module Text.LambdaOptions (
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
internalError :: a
internalError = error "Internal logic error."
newtype List a = List [a]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
class Parseable a where
parse :: [String] -> (Maybe a, Int)
simpleParse :: (String -> Maybe a) -> [String] -> (Maybe a, Int)
simpleParse parser = \case
[] -> (Nothing, 0)
s : _ -> case parser s of
Nothing -> (Nothing, 0)
Just x -> (Just x, 1)
instance Parseable Int where
parse = simpleParse readMaybe
instance Parseable String where
parse = simpleParse Just
instance Parseable Float where
parse = simpleParse readMaybe
instance (Parseable a) => Parseable (Maybe a) where
parse args = case parse args of
(Nothing, n) -> (Just Nothing, n)
(Just x, n) -> (Just $ Just x, n)
instance (Parseable a) => Parseable (List a) where
parse args = case parse args of
(Just mx, n) -> case mx of
Just x -> let
rest = drop n args
in case parse rest of
(Just (List xs), n') -> (Just $ List $ x : xs, n + n')
(Nothing, _) -> internalError
Nothing -> (Just $ List [], n)
(Nothing, _) -> internalError
data Opaque :: * where
Opaque :: (Typeable a) => a -> Opaque
type OpaqueCallback m = [Opaque] -> m ()
type OpaqueParser = [String] -> (Maybe Opaque, Int)
parseOpaque :: forall a. (Parseable a, Typeable a) => Proxy a -> OpaqueParser
parseOpaque ~Proxy str = case parse str of
(Nothing, n) -> (Nothing, n)
(Just (x :: a), n) -> (Just $ Opaque x, n)
class GetOpaqueParsers f where
getOpaqueParsers :: Proxy f -> [(TypeRep, OpaqueParser)]
instance (Parseable a, Typeable a, GetOpaqueParsers b) => GetOpaqueParsers (a -> b) where
getOpaqueParsers ~Proxy = let
proxyA = Proxy :: Proxy a
proxyB = Proxy :: Proxy b
typeRep = typeOf proxyA
parser = parseOpaque proxyA
in (typeRep, parser) : getOpaqueParsers proxyB
instance (Monad m) => GetOpaqueParsers (m ()) where
getOpaqueParsers ~Proxy = []
class WrapCallback m f where
wrap :: f -> OpaqueCallback m
instance WrapCallback m (m ()) where
wrap action = \case
[] -> action
_ -> internalError
instance (Typeable a, WrapCallback m b) => WrapCallback m (a -> b) where
wrap f = \case
Opaque o : os -> case cast o of
Just x -> let
g = f x
g' = wrap g
in g' os
Nothing -> internalError
[] -> internalError
type OptionCallback m f = (Monad m, GetOpaqueParsers f, WrapCallback m f)
type Keyword = String
data OptionInfo m = OptionInfo {
optionKeyword :: Keyword,
optionTypeReps :: [TypeRep],
optionCallback :: OpaqueCallback m
} deriving ()
newtype Options m a = Options {
unOptions :: StateT (OptionsState m) m a
} deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadState (OptionsState m), MonadIO)
instance MonadTrans Options where
lift = Options . lift
data OptionsState m = OptionsState {
stateOpaqueParsers :: Map TypeRep OpaqueParser,
stateOptionsByArity :: [[OptionInfo m]],
stateCollectedActions :: m (),
stateCurrMark :: Int,
stateHighMark :: Int,
stateArgs :: [String]
} deriving ()
data OptionsError
= ParseFailed String Int Int
deriving (Show)
mkParseFailed :: Int -> Int -> [String] -> OptionsError
mkParseFailed beginIndex endIndex args = ParseFailed (mkParseFailed' beginIndex endIndex args) beginIndex endIndex
mkParseFailed' :: Int -> Int -> [String] -> String
mkParseFailed' beginIndex endIndex args
| endIndex == beginIndex + 1 = "Unknown option at index " ++ beginIndexStr ++ ": `" ++ begin ++ "'"
| endIndex == length args + 1 = "Bad input for `" ++ begin ++ "' at index " ++ beginIndexStr ++ ": End of input."
