{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies       #-}
module Keter.Types.Common
    ( module Keter.Types.Common
    , FilePath
    , Text
    , ByteString
    , Set
    , Map
    , Exception
    , SomeException
    ) where

import           Control.Exception          (Exception, SomeException)
import           Data.Aeson                 (Object)
import           Data.ByteString            (ByteString)
import           Data.CaseInsensitive       (CI, original)
import           Data.Map                   (Map)
import           Data.Set                   (Set)
import qualified Data.Set                   as Set
import           Data.Text                  (Text, pack, unpack)
import           Data.Typeable              (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Yaml
import           Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS  (FilePath, basename, encodeString,
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import           Prelude                    hiding (FilePath)
import           System.Exit                (ExitCode)

-- | Name of the application. Should just be the basename of the application
-- file.
type Appname = Text

data Plugin = Plugin
    { pluginGetEnv :: Appname -> Object -> IO [(Text, Text)]

type Plugins = [Plugin]

-- | Used for versioning data types.
class ToCurrent a where
    type Previous a
    toCurrent :: Previous a -> a
instance ToCurrent a => ToCurrent (Maybe a) where
    type Previous (Maybe a) = Maybe (Previous a)
    toCurrent = fmap toCurrent

-- | A port for an individual app to listen on.
type Port = Int

-- | A virtual host we want to serve content from.
type Host = CI Text

type HostBS = CI ByteString

getAppname :: FilePath -> Text
getAppname = either id id . toText . basename

data LogMessage
    = ProcessCreated FilePath
    | InvalidBundle FilePath SomeException
    | ProcessDidNotStart FilePath
    | ExceptionThrown Text SomeException
    | RemovingPort Int
    | UnpackingBundle FilePath
    | TerminatingApp Text
    | FinishedReloading Text
    | TerminatingOldProcess AppId
    | RemovingOldFolder FilePath
    | ReceivedInotifyEvent Text
    | ProcessWaiting FilePath
    | OtherMessage Text
    | ErrorStartingBundle Text SomeException
    | SanityChecksPassed
    | ReservingHosts AppId (Set Host)
    | ForgetingReservations AppId (Set Host)
    | ActivatingApp AppId (Set Host)
    | DeactivatingApp AppId (Set Host)
    | ReactivatingApp AppId (Set Host) (Set Host)
    | WatchedFile Text FilePath

instance Show LogMessage where
    show (ProcessCreated f) = "Created process: " ++ encodeString f
    show (InvalidBundle f e) = concat
        [ "Unable to parse bundle file '"
        , encodeString f
        , "': "
        , show e
    show (ProcessDidNotStart fp) = concat
        [ "Could not start process within timeout period: "
        , encodeString fp
    show (ExceptionThrown t e) = concat
        [ unpack t
        , ": "
        , show e
    show (RemovingPort p) = "Port in use, removing from port pool: " ++ show p
    show (UnpackingBundle b) = concat
        [ "Unpacking bundle '"
        , encodeString b
        , "'"
    show (TerminatingApp t) = "Shutting down app: " ++ unpack t
    show (FinishedReloading t) = "App finished reloading: " ++ unpack t
    show (TerminatingOldProcess (AINamed t)) = "Sending old process TERM signal: " ++ unpack t
    show (TerminatingOldProcess AIBuiltin) = "Sending old process TERM signal: builtin"
    show (RemovingOldFolder fp) = "Removing unneeded folder: " ++ encodeString fp
    show (ReceivedInotifyEvent t) = "Received unknown INotify event: " ++ unpack t
    show (ProcessWaiting f) = "Process restarting too quickly, waiting before trying again: " ++ encodeString f
    show (OtherMessage t) = unpack t
    show (ErrorStartingBundle name e) = concat
        [ "Error occured when launching bundle "
        , unpack name
        , ": "
        , show e
    show SanityChecksPassed = "Sanity checks passed"
    show (ReservingHosts app hosts) = "Reserving hosts for app " ++ show app ++ ": " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
    show (ForgetingReservations app hosts) = "Forgeting host reservations for app " ++ show app ++ ": " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
    show (ActivatingApp app hosts) = "Activating app " ++ show app ++ " with hosts: " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
    show (DeactivatingApp app hosts) = "Deactivating app " ++ show app ++ " with hosts: " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
    show (ReactivatingApp app old new) = concat
        [ "Reactivating app "
        , show app
        , ".  Old hosts: "
        , unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList old)
        , ". New hosts: "
        , unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList new)
        , "."
    show (WatchedFile action fp) = concat
        [ "Watched file "
        , unpack action
        , ": "
        , encodeString fp

data KeterException = CannotParsePostgres FilePath
                    | ExitCodeFailure FilePath ExitCode
                    | NoPortsAvailable
                    | InvalidConfigFile Data.Yaml.ParseException
                    | InvalidKeterConfigFile !FilePath !Data.Yaml.ParseException
                    | CannotReserveHosts !AppId !(Map Host AppId)
                    | FileNotExecutable !FilePath
                    | ExecutableNotFound !FilePath
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception KeterException

logEx :: TH.Q TH.Exp
logEx = do
    let showLoc TH.Loc { TH.loc_module = m, TH.loc_start = (l, c) } = concat
            [ m
            , ":"
            , show l
            , ":"
            , show c
    loc <- fmap showLoc TH.qLocation
    [|(. ExceptionThrown (pack $(TH.lift loc)))|]

data AppId = AIBuiltin | AINamed !Appname
    deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show AppId where
    show AIBuiltin = "/builtin/"
    show (AINamed t) = unpack t