module Kit.Project ( getMyDeps, installKit, generateXCodeProject, myKitSpec) where import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Error import Control.Applicative import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Data.Tree import Data.Monoid import System.Cmd import Kit.Model import Kit.Repository import Kit.Util import Kit.XCode.Builder import Kit.XCode.XCConfig import Text.JSON import qualified Data.Traversable as T -- Paths kitDir = "." "Kits" projectDir = "KitDeps.xcodeproj" prefixFile = "KitDeps_Prefix.pch" projectFile = projectDir "project.pbxproj" xcodeConfigFile = "Kit.xcconfig" kitUpdateMakeFilePath = "Makefile" kitUpdateMakeFile = "kit: Kit.xcconfig\nKit.xcconfig: ../KitSpec\n\tcd .. && kit update && exit 1\n" prefixDefault = "#ifdef __OBJC__\n" ++ " #import \n #import \n" ++ "#endif\n" -- Represents an extracted project -- Headers, Sources, Config, Prefix content data KitContents = KitContents { contentHeaders :: [FilePath], contentSources :: [FilePath], contentLibs :: [FilePath], contentConfig :: Maybe XCConfig, contentPrefix :: Maybe String } readKitContents :: KitSpec -> IO KitContents readKitContents spec = let kit = specKit spec kitDir = kitFileName kit find dir tpe = glob ((kitDir dir "**/*") ++ tpe) findSrc = find $ specSourceDirectory spec headers = findSrc ".h" sources = fmap join $ T.sequence [findSrc ".m", findSrc ".mm", findSrc ".c"] libs = find (specLibDirectory spec) ".a" config = readConfig kit prefix = readHeader kit in KitContents <$> headers <*> sources <*> libs <*> config <*> prefix generateXCodeProject :: [Kit] -> KitIO () generateXCodeProject deps = do liftIO $ mkdir_p kitDir specs <- forM deps $ \kit -> readSpec (kitDir kitFileName kit "KitSpec") inDirectory kitDir $ do kitsContents <- forM specs (liftIO . readKitContents) liftIO $ createProjectFile kitsContents liftIO $ createHeader kitsContents liftIO $ createConfig kitsContents specs where kitFileNames = map kitFileName deps sourceDirs specs = specs >>= (\spec -> [ kitDir (kitFileName . specKit $ spec) specSourceDirectory spec, (kitFileName . specKit $ spec) specSourceDirectory spec ]) createProjectFile cs = do let headers = cs >>= contentHeaders let sources = cs >>= contentSources let libs = cs >>= contentLibs mkdir_p projectDir writeFile projectFile $ buildXCodeProject headers sources libs createHeader cs = do let headers = mapMaybe contentPrefix cs let combinedHeader = stringJoin "\n" headers writeFile prefixFile $ prefixDefault ++ combinedHeader ++ "\n" createConfig cs specs = do let configs = mapMaybe contentConfig cs let combinedConfig = multiConfig "KitConfig" configs let kitHeaders = "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = $(HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS) " ++ (stringJoin " " $ sourceDirs specs) let prefixHeaders = "GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER = YES\nGCC_PREFIX_HEADER = $(SRCROOT)/KitDeps_Prefix.pch\n" writeFile xcodeConfigFile $ kitHeaders ++ "\n" ++ prefixHeaders ++ "\n" ++ configToString combinedConfig writeFile kitUpdateMakeFilePath kitUpdateMakeFile kitPrefixFile = "Prefix.pch" readHeader :: Kit -> IO (Maybe String) readHeader kit = do let fp = kitFileName kit kitPrefixFile exists <- doesFileExist fp contents <- T.sequence (fmap readFile $ justTrue exists fp) return contents readConfig :: Kit -> IO (Maybe XCConfig) readConfig kit = do let fp = kitConfigFile kit exists <- doesFileExist fp contents <- T.sequence (fmap readFile $ justTrue exists fp) return $ fmap (fileContentsToXCC $ kitName kit) contents refineDeps :: Tree Kit -> [Kit] refineDeps = nub . concat . reverse . drop 1 . levels depsForSpec' :: KitRepository -> KitSpec -> KitIO [Kit] depsForSpec' kr spec = do tree <- unfoldTreeM (unfoldDeps kr) spec -- todo: check for conflicts return $ refineDeps tree unfoldDeps :: KitRepository -> KitSpec -> KitIO (Kit, [KitSpec]) unfoldDeps kr ks = do let kit = specKit ks let depKits = specDependencies ks specs <- mapM (getKitSpec kr) depKits return (kit, specs) getMyDeps :: KitRepository -> KitIO [Kit] getMyDeps kr = myKitSpec >>= depsForSpec' kr installKit :: KitRepository -> Kit -> IO () installKit kr kit = do tmpDir <- getTemporaryDirectory let fp = tmpDir (kitFileName kit ++ ".tar.gz") putStrLn $ " -> Installing " ++ kitFileName kit fmap fromJust $ getKit kr kit fp let dest = kitDir mkdir_p dest inDirectory dest $ sh ("tar zxf " ++ fp) return () where sh = system readSpec :: FilePath -> KitIO KitSpec readSpec kitSpecPath = readSpecContents kitSpecPath >>= ErrorT . return . parses myKitSpec :: KitIO KitSpec myKitSpec = readSpec "KitSpec" -- private! checkExists :: FilePath -> KitIO FilePath checkExists kitSpecPath = do doesExist <- liftIO $ doesFileExist kitSpecPath maybeToKitIO ("Couldn't find the spec at " ++ kitSpecPath) (justTrue doesExist kitSpecPath) readSpecContents :: FilePath -> KitIO String readSpecContents kitSpecPath = checkExists kitSpecPath >>= liftIO . readFile parses :: String -> Either KitError KitSpec parses contents = case (decode contents) of Ok a -> Right a Error a -> Left a