module Language.C.Analysis.Export (
exportType, exportTypeDecl, exportTypeSpec,
exportCompType, exportCompTypeDecl, exportCompTypeRef,
exportEnumType, exportEnumTypeDecl, exportEnumTypeRef,
import Language.C.Data.Ident
import Language.C.Data.Name (nameId)
import Language.C.Data.Node
import Language.C.Syntax.AST
import Language.C.Analysis.SemRep
import Data.Maybe
exportDeclr :: [CDeclSpec] -> Type -> Attributes -> VarName -> ([CDeclSpec],CDeclr)
exportDeclr other_specs ty attrs name =
(other_specs ++ specs, CDeclr ident derived asmname (exportAttrs attrs) ni)
(specs,derived) = exportType ty
(ident,asmname) = case name of (VarName vident asmname_opt) -> (Just vident, asmname_opt)
_ -> (Nothing,Nothing)
exportTypeDecl :: Type -> CDecl
exportTypeDecl ty =
CDecl declspecs declrs ni
(declspecs,derived) = exportType ty
declrs | null derived = []
| otherwise = [(Just $ CDeclr Nothing derived Nothing [] ni,Nothing,Nothing)]
exportTypeDef :: TypeDef -> CDecl
exportTypeDef (TypeDef ident ty attrs node_info) =
CDecl (CStorageSpec (CTypedef ni) : declspecs) [declr] node_info
(declspecs,derived) = exportType ty
declr = (Just $ CDeclr (Just ident) derived Nothing (exportAttrs attrs) ni, Nothing, Nothing)
exportType :: Type -> ([CDeclSpec],[CDerivedDeclr])
exportType ty = exportTy [] ty
exportTy dd (PtrType ity tyquals attrs) =
let ptr_declr = CPtrDeclr (exportTypeQualsAttrs tyquals attrs) ni
in exportTy (ptr_declr : dd) ity
exportTy dd (ArrayType ity array_sz tyquals attrs) =
let arr_declr = CArrDeclr (exportTypeQualsAttrs tyquals attrs) (exportArraySize array_sz) ni
in exportTy (arr_declr : dd) ity
exportTy dd (FunctionType (FunType ity params variadic) attrs) =
let fun_declr = CFunDeclr (Right (map exportParamDecl params,variadic)) (exportAttrs attrs) ni
in exportTy (fun_declr : dd) ity
exportTy dd (FunctionType (FunTypeIncomplete ity) attrs) =
let fun_declr = CFunDeclr (Right ([],False)) (exportAttrs attrs) ni
in exportTy (fun_declr : dd) ity
exportTy dd (TypeDefType (TypeDefRef ty_ident _ node) quals attrs) =
let declspecs = [CTypeSpec (CTypeDef ty_ident node)]
++ map CTypeQual (exportTypeQualsAttrs quals attrs)
in (declspecs, reverse dd)
exportTy dd (DirectType ity quals attrs) =
let declspecs = map CTypeQual (exportTypeQualsAttrs quals attrs)
++ map CTypeSpec (exportTypeSpec ity)
in (declspecs, reverse dd)
exportTypeQuals :: TypeQuals -> [CTypeQual]
exportTypeQuals quals = mapMaybe select [(constant,CConstQual ni),(volatile,CVolatQual ni),(restrict,CRestrQual ni)]
select (predicate,tyqual) | predicate quals = Just tyqual
| otherwise = Nothing
exportTypeQualsAttrs :: TypeQuals -> Attributes -> [CTypeQual]
exportTypeQualsAttrs tyqs attrs = (exportTypeQuals tyqs ++ map CAttrQual (exportAttrs attrs))
exportArraySize :: ArraySize -> CArrSize
exportArraySize (ArraySize static e) = CArrSize static e
exportArraySize (UnknownArraySize complete) = CNoArrSize complete
exportTypeSpec :: TypeName -> [CTypeSpec]
exportTypeSpec tyname =
case tyname of
TyVoid -> [CVoidType ni]
TyIntegral ity -> exportIntType ity
TyFloating fty -> exportFloatType fty
TyComplex fty -> exportComplexType fty
TyComp comp -> exportCompTypeDecl comp
TyEnum enum -> exportEnumTypeDecl enum
TyBuiltin TyVaList -> [CTypeDef (internalIdent "va_list") ni]
TyBuiltin TyAny -> [CTypeDef (internalIdent "__ty_any") ni]
exportIntType :: IntType -> [CTypeSpec]
exportIntType ty =
case ty of
TyBool -> [CBoolType ni]
TyChar -> [CCharType ni]
TySChar -> [CSignedType ni,CCharType ni]
TyUChar -> [CUnsigType ni,CCharType ni]
TyShort -> [CShortType ni]
TyUShort -> [CUnsigType ni, CShortType ni]
TyInt -> [CIntType ni]
TyUInt -> [CUnsigType ni, CIntType ni]
TyLong -> [CLongType ni]
TyULong -> [CUnsigType ni,CLongType ni]
TyLLong -> [CLongType ni, CLongType ni]
TyULLong -> [CUnsigType ni, CLongType ni, CLongType ni]
