Name: kure Version: 2.18.6 Synopsis: Combinators for Strategic Programming Description: The Kansas University Rewrite Engine (KURE) is a domain-specific language for strategic rewriting. KURE was inspired by Stratego and StrategyLib, and has similarities with Scrap Your Boilerplate and Uniplate. . The basic transformation functionality can be found in "Language.KURE.Transform", and the traversal functionality can be found in "Language.KURE.Walker". Several basic examples of using KURE are provided in the source-code bundle. For larger examples, see the HERMIT or HTML-KURE packages. . You can read about KURE in the following article: . The Kansas University Rewrite Engine: A Haskell-Embedded Strategic Programming Language with Custom Closed Universes. Neil Sculthorpe, Nicolas Frisby and Andy Gill. Journal of Functional Programming. Cambridge University Press, 24(4), pages 434-473, 2014. Category: Language License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Neil Sculthorpe and Andy Gill Maintainer: Neil Sculthorpe Copyright: (c) 2006--2021 The University of Kansas Homepage: Stability: beta build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: 1.16 Extra-Source-Files: examples/Examples.hs examples/Fib/AST.hs examples/Fib/Kure.hs examples/Fib/Examples.hs examples/Lam/AST.hs examples/Lam/Context.hs examples/Lam/Monad.hs examples/Lam/Kure.hs examples/Lam/Examples.hs examples/Expr/AST.hs examples/Expr/Context.hs examples/Expr/Kure.hs examples/Expr/Examples.hs Library Build-Depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5, dlist >= 0.6 && < 1, transformers >= 0.4.1 && < 1 default-language: Haskell2010 Ghc-Options: -Wall Exposed-modules: Language.KURE Language.KURE.BiTransform Language.KURE.Combinators Language.KURE.Combinators.Arrow Language.KURE.Combinators.Monad Language.KURE.Combinators.Transform Language.KURE.Debug Language.KURE.ExtendableContext Language.KURE.Injection Language.KURE.Lens Language.KURE.MonadCatch Language.KURE.Path Language.KURE.Pathfinder Language.KURE.Transform Language.KURE.Walker source-repository head type: git location: git://