{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Exception.Base (handleJust) import Control.Monad (unless) import Data.List (nub, sort) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy)) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca) import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek, poke) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO (IOMode(..), withFile) import System.IO.Error (isPermissionError) import System.Posix.Types (Fd) import System.Process (CreateProcess(..), proc, readCreateProcessWithExitCode) import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (assert, monadicIO, run) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure (expectFailBecause) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@?), (@=?), (@?=), testCase, testCaseSteps) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import System.Landlock (AccessFsFlag(..), RulesetAttr(..), OpenPathFlags(..), abiVersion, accessFsFlags, defaultOpenPathFlags, isSupported, landlock, version1, withOpenPath) import System.Landlock.Rules (Rule, RuleType(..), pathBeneath) import System.Landlock.Syscalls (LandlockRulesetAttr(..)) -- This test-suite is a bit "weird". We want to test various privilege-related -- functions. Now, whenever we drop some privileges, we can't (and shouldn't be -- able to) regain these later. Hence, all tests which drop privileges *must -- run in a different process*. This sounds simple: just `fork`, run the test -- in the subprocess, and wait for it to exit. However, this doesn't work that -- well in a GHC world, where `forkProcess` should always immediately `exec` -- something else: running Haskell code after `forkProcess` can lock up -- indefinitely. -- So, instead of using a simple `fork`, this test executable is used in two -- ways: either as-is, in which case Tasty is used to run a bunch of tests, -- or with the `LANDLOCK_TEST` environment variable set. If the latter is -- set, the Tasty test-suite won't be executed, but instead a specific test -- will run. This way, the Tasty test-suite can run this very same binary -- in a different environment to run test scenarios. landlockTestEnvironmentVariable :: String landlockTestEnvironmentVariable = "LANDLOCK_TEST" main :: IO () main = lookupEnv "LANDLOCK_TEST" >>= \case Nothing -> do hasLandlock <- isSupported defaultMain (tests hasLandlock) Just testName -> case lookup testName functionalTestCases of Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown test: " ++ testName Just act -> act tests :: Bool -> TestTree tests hasLandlock = testGroup "Tests" [ properties , (if hasLandlock then id else expectFailBecause "Landlock not supported") functionalTests ] properties :: TestTree properties = testGroup "Properties" [ storable "LandlockRulesetAttr" (Proxy @LandlockRulesetAttr) , storable "Rule 'PathBeneath" (Proxy @(Rule 'PathBeneath)) ] storable :: forall proxy a. (Eq a, Show a, Arbitrary a, Storable a) => String -> proxy a -> TestTree storable name _ = testGroup ("Storable for " ++ name) [ QC.testProperty "peek . poke == id" $ \a -> monadicIO $ do a' <- run $ alloca $ \ptr -> do poke ptr (a :: a) peek ptr assert $ a' == a ] instance Arbitrary LandlockRulesetAttr where arbitrary = LandlockRulesetAttr <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary (Rule 'PathBeneath) where arbitrary = pathBeneath <$> fmap (fromIntegral :: Int -> Fd) arbitrary <*> fmap (nub . sort) arbitrary instance Arbitrary AccessFsFlag where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum functionalTests :: TestTree functionalTests = testGroup "Functional Tests" $ [ testCase "abiVersion >= 1" $ do v <- abiVersion v >= version1 @? "Unexpected version" , testCase "abiVersion is idempotent" $ do v1 <- abiVersion v2 <- abiVersion v1 @=? v2 ] ++ map (\(name, _) -> testCaseSteps name (`runFunctionalTest` name)) functionalTestCases where runFunctionalTest step name = do step "Running test subprocess" (rc, stdout, stderr) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (mkCreateProcess name) "" step $ "Test subprocess exited with " ++ show rc unless (null stdout) $ step $ "Test subprocess stdout:\n" ++ stdout unless (null stderr) $ step $ "Test subprocess stderr:\n" ++ stderr rc @?= ExitSuccess mkCreateProcess name = (proc "/proc/self/exe" []) { env = Just [(landlockTestEnvironmentVariable, name)] , close_fds = True } functionalTestCases :: [(String, IO ())] functionalTestCases = [ ("All v1 restrictions in sandbox", testAllV1Restrictions) , ("Restrict read, except for /etc", testRestrictReadExceptEtc) ] testAllV1Restrictions :: IO () testAllV1Restrictions = do let fn = "/etc/resolv.conf" try act = withFile fn ReadMode act -- First, try to open as-is try (\_ -> return ()) -- Then, sandbox and try again let Just v1Restrictions = lookup version1 accessFsFlags landlock (RulesetAttr v1Restrictions) [] [] $ \_ -> return () catchPermissionDenied $ try $ \_ -> fail $ "Still able to open " ++ fn testRestrictReadExceptEtc :: IO () testRestrictReadExceptEtc = do let dir = "/etc" file = dir "passwd" act = withFile file ReadMode $ \_ -> return () Just v1Restrictions = lookup version1 accessFsFlags act landlock (RulesetAttr v1Restrictions) [] [] $ \addRule -> do withOpenPath dir defaultOpenPathFlags { directory = True } $ \fd -> do addRule (pathBeneath fd [AccessFsReadFile, AccessFsReadDir, AccessFsExecute]) [] act catchPermissionDenied :: IO () -> IO () catchPermissionDenied = handleJust (\exc -> if isPermissionError exc then Just () else Nothing) return