-- |
-- Module: Language.KURE.Translate
-- Copyright: (c) 2012 The University of Kansas
-- License: BSD3
-- Maintainer: Neil Sculthorpe <neil@ittc.ku.edu>
-- Stability: beta
-- Portability: ghc
-- This module defines the main KURE types: 'Translate', 'Rewrite' and 'Lens'.
-- 'Rewrite' is just a special case of 'Translate', and so any function that operates on 'Translate' is also
-- applicable to 'Rewrite'.
-- This module also contains 'Translate' instance declarations for the 'Monad' and 'Arrow' type-class families.
-- Given these instances, many of the desirable combinators over 'Translate' and 'Rewrite' are special cases
-- of existing monadic or arrow combinators.
-- "Language.KURE.Combinators" provides some additional combinators that aren't in the standard libraries.

module Language.KURE.Translate
       (-- * Translations
        , Rewrite
        , apply
        , translate
        , rewrite
        , contextfreeT
        , contextonlyT
        , constT
        , contextT
        , exposeT
        , mapT
        , sideEffectR
        -- * Bi-directional Translations
        , BiTranslate
        , BiRewrite
        , bidirectional
        , forewardT
        , backwardT
        , whicheverR
        , invert
        -- * Lenses
        , Lens
        , lens
        , lensT
        , focusR
        , focusT
        , testLensT
        , bidirectionalL
        , pureL
) where

import Prelude hiding (id, (.), mapM)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow

import Data.Traversable
import Data.Monoid

import Language.KURE.Combinators


-- | An abstract representation of a transformation from a value of type @a@ in a context @c@ to a monadic value of type @m b@.
--   The 'Translate' type is the basis of the entire KURE library.
newtype Translate c m a b = Translate { -- | Apply a 'Translate' to a value and its context.
                                        apply :: c -> a -> m b}

-- | The primitive  way of building a 'Translate'.
translate :: (c -> a -> m b) -> Translate c m a b
translate = Translate

-- | A 'Translate' that shares the same source and target type.
type Rewrite c m a = Translate c m a a

-- | The primitive way of building a 'Rewrite'.
rewrite :: (c -> a -> m a) -> Rewrite c m a
rewrite = translate


-- | Build a 'Translate' that doesn't depend on the context.
contextfreeT :: (a -> m b) -> Translate c m a b
contextfreeT f = translate (\ _ -> f)

-- | Build a 'Translate' that doesn't depend on the value.
contextonlyT :: (c -> m b) -> Translate c m a b
contextonlyT f = translate (\ c _ -> f c)

-- | Build a constant 'Translate' from a monadic computation.
constT :: m b -> Translate c m a b
constT = contextfreeT . const

-- | Extract the current context.
contextT :: Monad m => Translate c m a c
contextT = translate (\ c _ -> return c)

-- | Expose the current context and value.
exposeT :: Monad m => Translate c m a (c,a)
exposeT = translate (curry return)

-- | Map a 'Translate' over a list.
mapT :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => Translate c m a b -> Translate c m (t a) (t b)
mapT t = translate (mapM . apply t)

-- | An identity 'Rewrite' with side-effects.
sideEffectR :: Monad m => (c -> a -> m ()) -> Rewrite c m a
sideEffectR f = translate f >> id


-- | Lifting through a Reader transformer, where (c,a) is the read-only environment.
instance Functor m => Functor (Translate c m a) where

-- fmap :: (b -> d) -> Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a d
   fmap f t = translate (\ c -> fmap f . apply t c)

-- | Lifting through a Reader transformer, where (c,a) is the read-only environment.
instance Applicative m => Applicative (Translate c m a) where

-- pure :: b -> Translate c m a b
   pure = constT . pure

-- (<*>) :: Translate c m a (b -> d) -> Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a d
   tf <*> tb = translate (\ c a -> apply tf c a <*> apply tb c a)

-- | Lifting through a Reader transformer, where (c,a) is the read-only environment.
instance Alternative m => Alternative (Translate c m a) where

-- empty :: Translate c m a b
   empty = constT empty

-- (<|>) :: Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a b
   t1 <|> t2 = translate (\ c a -> apply t1 c a <|> apply t2 c a)

