{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Includes a scribe that can be used to log structured, JSON log
-- messages to ElasticSearch. These logs can be explored easily using
-- <https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana kibana> or your tool of
-- choice.
-- == __Important Note on Index Settings__
-- 'defaultEsScribeCfg' inherits a set of default index settings from
-- the @bloodhound@ package. These settings at this time of writing
-- set the indices up to have 3 shards and 2 replicas. This is an
-- arguably reasonable default setting for production but may cause
-- problems for development. In development, your cluster may be
-- configured to seek a write quorum greater than 1. If you're running
-- ElasticSearch on a single node, this could cause your writes to
-- wait for a bit and then fail due to a lack of quorum. __For development, we recommend setting your replica count to 0 or modifying your write quorum settings__. For production, we recommend reading the
-- <https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/scale.html ElasticSearch Scaling Guide> and choosing the appropriate settings,
-- keeping in mind that you can chage replica counts on a live index
-- but that changing shard counts requires recreating the index.
module Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch
    (-- * Building a scribe
    -- * Scribe configuration
    , EsScribeSetupError(..)
    , EsQueueSize
    , mkEsQueueSize
    , EsPoolSize
    , mkEsPoolSize
    , EsScribeCfg
    , essRetryPolicy
    , essQueueSize
    , essPoolSize
    , essAnnotateTypes
    , essIndexSettings
    , essIndexSharding
    , IndexShardingPolicy(..)
    , IndexNameSegment(..)
    , defaultEsScribeCfg
    -- * Utilities
    , mkDocId
    , module Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Annotations
    , roundToSunday
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative                     as A
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.Async
import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue
import           Control.Exception.Base
import           Control.Exception.Enclosed
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Catch
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.STM
import           Control.Retry                           (RetryPolicy,
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Monoid                             ((<>))
import           Data.Text                               (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                               as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                      as T
import           Data.Time
import           Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.UUID
import qualified Data.UUID.V4                            as UUID4
import           Database.Bloodhound
import           Network.HTTP.Client
import           Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import           Text.Printf                             (printf)
import           Katip.Core
import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Annotations

data EsScribeCfg = EsScribeCfg {
      essRetryPolicy   :: RetryPolicy
    -- ^ Retry policy when there are errors sending logs to the server
    , essQueueSize     :: EsQueueSize
    -- ^ Maximum size of the bounded log queue
    , essPoolSize      :: EsPoolSize
    -- ^ Worker pool size limit for sending data to the
    , essAnnotateTypes :: Bool
    -- ^ Different payload items coexist in the "data" attribute in
    -- ES. It is possible for different payloads to have different
    -- types for the same key, e.g. an "id" key that is sometimes a
    -- number and sometimes a string. If you're having ES do dynamic
    -- mapping, the first log item will set the type and any that
    -- don't conform will be *discarded*. If you set this to True,
    -- keys will recursively be appended with their ES core
    -- type. e.g. "id" would become "id::l" and "id::s"
    -- automatically, so they won't conflict. When this library
    -- exposes a querying API, we will try to make deserialization and
    -- querying transparently remove the type annotations if this is
    -- enabled.
    , essIndexSettings :: IndexSettings
    , essIndexSharding :: IndexShardingPolicy
    } deriving (Typeable)

-- | Reasonable defaults for a config:
--     * defaultManagerSettings
--     * exponential backoff with 25ms base delay up to 5 retries
--     * Queue size of 1000
--     * Pool size of 2
--     * Annotate types set to False
--     * DailyIndexSharding
defaultEsScribeCfg :: EsScribeCfg
defaultEsScribeCfg = EsScribeCfg {
      essRetryPolicy     = exponentialBackoff 25 <> limitRetries 5
    , essQueueSize       = EsQueueSize 1000
    , essPoolSize        = EsPoolSize 2
    , essAnnotateTypes   = False
    , essIndexSettings   = defaultIndexSettings
    , essIndexSharding   = DailyIndexSharding

