# hubs
- hub configurations
- determine urls for logs etc by parsing html

# misc
- api-version command

# install
- autodetect nvr
- --nodeps
- --deps
- --srpm
- --exclude vs --except
- tags
- exclude garbage collected builds
- common special cases (with large number of subpackages)
  - eg install ghc -x '*prof' -x '*doc' -x compiler-default -x hadrian
    - or install ghc -p '*-devel' -p compiler -p ghc

# Queries
- --short option
- --active or state filter

# find
- shell

## tasks
- determine username for non-Fedora
- build pattern
- different hubs put builds in different locations
- html output
- grep buildlog

## builds
- --show-tags

# buildlog-sizes/progress
- combine
- cache final sizes

# progress
- accept task or build url
- cache and compare sizes with previous build(s)
- estimate task/build ETA
- newrepo tasks (createrepo.log)

- show the build duration
- support builds as well as tasks
- option to order by log size
- % of previous build (or finished tasks)
- mbs urls?
- average build times? (cache or separate tool?)

- pick up user's new builds

- screen mode inplace tui

- list binary packages (install does this, but not obvious)
- diff build command