-- | Lifting through a Reader transformer, where (c,a) is the read-only environment.
instance Monad m => Monad (Translate c m a) where

-- return :: b -> Translate c m a b
   return = constT . return

-- (>>=) :: Translate c m a b -> (b -> Translate c m a d) -> Translate c m a d
   t >>= f = translate $ \ c a -> do b <- apply t c a
                                     apply (f b) c a

-- fail :: String -> Translate c m a b
   fail = constT . fail

-- | Lifting through a Reader transformer, where (c,a) is the read-only environment.
instance MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (Translate c m a) where

-- catchM :: Translate c m a b -> (String -> Translate c m a b) -> Translate c m a b
   catchM t1 t2 = translate $ \ c a -> apply t1 c a `catchM` \ msg -> apply (t2 msg) c a

-- | Lifting through a Reader transformer, where (c,a) is the read-only environment.
instance MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (Translate c m a) where

-- mzero :: Translate c m a b
   mzero = constT mzero

-- mplus :: Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a b
   mplus t1 t2 = translate $ \ c a -> apply t1 c a `mplus` apply t2 c a


-- | The 'Kleisli' 'Category' induced by @m@, lifting through a Reader transformer, where @c@ is the read-only environment.
instance Monad m => Category (Translate c m) where

-- id :: Translate c m a a
   id = contextfreeT return

-- (.) :: Translate c m b d -> Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a d
   t2 . t1 = translate (\ c -> apply t1 c >=> apply t2 c)

-- | The 'Kleisli' 'Category' induced by @m@, lifting through a Reader transformer, where @c@ is the read-only environment.
instance MonadCatch m => CategoryCatch (Translate c m) where

-- failT :: String -> Translate c m a b
   failT = fail

-- catchT :: Translate c m a b -> (String -> Translate c m a b) -> Translate c m a b
   catchT = catchM

-- | The 'Kleisli' 'Arrow' induced by @m@, lifting through a Reader transformer, where @c@ is the read-only environment.
instance Monad m => Arrow (Translate c m) where

-- arr :: (a -> b) -> Translate c m a b
   arr f = contextfreeT (return . f)

-- first :: Translate c m a b -> Translate c m (a,z) (b,z)
   first t = translate $ \ c (a,z) -> liftM (\ b -> (b,z)) (apply t c a)

-- (***) :: Translate c m a1 b1 -> Translate c m a2 b2 -> Translate c m (a1,a2) (b1,b2)
   t1 *** t2 = translate $ \ c (a,b) -> liftM2 (,) (apply t1 c a) (apply t2 c b)

-- (&&&) :: Translate c m a b1 -> Translate c m a b2 -> Translate c m a (b1,b2)
   t1 &&& t2 = translate $ \ c a -> liftM2 (,) (apply t1 c a) (apply t2 c a)

-- | The 'Kleisli' 'Arrow' induced by @m@, lifting through a Reader transformer, where @c@ is the read-only environment.
instance MonadPlus m => ArrowZero (Translate c m) where

-- zeroArrow :: Translate c m a b
   zeroArrow = mzero

-- | The 'Kleisli' 'Arrow' induced by @m@, lifting through a Reader transformer, where @c@ is the read-only environment.
instance MonadPlus m => ArrowPlus (Translate c m) where

-- (<+>) :: Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a b
   (<+>) = mplus

-- | The 'Kleisli' 'Arrow' induced by @m@, lifting through a Reader transformer, where @c@ is the read-only environment.
instance Monad m => ArrowApply (Translate c m) where

-- app :: Translate c m (Translate c m a b, a) b
   app = translate (\ c (t,a) -> apply t c a)


-- | Lifting through the 'Monad' and a Reader transformer, where (c,a) is the read-only environment.
instance (Monad m, Monoid b) => Monoid (Translate c m a b) where

-- mempty :: Translate c m a b
   mempty = return mempty

-- mappend :: Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a b -> Translate c m a b
   mappend = liftM2 mappend


-- | An undirected 'Translate'.
data BiTranslate c m a b = BiTranslate {forewardT :: Translate c m a b, -- ^ Extract the foreward 'Translate' from a 'BiTranslate'.
                                        backwardT :: Translate c m b a  -- ^ Extract the backward 'Translate' from a 'BiTranslate'.

