module Language.C.Analysis.ConstEval where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Language.C.Syntax.AST
import Language.C.Syntax.Constants
import Language.C.Analysis.AstAnalysis (tExpr, ExprSide(..))
import Language.C.Analysis.Debug
import Language.C.Analysis.DeclAnalysis
import Language.C.Analysis.DefTable
import Language.C.Data
import Language.C.Pretty
import Language.C.Analysis.SemRep
import Language.C.Analysis.TravMonad
import Language.C.Analysis.TypeUtils
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
data MachineDesc =
{ iSize :: IntType -> Integer
, fSize :: FloatType -> Integer
, builtinSize :: BuiltinType -> Integer
, ptrSize :: Integer
, voidSize :: Integer
, iAlign :: IntType -> Integer
, fAlign :: FloatType -> Integer
, builtinAlign :: BuiltinType -> Integer
, ptrAlign :: Integer
, voidAlign :: Integer
intExpr :: (Pos n, MonadName m) => n -> Integer -> m CExpr
intExpr n i =
genName >>= \name ->
return $ CConst $ CIntConst (cInteger i) (mkNodeInfo (posOf n) name)
sizeofType :: (MonadTrav m, CNode n) => MachineDesc -> n -> Type -> m Integer
sizeofType md _ (DirectType TyVoid _ _) = return $ voidSize md
sizeofType md _ (DirectType (TyIntegral it) _ _) = return $ iSize md it
sizeofType md _ (DirectType (TyFloating ft) _ _) = return $ fSize md ft
sizeofType md _ (DirectType (TyComplex ft) _ _) = return $ 2 * fSize md ft
sizeofType md _ (DirectType (TyComp ctr) _ _) = compSize md ctr
sizeofType md _ (DirectType (TyEnum _) _ _) = return $ iSize md TyInt
sizeofType md _ (DirectType (TyBuiltin b) _ _) = return $ builtinSize md b
sizeofType md _ (PtrType _ _ _) = return $ ptrSize md
sizeofType md n (ArrayType bt (UnknownArraySize _) _ _) = return $ ptrSize md
sizeofType md n (ArrayType bt (ArraySize _ sz) _ _) =
do sz' <- constEval md Map.empty sz
case sz' of
CConst (CIntConst i _) ->
do s <- sizeofType md n bt
return $ getCInteger i * s
_ -> return $ ptrSize md
sizeofType md n (TypeDefType (TypeDefRef _ (Just t) _) _ _) = sizeofType md n t
sizeofType md _ (FunctionType _ _) = return $ ptrSize md
sizeofType _ n t = astError (nodeInfo n) $
"can't find size of type: " ++ (render . pretty) t
alignofType :: (MonadTrav m, CNode n) => MachineDesc -> n -> Type -> m Integer
alignofType md _ (DirectType TyVoid _ _) = return $ voidAlign md
alignofType md _ (DirectType (TyIntegral it) _ _) = return $ iAlign md it
alignofType md _ (DirectType (TyFloating ft) _ _) = return $ fAlign md ft
alignofType md _ (DirectType (TyComplex ft) _ _) = return $ fAlign md ft
alignofType md _ (DirectType (TyEnum _) _ _) = return $ iAlign md TyInt
alignofType md _ (DirectType (TyBuiltin b) _ _) = return $ builtinAlign md b
alignofType md _ (PtrType _ _ _) = return $ ptrAlign md
alignofType md n (ArrayType bt (UnknownArraySize _) _ _) = return $ ptrAlign md
alignofType md n (ArrayType bt (ArraySize _ sz) _ _) = alignofType md n bt
alignofType md n (TypeDefType (TypeDefRef _ (Just t) _) _ _) = alignofType md n t
alignofType _ n t = astError (nodeInfo n) $
"can't find alignment of type: " ++ (render . pretty) t
compSize :: MonadTrav m => MachineDesc -> CompTypeRef -> m Integer
compSize md ctr =
do dt <- getDefTable
case lookupTag (sueRef ctr) dt of
Just (Left _) -> astError (nodeInfo ctr)
"composite declared but not defined"
Just (Right (CompDef (CompType _ tag ms _ ni))) ->
do let ts = map declType ms
sizes <- mapM (sizeofType md ni) ts
case tag of
StructTag -> return $ sum sizes
UnionTag -> return $ maximum sizes
Just (Right (EnumDef _)) -> return $ iSize md TyInt
Nothing -> astError (nodeInfo ctr) "unknown composite"
intOp :: CBinaryOp -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
intOp CAddOp i1 i2 = i1 + i2
intOp CSubOp i1 i2 = i1 i2
