module Kit.Model where import Text.JSON import Control.Applicative import System.FilePath.Posix data KitSpec = KitSpec { specKit :: Kit, specDependencies :: [Kit], specSourceDirectory :: FilePath, specTestDirectory :: FilePath, specLibDirectory :: FilePath, specPrefixFile :: FilePath, specConfigFile :: FilePath } deriving (Show, Read) type Version = String data Kit = Kit { kitName :: String, kitVersion :: Version } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Read) kitFileName :: Kit -> String kitFileName k = kitName k ++ "-" ++ kitVersion k defaultSpecForKit :: Kit -> KitSpec defaultSpecForKit kit = KitSpec kit [] "src" "test" "lib" "Prefix.pch" "Config.xcconfig" -- TODO make this and the json reading use the same defaults -- I suspect that to do this I'll need update functions for each of -- fields in the KitSpec record. -- Look at the 'lenses' package on haskell. instance JSON Kit where showJSON kit = makeObj [ ("name", w kitName) , ("version", w kitVersion) ] where w f = showJSON . f $ kit readJSON (JSObject obj) = Kit <$> f "name" <*> f "version" where f x = f' obj x instance JSON KitSpec where showJSON spec = makeObj [ ("name", showJSON $ kitName kit) , ("version", showJSON $ kitVersion kit) , ("dependencies", showJSON $ specDependencies spec) ] where kit = specKit spec readJSON js@(JSObject obj) = KitSpec <$> readJSON js <*> (f "dependencies" <|> pure []) <*> (f "source-directory" <|> pure "src") <*> (f "test-directory" <|> pure "test") <*> (f "lib-directory" <|> pure "lib") <*> (f "prefix-header" <|> pure "Prefix.pch") <*> (f "xcconfig" <|> pure "Config.xcconfig") where f x = f' obj x f' obj x = mLookup x (fromJSObject obj) >>= readJSON mLookup :: Monad m => String -> [(String, b)] -> m b mLookup a as = maybe (fail $ "No such element: " ++ a) return (lookup a as)