrs attrs1 attrs2))
where doFunType rt1 rt2 args varargs =
do rt <- compositeType rt1 rt2
return (FunctionType
(FunType rt args varargs)
(mergeAttrs attrs1 attrs2))
compositeType t1 t2 = fail $ "incompatible types: "
++ pType t1 ++ ", " ++ pType t2
compositeSize :: ArraySize -> ArraySize -> Either String ArraySize
compositeSize (UnknownArraySize _) s2 = return s2
compositeSize s1 (UnknownArraySize _) = return s1
compositeSize (ArraySize s1 e1) (ArraySize s2 e2)
| s1 == s2 && sizeEqual e1 e2 = return $ ArraySize s1 e1
| otherwise = return $ ArraySize s1 e1
sizeEqual :: CExpr -> CExpr -> Bool
sizeEqual (CConst (CIntConst i1 _)) (CConst (CIntConst i2 _)) = i1 == i2
sizeEqual e1 e2 = nodeInfo e1 == nodeInfo e2
mergeAttrs :: Attributes -> Attributes -> Attributes
mergeAttrs = (++)
compositeParamDecl :: ParamDecl -> ParamDecl -> Either String ParamDecl
compositeParamDecl (ParamDecl vd1 ni1) (ParamDecl vd2 _) =
compositeParamDecl' ParamDecl vd1 vd2 ni1
compositeParamDecl (AbstractParamDecl vd1 _) (ParamDecl vd2 ni2) =
compositeParamDecl' ParamDecl vd1 vd2 ni2
compositeParamDecl (ParamDecl vd1 ni1) (AbstractParamDecl vd2 _) =
compositeParamDecl' ParamDecl vd1 vd2 ni1
compositeParamDecl (AbstractParamDecl vd1 ni1) (AbstractParamDecl vd2 _) =
compositeParamDecl' AbstractParamDecl vd1 vd2 ni1
compositeParamDecl' :: (VarDecl -> NodeInfo -> ParamDecl)
-> VarDecl
-> VarDecl
-> NodeInfo
-> Either String ParamDecl
compositeParamDecl' f (VarDecl n1 attrs1 t1) (VarDecl n2 attrs2 t2) dni =
do vd <- compositeVarDecl (VarDecl n1 attrs1 t1') (VarDecl n2 attrs2 t2')
return $ f vd dni
where t1' = canonicalType t1
t2' = canonicalType t2
compositeVarDecl :: VarDecl -> VarDecl -> Either String VarDecl
compositeVarDecl (VarDecl n1 attrs1 t1) (VarDecl _ attrs2 t2) =
do t <- compositeType t1 t2
return (VarDecl n1 (compositeDeclAttrs attrs1 attrs2) t)
compositeDeclAttrs :: DeclAttrs -> DeclAttrs -> DeclAttrs
compositeDeclAttrs (DeclAttrs inl stor attrs1) (DeclAttrs _ _ attrs2) =
DeclAttrs inl stor (mergeAttrs attrs1 attrs2)
castCompatible :: Type -> Type -> Either String ()
castCompatible t1 t2 =
case (canonicalType t1, canonicalType t2) of
(DirectType TyVoid _ _, _) -> return ()
(_, _) -> checkScalar t1 >> checkScalar t2
assignCompatible :: CAssignOp -> Type -> Type -> Either String ()
assignCompatible CAssignOp t1 t2 =
case (canonicalType t1, canonicalType t2) of
(DirectType (TyBuiltin TyAny) _ _, _) -> return ()
(_, DirectType (TyBuiltin TyAny) _ _) -> return ()
(PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) _ _, t2') | isPointerType t2' -> return ()
(t1', PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) _ _) | isPointerType t1' -> return ()
(PtrType _ _ _, t2') | isIntegralType t2' -> return ()
(t1', t2') | isPointerType t1' && isPointerType t2' ->
do compatible (baseType t1') (baseType t2')
(DirectType (TyComp c1) _ _, DirectType (TyComp c2) _ _)
| sueRef c1 == sueRef c2 -> return ()
| otherwise -> fail $
"incompatible compound types in assignment: "
++ pType t1 ++ ", " ++ pType t2
(DirectType (TyBuiltin TyVaList) _ _, DirectType (TyBuiltin TyVaList) _ _) ->
return ()
(DirectType tn1 _ _, DirectType tn2 _ _)
| isJust (arithmeticConversion tn1 tn2) -> return ()
