{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
#include "kan-extensions-common.h"

-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Functor.Yoneda
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2011-2016 Edward Kmett
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  MPTCs, fundeps
-- The covariant form of the Yoneda lemma states that @f@ is naturally
-- isomorphic to @Yoneda f@.
-- This is described in a rather intuitive fashion by Dan Piponi in
-- <http://blog.sigfpe.com/2006/11/yoneda-lemma.html>

module Data.Functor.Yoneda
  ( Yoneda(..)
  , liftYoneda, lowerYoneda
  , maxF, minF, maxM, minM
  -- * as a right Kan extension
  , yonedaToRan, ranToYoneda
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), liftM)
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Free.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Adjunction
import Data.Functor.Bind
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Functor.Extend
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Kan.Ran
import Data.Functor.Plus
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup.Traversable
import Data.Traversable
import Text.Read hiding (lift)
import Prelude hiding (sequence, lookup, zipWith)

-- | @Yoneda f a@ can be viewed as the partial application of 'fmap' to its second argument.
newtype Yoneda f a = Yoneda { runYoneda :: forall b. (a -> b) -> f b }

-- | The natural isomorphism between @f@ and @'Yoneda' f@ given by the Yoneda lemma
-- is witnessed by 'liftYoneda' and 'lowerYoneda'
-- @
-- 'liftYoneda' . 'lowerYoneda' ≡ 'id'
-- 'lowerYoneda' . 'liftYoneda' ≡ 'id'
-- @
-- @
-- lowerYoneda (liftYoneda fa) =         -- definition
-- lowerYoneda (Yoneda (\f -> fmap f a)) -- definition
-- (\f -> fmap f fa) id                  -- beta reduction
-- fmap id fa                            -- functor law
-- fa
-- @
-- @
-- 'lift' = 'liftYoneda'
-- @
liftYoneda :: Functor f => f a -> Yoneda f a
liftYoneda a = Yoneda (\f -> fmap f a)

lowerYoneda :: Yoneda f a -> f a
lowerYoneda (Yoneda f) = f id

-- {-# RULES "lower/lift=id" liftYoneda . lowerYoneda = id #-}
-- {-# RULES "lift/lower=id" lowerYoneda . liftYoneda = id #-}

-- | @Yoneda f@ can be viewed as the right Kan extension of @f@ along the 'Identity' functor.
-- @
-- 'yonedaToRan' . 'ranToYoneda' ≡ 'id'
-- 'ranToYoneda' . 'yonedaToRan' ≡ 'id'
-- @
yonedaToRan :: Yoneda f a -> Ran Identity f a
yonedaToRan (Yoneda m) = Ran (m . fmap runIdentity)

ranToYoneda :: Ran Identity f a -> Yoneda f a
ranToYoneda (Ran m) = Yoneda (m . fmap Identity)

-- {-# RULES "yonedaToRan/ranToYoneda=id" yonedaToRan . ranToYoneda = id #-}
-- {-# RULES "ranToYoneda/yonedaToRan=id" ranToYoneda . yonedaToRan = id #-}

instance Functor (Yoneda f) where
  fmap f m = Yoneda (\k -> runYoneda m (k . f))

instance Apply f => Apply (Yoneda f) where
  Yoneda m <.> Yoneda n = Yoneda (\f -> m (f .) <.> n id)

instance Applicative f => Applicative (Yoneda f) where
  pure a = Yoneda (\f -> pure (f a))
  Yoneda m <*> Yoneda n = Yoneda (\f -> m (f .) <*> n id)

instance Foldable f => Foldable (Yoneda f) where
  foldMap f = foldMap f . lowerYoneda

instance Foldable1 f => Foldable1 (Yoneda f) where
  foldMap1 f = foldMap1 f . lowerYoneda

instance Traversable f => Traversable (Yoneda f) where
  traverse f = fmap liftYoneda . traverse f . lowerYoneda

instance Traversable1 f => Traversable1 (Yoneda f) where
  traverse1 f = fmap liftYoneda . traverse1 f . lowerYoneda

instance Distributive f => Distributive (Yoneda f) where
  collect f = liftYoneda . collect (lowerYoneda . f)

instance Representable g => Representable (Yoneda g) where
  type Rep (Yoneda g) = Rep g
  tabulate = liftYoneda . tabulate
  index = index . lowerYoneda

instance Adjunction f g => Adjunction (Yoneda f) (Yoneda g) where
  unit = liftYoneda . fmap liftYoneda . unit
  counit (Yoneda m) = counit (m lowerYoneda)

instance Show1 f => Show1 (Yoneda f) where
  liftShowsPrec sp sl d (Yoneda f) =
    showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "liftYoneda" d (f id)
  showsPrec1 d (Yoneda f) = showParen (d > 10) $
    showString "liftYoneda " . showsPrec1 11 (f id)

