{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} module Katip.WaiSpec (spec) where import Data.Foldable (for_) import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.UUID as Uuid import DebugApplication (withDebugApplication) import qualified DebugApplication import qualified Katip import LogEntry (LogEntry (LogEntry)) import qualified LogEntry import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Http import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, runIO, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy) allSeverities :: [Katip.Severity] allSeverities = [minBound ..] spec :: Spec spec = describe "middleware" $ do manager <- runIO $ Http.newManager Http.defaultManagerSettings for_ allSeverities $ \severity -> do let prettySeverity = Text.unpack . Text.toLower $ Katip.renderSeverity severity it ("logs as " <> prettySeverity <> " and adds the request information to the context") $ do let message = "Context should be added when severity is " <> Text.pack prettySeverity logs <- withDebugApplication severity $ \debugApp -> DebugApplication.sendLogRequest manager debugApp "GET" message [log1, log2, log3] <- traverse LogEntry.toLogEntry logs let expectedRequest = LogEntry.Request { id = Uuid.nil , httpVersion = "HTTP/1.1" , remoteHost = "" , isSecure = False , method = "GET" , path = "log" , queryString = [("message", Just message)] , bodyLength = "KnownLength 0" , headers = LogEntry.Headers { host = Just "localhost:1234" , referer = Nothing , userAgent = Nothing , range = Nothing } } let expectedLog1 = LogEntry { logMessage = "Request received" , logData = LogEntry.LogData { response = Nothing , request = Just expectedRequest } , logSeverity = severity } expectedLog2 = LogEntry { logMessage = message , logData = LogEntry.LogData { response = Nothing , request = Just expectedRequest } , logSeverity = severity } expectedLog3 = LogEntry { logMessage = "Response sent" , logData = LogEntry.LogData { response = Just $ LogEntry.Response { elapsedTimeInNanoSeconds = 123 , status = 202 } , LogEntry.request = Just expectedRequest } , logSeverity = severity } log1 `shouldSatisfy` LogEntry.isMostlySameAs expectedLog1 log2 `shouldSatisfy` LogEntry.isMostlySameAs expectedLog2 log3 `shouldSatisfy` LogEntry.isMostlySameAs expectedLog3 it ("logs as " <> prettySeverity <> " and uses a different requestId for every request") $ do logs <- withDebugApplication severity $ \debugApp -> for_ ["GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE"] $ \method -> do DebugApplication.sendNoContentRequest manager debugApp method DebugApplication.sendNotFoundRequest manager debugApp method DebugApplication.sendLogRequest manager debugApp method "Some example log message" parsedLogs <- traverse LogEntry.toLogEntry logs let requestIds = flip Maybe.mapMaybe parsedLogs $ \entry -> do _response <- LogEntry.response $ LogEntry.logData entry request <- LogEntry.request $ LogEntry.logData entry pure $ LogEntry.id request originalLength = length requestIds uniqueLength = Set.size $ Set.fromList requestIds originalLength `shouldBe` 15 uniqueLength `shouldBe` originalLength it ("logs as " <> prettySeverity <> " and has non zero elapsed time") $ do logs <- withDebugApplication severity $ \debugApp -> for_ ["GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE"] $ \method -> do DebugApplication.sendNoContentRequest manager debugApp method DebugApplication.sendNotFoundRequest manager debugApp method DebugApplication.sendLogRequest manager debugApp method "Some example log message" parsedLogs <- traverse LogEntry.toLogEntry logs let elapsedTimes = flip Maybe.mapMaybe parsedLogs $ \entry -> do response <- LogEntry.response $ LogEntry.logData entry pure $ LogEntry.elapsedTimeInNanoSeconds response length elapsedTimes `shouldBe` 15 elapsedTimes `shouldSatisfy` all (> 0)