| otherwise -> fail $ "incompatible direct types in assignment: "
++ pType t1 ++ ", " ++ pType t2
(t1', t2') -> compatible t1' t2'
assignCompatible op t1 t2 = binopType (assignBinop op) t1 t2 >> return ()
binopType :: CBinaryOp -> Type -> Type -> Either String Type
binopType op t1 t2 =
case (op, canonicalType t1, canonicalType t2) of
(_, t1', t2')
| isLogicOp op ->
checkScalar t1' >> checkScalar t2' >> return boolType
| isCmpOp op ->
case (t1', t2') of
(DirectType tn1 _ _, DirectType tn2 _ _) ->
case arithmeticConversion tn1 tn2 of
Just _ -> return boolType
Nothing -> fail
"incompatible arithmetic types in comparison"
(PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) _ _, _)
| isPointerType t2' -> return boolType
(_, PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) _ _)
| isPointerType t1' -> return boolType
(_, _)
| isPointerType t1' && isIntegralType t2' -> return boolType
| isIntegralType t1' && isPointerType t2' -> return boolType
| isPointerType t1' && isPointerType t2' ->
compatible t1' t2' >> return boolType
(_, _) -> fail "incompatible types in comparison"
(CSubOp, ArrayType t1' _ _ _, ArrayType t2' _ _ _) ->
compatible t1' t2' >> return ptrDiffType
(CSubOp, ArrayType t1' _ _ _, PtrType t2' _ _) ->
compatible t1' t2' >> return ptrDiffType
(CSubOp, PtrType t1' _ _, ArrayType t2' _ _ _) ->
compatible t1' t2' >> return ptrDiffType
(CSubOp, PtrType t1' _ _, PtrType t2' _ _) ->
compatible t1' t2' >> return ptrDiffType
(_, PtrType _ _ _, t2')
| isPtrOp op && isIntegralType t2' -> return t1
| otherwise -> fail $ "invalid pointer operation: " ++ render (pretty op)
(CAddOp, t1', PtrType _ _ _) | isIntegralType t1' -> return t2
(_, ArrayType _ _ _ _, t2')
| isPtrOp op && isIntegralType t2' -> return t1
| otherwise -> fail $ "invalid pointer operation: " ++ render (pretty op)
(CAddOp, t1', ArrayType _ _ _ _) | isIntegralType t1' -> return t2
(_, DirectType tn1 q1 a1, DirectType tn2 q2 a2) ->
do when (isBitOp op) (checkIntegral t1 >> checkIntegral t2)
case arithmeticConversion tn1 tn2 of
Just tn -> return $ DirectType tn (mergeTypeQuals q1 q2) (mergeAttributes a1 a2)
Nothing -> fail $ render $
text "invalid binary operation:" <+> pretty t1 <+> pretty op <+> pretty t2
(_, _, _) -> fail $ render $
text "unhandled binary operation:" <+> pretty t1 <+> pretty op <+> pretty t2
conditionalType :: Type -> Type -> Either String Type
conditionalType t1 t2 =
case (canonicalType t1, canonicalType t2) of
(PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) _ _, t2') | isPointerType t2' -> return t2
(t1', PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) _ _) | isPointerType t1' -> return t1
(ArrayType t1' _ q1 a1, ArrayType t2' _ q2 a2) ->
do t <- compositeType t1' t2'
return $ ArrayType t (UnknownArraySize False)
(mergeTypeQuals q1 q2) (mergeAttrs a1 a2)
(t1'@(DirectType tn1 q1 a1), t2'@(DirectType tn2 q2 a2)) ->
case arithmeticConversion tn1 tn2 of
Just tn -> return $ DirectType tn (mergeTypeQuals q1 q2) (mergeAttributes a1 a2)
Nothing -> compositeType t1' t2'
(t1', t2') -> compositeType t1' t2'
derefType :: Type -> Either String Type
derefType (PtrType t _ _) = return t
derefType (ArrayType t _ _ _) = return t
derefType t =
case canonicalType t of
PtrType t' _ _ -> return t'
ArrayType t' _ _ _ -> return t'
