name : kafka-client version : synopsis : Low-level Haskell client library for Apache Kafka 0.7. homepage : license : MIT license-file : LICENSE author : Abhinav Gupta maintainer : Abhinav Gupta category : Network build-type : Simple cabal-version : >=1.10 description : This package implements a low-level client client library to interface with 0.7. . __Kafka 0.8 and newer are not yet supported.__ library exposed-modules : Kafka , Kafka.Internal , Kafka.Internal.Request , Kafka.Internal.Response , Kafka.Internal.Transport , Kafka.Internal.Types ghc-options : -Wall build-depends : base >= 4.7 && < 4.8 , bytestring >= 0.10 , cereal >= 0.4 , digest >= 0.0.1 , dlist >= 0.7 , network >= 2.4 , snappy >= 0.2 , time >= 1.4 , zlib >= 0.5 -- Test suite-only dependencies: -- Workaround for ghc-mod #339. Uncomment while developing. -- , hspec >= 2.0 -- , hspec-discover >= 2.1 -- , QuickCheck >= 2.5 default-language : Haskell2010 test-suite spec type : exitcode-stdio-1.0 ghc-options : -Wall hs-source-dirs : test main-is : Spec.hs build-depends : base , bytestring , cereal , hspec >= 2.0 , hspec-discover >= 2.1 , QuickCheck >= 2.5 , time , kafka-client default-language : Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: git://