exportFloatType :: FloatType -> [CTypeSpec]
exportFloatType ty =
case ty of
TyFloat -> [CFloatType ni]
TyDouble -> [CDoubleType ni]
TyLDouble -> [CLongType ni, CDoubleType ni]
exportComplexType :: FloatType -> [CTypeSpec]
exportComplexType ty = (CComplexType ni) : exportFloatType ty
exportCompTypeDecl :: CompTypeRef -> [CTypeSpec]
exportCompTypeDecl ty = [CSUType (exportComp ty) ni]
exportComp (CompTypeRef sue_ref comp_tag _n) =
CStruct (if comp_tag == StructTag then CStructTag else CUnionTag)
(exportSUERef sue_ref) Nothing [] ni
exportEnumTypeDecl :: EnumTypeRef -> [CTypeSpec]
exportEnumTypeDecl ty = [CEnumType (exportEnum ty) ni]
exportEnum (EnumTypeRef sue_ref _n) =
CEnum (exportSUERef sue_ref) Nothing [] ni
exportCompType :: CompType -> [CTypeSpec]
exportCompType (CompType sue_ref comp_tag members attrs node_info) = [CSUType comp ni]
comp = CStruct (if comp_tag == StructTag then CStructTag else CUnionTag)
(exportSUERef sue_ref)
(Just (map exportMemberDecl members))
(exportAttrs attrs)
exportCompTypeRef :: CompType -> [CTypeSpec]
exportCompTypeRef (CompType sue_ref com_tag _ _ node_info) = exportCompTypeDecl (CompTypeRef sue_ref com_tag node_info)
exportEnumType :: EnumType -> [CTypeSpec]
exportEnumType (EnumType sue_ref enumerators attrs node_info) = [CEnumType enum ni]
enum = CEnum (exportSUERef sue_ref)
(Just (map exportEnumerator enumerators))
(exportAttrs attrs)
exportEnumerator (Enumerator ident val _ty _) = (ident,Just val)
exportEnumTypeRef :: EnumType -> [CTypeSpec]
exportEnumTypeRef (EnumType sue_ref _ _ node_info) = exportEnumTypeDecl (EnumTypeRef sue_ref node_info)
exportSUERef :: SUERef -> Maybe Ident
exportSUERef (AnonymousRef name) = Just (internalIdent $ "$" ++ show (nameId name))
exportSUERef (NamedRef ident) = Just ident
exportMemberDecl :: MemberDecl -> CDecl
exportMemberDecl (AnonBitField ty expr node_info) =
CDecl (map CTypeSpec $ exportTypeSpec $ fromDirectType ty) [(Nothing,Nothing,Just expr)] node_info
exportMemberDecl (MemberDecl vardecl bitfieldsz node_info) =
let (specs,declarator) = exportVarDecl vardecl
in CDecl specs [(Just declarator, Nothing, bitfieldsz)] node_info
exportVarDecl :: VarDecl -> ([CDeclSpec],CDeclr)
exportVarDecl (VarDecl name attrs ty) = exportDeclr (exportDeclAttrs attrs) ty [] name
exportParamDecl :: ParamDecl -> CDecl
exportParamDecl paramdecl =
let (specs,declr) = exportVarDecl (getVarDecl paramdecl)
in CDecl specs [(Just declr, Nothing , Nothing) ] (nodeInfo paramdecl)
exportDeclAttrs :: DeclAttrs -> [CDeclSpec]
exportDeclAttrs (DeclAttrs inline storage attrs) =
(if inline then [CTypeQual (CInlineQual ni)] else [])
++ map (CStorageSpec) (exportStorage storage)
++ map (CTypeQual . CAttrQual) (exportAttrs attrs)
exportStorage :: Storage -> [CStorageSpec]
exportStorage NoStorage = []
exportStorage (Auto reg) = if reg then [CRegister ni] else []
exportStorage (Static InternalLinkage thread_local) = threadLocal thread_local [CStatic ni]
exportStorage (Static ExternalLinkage thread_local) = threadLocal thread_local [CExtern ni]
exportStorage (Static NoLinkage _) = error "impossible storage: static without linkage"
exportStorage (FunLinkage InternalLinkage) = [CStatic ni]
exportStorage (FunLinkage ExternalLinkage) = []
exportStorage (FunLinkage NoLinkage) = error "impossible storage: function without linkage"
threadLocal :: Bool -> [CStorageSpec] -> [CStorageSpec]
threadLocal False = id
threadLocal True = ((CThread ni) :)
exportAttrs :: [Attr] -> [CAttr]
exportAttrs = map exportAttr where
exportAttr (Attr ident es n) = CAttr ident es n
fromDirectType :: Type -> TypeName
fromDirectType (DirectType ty _ _) = ty
fromDirectType (TypeDefType (TypeDefRef _ ref _) _ _) = maybe (error "undefined typeDef") fromDirectType ref
fromDirectType _ = error "fromDirectType"
ni :: NodeInfo
ni = undefNode