-- | A 'BiTranslate' that shares the same source and target type.
type BiRewrite c m a = BiTranslate c m a a

-- | Construct a 'BiTranslate' from two opposite 'Translate's.
bidirectional :: Translate c m a b -> Translate c m b a -> BiTranslate c m a b
bidirectional = BiTranslate

-- | Try the 'BiRewrite' forewards, then backwards if that fails.
--   Useful when you know which rule you want to apply, but not which direction to apply it in.
whicheverR :: MonadCatch m => BiRewrite c m a -> Rewrite c m a
whicheverR r = forewardT r <+ backwardT r

-- | Invert the forewards and backwards directions of a 'BiTranslate'.
invert :: BiTranslate c m a b -> BiTranslate c m b a
invert (BiTranslate t1 t2) = BiTranslate t2 t1

instance Monad m => Category (BiTranslate c m) where
-- id :: BiTranslate c m a a
   id = bidirectional id id

-- (.) :: BiTranslate c m b d -> BiTranslate c m a b -> BiTranslate c m a d
   (BiTranslate f1 b1) . (BiTranslate f2 b2) = BiTranslate (f1 . f2) (b2 . b1)


-- | A 'Lens' is a way to focus on a sub-structure of type @b@ from a structure of type @a@.
newtype Lens c m a b = Lens { -- | Convert a 'Lens' into a 'Translate' that produces a sub-structure (and its context) and an unfocussing function.
                              lensT :: Translate c m a ((c,b), b -> m a)}

-- | The primitive way of building a 'Lens'.
--   If the unfocussing function is applied to the value focussed on then it should succeed,
--   and produce the same value as the original argument (of type @a@).
lens :: Translate c m a ((c,b), b -> m a) -> Lens c m a b
lens = Lens

-- | Apply a 'Rewrite' at a point specified by a 'Lens'.
focusR :: Monad m => Lens c m a b -> Rewrite c m b -> Rewrite c m a
focusR l r = do ((c,b),k) <- lensT l
                constT (apply r c b >>= k)

-- | Apply a 'Translate' at a point specified by a 'Lens'.
focusT :: Monad m => Lens c m a b -> Translate c m b d -> Translate c m a d
focusT l t = do ((c,b),_) <- lensT l
                constT (apply t c b)

-- | Check if the focusing succeeds, and additionally whether unfocussing from an unchanged value would succeed.
testLensT :: MonadCatch m => Lens c m a b -> Translate c m a Bool
testLensT l = testM (focusR l id)

instance Monad m => Category (Lens c m) where

-- id :: Lens c m a a
   id = lens $ translate $ \ c a -> return ((c,a), return)

-- (.) :: Lens c m b d -> Lens c m a b -> Lens c m a d
   l2 . l1 = lens $ translate $ \ ca a -> do ((cb,b),kb) <- apply (lensT l1) ca a
                                             ((cd,d),kd) <- apply (lensT l2) cb b
                                             return ((cd,d),kd >=> kb)

-- | A 'Lens' is deemed to have failed (and thus can be caught) if either it fails on the way down, or,
--   crucially, if it would fail on the way up for an unmodified value.  However, actual failure on the way up is not caught
--   (as by then it is too late to use an alternative 'Lens').  This means that, in theory, a use of 'catch' could cause a succeeding 'Lens' application to fail.
--   But provided 'lens' is used correctly, this should never happen.

instance MonadCatch m => CategoryCatch (Lens c m) where

-- failT :: String -> Lens c m a b
   failT = lens . fail

-- catchT :: Lens c m a b -> (String -> Lens c m a b) -> Lens c m a b
   l1 `catchT` l2 = lens (attemptM (focusR l1 id) >>= either (lensT . l2) (const (lensT l1)))

-- | Construct a 'Lens' from a 'BiTranslate'.
bidirectionalL :: Monad m => BiTranslate c m a b -> Lens c m a b
bidirectionalL (BiTranslate tf tg) = lens $ do c <- contextT
                                               b <- tf
                                               return ((c,b), apply tg c)

-- | Construct a 'Lens' from two pure functions.
pureL :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Lens c m a b
pureL f g = bidirectionalL $ bidirectional (arr f) (arr g)
