-- | Time and memory efficient time encoding helper functions.
module Katip.Format.Time
    ( formatAsLogTime
    , formatAsIso8601
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.ST        (ST)

import           Data.Int                (Int64)
import qualified Data.Text.Array         as TA
import           Data.Text               (Text)
import           Data.Text.Internal      (Text(..))
import           Data.Time               (UTCTime(..), toGregorian, Day, DiffTime)
import           Data.Word               (Word16)
import           Unsafe.Coerce           (unsafeCoerce)

-- Note: All functions here are optimized to never allocate anything
-- on heap. At least on ghc 8.0.1 no extra strictness annotations are
-- seem to be needed.
-- Exported functions are INLINEABLE

-- | Format 'UTCTime' into a short human readable format.
-- >>> formatAsLogTime $ UTCTime (fromGregorian 2016 1 23) 5025.123456789012
-- "2016-01-23 01:23:45"
formatAsLogTime :: UTCTime -> Text
formatAsLogTime (UTCTime day time) = toText $ TA.run2 $ do
     buf <- TA.new 19 -- length "2016-10-20 12:34:56"
     _ <- writeDay buf 0 day
     TA.unsafeWrite buf 10 0x20 -- space
     _ <- writeTimeOfDay False buf 11 (diffTimeOfDay64 time)
     return (buf, 19)
     toText (arr, len) = Text arr 0 len

{-# INLINEABLE formatAsLogTime #-}

-- | Format 'UTCTime' into a Iso8601 format.
--  Note that this function may overcommit up to 12*2 bytes, depending
--  on sub-second precision. If this is an issue, make a copy with a
--  'Data.Text.copy'.
-- >>> formatAsIso8601 $ UTCTime (fromGregorian 2016 1 23) 5025.123456789012
-- "2016-11-23T01:23:45.123456789012Z"
-- >>> formatAsIso8601 $ UTCTime (fromGregorian 2016 1 23) 5025.123
-- "2016-01-23T01:23:45.123Z"
-- >>> formatAsIso8601 $ UTCTime (fromGregorian 2016 1 23) 5025
-- "2016-01-23T01:23:45Z"

formatAsIso8601 :: UTCTime -> Text
formatAsIso8601 (UTCTime day time) = toText $ TA.run2 $ do
   buf <- TA.new 33 -- length "2016-10-20 12:34:56.123456789012Z"
   _ <- writeDay buf 0 day
   TA.unsafeWrite buf  10  0x54 -- T
   next <- writeTimeOfDay True buf 11 (diffTimeOfDay64 time)
   TA.unsafeWrite buf next 0x5A -- Z
   return (buf, next+1)
     toText (arr, len) = Text arr 0 len

{-# INLINEABLE formatAsIso8601 #-}

-- | Writes the @YYYY-MM-DD@ part of timestamp
writeDay :: TA.MArray s -> Int -> Day -> ST s Int
writeDay buf off day =
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 0) (digit y1)
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 1) (digit y2)
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 2) (digit y3)
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 3) (digit y4)
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 4) 0x2d -- dash
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 5) m1
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 6) m2
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 7) 0x2d -- dash
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 8) d1
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 9) d2
    return (off + 10)
    (yr,m,d) = toGregorian day
    (y1, ya) = fromIntegral (abs yr) `quotRem` 1000
    (y2, yb) = ya `quotRem` 100
    (y3, y4) = yb `quotRem` 10
    T m1 m2  = twoDigits m
    T d1 d2  = twoDigits d
{-# INLINE writeDay #-}

-- | Write time of day, optionally with sub seconds
writeTimeOfDay :: Bool -> TA.MArray s -> Int -> TimeOfDay64 -> ST s Int
writeTimeOfDay doSubSeconds buf off (TOD hh mm ss) =

    TA.unsafeWrite buf  off      h1
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 1) h2
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 2) 0x3A -- colon
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 3) m1
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 4) m2
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 5) 0x3A -- colon
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 6) s1
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off + 7) s2
    if doSubSeconds && frac /= 0
    then writeFracSeconds buf (off + 8) frac
    else return (off + 8)
   T h1 h2 = twoDigits hh
   T m1 m2 = twoDigits mm
   T s1 s2 = twoDigits (fromIntegral real)
   (real,frac) = ss `quotRem` pico
   pico       = 1000000000000 -- number of picoseconds  in 1 second

writeFracSeconds :: TA.MArray s -> Int -> Int64 -> ST s Int
writeFracSeconds buf off frac =
    TA.unsafeWrite buf off 0x2e -- period
    if mills == 0
    then do
      writeTrunc6 buf (off + 1) (fromIntegral mics)
    else do
      writeDigit6 buf (off + 1) (fromIntegral mics)
      writeTrunc6 buf (off + 7) (fromIntegral mills)

    (mics, mills)  = frac `quotRem` micro
    micro          = 1000000 -- number of microseconds in 1 second

writeDigit6 :: TA.MArray s -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
writeDigit6 buf off i =
    writeDigit3 buf off f1
    writeDigit3 buf (off+3) f2
   (f1, f2) = i `quotRem` 1000

{-# INLINE writeDigit6 #-}

writeDigit3 :: TA.MArray s -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
writeDigit3 buf off i =
    TA.unsafeWrite buf off (digit d1)
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off+1) (digit d2)
    TA.unsafeWrite buf (off+2) (digit d3)
    (d1, d) = i `quotRem` 100
    (d2, d3) = d `quotRem` 10

{-# INLINE writeDigit3 #-}

writeTrunc6 :: TA.MArray s -> Int -> Int -> ST s Int
writeTrunc6 buf off i =
  if f2 == 0
    then writeTrunc3 buf off f1
    else do
      writeDigit3 buf off f1
      writeTrunc3 buf (off+3) f2
   (f1, f2) = i `quotRem` 1000

{-# INLINE writeTrunc6 #-}

writeTrunc3 :: TA.MArray s -> Int -> Int -> ST s Int
writeTrunc3 buf off i
    | d == 0 = do
        TA.unsafeWrite buf off (digit d1)
        return (off+1)
    | d3 == 0 = do
        TA.unsafeWrite buf off (digit d1)
        TA.unsafeWrite buf (off+1) (digit d2)
        return (off+2)

    | otherwise = do
        TA.unsafeWrite buf off (digit d1)
        TA.unsafeWrite buf (off+1) (digit d2)
        TA.unsafeWrite buf (off+2) (digit d3)
        return (off+3)
    (d1, d) = i `quotRem` 100
    (d2, d3) = d `quotRem` 10

{-# INLINE writeTrunc3 #-}

-- Following code was adapted from aeson package.
-- Copyright:   (c) 2015-2016 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License:     BSD3

data T = T {-# UNPACK #-} !Word16 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word16

twoDigits :: Int -> T
twoDigits a     = T (digit hi) (digit lo)
  where (hi,lo) = a `quotRem` 10

digit :: Int -> Word16
digit x = fromIntegral (x + 48)

data TimeOfDay64 = TOD {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                       {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                       {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64

diffTimeOfDay64 :: DiffTime -> TimeOfDay64
diffTimeOfDay64 t = TOD (fromIntegral h) (fromIntegral m) s
  where (h,mp) = fromIntegral pico `quotRem` 3600000000000000
        (m,s)  = mp `quotRem` 60000000000000
        pico   = unsafeCoerce t :: Integer