-- | How should katip store your log data?
-- * NoIndexSharding will store all logs in one index name. This is
-- the simplest option but is not advised in production. In practice,
-- the index will grow very large and will get slower to
-- search. Deleting records based on some sort of retention period is
-- also extremely slow.
-- * MonthlyIndexSharding, DailyIndexSharding, HourlyIndexSharding,
-- EveryMinuteIndexSharding will generate indexes based on the time of
-- the log. Index name is treated as a prefix. So if your index name
-- is @foo@ and DailySharding is used, logs will be stored in
-- @foo-2016-2-25@, @foo-2016-2-26@ and so on. Index templating will
-- be used to set up mappings automatically. Deletes based on date are
-- very fast and queries can be restricted to date ranges for better
-- performance. Queries against all dates should use @foo-*@ as an
-- index name. Note that index aliasing's glob feature is not suitable
-- for these date ranges as it matches index names as they are
-- declared, so new dates will be excluded. DailyIndexSharding is a
-- reasonable choice. Changing index sharding strategies is not
-- advisable.
-- * CustomSharding: supply your own function that decomposes an item
-- into its index name hierarchy which will be appended to the index
-- name. So for instance if your function return ["arbitrary",
-- "prefix"], the index will be @foo-arbitrary-prefix@ and the index
-- template will be set to match @foo-*@. In general, you want to use
-- segments of increasing granularity (like year, month, day for
-- dates). This makes it easier to address groups of indexes
-- (e.g. @foo-2016-*@).
data IndexShardingPolicy = NoIndexSharding
                         | MonthlyIndexSharding
                         | WeeklyIndexSharding
                         -- ^ A special case of daily which shards to sunday
                         | DailyIndexSharding
                         | HourlyIndexSharding
                         | EveryMinuteIndexSharding
                         | CustomIndexSharding (forall a. Item a -> [IndexNameSegment])

instance Show IndexShardingPolicy where
 show NoIndexSharding          = "NoIndexSharding"
 show MonthlyIndexSharding     = "MonthlyIndexSharding"
 show WeeklyIndexSharding      = "WeeklyIndexSharding"
 show DailyIndexSharding       = "DailyIndexSharding"
 show HourlyIndexSharding      = "HourlyIndexSharding"
 show EveryMinuteIndexSharding = "EveryMinuteIndexSharding"
 show (CustomIndexSharding _)  = "CustomIndexSharding λ"

newtype IndexNameSegment = IndexNameSegment {
      indexNameSegment :: Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

shardPolicySegs :: IndexShardingPolicy -> Item a -> [IndexNameSegment]
shardPolicySegs NoIndexSharding _ = []
shardPolicySegs MonthlyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m]
    (y, m, _) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
shardPolicySegs WeeklyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d]
    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (roundToSunday (utctDay _itemTime))
shardPolicySegs DailyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d]
    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
shardPolicySegs HourlyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d, sis h]
    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
    (h, _) = splitTime (utctDayTime _itemTime)
shardPolicySegs EveryMinuteIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d, sis h, sis mn]
    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
    (h, mn) = splitTime (utctDayTime _itemTime)
shardPolicySegs (CustomIndexSharding f) i  = f i

-- | If the given day is sunday, returns the input, otherwise returns
-- the previous sunday
roundToSunday :: Day -> Day
roundToSunday d
    | dow == 7  = d
    | w > 1     = fromWeekDate y (w - 1) 7
    | otherwise = fromWeekDate (y - 1) 53 7
    (y, w, dow) = toWeekDate d

chooseIxn :: IndexName -> IndexShardingPolicy -> Item a -> IndexName
chooseIxn (IndexName ixn) p i =
  IndexName (T.intercalate "-" (ixn:segs))
    segs = indexNameSegment A.<$> shardPolicySegs p i

sis :: Integral a => a -> IndexNameSegment
sis = IndexNameSegment . T.pack . fmt
    fmt = printf "%02d" . toInteger

splitTime :: DiffTime -> (Int, Int)
splitTime t = asMins `divMod` 60
    asMins = floor t `div` 60

data EsScribeSetupError = CouldNotCreateIndex !Reply
                        | CouldNotCreateMapping !Reply deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception EsScribeSetupError