intOp CMulOp i1 i2 = i1 * i2
intOp CDivOp i1 i2 = i1 `div` i2
intOp CRmdOp i1 i2 = i1 `mod` i2
intOp CShlOp i1 i2 = i1 `shiftL` fromInteger i2
intOp CShrOp i1 i2 = i1 `shiftR` fromInteger i2
intOp CLeOp i1 i2 = toInteger $ fromEnum $ i1 < i2
intOp CGrOp i1 i2 = toInteger $ fromEnum $ i1 > i2
intOp CLeqOp i1 i2 = toInteger $ fromEnum $ i1 <= i2
intOp CGeqOp i1 i2 = toInteger $ fromEnum $ i1 >= i2
intOp CEqOp i1 i2 = toInteger $ fromEnum $ i1 == i2
intOp CNeqOp i1 i2 = toInteger $ fromEnum $ i1 /= i2
intOp CAndOp i1 i2 = i1 .&. i2
intOp CXorOp i1 i2 = i1 `xor` i2
intOp COrOp i1 i2 = i1 .|. i2
intOp CLndOp i1 i2 = toInteger $ fromEnum $ (i1 /= 0) && (i2 /= 0)
intOp CLorOp i1 i2 = toInteger $ fromEnum $ (i1 /= 0) || (i2 /= 0)
intUnOp :: CUnaryOp -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
intUnOp CPlusOp i = Just i
intUnOp CMinOp i = Just $ i
intUnOp CCompOp i = Just $ complement i
intUnOp CNegOp i = Just $ toInteger $ fromEnum $ i == 0
intUnOp _ _ = Nothing
withWordBytes :: Int -> Integer -> Integer
withWordBytes bytes n = n `rem` (1 `shiftL` (bytes `shiftL` 3))
boolValue :: CExpr -> Maybe Bool
boolValue (CConst (CIntConst i _)) = Just $ getCInteger i /= 0
boolValue (CConst (CCharConst c _)) = Just $ getCCharAsInt c /= 0
boolValue (CConst (CStrConst _ _)) = Just True
boolValue _ = Nothing
intValue :: CExpr -> Maybe Integer
intValue (CConst (CIntConst i _)) = Just $ getCInteger i
intValue (CConst (CCharConst c _)) = Just $ getCCharAsInt c
intValue _ = Nothing
constEval :: (MonadTrav m) =>
MachineDesc -> Map.Map Ident CExpr -> CExpr -> m CExpr
constEval md env (CCond e1 me2 e3 ni) =
do e1' <- constEval md env e1
me2' <- maybe (return Nothing) (\e -> Just `liftM` constEval md env e) me2
e3' <- constEval md env e3
case boolValue e1' of
Just True -> return $ fromMaybe e1' me2'
Just False -> return e3'
Nothing -> return $ CCond e1' me2' e3' ni
constEval md env e@(CBinary op e1 e2 ni) =
do e1' <- constEval md env e1
e2' <- constEval md env e2
t <- tExpr [] RValue e
bytes <- fromIntegral `liftM` sizeofType md e t
case (intValue e1', intValue e2') of
(Just i1, Just i2) -> intExpr ni (withWordBytes bytes (intOp op i1 i2))
(_, _) -> return $ CBinary op e1' e2' ni
constEval md env (CUnary op e ni) =
do e' <- constEval md env e
t <- tExpr [] RValue e
bytes <- fromIntegral `liftM` sizeofType md e t
case intValue e' of
Just i -> case intUnOp op i of
Just i' -> intExpr ni (withWordBytes bytes i')
Nothing -> astError ni
"invalid unary operator applied to constant"
Nothing -> return $ CUnary op e' ni
constEval md env (CCast d e ni) =
do e' <- constEval md env e
t <- analyseTypeDecl d
bytes <- fromIntegral `liftM` sizeofType md d t
case intValue e' of
Just i -> intExpr ni (withWordBytes bytes i)
Nothing -> return $ CCast d e' ni
constEval md _ (CSizeofExpr e ni) =
do t <- tExpr [] RValue e
sz <- sizeofType md e t
intExpr ni sz
constEval md _ (CSizeofType d ni) =
do t <- analyseTypeDecl d
sz <- sizeofType md d t
intExpr ni sz
constEval md _ (CAlignofExpr e ni) =
do t <- tExpr [] RValue e
sz <- alignofType md e t
intExpr ni sz
constEval md _ (CAlignofType d ni) =
do t <- analyseTypeDecl d
sz <- alignofType md d t
intExpr ni sz
constEval md env e@(CVar i _) | Map.member i env =
return $ fromMaybe e $ Map.lookup i env
constEval md env e@(CVar i _) =
do t <- tExpr [] RValue e
case derefTypeDef t of
DirectType (TyEnum etr) _ _ ->
do dt <- getDefTable
case lookupTag (sueRef etr) dt of
Just (Right (EnumDef (EnumType _ es _ _))) ->
do env' <- foldM enumConst env es
return $ fromMaybe e $ Map.lookup i env'
_ -> return e
_ -> return e
where enumConst env' (Enumerator n e' _ _) =
do c <- constEval md env' e'
return $ Map.insert n c env'
constEval _ _ e = return e