# labels Declare and access tuple fields with labels This package is experimental, exploring the design space opened up by the implemented and to-be-implemented work on extensible records in GHC. *Note: You need GHC 8.0.1 for the `#foo` syntax, otherwise you have to use `$("foo")` which works on GHC 7.10.* ## Basic examples The [haddock docs are here.](https://chrisdone.github.io/labels/) Enable these extensions: * In GHCi: `:set -XOverloadedLabels -XTypeOperators -XDataKinds -XFlexibleContexts` * In a module: `{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels, TypeOperators, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts #-}` Let's use GHCi: ``` haskell > import Labels > :set -XOverloadedLabels -XTypeOperators -XDataKinds -XFlexibleContexts ```
Construct a record
> (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123)
(#foo := "hi",#bar := 123)
Get fields of a record
> get #bar (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123)
> #bar (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123) -- or this convenience
Set fields of a record
> set #bar 66 (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123)
(#foo := "hi",#bar := 66)
Modify fields of a record
> modify #mu (*0.1) (#bar := "hi", #mu := 123)
(#bar := "hi",#mu := 12.3)
Add fields to a record
> cons (#mu := [1,2,3]) (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123)
(#mu := [1,2,3],#foo := "hi",#bar := 123)
> let double field record = set field (get field record * 2) record
> double #mu (#bar := "hi", #mu := 123)
(#bar := "hi",#mu := 246)
## Reading CSV files with Cassava Import the instances for `FromNamedRecord`: ``` haskell import Labels.Cassava ``` Then just specify the type you want to load: ``` haskell > let Right (_,rows :: Vector ("salary" := Int, "name" := Text)) = decodeByName "name,salary\r\nJohn,27\r\n" > rows [(#salary := 27,#name := "John")] ``` Non-existent fields or invalid types result in a parse error: ``` haskell > decodeByName "name,salary\r\nJohn,27\r\n" :: Either String (Header, Vector ("name" := Text, "age" := Int)) Left "parse error (Failed reading: conversion error: Missing field age) at \"\\r\\n\"" > decodeByName "name,salary\r\nJohn,27\r\n" :: Either String (Header, Vector ("name" := Text, "salary" := Char)) Left "parse error (Failed reading: conversion error: expected Char, got \"27\") at \"\\r\\n\"" ``` Example with Yahoo!'s market data for AAPL: ``` haskell > Right (headers,rows :: Vector ("date" := String, "high" := Double, "low" := Double)) <- fmap decodeByName (LB.readFile "AAPL.csv") > headers ["date","open","high","low","close","volume","adj close"] ``` We can print the rows as-is: ``` haskell > mapM_ print (V.take 2 rows) (#date := "2016-08-10",#high := 108.900002,#low := 107.760002) (#date := "2016-08-09",#high := 108.940002,#low := 108.010002) ``` Accessing fields is natural as anything: ``` haskell > V.sum (V.map #low rows) 2331.789993 ``` We can just make up new fields on the fly: ``` haskell > let diffed = V.map (\row -> cons (#diff := (#high row - #low row)) row) rows > mapM_ print (V.take 2 diffed) (#diff := 1.1400000000000006,#date := "2016-08-10",#high := 108.900002,#low := 107.760002) (#diff := 0.9300000000000068,#date := "2016-08-09",#high := 108.940002,#low := 108.010002) ``` Sometimes a CSV file will have non-valid Haskell identifiers or spaces, e.g. `adj close` here: ``` haskell > Right (headers,rows :: Vector ("date" := String, "adj close" := Double)) <- fmap decodeByName (LB.readFile "AAPL.csv") > mapM_ print (V.take 2 rows) (#date := "2016-08-10",#adj close := 108.0) (#date := "2016-08-09",#adj close := 108.809998) ``` Just use the `$("adj close")` syntax: ``` haskell > mapM_ print (V.take 2 (V.map (get $("adj close")) rows)) 108.0 108.809998 ``` It still checks the name and type: ``` haskell > mapM_ print (V.take 2 (V.map (get $("adj closer")) rows)) :133:31: error: • No instance for (Has "adj closer" a0 ("date" := String, "adj close" := Double)) arising from a use of ‘get’ ````