| otherwise = "Bad input for `" ++ begin ++ "' at index " ++ beginIndexStr ++ ": `" ++ end ++ "'"
begin = args !! beginIndex
end = args !! (endIndex 1)
beginIndexStr = show beginIndex
runOptions :: (Monad m) => Options m a -> [String] -> m (Maybe OptionsError)
runOptions action args = runOptions' args $ runStateT (unOptions $ action >> tryParseAll) $ OptionsState {
stateOpaqueParsers = Map.empty,
stateOptionsByArity = [],
stateCollectedActions = return (),
stateCurrMark = 0,
stateHighMark = 0,
stateArgs = args }
runOptions' :: (Monad m) => [String] -> m (Bool, OptionsState m) -> m (Maybe OptionsError)
runOptions' args m = m >>= \case
(True, st) -> stateCollectedActions st >> return Nothing
(False, st) -> return $ Just $ let
currMark = stateCurrMark st
highMark = stateHighMark st
in mkParseFailed currMark (highMark + 1) args
addByArity :: a -> [[a]] -> Int -> [[a]]
addByArity x xss = \case
0 -> case xss of
[] -> [[x]]
xs : rest -> (x : xs) : rest
n -> case xss of
[] -> [] : addByArity x [] (n 1)
xs : rest -> xs : addByArity x rest (n 1)
addOption :: forall m f. (OptionCallback m f) => Keyword -> f -> Options m ()
addOption keyword f = do
let (typeReps, opaqueParsers) = unzip $ getOpaqueParsers (Proxy :: Proxy f)
arity = length typeReps
f' = wrap f
info = OptionInfo {
optionKeyword = keyword,
optionTypeReps = typeReps,
optionCallback = f' }
forM_ (zip typeReps opaqueParsers) $ \(typeRep, opaqueParser) -> do
modify $ \st -> st { stateOpaqueParsers = Map.insert typeRep opaqueParser $ stateOpaqueParsers st }
modify $ \st -> st { stateOptionsByArity = addByArity info (stateOptionsByArity st) arity }
firstM' :: (Monad m) => [m Bool] -> m Bool
firstM' = liftM isJust . firstM id
tryParseAll :: (Monad m) => Options m Bool
tryParseAll = do
whileM_ tryParse $ return ()
gets (null . stateArgs)
tryParse :: (Monad m) => Options m Bool
tryParse = gets (null . stateArgs) >>= \case
True -> return False
False -> tryParseByArity
tryParseByArity :: (Monad m) => Options m Bool
tryParseByArity = do
optionsByArity <- gets $ reverse . stateOptionsByArity
firstM' $ map tryParseByOptions optionsByArity
tryParseByOptions :: (Monad m) => [OptionInfo m] -> Options m Bool
tryParseByOptions = firstM' . map tryParseByOption
tryParseByOption :: (Monad m) => OptionInfo m -> Options m Bool
tryParseByOption option = do
restorePoint <- get
matchKeyword (optionKeyword option) >>= \case
False -> return False
True -> do
let knownParsers = stateOpaqueParsers restorePoint
args <- gets stateArgs
beginMark <- gets stateCurrMark
let typeReps = optionTypeReps option
opaqueParsers = mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup knownParsers) typeReps
(mOpaques, n) = sequenceParsers args opaqueParsers
args' = drop n args
result <- case mOpaques of
Nothing -> do
put restorePoint
return False
Just opaques -> do
let action = optionCallback option opaques
modify $ \st -> st {
stateCurrMark = beginMark + n,
stateCollectedActions = stateCollectedActions st >> action,
stateArgs = args' }
return True
modify $ \st -> let
oldHighMark = stateHighMark st
newHighMark = max oldHighMark (beginMark + n)
in st { stateHighMark = newHighMark }
return result
matchKeyword :: (Monad m) => Keyword -> Options m Bool
matchKeyword kw = gets stateArgs >>= \case
[] -> return False
(arg : rest) -> case kw == arg of
False -> return False
True -> do
modify $ \st -> let
newCurrMark = stateCurrMark st + 1
in st {
stateCurrMark = newCurrMark,
stateHighMark = max newCurrMark (stateHighMark st),
stateArgs = rest }
return True
sequenceParsers :: [String] -> [OpaqueParser] -> (Maybe [Opaque], Int)
sequenceParsers args = \case
[] -> (Just [], 0)
p : ps -> case p args of
(Nothing, n) -> (Nothing, n)
(Just o, n) -> let
rest = drop n args
in case sequenceParsers rest ps of
(Nothing, n') -> (Nothing, n + n')
(Just os, n') -> (Just $ o : os, n + n')