# Juicy-gcode: A lightweight SVG to GCode converter for maximal curve fitting [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/juicy-gcode.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/juicy-gcode) [![Appveyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/domoszlai/juicy-gcode?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/domoszlai/juicy-gcode) ## Overview Juicy-gcode is a configurable SVG to G-code converter that approximates bezier curves with [biarcs](http://dlacko.org/blog/2016/10/19/approximating-bezier-curves-by-biarcs/) for maximal curve fitting. ## Installation The easiest way is to download one of the pre-built binaries from the [releases page](https://github.com/domoszlai/juicy-gcode/releases). Alternatively, you can build from source code as follows: - Install [Stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/) if you do not have it yet - `$ git clone https://github.com/domoszlai/juicy-gcode.git` - `$ stack build` - `$ stack install` - `$ juicy-gcode --help` ## Usage > :warning: **Breaking change**: Since version, default DPI is changed to 96 and the option to mirror the Y axis is removed (it is always mirrored now for correct result) The easier way to use juicy-gcode is to simply provide an SVG file name. The generated GCode will be written to standard output. ``` $ juicy-gcode SVGFILE ``` Alternativly, you can provide an output file name as well. ``` $ juicy-gcode SVGFILE -o OUTPUT ``` Sometimes you want to overwrite some default settings. These are the * *--dpi* (default 96 DPI) [the resolution of the SVG file](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/resolution) that is used to determine the size of the SVG when it does not contain explicit units * *--resolution* (default is 0.1 mm) the resolution of the generated GCode. Paths smaller than this are replaced by line segments instead of further approximated by biarcs ``` $ juicy-gcode SVGFILE --dpi 72 --resolution 0.01 ``` Some firmwares (e.g. [Marlin](https://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/G005.html)) can handle bezier curves directly. In this case you can command juicy-gcode not to approximate bezier-curves but emit them unchanged. ``` $ juicy-gcode SVGFILE --generate-bezier ``` ## Configuration The generated GCode is highly dependent on the actual device it will be executed by. In juicy-gcode these settings are called GCode *flavor* and consists of the following: - Begin GCode routine (commands that are executed *before* the actual print job) - End GCode routine (commands that are executed *after* the actual print job) - Tool on (commands to switch the tool on, e.g. lower pen) - Tool off (commands to switch the tool off e.g. lift pen) These settings can be provided by a configuration file. The default settings are made for being able to test the generated GCode in an emulator e.g. with [LaserWeb](https://laserweb.yurl.ch/) or [my hanging plotter simulator](https://github.com/domoszlai/hanging-plotter-simulator). ``` gcode { begin = "G17;G90;G0 Z1;G0 X0 Y0" end = "G0 Z1" toolon = "G00 Z1" tooloff = "G01 Z0 F10.00" } ``` In the case you want to overwrite it, copy this favor to a text file and modify it according to your need. Then use juicy-gcode as follows: ``` $ juicy-gcode SVGFILE -f FLAVORFILE ``` ## Future development Juicy-gcode was originally developed as a testbed for my hanging plotter project, but over the years it reached maturity and became a really usuable tool. My main idea for further development is to turn it into a tool that can drive CNCs in 2.5 dimensions (e.g. carving, engraving) with just one colored SVG file. To be able to test and enjoy that software, I need a proper CNC. Please consider donating a small amount for that purpose, or donate an actual CNC if you have a spare one for whatever reason. **[Donate for a CNC](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UGFZYDQSTF58L&source=https://github.com/domoszlai/juicy-gcode/)** Collected so far: 229.47€ Target: >= 209€ Thank you so much for all people supporting the development! ## Limitations SVG features that are not supported: - texts - filling - clipping - images