_ -> fail $ "dereferencing non-pointer: " ++ pType t
varAddrType :: IdentDecl -> Either String Type
varAddrType d =
do case declStorage d of
Auto True -> fail "address of register variable"
_ -> return ()
case t of
ArrayType _ _ q a -> return $ PtrType t q a
_ -> return $ simplePtr t
where t = declType d
fieldType :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) => NodeInfo -> Ident -> Type -> m Type
fieldType ni m t =
case canonicalType t of
DirectType (TyComp ctr) _ _ ->
do td <- lookupSUE ni (sueRef ctr)
ms <- tagMembers ni td
case lookup m ms of
Just ft -> return ft
Nothing -> typeError ni $ "field not found: " ++ identToString m
_t' -> astError ni $
"field of non-composite type: " ++ identToString m
++ ", " ++ pType t
tagMembers :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) =>
NodeInfo -> TagDef -> m [(Ident, Type)]
tagMembers ni td =
case td of
CompDef (CompType _ _ ms _ _) -> getMembers ms
EnumDef (EnumType _ es _ _) -> getMembers es
where getMembers ds =
do let ts = map declType ds
ns = map declName ds
concat `liftM` mapM (expandAnonymous ni) (zip ns ts)
expandAnonymous :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) =>
NodeInfo -> (VarName, Type)
-> m [(Ident, Type)]
expandAnonymous ni (NoName, DirectType (TyComp ctr) _ _) =
lookupSUE ni (sueRef ctr) >>= tagMembers ni
expandAnonymous _ (NoName, _) = return []
expandAnonymous _ (VarName n _, t) = return [(n, t)]
lookupSUE :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) =>
NodeInfo -> SUERef -> m TagDef
lookupSUE ni sue =
do dt <- getDefTable
case lookupTag sue dt of
Just (Right td) -> return td
_ ->
typeError ni $ "unknown composite type: " ++ (render . pretty) sue
deepTypeAttrs :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) =>
Type -> m Attributes
deepTypeAttrs (DirectType (TyComp (CompTypeRef sue _ ni)) _ attrs) =
(attrs ++) `liftM` sueAttrs ni sue
deepTypeAttrs (DirectType (TyEnum (EnumTypeRef sue ni)) _ attrs) =
(attrs ++) `liftM` sueAttrs ni sue
deepTypeAttrs (DirectType _ _ attrs) = return attrs
deepTypeAttrs (PtrType t _ attrs) = (attrs ++) `liftM` deepTypeAttrs t
deepTypeAttrs (ArrayType t _ _ attrs) = (attrs ++) `liftM` deepTypeAttrs t
deepTypeAttrs (FunctionType (FunType t _ _) attrs) =
(attrs ++) `liftM` deepTypeAttrs t
deepTypeAttrs (FunctionType (FunTypeIncomplete t) attrs) =
(attrs ++) `liftM` deepTypeAttrs t
deepTypeAttrs (TypeDefType (TypeDefRef i _ ni) _ attrs) =
(attrs ++) `liftM` typeDefAttrs ni i
typeDefAttrs :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) =>
NodeInfo -> Ident -> m Attributes
typeDefAttrs ni i =
do dt <- getDefTable
case lookupIdent i dt of
Nothing -> astError ni $ "can't find typedef name: " ++ identToString i
Just (Left (TypeDef _ t attrs _)) -> (attrs ++) `liftM` deepTypeAttrs t
Just (Right _) -> astError ni $ "not a typedef name: " ++ identToString i
sueAttrs :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) =>
NodeInfo -> SUERef -> m Attributes
sueAttrs ni sue =
do dt <- getDefTable
case lookupTag sue dt of
Nothing -> astError ni $ "SUE not found: " ++ render (pretty sue)
Just (Left _) -> return []
Just (Right (CompDef (CompType _ _ _ attrs _))) -> return attrs
Just (Right (EnumDef (EnumType _ _ attrs _))) -> return attrs