instance (Read1 f, Functor f) => Read1 (Yoneda f) where
  liftReadsPrec rp rl = readsData $
    readsUnaryWith (liftReadsPrec rp rl) "liftYoneda" liftYoneda
  readsPrec1 d = readParen (d > 10) $ \r' ->
    [ (liftYoneda f, t)
    | ("liftYoneda", s) <- lex r'
    , (f, t) <- readsPrec1 11 s

instance Show (f a) => Show (Yoneda f a) where
  showsPrec d (Yoneda f) = showParen (d > 10) $
    showString "liftYoneda " . showsPrec 11 (f id)

instance (Functor f, Read (f a)) => Read (Yoneda f a) where
  readPrec = parens $ prec 10 $ do
     Ident "liftYoneda" <- lexP
     liftYoneda <$> step readPrec
  readsPrec d = readParen (d > 10) $ \r' ->
    [ (liftYoneda f, t)
    | ("liftYoneda", s) <- lex r'
    , (f, t) <- readsPrec 11 s

infixl 0 `on1`
on1 :: (g a -> g b -> c) -> (forall x. f x -> g x) -> f a -> f b -> c
(.*.) `on1` f = \x y -> f x .*. f y

instance Eq1 f => Eq1 (Yoneda f) where
  liftEq eq = liftEq eq `on1` lowerYoneda
  eq1 = eq1 `on1` lowerYoneda

instance Ord1 f => Ord1 (Yoneda f) where
  liftCompare cmp = liftCompare cmp `on1` lowerYoneda
  compare1 = compare1 `on1` lowerYoneda

instance (Eq1 f, Eq a) => Eq (Yoneda f a) where
  (==) = eq1

instance (Ord1 f, Ord a) => Ord (Yoneda f a) where
  compare = compare1

maxF :: (Functor f, Ord (f a)) => Yoneda f a -> Yoneda f a -> Yoneda f a
Yoneda f `maxF` Yoneda g = liftYoneda $ f id `max` g id
-- {-# RULES "max/maxF" max = maxF #-}
{-# INLINE maxF #-}

minF :: (Functor f, Ord (f a)) => Yoneda f a -> Yoneda f a -> Yoneda f a
Yoneda f `minF` Yoneda g = liftYoneda $ f id `max` g id
-- {-# RULES "min/minF" min = minF #-}
{-# INLINE minF #-}

maxM :: (Monad m, Ord (m a)) => Yoneda m a -> Yoneda m a -> Yoneda m a
Yoneda f `maxM` Yoneda g = lift $ f id `max` g id
-- {-# RULES "max/maxM" max = maxM #-}
{-# INLINE maxM #-}

minM :: (Monad m, Ord (m a)) => Yoneda m a -> Yoneda m a -> Yoneda m a
Yoneda f `minM` Yoneda g = lift $ f id `min` g id
-- {-# RULES "min/minM" min = minM #-}
{-# INLINE minM #-}

instance Alt f => Alt (Yoneda f) where
  Yoneda f <!> Yoneda g = Yoneda (\k -> f k <!> g k)

instance Plus f => Plus (Yoneda f) where
  zero = Yoneda $ const zero

instance Alternative f => Alternative (Yoneda f) where
  empty = Yoneda $ const empty
  Yoneda f <|> Yoneda g = Yoneda (\k -> f k <|> g k)

instance Bind m => Bind (Yoneda m) where
  Yoneda m >>- k = Yoneda (\f -> m id >>- \a -> runYoneda (k a) f)

instance Monad m => Monad (Yoneda m) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
  return a = Yoneda (\f -> return (f a))
  Yoneda m >>= k = Yoneda (\f -> m id >>= \a -> runYoneda (k a) f)

instance MonadFix m => MonadFix (Yoneda m) where
  mfix f = lift $ mfix (lowerYoneda . f)

instance MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (Yoneda m) where
  mzero = Yoneda (const mzero)
  Yoneda f `mplus` Yoneda g = Yoneda (\k -> f k `mplus` g k)

instance MonadTrans Yoneda where
  lift a = Yoneda (\f -> liftM f a)

instance (Functor f, MonadFree f m) => MonadFree f (Yoneda m) where
  wrap = lift . wrap . fmap lowerYoneda

instance Extend w => Extend (Yoneda w) where
  extended k (Yoneda m) = Yoneda (\f -> extended (f . k . liftYoneda) (m id))

instance Comonad w => Comonad (Yoneda w) where
  extend k (Yoneda m) = Yoneda (\f -> extend (f . k . liftYoneda) (m id))
  extract = extract . lowerYoneda

instance ComonadTrans Yoneda where
  lower = lowerYoneda