    :: EsScribeCfg
    -> BHEnv
    -> IndexName
    -- ^ Treated as a prefix if index sharding is enabled
    -> MappingName
    -> Severity
    -> Verbosity
    -> IO (Scribe, IO ())
    -- ^ Returns a finalizer that will gracefully flush all remaining logs before shutting down workers
mkEsScribe cfg@EsScribeCfg {..} env ix mapping sev verb = do
  q <- newTBMQueueIO $ unEsQueueSize essQueueSize
  endSig <- newEmptyMVar

  runBH env $ do
    chk <- indexExists ix
    -- note that this doesn't update settings. That's not available
    -- through the Bloodhound API yet
    unless chk $ void $ do
      r1 <- createIndex essIndexSettings ix
      unless (statusIsSuccessful (responseStatus r1)) $
        liftIO $ throwIO (CouldNotCreateIndex r1)
      r2 <- if shardingEnabled
              then putTemplate tpl tplName
              else putMapping ix mapping (baseMapping mapping)
      unless (statusIsSuccessful (responseStatus r2)) $
        liftIO $ throwIO (CouldNotCreateMapping r2)

  workers <- replicateM (unEsPoolSize essPoolSize) $ async $
    startWorker cfg env mapping q

  _ <- async $ do
    takeMVar endSig
    atomically $ closeTBMQueue q
    mapM_ waitCatch workers
    putMVar endSig ()

  let scribe = Scribe $ \ i ->
        when (_itemSeverity i >= sev) $
          void $ atomically $ tryWriteTBMQueue q (chooseIxn ix essIndexSharding i, itemJson' i)
  let finalizer = putMVar endSig () >> takeMVar endSig
  return (scribe, finalizer)
    tplName = TemplateName ixn
    shardingEnabled = case essIndexSharding of
      NoIndexSharding -> False
      _               -> True
    tpl = IndexTemplate (TemplatePattern (ixn <> "-*")) (Just essIndexSettings) [toJSON (baseMapping mapping)]
    IndexName ixn = ix
    itemJson' i
      | essAnnotateTypes = itemJson verb (TypeAnnotated <$> i)
      | otherwise        = itemJson verb i

baseMapping :: MappingName -> Value
baseMapping (MappingName mn) =
  object [ mn .= object ["properties" .= object prs] ]
  where prs = [ str "thread"
              , str "sev"
              , str "pid"
              , str "ns"
              , str "msg"
              , "loc" .= locType
              , str "host"
              , str "env"
              , "at" .= dateType
              , str "app"
        str k = k .= object ["type" .= String "string"]
        locType = object ["properties" .= object locPairs]
        locPairs = [ str "loc_pkg"
                   , str "loc_mod"
                   , str "loc_ln"
                   , str "loc_fn"
                   , str "loc_col"
        dateType = object [ "format" .= esDateFormat
                          , "type" .= String "date"

-- | Handle both old-style aeson and picosecond-level precision
esDateFormat :: Text
esDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ||yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ||yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSSSSSZ"

mkDocId :: IO DocId
mkDocId = (DocId . T.decodeUtf8 . toASCIIBytes) `fmap` UUID4.nextRandom

newtype EsQueueSize = EsQueueSize {
       unEsQueueSize :: Int
     } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Bounded EsQueueSize where
  minBound = EsQueueSize 1
  maxBound = EsQueueSize maxBound

mkEsQueueSize :: Int -> Maybe EsQueueSize
mkEsQueueSize = mkNonZero EsQueueSize

newtype EsPoolSize = EsPoolSize {
      unEsPoolSize :: Int
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Bounded EsPoolSize where
  minBound = EsPoolSize 1
  maxBound = EsPoolSize maxBound

mkEsPoolSize :: Int -> Maybe EsPoolSize
mkEsPoolSize = mkNonZero EsPoolSize

mkNonZero :: (Int -> a) -> Int -> Maybe a
mkNonZero ctor n
  | n > 0     = Just $ ctor n
  | otherwise = Nothing

    :: EsScribeCfg
    -> BHEnv
    -> MappingName
    -> TBMQueue (IndexName, Value)
    -> IO ()
startWorker EsScribeCfg {..} env mapping q = go
    go = do
      popped <- atomically $ readTBMQueue q
      case popped of
        Just (ixn, v) -> do
          sendLog ixn v `catchAny` eat
        Nothing -> return ()
    sendLog :: IndexName -> Value -> IO ()
    sendLog ixn v = void $ recovering essRetryPolicy [handler] $ const $ do
      did <- mkDocId
      res <- runBH env $ indexDocument ixn mapping defaultIndexDocumentSettings v did
      return res
    eat _ = return ()
    handler _ = Handler $ \e ->
      case fromException e of
        Just (_ :: AsyncException) -> return False
        _ -> return True